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Show LEAVER CITY. UTAH. SATURDAY, MARCH VOL. IV, 3, Em NO. 9 The Salina Press cruelly remarks that at their own shadows, rights imbedded e in the Constitution, not. floating as Billy King will look like a Flathead Ji ' s.1 hiti si few pnriurbed surface of true, but wo do not think it quite in eloquent perorations, rights ! hat are Published every Saturday by with brother Howards usual i eternal and world wide, not ephemeral keeping i THE BEAVER CO. PUB. CO. of ,3 Utah Christian spirit to thus Kiekapoo fellow and circumscribed of opportunity, not Beaver City, because, lie is on the. down grade; or to oppression and of regeneration; not rep RATES: SUBSCRIPTION Cheyenne puns at him as he climbs the pression. Thus, and thus only, shall it One Year, $1.50. fence out of his former held of fame; be and ever remaliq by the blessing and Six Months, of hope, still favor nor Ghipawa the little-blocthe unsullied on r left him. Advertising Rates Application. and untarnished symbolrof our honor Entered at the post cilice at IWver City aud glory and splendor. ftMIffilAD I: In-di- al um-th- , r .Uiab, ior transmission .as second class matter. imoughaho mails ) , r - rif ONLY ONE WING. One of our exchanges asksfn refer--ene- b is one of There the only wing W. M. WHITE, EDITOR. to tho Clark 'Why 'should a said Gov. Wells par. y in Utah, to a re,mr er in New York lst.' B.ttnr man spend $115,000 for an office thattlm will not pay tho interest on the. One dollar pays for the Li.apl horn (jJly q rue, t hern is only one wing iiere salary in securing it? A very now until January 1st, 1901. and that is t lie right wing; the wing money spent While which has for so ninny years shielded narrow minded view, indeed. there is one tuati who strives for or acS. A. Kenner, in his Great Campaign, the nation from dishonor and discredit oflicia I position for the per-- high cepts the and from serfdom Is and it true paupeople asks this pertinent questions attaching thereto, there ninety-an- d as is being freely stated, that the News perism: the wing that has fanned into a quislies nine who seek rather the honors atbrie lit blaze of patriotism the sltimoer- is now a Democratic masked battery? and never expect That the salary ing embers of American expansion and taching will pay expeusesTof maintaining the, elected four that progress; ago yars of the office. In Honator Clarks Beaver has raised more poets than a- anti the administration dignity power plaeedju lfalfa during the last year. Cattle and that lias brought order, prosperity and particular case, the contest was between- x ng will men who have been lighting on" all con- hogs will oat alfalfa happiness out of chaos, depression and ceivabie eat poeLs; all of which is lobe regretted. propositions for the last teu or misery and carried Old Glory to the top twelve years, and with whom money has mosrpinuaele of world fame; that lias been no object so long as they were able March came in like a lion. The roar beat back t he foes and sheltered the to carry their point. That Clark, who -- but friends of was not very sevete here advancing civilization, while the habit of spending money like a in Sait Lake, suffering Zion! it took giving to t ho world. Their second lesson" isju Monte Crisio, should put $115, CUO or h six policemen armed with beer bottles j on the principles of liburiy and even a much larger sum Into Ills pet they gathered up near the thea- - doth, scheme to defeat Daly is aiTeVldence tie, to avoid a stampede. r at h er of that hul I dog deierm i n a t. i c; it Co acre ss m a nL i 1 o i e d , o f - M a i imvI n w iii c hhasbeotrt h ii n a n- Owing to the absence of the edltor7 a speech before the Ijouse last Friday' clal suceessjUan of anything dishorn who went to Salt Lake Thursday, lao in which Invadvooated grantfng JoPuer-i- est. , locals and jiews ha? had fp be side, track-o- d IUca all the privilege. of... protect ion ftr .u d until next week. Wo prod ic how accord ed to other 'I erriiories of The ever. the nomination of W, II. King for United States, paid the follbwIiTg beam i is the Democrats, , the April slaughter by tifnl tribute to Old Glory: w ca-Jf- n hut-nothi- ( in-Beav- er, free-whic- r 1 1 I 1 o K '4-- t " who hcld their convemtimmTliiiri5dayiiL Salt Laker May bur llag float over puhlicin-th- e the wholchUoOceidout and the Orient, - -- H rl over the pearl of the Antilles and the c- t CAVEATS TRADE MA(,. COPYRIGHTS AND DOUrJfiCiV " f Catha. liffon another column wilLlbe foumU a 1 ',000 islands near - , Send your business direct to Wet and and" laud n spanvcrsclir)oL-Ithsaves costs zr d time, less, better by the Department circular ) My office close to V. S. Patent Office. 7&Q fiCS. of our tlm emblem and integrity of t lie Interior, and which we were re- church, ary examinations made. Attys fee not due uatl is secured. PERSONAL ATTENTION QIVEN- -lt TEAT3 of and of good faith, liberty freedom, new ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. Book How to obtain Patent, to the relative to print, quested sent free. Patents procured through E. O. Blggen the inestimable blessings of Christian etc., receive special notice, without charge, in the regulations for t lie removal of timber from Mineral lands and which went into civilization, of human rights guaran$1. a year, effect on the! 15;h of February, which teed by the Constitution, not dependent illustrated, monthly Eleventh Late of C. A. Snow & Co. will be of interest to many of,our read u)om tiiemvatiescent ' will qf State or na 918 FStNN, W., m. vmukii WASHINGTON, O. C tiDt a1 Legislaturesr'oo oftciraffrlghted ers. far-of- I v j just-issue- V 2 A" i INVENTIVE AGE year-ter- ms, i vvvvvvavAvvvwwyvvavvvvvw 4 e " - Vr w X 'i f - |