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Show AN HONEST R. SYLVESTER E. SMITH, Room Fire in the oi] fields of Santa Maria 218, Granite Block, St. Louis, Mo., Cal., cost two lives and a monetary less of $150,000, The Elks’ reunion of 1908, held at writes: “Peruna is the best friend a eick man can have. “A few months ago I came here in a wretched condition, Exposure and Dallas, Texas, came to a close on Hope Judge John F. Caples, formeriy eo: representative of the Unitec States at Valparaiso, Chile, died at Portland on June 17. John Jacobson of Portland, Ore the bronchial tubes, and for a time there was a doubt as to my recovery. “My good honest old doctor advised me to take Peruna, which I did and in cut by @ fire which raged all night starting in a flour mill ceiver of a@ talking machine for the trouble gradually disappeared, and in purpose Of making records for public three months my health was fully restored, “Accept a grateful man’s thanks for his restoration to perfect health.’’ use Mrs. Walter Teaze, wife of the Standard Oi] official, who shot herself at Pe-ru-na for His Patients. her bome in without A. W. Perrin, M. D. 8., 980 Lialsey having Los Angeles, regained &t., Brooklyn, N. Y., says: ness. “Tam using your Peruna myself, and am recommending it to my patients in all cases of catarrh, and find it to be more than you represent, Peruna can be had nowof all druggists in this sec- Mrs. Hannah Louisa Whitman Helde, the last surviving sister of the poet, Walt Whitman, died at her home in Burlington, Vt on July 18, aged 84 years tion. At the time I began using it, it was unknown.” Five men were burned, two per haps fatally, by an overflow of molten metal from a furnace in the plant of the Wisconsin Steel mills in South Chicago — In compliance with orders just re ceived at the Mare Island navy yard the work of overhauling the cruiser l'aleigh, at a cost of nearly $100,000, will begin as soon as the Pacific fleet ails in August That Hazel Drew came-te her death as a result of an accident instead of {ington being a vietim of a foul and deliber the Stanley Peck, who was acquitted at Reno, Nevada, last week of the charge of murdering Angelo Satero, went insane while on his way from Reno to san Francisco, Peek was a nervous wreck before he left Reno. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. ‘For chilidren teething, softens the gurus, reduces fn @ammation, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25ca bottle. | exchange for advertisements. Don't forget that a thing isn’t done because you intend to do it. | τ This decision is of particular interest in view of the ruling of Federal Judge Kohlsaat of Chicago. Comprising the greatest military pageant ever witnessed in Honolulu, | 3,500 men of the Atlantic battleship free trial package. A.5. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. ¥. fleet paraded on the morning of June Sufficient unto the day are the 24) 17, arousing enthusiastic cheers from hours thereof. | the dense crowds which lined the way along which they passed. According to the Czech newspapers, Narodny Lysty, the Princess Amelie Louise of Furstenberg, and Constipation τ 9 Gustav Kozian, an employee of an automo | bile firm, with whom she eloped last | May, were married last week in the castle chapel at Kammerburg. Contrery May be permanently overcome by personal efforts withthe assistance of the ong truly beneficial laxative remedy, Syrup of figs and Hinir of Senna, which enables one toform redular abits daily so that assistance to nae ture may be gradually dispensed with whenno longer needed asthe best of remedies, whenrequired, are lo assist nature and not to supplant the nature al functions, which must depend altimately upon proper nourishment, proper efforts,andright living generally, To gelits beneficial effec ts, always to the rumors that Mrs Frank J. Gould has been reconcile: io her husband, and that their dif ferences had been amicably settled Mrs. Gould's suit for divorce is on the motion calendar and wll be brought to tria] within the next few weeks. When tl wixiliary cruiser Buffalo sails on A t 15 from San Fran cisco with I for the Atlantic battleship { her cargo will er eatables, 660,000 clude, amo: pounds of 1 0,000 tatoes, car vegetables eats pound and yf po dessicated his body in the well, in which there was about ten feet of water. . Twelve more bodies, victims of the CARTERS! ἸΒᾷβιττιε Bear Genuine Must nat Sig ure Fac-Similea i ’ | PLES. | εφ we mame REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, er nfined t he band ours σαί with were f sna t f fierce! and i 1} 4€own for that best local doctors had FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. “Good morning,” said the lady. “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” “Beautiful,” he agreed. “Won't you take a chair?” she said. “Er—no, thank you, not this morning,” he stammered. “I’ve come to take the piano!”—Exchange. ambitious urchin ran forward and from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills andhas positively curs dthousands od women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-downfeeling,flatulency, indigestion,dizziness,ornervous prostration. Why don’t you try it? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice, She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. “One day we noticed that our little boy was all broken out with itching seres. We first noticed it on his little hands. His hands were not as bad then, and we didn’t think anything serious would result. But the next day we heard of the Cuticura Remedies being so good for itching sores, By this time the disease had spread all over his body, and his hands were nothing but a solid mass of this itching disease. I purchased a box of Cutieura Soap and one box of Cutieura Ointment, and that night I took the Cuticura Soap and lukewarm water . Libby’s_ ing, the the and It developed that from lands. the company $300,000 a year, its him and took the Cuticura Ointment and anointed him with,it. I did this every evening and in four nights he Mrs. Frank Don- ahue, 208 Fremont St., Kokomo, Ind., Vienna Sausage, Sept. 16, 1907.” It'sa sausage product of high food value! MORE USED TO SELLING PINS. ΚΕ Madedifferent: Cooked receives about | | Advices from San Francisco say | that the Western Pacific tunnel under} Alameda creek, just west of Niles, wilh be completed this week. and| tracklaying toward Oakland will be} pressed forwatd rapidly, there being but two minor bridges to build on | the way. Contract have been awarded for the rebuilding of the Hauser Lake dam, and the construction of the Wolf creek dam. More than 3,000 men will be employed and work wili begin at once The Wolf creek dam will be the second largest power dam} n ] 1 the Re The case i x a ) of Mr i 5 le Ω͂ the ) ury at » required 10 o'clock 18 « Retr Dn Alice Winters, rder of G.G y, k 1 ds I S € less than three daya. ig τ I was sallow, constipated, irritable, sleepless; my memory was poor, I trembled and my| | thoughts were often confused. “My wife, in her wisdom, believed coffee was responsible for these ills and urged meto drop it. I tried many times to do so, but was its slave. “Finally Wife bought a package of Postum, and persuaded me tetry it, but she made it same as ordinary coffee and I was disgusted with the taste. (I make this emphatic because I fear many others have had the same experience.) She was distressed at her failure and we carefully read the directions, made it right, boiled it full 15 minutes after boiling commenced, and with good cream and sugar, I liked it—it invigorated and seemed to nourish me. new man. . Tastes than other sausage. Libby’s Vienna Sausage, like all of the Libby Food Products, “William,” said the is carefully prepared and cooked in Libby’s Great White Kitchen, | “T said nothing about ball games, William,” rejoined his employer, eying him sternly. “However, my business is such that it can until some other day. That w all just now, William.” from can be quickly served for any meal at ing, not It is pleasover-flavored and has thatsatisfying ‘Il taste. ‘|i Try it: Libby, McNeill & Libby, il Chicago. Of —— | Readers TEA New It any time! head of the firm, looking at his watch, “I have business out of town this afternoon and may be detained several hours. If anybody should call “Ther ain’t no ball game to-day, Mr. Spoteash,” interrupted the office boy. York too far Japan; San Fran- of this paper de- siringto buy anything adver- tised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitations. | cisco is nearer. ; “This was about a year ago. Now I have no headaches, am not sallow, sleeplessness andirritability are gone, my brain clear and my head steady I have gained 20 lbs. and feel I am a different: differentandis different on | leased | almost frantic. | Vienna Sausage You've never tasted the best sausage until youve eaten Libby’s and washed him well. Then I dried was entirely cured. Where the Urchin Scored. The busy man stopped before an office building and leaped from hig earriage. At the same moment an For thirty years Lydia E. Pink. ham’s Vegetable Compound, made Absent-Minded Clerk (who has been A physician of Wash., D.°C., says of transferred from notion department) his coffee experience: Shall I introduced a paper which gave | “For years I suffered with periodical | —So. you'll take this piano. value of the purchAsed lands of | headaches which grew more frequent | send it, or will you take it with you? | : Northern Pacific at $71 ἷ until they became almost constant. So | i Knew Him. of the donated lands, $35,56 75. | severe were they that sometimesI was ot the Northern Pacific railway, 10, 100 Not the Chair, He was a collector for an installment house, new at the business, and | sensitive about performing an unpleas- | ant duty. He was particularly embarrassed because the lady upon whom he had called to perform this unpleasant duty was so exceedingly polite. Still, the van was at the door, the lady was in arrears in her payments, and he remembered his duty. poor failed to help me.” the stand in the M@fnesota rate hear-| SIGK HEADACHE a raid or made Ten mounted 9 near Yor compour Doukt arresb twelv« to an. wn, Sas tocratic grandma, who prided herself | on her owp and her husband’s blue blooded ancestry. She told him heroic | Thomas Cooper, land commissioner | Fic Syrup Co. omy SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE.SMALL PRICE, | Had Been Told | Tommy (to his sister)—Emma, if you give me a bit of your cake, I'll deeds of them and warned him from spoil the piano so that you won't be | ever playing with boys of low degree, One day Allan came screaming upable to take a lesson for a fortnight! stairs to his mamma and grandma, holding his hand up tovered with For and Against. blood, where he had cut his little A Philadelphia lawyer, retained as finger. They were both greatly sounsel for the defense in a murder | alarmed, as he was a child who rarely rial, tells of the difficulties in getting | cried or complained when hurt. Mam| ogether a jury ma washed the blood off and, exam“Counsel were endeavoring,” says ining the cut, said: | this lawyer, “to elicit from the various “Why, dear, it’s not so very bad. | prospective jurors their views con| Does it hurt you so much?” | serning the death penalty. “lm not cryin’ ‘cause it hurts,” he | “One man to whom the question was said, “but ‘cause it’s only red blood, put, ‘Are you against the infliciion of | and grandma said I had blue.”—Phila-| the death penalty?’ replied, ‘No, sir.’ delphia Ledger. “What is your business? he was asked. ‘I am a butcher,’ he replied. ITCHING HUMOR ON BOY “When the same question was put fo the next man he answered that he His Hands Were a Solid Mass, and Was against the death penalty. Disease Spread All Over Body “What is your business?’ —Cured in 4 Days By Cuticura. “Life insurance,’ said he.” piped: “Hey, mister, kin I hold yer horse?” “No, you can’t!” snapped the busy man. ‘‘Won’t charge γ᾽ much,” insisted the urchin. “I don’t cused man. care about the charge,” impatiently Suit has been instituted at Helena, responded the man, throwing a blan Mont., by the governmentagainst the | ket over his bony steed. “My horse Northern Pacific Railway company, | will not run away.’ “Gee, mister, 1 the Rocky Fork Coal companyand the didn’t think he’d run away!” “No?” Northwestern Improvement company | “No, I thought he might fall down.” to recover title to very valuable coal lands in Carbon county, which it is| DROPPED COFFEE alleged were procured through mis- | representation. | Doctor Gains 20 Pounds on Postum. CALIFORNIA Neb } WAS ONLY RED BLOOD. indigestion, and circulation. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable ὅμω. ἕισἲ” MARIE STOLTZ MAN Compound made me well and strong.” Miss Ellen M. Olson, of 417 N. East St., Kee wanee, I]l., says: ** Ly me diak. Pinkham’sVegetable Compound cured #me of backache, side ache, and established my periods, after the | ‘ yrup9 Figs Furs Senna ) am well, aftersuffering for months from nervous prostration.” Miss Marie Stoltz man, of Laurel, Ia., writes: ‘I wasinarundownconditionandsuffered fromsuppression, “He looked again and in the back of the book found his name. “‘Sure,’ said the guardian of the gate, ‘you belong here. But you was-| n’t expected for 20 years. Who's your doctor?’ "—Milwaukee Fre« Press. | | Samuel Lepper, a pioneer resident of Fergus county, Montana, met his death by falling into a well on 4 ranch near Moore. Lepper was in the world. impaign at | when Chafi Vegetable Compound I Peter. Three-year-old Allan had a very aris- William Campbell, a New York Clarence Don Clark, United States | bricklayer, who on June 3 killed his senator Trom Wvoming, was stricken wife Carrie th a bread-knife, stood with a nervous collapse and general | like a mar onscious of what was breakdown at tha Auditorium Annex manufac mred by the n the judge sentenced hotel, Chi about him \ last week So. seriyears’ imprisonment him to tw ous wa senator's condition that when the intoxicated for a time his life was despaired of Campbell He soon rallied, however crime W&s com mitted SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGCISTS Sneak {1 s entered the bank at John W. Tomlirt son. the Alabama onesize only, repular price 50¢ per Bottle member of tt national Democratic Pioche, Nevada, at noon and stole a s volunte package of seventy-five one-dollar eommittee, announces that impaign throughout bills, and other moheys amounting to to assist in the d be accepted, about $1,000 all told... he United Stat Four suspects to advise him have been arrested, but there is as peakers ynd asks al CARTERS Positively cured by states and time de yet no direct evidence that the men to mmediately as these Little Pills. ators red by the held are the guilty parties. They also relieve DisEugene W. Cha‘in, Prohibition can The body Alia tress from Dyspepsia, In, Col t 8 hanged at and Aaron date for tion and Too Hearty A perfect remEati for vice-president murder of Father Leo Heinrichs in Watkins, < edy for Dizzine » Nanr Deneek, for St. Elizabeth's Catholic Ό., 18 met in C Bad national com the with onsultation ver, Febru 2 as | in 1, Coatto open the deci rude the prison cemetery It mittee. ta East 84th Street, New York, writes: * Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta bie Compound over cameirregularities, periodic suffering, and nervous headaches, after everything else had failed to help me, and I feel it a duty to let others know of it.” KatharineCraig,2355 Lafayette St., Denver, Col., writes: “Thanks to Lydia E. Pinkham’s That it Was Blue. buy the Genuine, They regulate the Bowels the man. “Wait a minute,’ said St. And Three-Year-Old but when she is where it is, she al- | on a train bearing strike breakers to Adams’ alleged confession of the) ways pretends to be taken with great | take the places of striking union min- crime was excluded as evidence by Judge Shackelford, and eight wit | ers at Jefferson, Ala. suffering.” “I see; an all around case of sham | The Georgia railroad commission nesses testified to an alibi for the ac has ruled that the newspapers of the state may accept transportation in Miss Lillian Ross,530 went to heaven, of “Yon don’t belong here,’ he said, pointing to the exit. ““But I am sure I belong here,’ said | explosions in mine No. 1 of the Union Teal Pond, N, Y., mystery. Pacific Coal company at Hanna, Wyo The cost of the Pacific coast exten: March 29, were brought to the sur Publisher—The third chapter in this sion of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St face on July 18. The bodies were bad manuscript is so blurred I can’t make were identified Paul railway, which it is expected ly decomposed and {t out. Twenty-five Author—Yes; that is where I used | will be open for traffic on July 1, 1909 only by their clothing. will be about 5,000,000 more thar more bodies are believed to be in the London atmosphere. That is the fog, mine. the company originally reckoned. you know, As a result of a quarrel over the di: children’s | Twenty-five hundred jacket makers who went on strike in vision of work in caring for graves ip Swadeshi. In the sense in which Sir William New York five weeks ago against a the Odd Fellows’ cemetery at Reno, Harcourt remarked “We are ail social- reduction in wages have won their Nevada, Jack Dolan shot Frank Whit ists now,” it may be said that all An- strike in all but a few shops ond re- taker, his aged fellow inmate in the county hospital, three times with a turned to work at the former pay glo-Indians are believers in Swadeshl While all reasonable Anglo-Indians depIn view of the unsettled condition pistol, killing him instantly. Whitta recate the senseless agitation and at Porto Cortez, Honduras, and the ker fell dead over the grave he was the unsound economics of the. extrem- || revolutionary movement there, the watering. ist advocates of Swadeshi principles, | navy department has ordered the gunEnraged because Joseph E. Fish, a they are all anxious to assist that | boat Marietta, now at Port Antonio, contractor of San Francisco, drove natural development of indigenous in- | Jamaica, to proceed there without de- onto some freshly laid asphalt pave: dustries and the creation of new ones lay ment, “Lawrence Taggart, a foreman upon which the future prosperity of | com Illegal transactions, shady business in the employ of the asphalt the country so largely depends.—Pio- | deals and violation of trusts were pany, seized a red-hot iron with which aeer Mail. and charged against the supreme lodge of the asphalt is smoothed down the A. O. U. W. bythe grand lodge} thrust it into Fish’s face, burning it A Difficult Lesson. . of Wisconsin, in a lawsuit involving horribly. “It ig next to impossible for a man Eight men have been arrested or Des half a million dollars, filed at whistle,” to how girl pretty a to teach the Crow Indian reservation, in Mon Moines, Ia. gaid a musician who is a good whisCommander Robert B. Peary sailed tano, charged with selling liquor tc der. | from Sydney, N, S., on June 17 on the the Indians. A number of secret ser “How is that?” he was asked. | steamer Roosevelt in another attempt | vice men are actively engaged in ar your not is she “Well, providing _ to reach the north pole. His last re- effort to stop the sale of liquor to the gets girl pretty a wife or sister, when mark as he went over the ship’s side Crows, the law being so openly defig¢ her lips properly puckered she usually | was that™he expected to accomplish that Indians have been served ove1 jooks so bewitchingly tempting that he | the bars. | his purpose, kisses her, and the consequence is she Steve Adams, member of the West | Robert Gardner, a deputy marshal, doesn’t have a chance to blow a note.” | | was fatally wounded and at least a ern Federation of Miners, on trial at | dezen miners were more or less seri- | Grand Junction, Colo., was acquitted An Effective Hint. of Arthur Collins, | “She won't ask directly for wine, | onsly shot as the result of an attack of the murder jpain.” “and Read What They Say. and shook his head, said there was CHANCE FOR EMMA, Timothy Reardon, a bartender of Billings, Mont., was shot and instantly killed by Florence Reardon, who professed to be his wife by virtue of a marriage contract, and to secure whose validation she had brought suit in the -district court. Restored to Health by Lydia Ey Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, course, When he arrived at the pearly | gates he said to St. Peter “Well, I'm here.’ “St. Peter looked at him and asked | his name. ‘John Evans,’ was the reply. “St. Peter looked through his book, Xidney Pills. Soon I was better, and n a few weeks was about the house, well and strong again.” Sold byall dealers. 50 cents a box. foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. normal average revealed he said, ao cure for me, and I was given up xo die. Being urged, I used Doan’s late information, being 30 to 60 per Peter's Query Decided Reflection on Medical Attendant. Dr. Arthur T. Holbrook told a story on his profession. “A man by the name of Evans died,” Centralia, Wash. says: “For years I was weak and run down, could not sleep, my limbs swelled and the secretions were troublesome; pains were intense, I was tors ONE ON THE pDOocTOR. St. fast in bed for four months. Three doc- The lamb crop in both Wyoming ind Montana is short this year, the ambing in most parts, according to te murder is one of the theories put forth as @ possible solution of the -Ἠππὲ Sts, State missed and a search Physicians’ Mrs. Enos Shearer, Yew and Wash- died cent, against 60 to 86 per ceng§ for a conscious After Consultation. convention of the Wiscon Federation of Labor, the resolution condemning Harry Orchard to the “World of Hades” was adopted by the vote of 69 to 8. At sin President Roosevelt has ‘refused ap offer to Make speeches into the re a short time my health began to improve very rapidly, the bronchial = Abandoned stiar July 17. The next reunion will be had his left foot cut off while beating his way on the Short Line at Ontario held in Los Angeles. Ore The town of Baltic, Ohio, contain and there is little hope of bis ing 500 people, was practieally wiped recovery. dampness had ruined my once robust health. I had catarrhal affections of Feet Ache—Use Allen's Foot-Ease Over 30,000 testimonials. Refuse imitations. Send fot | NEWS SUMMARY NORTHWEST NOTES! eeosouno ror montis. DOCTOR ADVISED PE-RU-NA, grocer returns y g's Best; we y if you don’t Readjusted Conditions. “Do you think these trusts and mergers have put the capitalists on terms of friendship? swered Dustin “Net as a rule,” prought the Stax. “It has simp! fighting to closer range,” —Washington “I do not hesitate to give Postum due credit. Of course dropping coffee was the main thing, but I had dropped it before, using chocolate, cocoa and Star. other things to no purpose. “Postum not only seemed to act as | an invigorant, but as an article of nourishment, giving me the needed yhosphates and albumens. This is no maginary tale It car substanti ated by my wife and ster, who both changed to Post and are hearty women of about 70 “I write this for the nceouragement of others, an feeling of gratitude to the ᾿ + BARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures gcalp diseases & hair falling, Sic, and $1.00 at Druggiste HOWARD E. BURTON, “SEArmist%? Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, $1; Gold, Silyer, 75; Gold, 5c; Zine or Copper, $1, Cyanide testa Mailing envelopes and full price list senton applicaControl an umpire work solicited. Léade ville, Colo. Reference. Carbonate National Bank, tion. LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS In great ve ALN. RELI‘ ELECTROTYPES| for sale at the owest prices by NEWSPAPERCO,, 78. AdamsSt. .Chienge S E L I P $< SiMI es instant E CURE, y mail. \ddress, DEFIANCE ColdWaterStarch makes laundry work a p ame given Postum Co., Bat reek, Mich. Re I Road to W in pkgs There’s a Reasor Everread the abo 2ne appears from tim Ό» time. They e) are genuine, true, and full of human nterest. WIDOWS’ unter NEW LAW oD ἐν HN Ww. MC PENSIONS ‘Waningon” dD. G tf cyes'use) FHOmpson’s Eye Water y, No. 30, 1908. |