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Show Μ}! TIVE®TACTLAE IS TRAMPLED OUT OF CONGRESSMAN HAISE THOUSANDS NEWWAYORK SL W w MANY LIVES LUST “ΠΠ CHILDREN IN PANIC NTS GOVERNMENT ua FAES VE [|ΠΠ IN THEATRE FIRE. TO FICHT TEDDY deavor to Have Law Passed Pro- With Capital of $100,000,000, National Wool Growers in Earnest About Opposing the Policies of the Administration. At Meeting at Helena Provision Was Made for Publicity Bureau to Wage Fight Against lation of Federal Public Range. Helena, Mont.—After the most suc cessful meeting in the history of its brganization, ponvention Growers’ the of forty-fourth the association annua! National on Wool Thursday senator has gone on record as "'MAN $100,000,000, divide into 100,000 raised by the payable in sale fifty of $60,000,000 bonds, years and per cent interest, the san ignated “U, 8. curreney 3 Ϊ bearing to be des bonds.” Two Septem 1. 1908. and te ceas to ty-five directors, elected by the stock- holders, and the secretary of the treasury shall }be the chairman. The bank favor MUST ANSWER, Railroad King Commanded by Court to Reply to Questions. New York.—Judge Hough of the United States circuit court handed down on Thursday an opinion direct ing Otto B. Kuhn, a member of the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., to! answer al! questions propounded to him by the interstate commerce com- | mission. K H. Harriman was direct ed to answer all questions except those relative to the purchase of | ea tates mete tigating the Chicago & Alton raflroad organization, they constituted only a necessary, to reopen. If by that time small proportion of those that Harri- | it was not prepared to reopen, liquida: tion, the court said, must follow. Lar man refused to answer. Washington.—President gey has deposited the $75,000, all in Canal | cash. | Cost a Million Dollars to Carry Coal Roosevelt | has approved the recommendation of | the isthmian canal commission for Fleet’s Voyage. Washington.—Rear Admiral Cowles, in- | chief of the bureau of equipment, ap- dorsed by Secretary Taft, increasing | peared on Wednesdaybefore the house the width of the locks of the canal | committee on naval affairs in the hearfrom one hundred to one hundred and | ing incident to consideration of the ten feet. The president simply ap: | paval appropriation bill. Admiral proves the recommendation for the in. | Cowles informed the committee that crease of the width in the locks, but! the cost of transportation of coal for akes no comment thereon. In a the fleet nowsailing to San Francisco memorandum to Secretary Taft the! will be $1,000,000. Without making commission says the cost of all the any corrective recommendations, he locks at one hundred feet wideis esti- called attention to the fact that, with mated at $52,530,011, while a width a single exception, the colliers charof 110 feet will cost $57,690,850, a dif- tered to aecompany the fleet are forference too small to be considered, eign bottoms, American owners havassuming the necessity for the in- | ing declined to give charters even at creased width to be ag stated by the the 50 per cent advance over foreign quotations which the government ofnavy. fered. The reason for their refusal was that American vessels could make Objects to Land Donations. more money by plying in the coastWashington.—Senator Carter of wise trade. Montana on Thursday announced that he would object to the passage of all SEVERE QUAKE IN HAYTI. lic land for various purposes. He declared that such donations, if allowed, would make it necessary for senators from all states having public land to see that they receive as large dona tions of land as other states. Senator Carter's objection was made to a bill granting to the state of North Dakota 30,000 acres of land to aid. in the maintenance of a school of forestry. Officer a Poor Shot. New Orleans.—Edward 8S. Whitaker, inspector of police, entered the office of the Morning World here Thursday night and fired two shots editor ‘at Joseph M. Leveque, the Neither shot took effect. The shooting followed several attacks upon Whitaker in the editorial and news columns of the World. ‘Phe head of the New Orleans police department was criticised for “attending the races daily while drawing a salary of $6,000 a year from the people,” and was re ferred ιο as “a blackguard and a bully.” Sunday School When Flames Caused Wild Panic, met at noon on After organization, Regardiess of Governor’s of a resolution referring al! bills that Request. may be introduced relative to state oe αμ investigating commission was Gidie.. Campbell, Ohaes. better seats at an entertainment given iti afterin Adéition to the Heavy Lens of Life, jin the public hall here Saturday Three Score Were Injured, Many Families of the Town, tions in the report from this action it seems that ernor can show that the statement: in the report are not in accordance with the facts The report says: “Tha conditions do. not support thé measures in the assembly, senate will take the lead in the matter of attempting to regulate the affairs beween miners and the unions. Governor Sparks, it is thought, will endeavor to influence the passage of were wiped out. While the “Scottish was being reproduced — ἘΝ, me lower house,ΝΣ where ον the labor “union among those gathered in the body of |the hall. Police and ushers rushed to the head of the staircases, which wee literally strewn with dead and dying, ington, a tewk used in a moving pic-| and has ture scene exploded, and immediately there was a wild rush for the exits of the building. Men of mature years endeavored to gtill the panic, but their managed to drag scores of the struggling children to the corridors below. It wags with the greatest difficulty that a panic among the children in ber of the members a strong It is likely to representation. -- SEVERE ON CORPORATIONS. Corcoran Would. increase Fine of OfWashington.—The amount of the fine and ihe length of the term of imprisonment to be meted out to officers and directors of corporations for violating the law with respect to money contributions for political purposes furnished material for a lengthy debate in the house on Tuesday, in connection with the consideration of the penal code bill. All amendments to increase the penalty or enlarge the scope of the law, however, were voted down, These amendments, without exception, emanated from the Demo- ing the blazing oil over the stricken Railroad Contractors Fail. Democrats Pay Tribute to Bryan. Denver—Apetition in bankruptcy has been filed with the clerk of the UnitCook ed States court by Orman & railroad contractors, this city. This firm had the contract for the construction on part of the Moffat road Liabilities given as $741,136, and sets as $!,282,771. Of the due, $549,958 consists of debts sti and 8291 000 of this amount is « onsid ered “not good.” The firm places the value of jis machinery and tools at $172,700,its horses at $52,650, and its stock and bonds at $125,000. | Linceln, Neb:—Nearly 1,300 politteal fri ends and personal admirers of Will J. Bryan attended in the cape {vy of diners and speakers at the cde r Demo ‘ratic dinner at the Linecoln auditorium Wednesday night Half as many more occupied seats as spectators, and h a applauded od things said t Democracy M Bryan himself. It was the and one of the most successful ons of the kind held in Lincoln since Ir. Bryan became Ι an iafluen- Cuba. to death. They tial, factor in the polities of Nebraska, permanent injunction was largely boarded the train and million dotlars. Kansas Anti-Liquor Law at 4 | Bugling Work of Suregohs. Red Lodge, Mont.—A local surgeon the United States on Monday upheld | who has performed an operation on the anti-liqguor law of Kansas by af-| Charles Joakinen, a young Finnish firming ihe decisions of the supreme | miner, for the removal of the cause court of that state in a numberof of pain ‘n his chest, found in the cavcases, incliding that of Fritz Durien ity left by a previous operation two of Shawnee county, convicted of vio. pieces of rubber tubing, four and five lating the law. Durien appealed to | Inches long respectively. To one was the federal supreme court on a writ | 2ttached to a safety pin, badly rusted. of error on the ground that the stat- | The rubber tubing ὯΝ nearly a half officials ia td the: bhferes ute contravenes the federal constitu inch in diameter. tion because it gives discretion to pro bate judges in granting permits. wane bee been left in the ‘wound ween New. Tork surgeons sewed tt up following an operation several Charged Sheepmen Will Urge Campaign Against Roosevelt's Policies. With Murder Years Ago. Bellingham, The foreign sub- Committed | months ago. | Denver’s Big Stock Show. Wash—Three years Denver.—Entries for the mid-conti- | ago the body of Frederick Dames, an| nent livestock show, to be held in Helena, Mont.—If Tuesday’s session of the forty-fourth annual convention is to be accepted as reflecting the Elk street butcher, was found in his! penyer during the week beginning shop. He had -been beaten to death | January 20, comprise some of the best and an iron spike driven through his| hear, pinning it to the floor. The safe| and money drawer had been robbed! and the murderer left no clue. On| and sheepmen by J. C. Green, conductor of the car. | views of the stockmen bitter campaign is to be of the west, a studs, herds and flocks from the middie west and the east. Trains are booked from Chicago, Omaha and Kansas to bring the stockmen atspe- Monday Charles Weatherford of Su-| cial rates. Mr. W. F. Skinner, author- mas, Wash., was arrested, charged | ity on livestock exhibits and whocrewith the crime and lodged in jail | ated the International livestock hece’ “ie: allowed that he αατει a show at Chicago, will conduct the midcontinent exhibition to be given annnuto several friends that he committed ατομα σα μἲν εἰ li the crime for both revenge and money. Honest Employment. Smoked Cigarette on Scaffold. |“ * ᾽ rg same Εν 35, es Fight in the House on Penal Laws St. Louis—Hungry and out of work, Deming, N. M.—Martin Amador was =Revision. 800 thinly clad men marched through hanged in the county jail here on, Washington —A vigorous fight was the snow and cold to the city hall Monday for the murder of Conception waged in the house of representatives Tuesday, seeking Mayor Wells in or- Mendoza, with whom he was in love.!on Saturday over the bill to codify ger to make application for his assist He went to his doom without the least!and revise the penal laws of the ance in securing eripleyment. James cigarette! United States, with particular referPads How, philanthropist and scion of | evidence of fear,smokinga a prominent family, who proudly | until the sheriff was ready to adjust ence to section 19, affecting conspira- styles himself a “hobo,” led the pro- ithe black cap. and from, eession, i had |of the distance of the voyage to San Upheld by | Pranciseo. Washington.—The supreme court of| No fuse was kept to trace it. sible in the tunnel, and the powder cannot broken-down'| that estimated at close to a quarter of a/|ered about 4,600 miles, about a third theft was aincovared, “it aeere Beg for- thousands pany, the Pullman Palace Car com-|o’clock, January 12, the vessels were pany’s linen room and the Railway- | swinging at their anchors in this beaumen’s Y. M. C. A. rooms. Theloss is tiful harbor, The fleet has now cov- WaS covered with snow when tie Nevada. the the Fred Harvey Eating House com: | 29 at Port of Spain, and exactly at 4 field. The from room of the postoffice, the offices of | o'clock in the afternoon of December Goldfield, Nev.—The powder tunnel of the Palace Hardware company was broken into some time Monday night and 200 pounds of Hercules dynamite and five boxes of cartridges were stolen. A wagon was used to haul away the booty, but as the ground Searchlight, Nevada—Hundreds of| miners are flocking to the seene of a reported new strike four miles east | of Manvel and three miles south of | the Santa Fe tracks, The newstrike is in San Bernardino county, near {10 | Nevada state line. Every kind of | vehicle has been pressed into service, } The burned building |dents and ending with a royal wel- Supreme Court. 14 -qsed without fuse. praikie claw: have no tangible Rio de Janeiro.—The American fleet | of sixteen battleships entered the port j of Rio de Janeiro at 3 o'clock Sun| day afternoon, after a passage from |Port of Spain, Trinidad, more than |8,000 miles, unmarred by serious acci|dent, replete with interesting inct- Adams, Wells Fargo and Pacific Ex- | sathered to greet the visitors. press companies, a branch mailins| The fleet weighed anchor Mysterious Theft of Powder at Gold- A. O. Williams of Moneta, a driverfor| the Standard Oil company, who as- | BRS: the high- | ; sisted Green ;in repuls other points. Besides the signifi- original finding now is made to state contained the receiving offices of the |come ne: pill Bandit Killed by Conductor. Creseent will be granted. In the |C@2t Views expressed by the master in At least fifty persons, real-| such poisoning that the request for a a hard fight. pravely and shot down two of the pandits, their comrades, however, car- Los Angeles, Cal.—Charles Gray, arined with two revolvers, attempted to hold up a Redondo car near Slauson, and was shot and instantly killed Manvel, ow. famous terror- 000,000 Washoe smelter mt Anaconda fighting Destroyed by Fire. Kansas City—The Union station annex in Union avenue, adjoining the Union railway station, wax destroved by fire early Monday. The Union siation pFoper, one of Kansas City’s landmarks, was saved by the firemen after They threw bombs right and left to create a panic, but the guards, who will receive its first attention at the Searchlight, in crushed by this daring method of es:| Our word to turn the island down. Hale’s Naval Bill. people findings Ί Chancery almost certain death, risked their | based. lives by jumping from the windows. | Limbs were broken and skulls were | FLEET REACHES RIO JANEIRO. | rying off the bodies to prevent tden- to were izing that exit by the stairway meant In a twinkling the entire| were outnumbered, held their ground σ᾽ ‘ied in scores of women and children were Jt is held that sickness only resultknocked down and trampled upon,|ed. It was on the allegation that many of them doubtless being crushed |qeaths of animals had occurred from after detaching the engine drove it backward, smashing several cars. situation has become changed, anw)| the whole country is threatened with| transporting Mont.—Master seemed 4 roaring furnace. There was that no deaths were found to have oc a mad scramble to the stairway, and jcurred from arsenical poisoning. lantern, caused the engineer to slow bat of General d’Armade, commander of the French forces in Morocco, with! t who until the entire heart of the structure BanditsΤη Beaten Off by Guards. in Paris of Mohammed Sidi el Mokhri, who came here as finance minis 5 : ter to Abd el Aziz to negotiate a loan} of $30,000,000, and the march on Ra automobiles tion Against Anaconda Smelter. Butte, to the basement. findings relating to the effect of arIt wag scarcely five: minutes from senic upon the animals in the alleged over to its own people will be scrupulously regarded.” a band of twenty brigands upon a train carrying a ‘large shipment of gold. The brigands, displaying a red ~ May Fail to Secure Permanent Injunc- mad rush a section of the floor gave |his appended statement, an important greatly embarrassed at the unexpect- guards recently repulsed an attack by wagons, FARMERS MAY LOSE SUIT. cape. | American Battleships Come to Anchor in Brazilian Waters. ed next December by the people of Union Station Annex of Kansas City ed turn of events in Morocco. The proclaiming of Muiai Hafid, sultan at Fez, was coincident with the arrivat from takes t the strest isafety. | way, precipitating scores of persons |feature is the manner in which the 1, 1909, we Yash’:end, Asiatic Russia —Railway ioe Mining Stampede in people, frantically to gain the: exits. waged aeeinet the annonaced pattctes of President Roosevelt and his adThe breakfast of the presivisers for the federal control of the dent was given at the palace, which The woolgrowers will was beautifully decorated with flowers wayman, was shot through the hand | pyblie range. send a delegation to Washington to the robe} endedproved that man bulletdead and greens, and the Brazilian and by same The the life. ber’s te oppose any legislation by this conAme n flags. There was a warm j be Charles Gray, aged 24, formerly | gress in carrying out the president's interchange of fra 1 greetings. employed as a bridge carpenter recommendations, resented composed shall have turned over the island to the president and congress to be elect- 18 of American Fleet. was and the lamps which were used to {that a permanent injunction asked - “I am glad to be able to say that Fra a Hale's house light the opera house exploded, throw. >Y farmers residing close to the $5,- W@ Cam now definitely announce that Fanatical Feeling is Directed Against Washington.—Senator the lamps used at the footlights; The federal court on Saturday, and, if ap burning oil scattered in all directions, |proved by Judge Hunt, it is not likely senate on Tuesday the report of Pro- CIVIL WAR THREATENS, a civil war. who desperate e‘orts the time of the explosion of the tanks |8make zone have been amended. The cently are believed to have been among|P¥ or before February 4,000 men. children, and crowd those persons who were on the |Crane visional Governor Magoon on condi. which, it is said, was deposited in the tions in Cuba, the president said: Paris.—The French government most stage accidentally upset the coal-oil Deer Lodge valley smoke case in the Washington.—In transmitting to the the causes that led up to the fatal quarrel. women occurred. In their attempt to quiet the great | cratie side, but the one that brought times re-| the averted, all of these eventually being the exits the moment the explosion Montgomery tract. He was armed GYBANS.TO OO IT ALONE. with a large butcher knife and she Islands Will be Turned Over to Them with a razor. After battling for fit. Before February, 1909. several screams of the terrified It seemed ag though nearly the entire audience made a mad rush for in their’ little four-room cottage in the him shrieks and the greater part of the audience. duel to the death Saturday morning ™°re then one year. wife has left by voices could not be heard above the |‘he lower part of ficers Who Violate the Law. forth the most discussion was by Mr. California bank, and the fact that his! panic- quainted with those who died in the cries ef the injured and moans of the fire. In several cases whole families dying causing the greatest excitement Man Used Big Knife and the Woman Corcoran ef New York, who wanted Wielded a Razor, \the fine fixed at $10,000, instead of Oakland.—Pietro Sarochi, an iron not more than $1,000, and the imprisworker, and his wife, Reina, fought a "ment ac ten years instead of not the husband cut his own expiring on over money, being stricken by the screams and struggies of the crowds fighting to reach the staircase, joined in the stampede. The scene was a terrible one, the Reformation” Rhoade’s in opera house by Mrs. Monroe of Wash- | ἡ.Texas, — as ae _ the Pe she has Texas εν law κ at hand, and it has been read to a num- teen or twenty minutes finally slew the wife and throat from ear to ear, her dead body. Worry Immediately the rush started, and Within a few seconds hundreds of children were being trampled under foot. Even those who had seats in town and the people are going about dazed. It is safe to say that everybody in the place either lost one or more relatives, or Was intimately ac- the any to and the death lst will undoubtedly grow larger as a result of the awful experience. The population of the place is about 2,500, and the disaster paralyzed the the gallery, doubtless and general aliegations in the governor's of troops, int ‘Sick nia can request who filled the aisles and who were There was no attempt to introduce unless the gov opened doors every seat was taken and the gallery 'wag literally packed with’ children, Boyertown, Pa.—As the result of a dangerous'y massed against the lower at- railing. With a view to relieving this fire, which threw the audience s tending a performance at the Rhoad's crowding in the gallery the attendant opera howse, Monday night, into a decided to transfer some of the chiland panic, 167 people are known to have dren to the body of the house, lost their lives, while scores are suf-|one usher called out, “Some of you bones children come down stairs.” fering from burns or broken Bord The governor will from day to day send any special message that becomes necessary. any There was a great crush to |ment, and when the ing Members of Leading ter. madé ;noon, = cecure admittance to the entertain- of the Unfortunate Ones Be- and Pine; the committee of military and Indian affairs, consisting of Senators Oddie, Martin and Locklin, and the federal relations committee, with Senators Brossmer, Easton and Hun- public, together with a letter from th« president to Governor Sparks, dated January 4 The president says he shall be governed by the recommends and to death, |forty others, several of whom cannot Of the judiciary committee, with Sensines chil- England.—Sixteen |}ive, were injured in a mad rush for In Special Session of Legislature, ee Barnsley, j}dren were trampled Gov- the senate the appropriation bill for hands of the senate committee on Port Au Prince, Hayti.—A serious naval affairs during the present week,| earthquake has oceurred at Gonaives, but it will probably be some time be-| sixty five miles northwest of this city. fore the measure can be reported te| A few houses have been destroyed and | the senate. There is little doubt that} others were damaged, No loss oflife hearings will be ordered. It will be| has. be reported Communieation touching} avoid to with the town is broken, The shocks quite impossible retirement of Admiral} con The first was followed by upon the a tidal wave. Among the buildings Brownson, and if the subject ig once| li i ρ is no telling to what destroyed are the commercial houses opened, there of Herrmann, Addor & Jolibert. extent it may be pursued. The gem] eral question of the reorganization of President of Brazil Entertains Officers the navy is a very important one. Rio Janeiro—The president of the republic, Dr. Penna, entertained the admirals and some of the higher officials of the American fleet at a breakfast on Wednesday at Petropolis. Later in the day there was a garden narty at the American embassy in the same suburb, The fleet was well rep- Victims Were Attending Benefit for session /ernor Spark’s message was read. Washington.—President Roosevelt nas determined to withdraw the fed eral trogps from Goldfield, Nevada shortly after the legislature begins its special session. This intention was made known at the White House on Sunday when the report of the special bills looking to the donation of pub:| A Few Homes Destroyed But No Lives Were Lost. Sparks, Tuesday. DUEL TO THE DEATH. bank, and M. 8. Largey, president of special rangers, constabulary or military, to a special joint committee consisting the bank. the bank, had deposited $75,000, hae would give the bank until March 2, if President Approves Widening Locks. Governor securities to secure the debt he owea On December 27 last, District Judge Bourquin, at a hearing incident to the proceedings growing out of the appllcation of creditors to have a receiver Nev.—The 18f the Nevada legislature, called by statements established may issue additional notes of the cific Ι such extent na to jusife: οἱ United States National Bank of Amer- | these statements for the purpose o! jea in amounts not exceeding $40,000,- getting foderal troaes. > 000 and such notes shall be available It concludes with this recommenda for general national bank circulation tion upon deposit of proper security “But we most firmly believe that Four per cent dividends may be upon the assembling of the legisla paid to stockholders on the bank ture, or within a few days thereafter earnings. the troops should be removed, regard less of any request for their reten BUTTE BANK MAY REOPEN. tion that may be made by either the| legislature or the governor of Ne Heinze Secures His Debt to the State vada, it being essential that the state Savings Bank. of Nevada shall understand this situ Butte, Mont.—-State Bank Examiner ation completely; shall recognize the T. E. Collins, in charge of the State fact that there will, at that date, be thrown upon it, and it alone, the priSavings bank, reports to Judge Bourmary responsibility of keeping order quin that F. Augustus Heinze, who and that, recognizing this responsibil: owned 52 per cent of the stock of that ity, it may take such action as is the institution when it suspended a few duty of the state, and as will be suf| months ago, has turned over to him ficient in the premises.” Union and Southern Pacific stocks in| connection with the dividend of Au-! appointed for the bank, announced that if by January 16 Mr. Heinze had gust, 1996, deposited $250,000 in cash or market While the exceptions were regardable securities to the credit of tha ed ts important questions by the government lawyers who were inves- Carson, the session was passed. The only important action taken was the passage shares of the par value..of $1,900 ] Three-fifths of these shares are to be purchased by the United States treas- ] urer at paz the purchase money to be | exist September 1, 1958, unless its life be extended by congress Branches are to be established in New York Chicago, New Orleans, Boston, Den ver, St. Louis, San Francisco, Cincinnati and Portland, Ore The bank shall be governed by a board of twen- ing the foresiry and range policies of President Roosevelt After Dr. Wilpresidency, son's declination of the Fred W. Gooding of Idaho was chosen as Senator Warren's successor Pocatello, Ida. has been chosen as the place for holding the next annual convention in January, 1909 He” Washington —The establishment of | Should Handle Situation Withthe “United States National jank of | out Federal Interference. America” is provided for in a bill introduced in the house by Mr. Fornes (Dem.) of New York The bank as conceived is to be located in Wash- Soldiers Will Be Ordered to Leave Neington and is to have a capita) stock vada Soon After Assembling of fifths of the shares are to be offered at not less than par to the national banks of the country, to be paid for in gold coin The United States Nationa] Bank of America is to open for business might adjourned to meet next year in Pocatello, Ida, Before adjournment a fund of $10,000 was subseribed by the various state delegations for the establishment of a publicity bureau to wage a fight against th minis tration’s policy for federal regulation of the public range Despite the fact that he was elect ed president of the National associa tion by unanimous vote, Dr. J, M Wilson of Douglas, Wyo., declined to accept the honor, because of his per sonal and political friendship for United States Senator Francis E Warren, whom the convention re fused to consider for rea ection be Vyoming eause of the fact that the viding for State Rangers. | President Believes State of Nevada of Regu- | Were Crushed to Death by Frenzied Mob at Amusement Hali—Forty Others injured. Governor Sparks, it is Said, Will En- introduces Measure to Establish a 1 Central Government Inatitution > Ἢ the Welfare and | of which he is the founder and bene- Magdaleno Sabolloz,| cies against the civil rights of citi- who was to have been hanged at the association, | same time as Amador for killing Tents are springing up) factor, formed tie nucleus of the | over night, and a townsite has heen.} army. “The mavor assured the men | laid out. with a water supply close te | he would do all in his power to help the railroad. them Zens. Messrs. Smith of Missouri and Hughes ot NewJersey offered amend- child in an attempt to shoot the man ™ents having for their object the exhe thought had won his sweetheart emption of labor unions from the oper- had his sentence ecmmuted imprisonment. to life ation of the section whenever such ‘nions deciare strikes or boycotts |