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Show j V i 3 rif i -- - COPYRIGHTS AND DESIGNS. c Send your business direct to Washington, . a: vi CAVEATS, TOADE MARKS, saves time, costs less, better service. My officu cIom to U. S. Patent Office. FREE prelimln- e ary ex&minfttiona made. Attya fee not due until patent Is secured. PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN-- 19 YEARS ACTUAL EXPERIENCE Book "How to obtain Patents, I etc., sent free. Patents procured through E. 0. Siggeri .receive special notlee, without charge, in the' , -- Vi v 1 lr INVENTIVE ACE Li Us 8FSt vl uilLlI UjWashinqtond. and after. OREGON . Fe.br u a i y 25, i he Rurlingtons Chicago Special leaves Deliver 9.00 a. iu. arriving. Chicago and M. Louis 2.15 p. m. S u it d a y, service is as good'"'"; as the ime is fast sleepers, d i ire library and chair cars. One of the sleepers ' I r,"'"-V"- ah in U - Lcal lime caru . in effect March 19, 1898: SouthboundSTATIONS Northbound - It. R. Wotson, Gen, Agent. JL F. Nelson, Trav. 1 s Sc Frt. A gt. South esi. 'i einj le St., Salt Lake City, Utah. liURLIXGTOX ItOU K. NewJ'i me Ca rd , K bruary 25. 214 TtbibS between Juab and Fr.sco run daily, except Sundays. ...... L 'test Stvl Tourist Sleepers on all passenger trains between Milford and Salt Lik Four trains daily between Salt Lakeard Ogden: Leave nrySlCO armrr6:25 primi--S :45-p- . The Oreron Sh rt Lne, in connection w th the Union Pacific Sys em, is the short nudfaMe-Line o alt points E ist. Direct counectioDs at Sail Lake City and Ogden with tbromzti trains. S. G. Dye, Agent, M.lford, Utah. S vv. Ecclfs. No..c43S8. given that the foln g iiaui ed se I tUj r lias ii led Ai o lice of his intention to m a k e ii n a '"prod f I u s u p por t, o fhi s ol a in ir and i hat said, .proof will he mndcrtiefore I he Couni y 'Clerk of Millard touniy at FiUinore, IJiah, on A nril 4. 1900, viz: Adiidius Garzand. 11 E 10727 for the H -2 S E -4 & S E -- t S W Sec. 30 N E -4 N W -4 -l 1 ; 1 1- 1- l- I 5 1- S;yl .1 o L- - c He names t lie following wit nesses to 'prove h i s con tinuous resid euce n pon a n d For cultivatioii of said land. . 24 1399. orffv No . w X 2. a 7:39 A.M. 751 - 8 15 8 33 9 00 ; 35 "947 10 (5 39- - 4 39 Upton, 7 16 21 30 .... -- Ci'Arfn8, v. gie.Morgan SteddartJ, Joseph I Hickman 1159 69 I'Lc ilant'1, FRANK D. IIOIHIS, 11:31 rdr IV 11 08 A. 65 63 -- Keg is ter; Thomas C. Cal lister. Attorney. First publication March 10, 1 90 0. f Lv. 3 15 Ar. X 10 2 53 Z. : Heryl, fo 3.31 Well, 12 luiTiyriVr S III it h s o n 7al Fo fM i M 2,4lT 2.19 ara, dtr a, Lv 1:0 omnanKa C f ! IEF i j 1.40 1:21 Spar', Uviida, JOS. A. --W EST, 3 57 - M 26 s 415 Thermo, Lund. 9.1 Ar 9 35 Lv P. M. 5.( 0 MiHorJ, 0 S vizr-Jaine- Arrlve Dally I'xcept Suntlays STATIONS, 45 "T At. j Is Leroby Sec3 lrri Tm. 1 DE PA IITM ENT of t ho I NTE R IOPw, Leav Dally lijind ()lbco at Salt Luke City, Utah, Fc b m i a r jfTD,l 900. DxccptM outlays. l- Burley, & Salt Lake City. SoufK Tafcingf Effect Mondag, July ... No . NOTICE FOR PUHLICATIOX. i D. E. Gen. Pass, Hancboft, n. &G Mgr., Sa.t Lane City. Vue-Pre- s bCO Mar-2- 4 Notice W. H. Gani Trxffic Mar. , Sail LiKe City. Fo rOinaha.Chi ca g o, Kan sasChy.Si Louis 'J i e ke is a t o Hi ces o f co u ii ecLin g J ines. ....... i o a;nu Clficiigd Special leaves I) res i huled Fiyer leaves Denver 10.00 liii m-er-t- Leave 530 o. m ... 1 - 9 - S dt. Lake City . - 1:00 Leave 9:10 p. m 9:00 (A rive 8:35Lcave NpHi OWN HOME AT a ml go right I hroiigh tnChlcugo w I 0 o u tus i n gle change " Leave 2:00 Juab n co. 6:05 Arrive 5:30 , YOU II o f c a rs.- - - Lave ...Clear Like Oasis - - Arrive 7:30 a 99m. Frisco Miliord y v LINE (The Direct Line to Salt Lake and all ITtali Points.) . ; conies through from San Von can get aboard it io w I lie '1 cr .3 t SHORT c! The Burlington Haute Changes Time. On -. i illustrated monthly Elersnth year terms, $1. a year. S NW W? Q 91 P I I 2 EXOl.'KKJI. |