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Show ! - aie WORKMENPERISH MOSTDARING. RUBBERY BLOWS; MINING FARTHER REVOLUTIONISTS. SLAUGHTER SOLVING MYSTERY VENEZUELA HOTE THRTYIN OKLAHOMA COAL MINE IN HISTORY OF WEST TO ATOMS 8! OUNAMTE SUSPECTED. INFORMERS OF TREASURYLOSS S MADE PUBLIC Miners Imprisoned in Burning Shaft Beng Suffocated Because of Destruction of Air Shaft. Relations Between The Netherlands and South American Republic Becoming Strained. ~ | Has Friendly Not Been Relations Made, possible. | The Hague —M. De Rens, the for mer minister of The Netherlands Venezuela, arrived here Tuesday after | roon from the West Indies, and went | office to re concerning the difficulty between |! zovernment and President Castro, | | vhe Netherlands government on Tues | day received an unofficial copy of the | second note nt to it by Foreign Min | ister Paul of Venezuela in connection with the difficulty. Its general tenor does not give The Netherlands gov ernment much encouragement to persevere in its atempts to reach a | peaceful settlement with Venezuela The Venezuelan note, after making re‘erence to the communication of July 20, relating to the handing of his passports to Minister de Reuss, be cause he was considered incompetent to serve as a medium for maintaining friendly relations between the two countries, says that the action of Ven ezuela, which is entirely persona! against M. De Reuss, did not contem plate a loosening of the ties of friend ship between The Netherlands and Venezuela, a friendship which Veneruela desired cordially to maintain But that the Venezuelan govern ment feels that matters have gone so far as to result in a complete brea} between the two governments is evi denced by the following: “In consequence of M, de Reuss’ of fense against the government of this republic, the neglect of the cruiser Gelderland to salute the Venezuelan flag and the attack upon the Venezuelan consulate at Curacao and the members of his family and the desecration of the escutcheon over the consulate at Curacoa,” Senor Paul declares, “the Venezuelan government the to finds itself obliged to declare government of your excellency that so long as the satisfaction due and the reparation for the offense and grievance referred to in this note have not been given, {t cannot maintain friendly relations between, the two coun- tries.” His Speech to Sherman's Speech. Indianapolis, Ind.— John ments of passengers’ that something and transportation, besides a rich haul in watches and jewelry. In all twenty-one coaches left the Upper Geyser basin Monday morning. The highwayman was encountered about five miles further on at a lonely point along the banks of Spring creek, Worth Kern, Democratic candidate for vice- lot of coaches, numbering seven, and ly baffled the government secret. ser following each other closely, passed | vice men. Fitzgerald was an assort- by the place unharmed. There was a |(ng teller under gap between them and the next lot of States Treasurer eight following. As the first of the eight came along, the highwayman stepped from the bushes and ordered the driver to halt. He did not molest the driver nor any of the drivers following. The highwayman ordered one of the passengers to hold the sack for him, Youth May Lose Eyesight as Result of Pranks of Hoodiums. Nervy Highwayman Holds Up Stage and Gets $1,500 for His Trouble. consummated under his very eyes. The money stolen had been used and was tied up in packages, some of him in that language. him and then to deposit all their valuables in front of them on the ground. After their departure the rebber gathered up his booty and struck off toward the Wind river mountains to the southward. Posses from hatf a dozen points have been started after the highwayman with but small chances of overtaking him. He secured about $1,500 in cash and a number of pieces of jewelry. rifle and used smokeless powder. 8S. W.—The fleet of Am- Farmers Engage in Duei. Prindle started the trouble, shooting Littrell through the heart. Safe Blowers Raid Postoffice. Chicago.—Safe blowers early Tues- | OWER COURT REVERSED. erican Sattieships sailed from "μα | Safe.y Appliance Laws Indorsed by port Wednesday morning bound for Court of Appeals. Melbourne. The sky was cloudless, the sun was warm and only a moderSt. Louis.—Two sweeping opinions, Nearly a Billion Acres in the Western States. unsurveyed public lands, including the following: Alaska, 368,021,509 acres; Arizona, 42,769,202 acres; California, 29,872,493 acres: Colorado, 23,696,697 acres; Idaho, 26,785,002 acres; Montana, 46,532,440 acres; Nevada, 61,177,- 050 acres; New Mexico, 44,777,905 acres; Oregon, 16,857,913 acres; Utah, 36,578,913 acres; Washington, 4,635, 001 acres; Wyoming, 37,145,302 acres. Los Angeles, Cal—After lying help- less under a tree near the ostrich farm near this city, from Sunday afternoon unti! Tuesday night, his life slowly ebbing away, while red ants swarmed over his body and literally ate him alive. Burton Β, Jarvis, aged 26, a contracting teamster of 25 Chestnut street, Terre Haute. Τπά, died on Wednesday at the county hos- pital, whither he was taken when found Wednesday night. Jarvis was suffering from tuberculosis. He was stricken by the wayside and was unable to attract attention of passers-by. President of Ecusdor Dangerously III. Guayaquil, Ecuador —President Al- Gay raided the postoffice at Waukegan, dynamitng the safe and escaping with stamps and moneytotaling $3,000 and £4,900. Police of nearby towns have spread a dragnet for the thieves. The postoffice safe was blown to pieces faro is suffering from a serious αἲtack of heart failure, which may prove within half a block of the residence tection of the town, but no one heard the shock. The robbers made good their escape, and the first intimetion ci the raid came when Postmaster Walrous reached his offre in the morning. day saying that he had been benefited fatal at any moment. The president arrived here Monday from Quito in search Of a change of climate. His physicians issued a bulletin Wednesand that they believed that with a fortnight’s rest he would be able to return to the capital and assume again the duties of chief executive, The report of the doctors, however, is considered Overoptimistic. noteworthy in that the decisions of the lower courts were reversed in full in each instance, were handed down by the United States court of appeals here on Monday, sustaining the posi- tion of the government against the railroads in the matter of safety appliance law of congress. The against the Atchison, Topeka & Santa the government against the Denver & Rio Grande Railway company. By these decisions the court of appeals abrogates the common law rules of “reasonable eare” that have heretofore governea and behind which the railroads sought shelter, and upholds in full the acts of congress, which, the opinions hold, now totally supplant the common law rules. German Embassador to tion in Washington. Any of them would readily have passed anywhere except fer the large denominations. Rawhide, Ney.—While feverishly a: St. Petersburg.—News has reached ‘his city of a terrible vengeance tak,m by the revolutionists of Ymrievka, in Yekaterinoslav prevince, upon a Jewish family named Edelstein, who were accused of giving information to Coalition lease at Rawhide, John Ross, formerly of Los Angeles, was blown to atoms by the explosion of a stick of dynamite hurled down upon him by his partner, William Risdon delirium believed he owned the mine and was intent upon securing it him self. With the eraftiness of a maniac he awaited the time until Ross de seended into the shaft, when he at tached a cap and fuse to the explo sive, lighted the deadly missile and hurled it upon his unsuspecting vic tim. Risdon fled from the scene and Troops Desert to Usurping Sultan, Making Victory Possible. Tangier—The defeat of the sultan, Abd-el-Aziz, by the forces of brother, Mulai Hafid, has been his con- firmed. was The sultan of record WILL FIGHT FOR TEMPLE. Denver Will Not Give to Salt Lake Mining Headquarters if They Can Help it. Denver, Colo.—For the purpose of uniting all the mining interests οἱ the state, Acting Governor Harper and Secretary James F. Galbreath, United Heidelberg, Germany.—Baron Speck von Sternburg, the German embassaflor to the United States, died in the Hotel Victoria in this city about midmight Sunday night. The baroness, who was Miss Lillian May Langham of Louisville, Ky., was with her husband at the end. They had been visiting in Germany since May. The baron and baroness came here from Hamburg the end of last month to consult with Professor Vincens Czerny, a specialist, concerning a malady from which the embassador has deen suffering for some time. Trunk Mystory Solved. TREASURE SHIP FROM NOME. the North. Seattle—The steamship Hyades arrived at midnight Sunday from Nome with $300,000 in gold dust and a smati consignment of freight. Her arrival caused considerable surprise, for being a freighter and starting from Nome just an hour after the steamship Northwestern, a passenger ship, it was thought the Hyades would not show up for at least two days later than it did. Spacious Building in is to be un or about November 12 last. Woman Thrown Under Car. New York.—Attacked by two men who escaped without detection, a woman about 45 years old, who has not been identified, was choked and was thrown in front of a rapidly mov- It will be three stories in height and fin architecture will follow the Ital- killed. The woman was crossing Amsterdam and had almost reached the car track when two men of stalwart build, who had been walking behind her, suddenly seized her. Mulai Hafid, thereby making him su- her were unsuccessful. preme in all the large cities of Mo BUSINESS IMPROVING. moved to a hospital. Her mental affliction 1s said to have been caused by worrying over her financial troubles, coupled with religious mania. Favorable Showing Made by National Former Governor Convicted of Gam- Oklahoma City, Okla—After less Washington.—Treasury officials are “than five minutes’ deliberation a jury greatly encouraged in their belief that the business conditions are gradually | returned a verdict of guilty against Cassius M. Barnes, former governor but certainly improving, not only b¥ of Oklahoma territory and now mayor the increase in receipts from the cusof Guthrie, for gambling. Mayor toms and internal revenue, but by the Barnes and a number of friends, promfavorable showing made by the nainent socially and politically, were ar tional banks throughoi @fhe country. rested several weeks ago. All pleag A comparison of the@fBst summary ed guilty except Barnes, who demandof conditions of the onal banks, ed a trial. -He was represented by made by the comptrol of the cur- Frank McGuire, former county proserency on July 15, 190¥with the cor- eutor and Republican member of the responding period for 4.07 shows an county election board. County Judge increase in specie egal tenders Strang, who will pronounce sentence, held by the banks ‘w* ~ $147,395,217. was an appointee of Governor Barnes, There also has been an increase in serving as attorney general during his Thomas Marshall and twelve against William E. Bowe, chief clerk of the county treasurer’s office. Bowe has been hovering between life and death for a week. The negroes are charged with having committed assault with intent to murder upon Bowe, and of assault with deadly weapons upon John Wattling, a white citizen, who was shot in the Friday night riot last week. Other indicf{ments returned are against whites and are based upon the destruction and loot ing of Loper’s restaurant. Photo in the Nude Figures ἰπ Divorce. Reno, Nev.—Events in the Sumdiverce case, progress here which has for a week, photograph of Mrs. Sardis Summer: The photo is alleged to have been taken during one of Mrs. Summerfield’s playful moods. Mrs. Sum- against her was filed several months Thaw Denies Any Ulterior Motives ago. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.—Regarding which were in his own hands until bim to protect himself and his le gitimate creditors. Woman at the Bottom of It. Boise, Ida—At a late hour day night William Tillot, a Satur sheep herder, shot and severely injured A J. Blakeley at his homein this city Blakeley married the divorced wife of Tillot four years ago, and there had would kill the other. Blakeley says he received the following note from Tillot: “I will kil! you the first time I come to Boise,” and the latter ep deavored to carry out his threat. The other man gives a different versiov of the affai:. She was re- bling. Banks of the Country. fan renaissance. The auditorium will merfield is the wife of the forme: have a seating capacity of 14,000, United States attorney for Nevada, which may be increased on occasion and has been a member of Reno’s exclusive social set. The complaint to 20,000. ing trolley car in Amsterdam avenue,| been trouble between the men ever at the Ninetieth street station early since. Each, it is alleged, said he Monday morning. The wheels passed over her body and she was instantly world; I have come to save humanity; all who wish to be saved follow me!” public buildings in the United States. field. heavy claims, some of which he believes were gross overcharges, forced killed by her son, Alexander Rosenbloom, at their home in Windber, Pa., escape. been telegraphed to all parts of the country. Most of the officials who have been previously under the rule of Abd-el-Aziz in this city, declare for took a sensational titrn SafPurday when the plaintiff introduced a nude The structure her husband, was victims who werestill alive had been taken to a hospital, Not satisfied with their vengeance the revolutionists, now a well armed band of about forty or fifty men, marched upon the hospital, overpowered the nurses and guards and shot to.death the mother and son, after which they made their This loud cry coming from Miss Eva Hagerman brought the tenants of an apartment house crowding into the halls at an early hour. The woman, clad in a long white robe, was striding up and down, declaiming in a dramatoic manner and all efforts to calm Saturday. completed by tue middle of October, and will be one of the most spacious no attention to his business matters, he After this murderous onslaught, the revolutionists temporarily retired and help for the wounded was summoned. In the course of a couple of hours the defeat of Abd-el-Aziz was due largely merfield teen in in the trunk at Bell Mwr near Camden, N. J., on August 16, was that of of Windber, Pa., and that man guest and her child. The mother, a son, a son-in-law and two grandsons were severely wounded. surprised on the night of August 19, the coliseum being erected at the southwest corner of Washington and Jefferson avenues, was laid on his case, he says, but they have paid Rosenbloom death the father, a daughter, a wo- United States to be Erected in St. Louis. St. Louis, Mo.—The cornerstone of tectives Atkinson that the body found Samuel J. opened fire on the members of the family with revolvers and shot to negroes whom he is accused of hav- enbloom and her daughter, Eva Rosenbloom, confessed to Captain of De mystery was solved on Monday, Shortly before noon Mrs. Bonnie Ros- activi- They went to the Edelstein house at night, threw two bombs through the window and Gold Valued at $300,000 Brought From ing led in a murderous assault upon the rumor that he has some ulterior purpose in being adjudged a bankrupt, Harry K. Thaw enters a spe cific denial. His lawyers, Colonel Bartlett, Mr. Morschuer and Mr. Pea body, have charge of the conduct of Baltimore, Md.—The Camden trunk ties of the agitators. have issued a call for a general meeting of the mining men in Denver dur- the surplus of $15,741,420, and in ciring September. Many important ques- culation of $61,714,500} notwithstandtions prompted the action, but most ing the activity which has been disimportant is the matter of securing played in the reduction of circulation for Colorado and Denver the perma- since the panic of last fall. nent building, the great Mining Springfield Rioters Indicted. Temple of the Mining congress, which is now heing sought by Salt Lake Springfield, Ill—Twenty more inCity. At the next meeting of the condictments, making fifty all told, were gress, the Utalr people will present their claims and petition that the ex- returned by the special grand jury ecutive offices be moved to their city. of Sangamon county late Saturday. They include five indictments against Most the States Passes Away. the authorittes regarding the. Noneof the bills was under*$500 and rocco, some were of the $1,000 and $5,000 denominations, the $1,000 ones predominating, It was in attempting to pass two of the $1,000 bills that suspicion was again aroused against Fitzgerald, He had also purchased a home and had been engaged in ®xtensive purchase of eggs, involviug the outlay of a considerable sum of money. cases decided were those of the government Fe railroad and of which had been marked for destruc- on Jr., of the American Mining congress, had | Lay Helpless by the Wayside. Memphis, Tenn.—One is dead, two fre dying and a fourth man is under errest as a result of a fight in which members of two families were engaged at Savoy, Ark. The dead man fs Louis Littrell, a farmer. The dying are: Jim Littrell, son of Louis Littrell, and a man named Prindle, a tenant on Littreli's farm Prindle’s brother-in-law is under arrest. The trouble started in an argument over He bluish-brovn overalls, brown shirt, soft felt hat, and carried an automatic Melbourne After Six Days of Washington.—The general land ofCody, Wyoming—-A lone highwayfice has compiled its annual statement man on Tuesday morning held up the showing the area of the public domain Cody-Meeteetse stage coach at the , remaining undisposed of on July 1, point of a Winchester rifle, forced the , 1908. From the statemcut it appears passengers and the driver to leave that the government still has an area the vehicle and stand in a row before of 756,895,296 acres of surveyed and frome tobacco seed. eight coaches was reached the highwayman remarked that he had a good minc to shoot him, and did fire a shot San Francisco.—The Bulletin prints a story of the hazing on August 10 at He did not get much from the naval training station at Yerba ladies. them, but did appropriate some eandy Buena island of Earl Irey, a 21-yearthat he found in one of the ladies’ old apprentice on the training ship bags. Pensacola, which will probably result | In all about a hundred and twenty in the loss of sight. by Irey and the five people were held up, thouzh not court-martial of O. F. Guy and J. Val- all of these suffered loss. When heor| dered the drivers to’ move on, he derius, two shipmates his gun Aceordi.g to the story, Irey was ‘stood a few minutes with pointed toward them and then walked caught by Guy and Valderius as he As quickly as possiwas preparing to retire for the night, down the road. a noose Was fastened tightly around ble after a telephone was reached at his neck, the rope passed over a hook Thumb station, word was sent to the started after and he was swung clear of the deck, soldiers and a detail him. lemaining suspended for five minutes. The man is described as about five He was found in this position by two | feet eight inches, bluish-grey eyes, masteratarms, his eyes bulging out bristly grey whiskers, and acted either and his tongue swollen and black. For as a man who was short of breath or days Jee lingered between life and | a consumptive. He understood Ger. deathy Because and most of his troops deserted to the | Woman Declares She is the Savior of discovering the real culprit that in. the World. side of the usurping sultan after firing terest ceased to center on him. a few shots. Reports indicate that the New York.—‘I am the savior of the Much work was done on the theory that the crime had been perpetrated had searcely gone when three more came along and these were treated in a like manner. The last coach contained five yorug president, was notified formally on Tuesday of his nomination by the nationa] convention at Denver, and aceepted the honor in a speech delivered ate sea was running. At 8 a m. the before the 15,000 people in the Colloflagship Connecticut weighed anchor | seum at the state fair grounds. The and led the warships on the single notification speech was made by Theoline out past the sloping shores of the dore A. Bell of California, chairman harbor, which were covered with thow of the committee selected at Denver sands of persons who had gathered to to officially inform Mr. Kern. William bid the fleet farewell. Sydney has J. Bryan, candidate for president, was given of her best to make the stay | present and spoke at length on the of the Americans in this port a mem: | subject of trusts. Mr. Kern's speech orable one. For six days the officers was in part a reply to the speech of and men were feted and entertained acceptance delivered at Utica by Mr. in every conceivable manner and not Fherman, Republican candidate for | one untoward incident occurred to vice-president. He devoted some time | mar this notable event in Sydney's to the question, “Shall the people history. rule?” STAGE ROBBERY IN WYOMING. United William Boldenweck. Suspicion at the time of the theft, February 20, 1907, rested on him, but so plausible was his. story and sointense his apparentinterest in and he then proceeded to colleet the money and jewelry of the helpless passengers. One man who attempted over his head. Then he was ordered back to his rig and the driver ordered to move on. The eight coaches ANOTHER HAZING OUTRAGE. AREA OF PUBLIC LANDS. Assistant Butchered work in the face of a three-foot vein of ore at the bottom of the Grutt Hil by a colored man. Meanwhile Fitz- to the betrayal of his own tribesmen. gerald was discharged from the gov- Mulai Hafid has been proclaimed sulto run Was hit over the head with the ernment employ for culpable. negli- tan of Moroceo at Tangier and anbandit’s rifle. When the last of the gence in allowing such a theft to be nouncement of the proclamation has cages, the cables and the guides had There was absolutely been burned. no help for the imprisoned miners. , N. Partner While He Was in Shaft. is now in the mountains. a tributary of the Fire Hole river. The |helieved to have been implicated in ereek is lined with bushes. Thefirst | the crime, which for months complete: SULTAN DEFEATED BY BROTHER the Merry Making. Chicago.—The mystery of the theft of $175,000 from the United States |sub-treasury a year and a half ago, ‘one of the largest losses the govern{ment has ever suffered in this manner, is believed to have been solved ‘by the arrest at an early hour Sunday lof George W. Fitzgerald. Others are Family They Were Accused of Reporting Activities of Agitators. Risdon had lost_his mind and in his Months Ago. like $2,000 in cash was obtained, drafts worth $10,000 and other papers | T LEAVES SYDNEY. Acceptance Was Stolen Eighteen In all it is estimated from the state man, as he answered questions asked KERN IS NOTIFIED. Devotes Portion of permitted to carry fire arms within the park. get into the air shaft, but this was impossible, as flames and smoke were coming up that way with such force Then an efas to drive them baek. fort Was made to operate the cages hoisting running up and down the that the | Attempted to Get Rid of One Thou up eleven different stages. The pas- | | sand Dollar Bills and Suspicion of sengers were absolutely helpless, as Detectives is Aroused—Money they are not ers rushed to the scene and tried to found to park, a lone highwayman committed the most daring robbery in the history of the west, on Monday, when he held Twenty-five dead bodies were brought out Wednesday night, follow: ng ἃ successful three hours’ battle with the flames. It is believed that x or eight “more will be found, lwenty-five mules were siffocated and some of their bedies were burned το. channels Explorations in the veaied the fact that none of the men t death by burning, but that all of em Were suffocated After the entombed miners had > GOWN on the cage a fire broke oul, occasioned by the ignition of a barrel of oil which a miner was try¢ to divide, The flames spread at once to the hoisting shaft and the air shaft, and all communication with the top was at once cut off. The first intimation the people on top of the ground had of the trouble was the flames and smoke coming out of the top of the shaft. Hundreds of min- shafts, but it was Mont.—According Assorting Teller of Sub-Treasury at Chicago Accused of Appropriating $175,000. news received from the Yellowstone ' Two Countries is im- at once to the foreign Butte, Entire ing Camp—Hurled Dynamite Upon in the Yellowstone Park. hoisting shaft and air shaft and cut off air from the men below Βείννεεη Awful Deed of Maniac at Nevada Min ferent Stage Coaches in One Day McAlester, Okla—More than thirty miners Were suffocated in Haily-Ola coal mine No. 1 at Hailyville, four miles east of McAlester, Wednesday norning, When fire destroyed the Castro Feels That as Reparation for Offense Lone Bandit Holds Up Eleven Dif- tion of Sixteenth street and Western avenue, practically destroying the ma chine and hurling its six passengers in every direction. The street car, which was crowded with passengers the machine whenit was partly across the track, the tonneau receiving the full force of the impact. Winifred Parsons Birmingham, Ala—-Anthony Davis, a negro non-union miner, whose house at Pratt City was destroyed by dynamite Wednesday night, was fired on from ambush near his home at Pratt City Thursday night and fatally injured. Quite a number of shots were fired into his body. Davis has been working steadily since the declaration of the strike and immediately after ais house was dynamited claimed ‘hat he had seen and recognized the men who committed the deed. In Prohibition Oklahoma. Muskogee, Okla—By agreement eicht saloons were opened up here, and over bars which were so famillar to Oklahemans in the pre-prohibition days white clad bartenders are deal- ing out the prime beers of Milwaukee, St. Louis and the other famous towns. It is openly charged that the saloons are paying a tribute of fifty dollars a month to the city treasurer. Chief of Police Ledbetter has not decided what action is best for him to take. Itinerary of Pacific Fleet. Washington.—The itinerary of the Pacific fleet from San Francisco to Samoa is as follows: Leave San Francisco August 24 and arrive at Honolulu September 1; leave Hono- lulu September 10 and arrive at Pago Pago, Samoa, September 20; leave Pago Pago September 27 and arrive at Honolulu October 7; leave Honolulu October 17 and arrive at San Diego October 28; leave San Diego October 30 and arrive at Magdalena Bay November 1; leave Magdalena Bay November 30 and arrive at San Francisco December 4. New York.—Realizing that he was doomed to death from blood poison(ng, the result of a slight operation he performed on one of the fingers of his right hand, Dr. George R, Smith, one of Brooklyn’s best known physicians, calmly set about arranging his affairs. Late on Thursday night, after bidding the members of his family good-bye, he sat in a chair to await death. Almost to the moment Dr. Smith, who made a epecialty of diseases of the blood, predicted the time of his own end. American Girl Suicides in Paris. Paris.—Miss Fatally Non-Union Negro Miner Wounded in Alabama. Predicted Hour of His Death. Street Car Strikes Auto. Los Angeles.—Six persons were injured, one probably fatally, when an inbound Los Angeles Pacific car struck an automobile at the intersec- returning from Veniee, caught administration. of New York, youngest daughter of the late Charles Parsons, president of the Americans Not Wanted by English Turfmen. London.—The English turf anthori- ties are anything but pleased at the recent announcement made by American owners of thoroughbreds and their trainers that they would invade lena. The police say that the case te | New Market next year. The chief op the stewards, one of suicide, ile friends of the position comes from dead girl declare that the shooting | who are announcing in plain language was an accident. [t was learned that. | that the Americans are not wanted. have the girl had been suffering from mel| The smaller American owners ancholia since the death of her fiance, little chances of getting a footing on English turf, but millionaires are ala young Frenchman, Emile Maas. ways welcome Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg railroad, New York, who died in 1904, was found dead with a bullet wound in her head in her apartment im the Avenue | |