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Show -- v. ' - & s, GO TO PIERCE, CRI i CHLO W & BARRETTE OF,G.H,-Fennemorel- A tt ( rn ey s a t - Lu w, Salt Lake Cirw , c. o. VVHiri EMOUE, Attorney-at-la- 603 w, Salt Lake McCohnick Bl'k. s jthb BEAVE R - ' Cit' ORitaiEi.a.x, i DRUG STO RE For your DRUGS and MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, TOILET ARTICLES, Etc., Etc. THOMAS MAHIONEAUX, Attorney O filed ip -- sKs ATr Law, Thompson Hull." A - Utah. Beaver CiTYr t this Establishment C. M. NEUHAU6EN, ARCHITECT. - - is to be found grade of WINES anu UQUORS for Medicinal purposes to he found in' the county.' he PUREST and Dooly Building, i j V. PROFESSIONAL-CARD- S. McCornick Bl'dg d Salt Lake City. School Work A Specialty. BEST Do not forget the location, OPPOSITE: THE MEETING- HOUSE, NORTH. - JOHN WARD CHRISTIAN,' City' and County Attorney. Cou nseior-rat-l- w. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Room 5, Couriiy Court House, No. 4360. DENVER Utah BEAVtRC.TY, DEPARTMENT of the INTERIOR. SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, Two Fast Trains Daily to a - AttGRAliRI ! L.H. GRAY, - January 19, 1900. Notice Is hereby-given t that tlie fol lowing named setth r lias liled notice of Ills Intention to make linal proof in sup portof li ielal it, and that said proof will ho made before the County Clerk of Beaver County, at Beaver City,JJ tali, on March 3, 1900, viz: John T. Curfew. IFd W -2 10216, for the S E -4 S W -- Attorney for Land and Mining Claimants '3J9 Templeton, Salt Lake Guy, U ah. Land Office business attended to. Agricul tural and Mineral Patents Procured. 1- W. F. KNOX, Attorney-at-la- S E -4 and NE -4 S E 26 S., R. 10 W., S. L. M. 1- 1- I w, 1- Sec. 1- -4. 8, Tp r Mining and Water Litigation a SpeclalFy. He names the following .wit nesses to Practice in all parts of the Stated 7 prove his con tloTToTisresideiHje upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John C. Office in Court house, and James Curfew of Smiths, Beaver City, Utah. White Melvin II. Messenger and Krastus Utah, Bohn of Beaver City, Utah. FRANK D. HOBBS. 1 : Register. W. H. WEST, L. TI. Gray, Attorney., Mines, Real Estate and Loans, First publication Jan. 27, 1900. Mineng Stuck a Specialty 431 Atlas Block, Lead villk. Aspen, oiIpRADo Springs. Pueblo an Denver. ' Eff ctive Oct 16th, 1899. Train No 2 leaves Salt Lake City at 2:15 " Arrive at Pu prra.7 eblo at 10:51 a. m , ColoradoSprings, 12:7 p. in., Denver 2:25 p. m. Train No. 4 leaves Salt Lake 8:05 p. m. , Arnvp hi Pueolo, 5:22 Colorado p. m., Springs,. 6:46 p, m., D.u- v r. 9:15 p. m. , Elegant new dlniag cars on all through . trains.-- 'x -- -- - - Connections made at Pueblo. Colorado Springs and Denver with all lines'Emt. Elegant day coaches, ohair cars and Pullman sleepers on ail trains. Take the D. & R. G. and have a comfortable trio and scenerv on me continent. ei j v the S. K. Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver. B. F. Nevins, .1 Salt ke H. M. Cushing, Trav. Passenger Agt. , General Agents L-- - ."Salt Lake City, -- - ' City. ; . Halt Lane Guy - L. Barlow Ferguson John M. Cannon FERGUSON & CANNON , Attorney Rooms 3045 67 Tern pletou Bldg., V .Salt Lake City, obtained and all PatCaveats, and Trade-Marent business conducted for Moderate Fees. , - ks Utah. Our Office is W. IL-T- R E3I AYNR, - Assaycr. .(Late assay er to llanaucr Smelting works ) Charges Reasonable Samples Mailed The Finest Bathing Resort in the World J R c ive Prompt-Attentio- n: YYTien you go to Salt Lake do not fail 110 Main St. - - - - Salt Like City. - le g've yourself th's rare treat U. 3. Patent Office Opposite and we can secure patent in less tune than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descripWe advise, if patentable or not; free of tion charge. Our fee unot due till patent Is secured. Hw to Obtain Patents," with A of same in the U. S. and foreign countries cost Pamphlet, sent free. Address, $ t-- Opp; -- Patent Office, Washington, D. C. tWVWWV V i |