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Show HORSES THAT Remarkable NEWS SUMMARY WOULDN'T DROWN Deeds Recorded by Veracious Unr¢ EST NOTES A TERRIBLE CONDITION. MAN’S LACK OF GALLANTRY. ertured by Sharp Twinges, Shooting Pains and Dizziness i ἶ Ar ers ROR Yeast a medicine ba I've taken if that's what Or, as You May Look at It, Woman's Unreasonabieness. π H. J. Conway, of Chicago, president of the Retail Ck International union, advocated at the recent conven tion in St. Louis the same pay for i women as for the} i Mr. Conway | same work as men u : And anyone W is impossible seems to me at once as un- succeed litor Ber i 1 ει Ἠ I the blame ole bridge bany Evening Jou arter } ; ; A | een - ] 4 ; ᾿ I ased with black I ] , ὑπ ] ev splo { 11 flicted wa which has betheir propsection of I pent $200,000 in dework the past summer, and lid veins have | live | [ a al failed to ex Physician Called It Eczema in Worst Form—Patient Despaired of Cure— Cuticura Remedies Cured Her. vears th attorney, ͵ BLACK, ITCHING SPOTS ON FACE. “About four of hot and t t that place, | from custedy by| Re Π ΠΤ Ν Y City if he engine of a y f I ν h I Cu which it er out. I « the cura Ren of t ( after that ever 5s] ch w er gone I have 1 felt a the eczema sine which was three years ago Jones Ave., ima, Ala., O NOT TO BEAUTIFY. Mrs. Haymowe—What do you wear that mask for? Chauffeur—Well, I'll tell you I wear it so that the people I run over won't be able to recognize me. Would Not Compromise. A German traveler who tried to pass a meal ticket on the train was told by the conductor that he would have to pay the regulation fare of 35 cents The German argued and refused to pay more than 25 cent s, whereupon the conductor stopped the train and put | him off | In a twinkling the traveler ran ] ahead of the engine and started to | walk on the track. 1 1 Ww t { 1 { train { of near A $ irate | and judges from issuing temporary in- sued a sta tement in wi and | junctions against the operation of the | sert that the assets of ly unimpaired and a called out: “You can vissle all you state laws has been introduced in the | vant to; I von’t come pack.'—Rehovoth | house by Mr. Clayton of Alabama. | be paid in full Sunday Herald. The president has nominated Thom- | Wm Burner, longshoreman | as J. Aitkins of Missouri to be assist- | covered by his wife on dons | at States United the of Portland in company off another } ant treasurer ΛΔτ y said at a ban | 8ι quet in the course of a eulogy on Wil liam Penn “Penn was a man of peace and alWays got the biggest one He be lieved in doing right by the Indians and when he did them he did them right. “The Puritans extinguished the Indian title by the simple expedient of extinguishing the Indian but the piows Penn, instead of | | | | | | Louis, and Willian® H. Pope of | New Mexico to be associate justice of | the supreme court of the territory οἵ | New Mexico | Two alleged night riders, Will Gray and Ed Cook, are dead at Mayrfielc, | Ky. as the result of wounds received | during the visit of the 500 night riders at Hopkinsvi Both are young mer | and reside en Muddy Fork, in Trigg | | county, near Welloma. shooting them, | Απ infernal | machine placed at the got them half shet, and accomplished | home of Samuel Baum, a re-/} the same result Hence the saying, | tired farmer living in Danville, ΠΤΙ ‘Penn is mighter than the sword exploded and partially wrecked the | house Mr. Baum and family were | Point of History Cleared Up. not seriously injured. Other houses | The Dentist—Now, open wide your nearby were damaged ‘Ss on all Go must be pre id by the mouth i I won't hurt you a bit | Dressed in boy's clothes, Miss Cath [7 Notice to this effect The Patient (after the extraction)— gine Andrews called at the United | Salt Lake route to pat eee 1 know what Ananias did for | giates receiving office in Sioux City, s SinsGaetante, IN 6 TO 16 DAYS. of ltwhing, Blind, Ε 6 to 4 daysor money Justice, it would seem, is both blind and deaf de ἐ cular issued last freight week fF accused her of being a girl and she broke down and cried A wember of the Canadian house | has asked for all correspondence in regard to the Japanese treaty. In doing so he said that Japanese would not assimilate with Canadians, and the government acted imprudently in adhering to the treaty Pullio Brunette met a_ horrible death while attempting to steal wire at Hempstead, L. I. He had climbed a pole and cut a telephone wire, but while attempting to pull it down it came in contact with a high-power | electrical service wire and he was in- | stantly killed. it is explained, the cause wo-| ifie ' ᾿ 1 Tonopah or. ler James Brennan, a Buffalo P ranchman, who is wanted at Cr Creek for alleged cattle stealing fought a running rifle battle witt sheriff's posse near Granite, Colorad during which 200 were shots changed, but managed to escape from the posse president of tha Louis W. Hill, sreat Northern railroad, who was Portland last week, declared t within sixty days the North Bank r will be rolling freight into Por By January 15 trains will be runnir g o Vancouver, Wash. and a m later into Portland The estimates for 1908 presented to Three small children of Ant the Canadian parliament do not con Montoya were burned to death tain the subsidy for the Australian their home near Ignacio, Colora steamship line from Vancouver to The fire resulted from a defective Australia. It amounted to $180,500 chimney while the parents were yr annually. The subsidy will expire in ing cows. When they returne; August next, and evidently it is not te ; Were unable te enter the τ.= Lich } be renewed "Was a mass of flames é ually, ry ead } | cts naturally, acts tr uly as a Laxatir e. Best for MenWomen and ( hildren Ὃν ὁ απ ὖ det iteἨεπεεial Effects lways bu th16 Genuine which be the |Al nameoof the Com- "”CALIFORNIA ic Srrup Co. by whom if is manufac‘tured pee , inte d on the ' front of{Εν ery pac kage. SOLD bri L LEADING Of JGGISTS, one Stzeonly, regular price § per bottle. SICK HEADAGHE | Positively cured by these Little Piils. the It and only church.— They regulate the LIVER, able. Bowe SMALL PILL, SHALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature CARTERS (Ce REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, s a week | Too Much Delay. Miss Gibson Girl—Howlong before you can let me have this gown? Dressmaker—Two weeks, miss. Miss Gibson Girl—Heavens! In the meantime he may propose to some one | else. 2c. ispels ( ac ies aue to ( onalpation: The Basebali in Arizona. Arrangements have been made in sunny, sandy Arizona for baseball straight through the winter—six All the Earmarks. First Tramp (reading advertisement)—Man wanted to chop wood, bring up coal, take care of garden, mind chickens and children. His Pal (groaning)—Oh, these matrimonial advertisements make me tired!—Illustrated Bits. When a man is full he isn’t fully responsible. expense ithin miles of (Nev.) Sun 313—Girl Dolls’ Dress, 312 - Girl Dolls’ Ki- with Separate Guimpe mono Wrapper or Dressing Sack. and Coat. To Teach the Future Mother to Dress the Future Child we have prepared The Butterick Rag Doll and a series of patterns ofattractive Dolls’ Dresses, etc. This doll is about 18 inches high, printed flat in eight colors on durablecloth, quickly andeasily madeup. Remember it is but a step for the little ones from the making of preity clothes for their dal ies to the moreuseful accomplishment of making dainty garments for themselves and others. Forthis reason we make the following Special Offer: In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. over to Cure a Oold in One Day. Unsett much ive « ONLYONE “BROMO gu ININE’ 2 who later se jall, but artistic country unsettled, Lda That is LAXATIVE BROMG QUININE νος τ the signature of BK. W. GROVE. Used the World La of the and in the diskneeling in murder case on the évi Well bites, Pir!‘Sonne the judge for pass ence on four con himself a church crest of a high hili, several northeast of this city The is right | two large roads, on the miles hurech Bears the Signature of | towa, to enlist in the army for cnet financial conditions at Goldfield | vice in the Philippines. Sergeant Hall | € erely the Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIAa safe and sure remedyfor infants and children, and see that it woman, immediately drew a ver and shot himself. The woman, a Mrs. De Reign, grasped the from B irner and attempted » shor hers self, but was disarmed by a polices man The Cherokee-Nevada Cop pany has levied an assessment of two cents per share for th e purpose abling the manag ment soon after the first of the year levelopment work. The εἰ Nevada company was fo med the current season the § located in Nevada close to the ΓΜ railroad line, to a living now.—lllustrated Bits ago, created a sensation trict court at Reno by prayer in the midst of a and asking 1 for light John Welch 1 Head Brakeil jured, Veyno from the engine Hatal f The omficials of £ξιῦ 000 his whistle violently, but. the German turned, shook his fist . | | a few months saake Cleanses the S\ stem Effect, gical as the famous Rock George Smith, who, ‘ posits The engineerblew | ed States circuit and district courts | Pa Builds Church for His Own Use. urt at Car or Willi ims| B. Williams, Ι, 1 i y ippropriating Zo ough their attor] I B i ) a 1 of guilty to the I of t r five indict: iinst them, Bre | Oh, no, I won't, auntie! I'm not Twent ree new freight engines, ΐ I ra half as old as sister and she sits on irchased this month by the Salt Lake Fant und Washington islands, of Mr. Wilson's knee I'm never g neement of which was the Fa ing island ip, b the in to be too old for that sort of thing! e by former United States Senator ou Ῥ ic, ν ld by auction at W. A. Clark, president of the line, reHard to Explain. Suv i rm , to Father Brough centl will be elivered to the comier for the sum of $12 } Uncle George was an old colored pany within tl next three weeks, man who tried awfully hard to be The commi er of Indian affairs, Believing that the investigation by good, but it was very difficult for him {n his annual report, says that the In the officers of the interior department to keep from stealing. As μα exdians lose millions of dollars every year through dead timber on the res into the charges of graft against cer- plained it, “I just nachally want to tain officials in connection with the take what I lay my hands on.’ ervations, especially in the southwest, Uncle George's latest theft was a ο. M. Colby, a janitor in the Oxford CrowIndian reservation, Montana, was a farce, Judge William H. Hunt of pig. The more he thought about what flat building, Omaha, killed his wife Helena has ordered the federal grand he had done the worse he felt. About by nearly severing her head from her jury to conduct a complete probing of the middle of the night his wife awoke body with a razor, and then attempt the allegations. and saw uncle still kneeling by the ing to kill himself. He cannot re The sleeping apartment of Mrs. Jas. bedside in earnest prayer cover. “Why don’t you get in bed?” she Owing to the financial conditions in | A. Wood, wife of the A. Y. P. commisthe United States, the repatriation of sioner general to the Jamestown ex- asked. by “Oh, let me alone,” replied Uncle Italian emigrants is assuming vast position, was entered at Seattle “I'se tryin’ to ‘splain to proportions. About 60,000 have re burglars, who, after striking Mrs. George; turned to Italy since the first of the | Wood over the head with a revolver heaven jus’ how | happen to have that month, | and threatening death if she inter- pig, and the more | 'splain the wusser The Amalgamated Window Glass | fered, robbed her of several valuable mixed I get.” Workers of America have obtained a | pieces of jewelry. There {s more Catarrh in this section of the country The unusual height of the breakers 12 per cent increase in their wage than ali other diseases put together, and unti! the last scale from the window glass manufac at Santa Cruz, California, resulted in few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great years ductors pronounced {t a local disease and turers, as a result of a series of con: the drowning of John Day of Globe, many preseribed local remedies, and by constantly falling ferences, Arizona, an engineer on the Gila Val- to cure with lucal treatment, pronounced |t incurabie. Science bas proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disGeorge S. Best, the actor whose ley railroad. He was visiting Santa @ase, and therefore requires constitutional treatment Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney marriage with Miss Cecile Fleming of Cruz, accompanied by his niece, and ες Co., Toledo, Obto, 18 the only Constitutional cure on he market. It fs taken internally in dose ym 10 was fishing from Treasurer pier. The Los Angeles was annulled recently jrops toa teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood pleaded guilty to a charge of bigamy breakers washed him off and he was and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundied dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send drowned before help could reach him for and was sentenced to ten years’ im circulars and testimonials. prisonment. | Εν ο hundred ire > 16 ors of the »| Said Address: F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledc, Ohio. Five men, members ep Dragsiate. Zee With but twenty-four hours of his Butte Miners’ union, seized a miner | Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. | Mackey, term to serve, Convict Polk at work on the new Bell telephone | Nashville, building as a carpenter and escorted at ία the pe nilentiary Paternal Advice. “What was the text this morning?” Tena., commi ted suicide with a short } him to their hall. Later the man dis knife. His mind, it is said, suddenly ppeared. At one time a riot seemed asked Mr. Wibbsley when his little became unbalanced boy had returned from church imminent The mpi ha Representative Dalzell of Pennsyl been boycotted by “‘A man’s a manfor a’ that.’” ibor lo “Um. Very good. I’m glad you revania has introduced a bill making it tana because of the of 1ΘΠΠΘῚ member it. Now get your Bible and a misdemeanor to publish an untrue, | and operators, be; derogatory statement about a national | turn down aleaf where the chapter is Colorado State bank and penalizing such an act by hat has it in, so you'll know where to fine or imprisonment find it if you ever forget it.” | pending reo nization It holds A bill designed to restrain ithe Unitosit 500,000 sponds 8 ma si I their ht i as husband of “This husb was returning home from market | one Saturday night with his wife rhe wife was burdened with a h market basket, a broom, a kit o ickerel—dear knows what all. As for the man, he carried nothing Coming to a steep hill, the wife paused and said reproachfully ‘Jack, if you were a real man, you'd help me earry some of these parcels “Jack glared at her in disgust and scorn. Aw, how can I? he growled ‘Ain't 1 got goth hands in my pockets?’ ""—Rehoboth Sunday Herald Bankers O gallant and i beak son oyu!)Ties clerks “When womer afterward, “do the ΐ For 25c in stamps or coin we will mail you The ===Butterick Rag Doll, and the twoattractive Dolls’ Patterns, shown above. Send at once to The Rag-Doll Department THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING CO., Ltd., Bettertak μιαμκόῖια, New York. SHOES AT ALL PRICES, FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. Ww.L. Doyetas makes and sells more Κῶ" men’s $2.50, $3.00 and $2.50 shees “Gah than any ether manufacturer in the Κκὸ” ννορία, because they hold their “Ἔ-8 may> apeof fit better, wear longer, and re ΟΠΣ of value than any other “Ba the world to-day. να... $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes cannot be equatied at any price. tH CAUTION. — W. L. Douglas namear 1 price is stamped on bottom Take No Substitute. Sold by the best shoe dealers every » “1 from factory to any part of the world. Illustrated catalog free DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. W. L. δ A) ST PATRICK \\, \ Drove all the snakes from Ἂν | SPOT CASR FOR SOLDIERS AND HEIRS All federal soldi ers and sailors who 8€ rved ῃ duys between 136] IS@acres be fc ho b homestead rig IRELAND “JACOBS {| Drives al! aches from the body, cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia and CONQUERS PAIN 25ce.—_ALL DRUGGISTS—50c. $30 AN HOUR ::: _MERRY Go ROU Has Been Taken In With Our NDS azzles. Strikers, ete, seneral Amusement OWANDA NY LIVE STOCK AND niscei taneo's ELECTROTYPES for aale A.rs KELLOGG SEWeraren to. 73. yweat prices by , Chicago Adams 5 W.N. U,, Salt Lake City, No. 51, 1907. |