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Show Mrs. Lochrle isstiffering a of tcnsLLls. LOCAL AND PERSONAL, scvcrc.at-tac- k - ify the great outlay which lias been plied TnthcTway of machinery and apde- - yelopment work,.thc shovvlpg-indiea- lci under a doctors a big mine. A largo number of propera rheum tisiiL herailmcnt. care, being ties were bonded earlyTii llicTscasnn and Location notices, proofs of labor and on many of them preparations aro unde all other mining blanks, can bo had at way to begin active operations. Hut to make a long stoiy sliort, Frisco, within this oillce. the next few months, will be getting-- ! he Mr. W. S. Lamoreaux representing benefit of the greatest boom in its his- the Western Cottage Organ company, toryTl 4ULSsed through Heaver Thursday on quo of his periodical canvassing trips. Kccont reports from Him HcavcrLakif district show that that section is not It is reported that Wilford Cartwright There being more activwhose accident was mentioued-i- n these being neglected, shown than at any former period im columns last week, is in a esitieal con- ity its history. Among the many properdition, he having, as feared at first, sus ties on which active work is progressing tained serious IntcrnalTnjuries. may be mentioned the Skylark, -- Copper Mr. A. Huchanan, the popular mining Mountain, Copper Queen, Heaver Lake, and business man of Milford,l starts next Hen Ilarrlson, Copper King and Chlorweek on a three months trip fo Eestern ide. Work is mainly in tho nature of Cauada, He goes. on a visit to. bis old necessary assessment work, but on most home, which hojeft foribo aluring at of the claims tills class of work lias protractions of the West over ten years gressed so far as to bo demonstrative of the fact that the leave Lake copper ago. passed tho incipient stage of regiohas was made tho Littlo Melvin Mathews prospect and taken its place as a pretty victim of a surprise party last Monday thoroughly developed mining camp, and Those affair the evening. perpetrating one of great promise. Edna Cathlino Ash, Christian, being Ncliio Neilson,.Eva White, Denny Earns ErncstG. Miller, who recently seworth, Ross Smith, Marion and Stanley cured k lease and bond on the Copper: Mathews, Frank Low, Jimmie Madsou, Ranch mine at Milford, - started last Joseph and Jasper Cartwright. Monday on what ho intends to make a vigorous campaign of development. to have a large crew of men at, work on Qie property before spring. M rsvLucy AVal tors is L. W. Harris is building a s one warehouse, street just north two-stor- y, JCxll feet, on Main of the - Woodhouso property. Miss Ltna Ash left - last Wednesday evening for Sail Lake City, wiiero she will speild ihe'winter at tlio hOme of M r, H a rl o w Fe rg u s o n . WAN IK I): Good hustlers to sell the -- Windsor Collar Companys Waterproof ' Goods. Hlg commissions paid to good men. Addressr Heady selling articles. Pitt & Fowler, Gen. Agts., Corrln ne, Utah One of the many preparations being made by the Heaver Co op for their usual grand holiday display is a brandliew oat of kalsominm-an- d paint, A little judicious use of printers ink now will lusurothem a corncron Ciiristmas trade. Willard Hales is one of the latest victims of the accident mania that has struck Heaver. While chopping wood at Sulphur last week, he Inflicted a very severe wound on his leg with t ho ax. Ho was brought into the city for surgical attentioinand will remain on the cripple list for some time. t - vi 4 I a , Tho old combination, an empty gun, a smallJjoyjtnd a doctorjteali, igot in its A boy, k work In Heaver whose uamo wo wero unable to learn, had just extracted" the loaded shells from a revolver and was showing a com- A Prediction o if Future Greatness for tlie a worked wheli tho how weapon panion Camp The Horn Silver a Illgger bullet from one of the empty(?) shells Mine Than Ever. and the chamber left began pjayj ngjiL lildo-ango seek, among tho muscles of M r. J olin Tay lor,ofFri sco; was a. his thigh, finally fiinding an exit and Mr. Taylor Heaver visitor this week. dropping to tho floor. Dr: Fenncmorc, who has tho case, says that the wouuu is tlie owtietof some valuable-copp- er p ropeni esJ mi liety 1 e 1 n ity o fFr i stot h m is not serious. Accrington claims; on which, he is'dplng Dr. TrWrForrostor returnedTnesday con sfderablo d o vcl o p men t work. Of tlT& from. Cedar, where ho has been d I agnos- great camp wherein he has cast his lot, ias tho ease of boom wLli jwhtch that Mr. Tavlor says: Frisco Is rapidlyand sown lias been aillicted The doctor says surely drifting back to tlio palmy-da- ys t t At the disease is of a very malignant of the seventies. The Horn Silver mine Hccon- - is a be ter mine form and highly contageous. than ever before tends, and quotes sceptics and other an in its history with over a quarter-o- f it thoritiosTo substantiate bis claim, that million in the treasury and bigger ore when the disease reaches tlio stage that Uodiosln sight Ilian ever before, It seems ft has in Cedar it must be allowed to run reasonably cert a I that big and regular course, which, In sotrio cases, . covers dividends wilf be a feature again soon. a long period of tears. It is thought Js blossoming out into that the quarantine measures adopted a veflfablFbdTfanziqlts owners having iu.Minersvills n ml 'Heaver will prevent-tli- unbounded confidence in it. Tlio New dlscusc-lnl- o this coun- Year, owned and being operated by the spread of-i-- I-- Morrison, brothers, appears to fulirjus ty this-wee- -- d The directorate of tlie Horn Silver-mineincluding President" Washington and' Manager Farnsworth, passed yesterday and Thursday in Frisco on their" annual tour of inspection. , At a meeting of tho directors of Jhc Salt Lake Wednesday, reelected P. T. . FarnswortlrmanageiV ; 0 to-da- y -- ' j Tho-Washingt- on he .. y ' f' v- r-- a i The Windsor Collars and Cuffs proof, and cannot bo detected Can-b- o from Linen. cleaned at anytime by simply using a Wet cloth and! soap. They come in any stylo desired.T will wear one ye ar. T heynevcrc iiange color always white. Laundry bills of $21.81 saved yearly. Jnst the thing for those riding a wheel. Don't confuse these goods wiili celluloid. , Wo want good reliable Agents In eve ry t o w r Write for particulars. .Catalogues and Price-list- s furnished on application Address Pitt & Fowler, General Agents for Utah, Corinnr, Utah. f are-wate- r |