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Show within five days after the servico of jioUce In writing, requiring the .emovaLi mere of, by the said board, of health officer thereof, or who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or. refueiioQQinhly wi ll or obey any of the rule', orders, rosnhirJoiis or sa iitaty rjgulaiions of lue board of heal h or uealh officer, nr order, or sped al regulation of gal. Ft hoard or health olfirer shall be deemed u'uilty of a misdemeanor and upon thereof shall be rined in any sum less than one hundred dollars, , ron-"vtctl- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ou GO TO Dp. G.U. Fennemores -- TIMHEIEO ORIGIKAIwl BEAVER DRUG STORE - For your DRUGS and MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, TOILET ARTICLES, , No! 4431. Etc., Etc. DEPARTMENT of the INTERIOR, Land Office at Salt Lake JJItjv Utah, March Notice wing-named At this Establishment is to be found 28, 1900. is hereby given settler has that the a follo- r filed notice of to make final proof in sup- his iutentlon port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Beaver County Utah at Reaver City. Utah, on May 5, 1900, viz: Mary Odell widow of Charles K. Odell deceased, lld 11201 for the S E 4 N W 4 & N 1 2 S W 4 8e c. 17 & N E 4 S E sec J-- 1-- 1-- 1 1-- PUREST and vbe t BEST grade of WINES and LIQUORS for Medicluai purposes t.o be found In the county. not forget the lootitiora, 33 o OPPOSITE THE MEETING HOUSE, NORTH. 1- -4 I Tp. 27 SR 10 W8L M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuons residence upon and NOTICE FOR TUULICATION. cultivation of said land, viz: Angus BoNo. 4400. dmin on, Adolph Garzand. John Kirk DEPARTMENT ol the INTERIOR, and Joseph Hickman, all of Milford, U. Land Office, 'at bait Lake City, Utah, FRANK D. HOBBS, 18 March 3, 1900. Register. - Ju-- II- - Grayr Attorney.- First publication March 31rl900. Notice is hereby giveir"thatthe(ol-lowlng-natne- d settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in supDO YOU WANT A CALENDAR? port of his claim, and that said proof will be tna le before the Clerk of The biggest and best calendar ever is- Millard County. Utah, atCounty Fillmore City, sued by any American railroad Is now Utah, on April 14th, 1900, viz: George being distributed by the Burlington Stewart H. E. 10336 for the W -2 S E Route. 1- -4 A E ,2 S W See; 7rTp. 5 S., It has IweUe sheets7 one for each R. 10 W., S. L. M. month of the year. J)n each sheet Is a He names the following witnesses to striking Illustration of some feature of prove Ills coniinuouaresidence upon unri the Burlingtons service or of the terri-- " cultivation of said land, viz: Samuel tory reached by its lines the govern-.me- Gray, of Invorney. Utah, Stanley Davis fast mail running at full speed; a of Annabeila, Utah, John Burrisionand tourist car on Its way to California; en- Nels Sehow of Milford, Utah. gine number 1591, the largest passenger FRANK D. HOBBS, engine lu the world; a library car; a Register. x compartment "sleeper; theBurlington C. a & as Cal is or. Attorney. station at Omaha; Thom dining car; monster freight train," Estes Park, Co!o.j First publication, March 10, 1900. the plunge bath at Hot SpringsT S. D7; -- - Yellowstone Falls. etc, The drawings from which the pictures were made are by Louis Braunhold, of Chicago, and cost several hundred dol- ars. . The size of the calendar is 22, x 28. The dates are in big t$rpewhichcan be read at a dls'anceof" 50 fee tr For business offices the Burlington calendar o oOOOOOcs i( Is simply invaluable. r , in Purchased large quantit ipf,the ,j. calendars cost the BurlingtonRoute 27 cents apiece. With postage, packing, etc., fhey represent an investment of about 35 cents Our price is 25 cents 10 cents les than cost. Write for one; stamps will do. If it. is not satisfactory send It back and your money will "be TheFInes!LBath!ng-ResortJthe World -promptly refunded: When you go to Salt Lake do not fail J. FRANCIS, t q g've yourself tlrs rare treat Gen. Passenger Agt., Omaha, Neb. -- i 7 ' 1- 1- -4- l-- . nt - 1 f 'dO:' n V r 4 I ! i I iramfsmm SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. Two Fast Trains Daily to LeADVILLEtASPEN, OLORADO SPRINGST" Pueblo an -- Denver. Eff ctive Oct 16th, 1899. 'train No 2 leaves Salt Lake City at 2:15 Arrive at Pu p m.. eblo at 10:53 a. m , Colorado Springs; 13:7 p. m., Denver 2:25 p. m. Train No. 4 leaves Salt Lake 8:05 p. m , Arrive at. Pueblo, 5:22 p. ro.. Colorado Springs, 6:46 p. m., D 9:15 p. m. 7 . Elegant new dining cars on all through n-- . ver . trains. Connections made at Pueblo. Colorado Springs and Denver with all lines East.Elegant day coaches chair cars and Pullman sleepers on all trains. Take the ,D. & R. G. and have a comfortable trip and4 scenery on the continent. erj y the ft S. K. Hoopf.r, G. P. & T. A., Denver. et F, Nevins - - H. M; CUBBING. General Agent, Trav.PaavengerAgt. Balt Lake Cay: Salt City. B. L-- ke obtained tad all Pc$- Caveats, and Trade-Mo- ts ent business conducted for UODENATC fciS, Oun Orrtct it Opposite U. Q PATirrornci and we can secure patent m less tune than those remote from Washington. ' Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip' Uon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of' charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. How to Obtain Patents, with; A PAMPHLET, cost or same in the U. S. and fexeja countries sent free. Address, j ; J - - . A. Opp. & Patcnt Omec, WaemwaTON. . O. c. !' kVSVO |