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Show r a largo crew of men will be put on at once. Mr, .Lewis is one of the most Pupils of the 7th and 8th grades of the Reaver school Lave gone to Greenville in force this morning to mop up the earth with the young people of that pja.ee, w h o c h alien g ed t h e m for a bout successful and capableTulnlng man in the country and as lhcTpro perlies which he has sccitrcdat-Frisc- o are among t ho best prospects in, the country, his friends arc predic t ing that The Imperial will soon ihuko its exist ence known, Ipu-lato- rs atathletics. lion. W. L. II. Dotson Is thinking seriously of locating permanently in Reaver. Ho will be down the first of next week to look over the Hold with a view to purchasing a residence. Notice to creditors. Estate mf James Farrer,' .deceased. Creditors will present their clafiusvItU d theiiecossaryvouchers in, The' o- We have just got in a fresh supply of Jca ion notices, proofs of labor, and ail -- -- uTnbr-signe- Administrator, at the Law Ollieo of John Vard Christian, Room No.-Court House huildlng. Reaver CL y, Rea-- v Kinds of mining blanks. 4 Jayne and Parker will return from the south today and w!Uhold serRev. tUj ah uonn rbe f 20 erjCo u n day fof,September, 1900. James W. rer, Administrator of tho Estate vices at the M. E. Church tomorrow, morning and evening. F r s t p u b I i c a t ion ,M a y case, tried in the Mr. . C. , 4 ( Ts 1 left Tuesday ou an Important mission, an errand which will expose him to the congratulations of his many friends. He will return to Lehi about' June1 1st accompanied by Mrs. Steele. for-lilliiot- ylast now-of-Le- hl, - v Mr. P. R. McKeon, t lie popular post master and merchant of IlijJprfL .left Salt Lake last Wednesdaj for Rully Hill, California, where he goes arrangements for the delivery of a large consignment of machinery and supplies ftr the Delamar mine and mill of that place Lie will be abseut about ten davs. 10-m- ake 4md,-incidentaU- see-wh- at yto we oth card so far of anyone ha beenconverted to their way of think have ti v-J- ng ing. Arrangements are under .way for a proper observance of Decoration Day. Appropriate program will be carried out at theLrD. S. Meeting housivbegiuning at 11 oclock a. m. on May3)th, and. then a procession formed to march to the graveyard, where the program will be -- continued MrRiekley about 200 children on apropri- of chorus aie sougs for .he occasiou. is-trai- ning-a there-wa- s t over the new. discoveries in Granite district- - , In talking in the excitement with a Rladf. representative Mn Reynolds expressed himself'as highjy pleased with i he outlook for the new camp and for the county In general. lie ex- poctsto return in a few weeks and will brings a pick and shore! with Ttimv and those who know him say that he can use the iifsc i e n I i li Cal I y. The Reaver Lake Copper Mining com-- , pany held their regular annual meeting In Salt Lake last Monday at which in Rlock Seventy-onePIa- t A,Reaver C i t y S u rvo yr t h es in n e4 be t n gt w e r r od s f 1 ! square andcontaining 144 rods of ground with the appertouances and Improvements thereon, (consisting of two stone houses and nn orchard,) Situated In Reaver City, Reaver County. Utah, on Monday, the 28th day of May, 1900, at 12 oclock M77f . Tennsrcaslrjirhandrf: WG. ItlCKLEI", Administrator, t. i J- A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of' f near-lytwo-ihirds- oft mr best he s ioc k vvu s re pre- mains 2 ffilbas of the In tno WOULO for McMullen was elected Paint Two gen Lenien froinRingham sented. A. J. an audie'nce Idaho, addressod at the Secretary-fc- r eas ij rer J meeting house Tliursdayevening-o- n iho.PwQnderful advantages,. of- - the Snake river country offered to settlers. If everything they said is true everybody ought to pack up aud'go up . then; but l 2 1 h 1900. - J. Reynolds, an Uncle, of tho which a claim of $00) for limber stump-ig- e Frazer tiro hers, accompanied by his was involved, judgementwas, ren- wife and daughter was a Reaver visitor dered against the Co op for 48.f)0 and Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Rey- costs, amouutiug in all to about$450. nolds came down to look over some minv interested Dr. R. E. Sieele, formerly of f his city ing property in which he-- 4ut es Estate of Sarah Davey, deceased. The undersigtfedrwill sell at public auction to the highest bidder. Lot iwor Salt Lake'ederal court thlsweek. in , -- of-Jam- Notice of sale. Co-o- p Co-o- p th Far Farrer, deceased. I Messrs. J. F. Tolton. L. WV Harris, R. R. Tanner, C. E. Murdock and J. E. Robinson returned Wednesday from Salt Lake City, where' they were subpoe case. naed as witnesses in the In the leaver ore-the- ( t lm o fii ces $2.50, be n g 1 now combined) and general manager, Mr, "McMulIenVrepdrTfdrThc past year of your paint bill. Is far DmriE Pr:i3 Wit?K Lead andls Poiabsolutely sonous. Hammar P ixt is made of thenot oc pest as such all ucc, materials paint gcod Tenters and is ground Tain, year thick No trcnMe to mix, any bDy can do it. ltisiberaM5icirrrrE or iissessment-wnrk-forzrlOOfonravhiclr House Paint. No better paint can te made at and is cost, any purpose a small assessment will be levied on the stock. was highly satisfactory to the stock holders and It was decided onr his suggestion to go t work at once on the -- more than O, Tho Imperial Mining company of Frisco, under the management of Mr, not to Crack, Blister, Peel or Chip. F. IIAMM.YR r.VIXT CO., St. Lculs, Mo. A R. Lewis started In on actual develop, ';Sdld and guaranteed Lby ment Mouday with a crew of- - about-t- if Reaver Furniture, & Wall Paper Co , teen men. - Mr. Lewis is expected in ' lleaver City, - - Utah. Frisco this morning witk some of tho eastern representatives of the company whom he Is bringing out oif a , tour, of 1072. inspection and it is the expectation that i |