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Show PROFESSIONAL CARDS. for The PIERCE, CRIICHLOW & BARRETTE. Attorneys-at-La- .McCornick w, Salt Lake City. Blpq C.O. W III TI EMORE, ON-ilEEA- ' GO TO Attorney-at-la- w, 605 McCounick Blk. Salt Lake City Dr, G. H. Fennemore FORRESTER, --w Physician and Surgeon, ,7 Office 3 doors north of Reaver Drug Co. TC-- W. Beater City, - - ' Utah. - THOMAS MARIONEAUX, Attorney-at-Law- " I . - 7THB' OHIGIKAI BEAV ER DRUG STORE , For your DRUGS and MEDICINES, . , . ARCHITECT. Dooly Building, - - BEST .he PUREST and Salt Lake City, r' W1KES Vork A Specialty. School TOILET ARTICLES,? Etc., ' Etc. ' , A t tbls Establlshment is to be found C. M. NEUHAUSEN, -- 1 CHEMICALS, Utah. --- --- . . ' Office in Thompson Hall. Beaver City, K. grade of. And LIQUORS for Medicinal purposes to be found In the county. . JOHN WARD CHRISTIAN, City and County Attorney, Cou nselor-at-- la not forget tlie locatlon, XDo OPPOSITE THE MEETING HOUSE, NORTH. w. Room 5, County Court House, - sReavr CiT y, - . Utah ' v . '1V . ' L. H. GRAY, Attorney for Lahd and Mining Claimants. 3J9 Templeton, Salt Lake City, Uvah,- Xand Office business attended to. Agricul-turand Mineral Patents Procured. 4 al W. F. KNOX, T AttornryMit-Iaw- , lining and. Water L egation a Specialty. Practice in ail parts of the State. Office in Court house, tBEAvER City, , - - - . - Utah. Bon V be it Chump! Glothin , . W. H WEST, Mines, RealEstate-and-Loan- sf Mineng Stock a Specialty 431 Atlas Block. - - Utah. $3alt Lake City, :WHENYQU CAN BU Y AT HALF THE PRICE AT V Salt Lake City, - - - - Utah. . . . EC0-NOMIC- . W T TJ mu ni?TlL1C, IN lli 14 JXllil JU Commercial National Bank, Salt Lake, or the Editor of this Paper. r " : ! T" Assayer. (Late assayer to Hanauer Smelting works . ) Charges . Reasonable Samples Mailed R c Ive Prompt' Attention. Salt Like City. 110 Main St. . - - . SEND $10, $12, OR $15 AND WE WILL SEND YOU A SUIT THAT WILL ASTONISH THE MOST A-BARGAIN SEEKERS. v W. IL.TREMAYNE, t 9 . John M. Cannon Barlow Ferguson FERGUSON & CANNON, : ' Attorney Rooms 304-- 5 67Templetou Bldg.,. i .. - 203- -7 MAIN ST, SALT LAKE CITY. AL ; |