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Show NEWS ς THE GREATEST ITEM in buying Diamonds or Jewe'!ry is confidence in the people with whom TIED TO A CHA SUMMARY you deal Unable WE OFFER YOU the facilities of trading witha fiem doing business continucusiy on honor in this community fer forty years to of Move of sult of it Kidney T bies ca fire at 1 a 1 fire λ Sch Walk Μ SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH IRISH HORSES AND ATHLETICS han said to ha fifty hou had what ir thirst bread and our ἃ a { f Emerald isie re Seems to California Stra Kllied @nd a seore n . ου 1 1 ἶ ithor ; the t i er lone fe, e1 ¢ lor t high ju eve πὶ i t Americi cene ‘ less ΕΙ ¢ ani of i Ϊ their fea hd that λ ῃ at riy the Australia rivals i ] Γι presumptive I | ETIQUETTE tha ngthen OF RENTED CAT, t t THE PUNCH That Is Sometimes a D Thing to Decide punch or I W hat at 30, the the week at } ‘ t epit citizens, or wit! his fist, within i certain lim Pared and Baked Apples. Peel and core large, firm apples Put in a baking pan, fill the centers with sugar, put a bit of butter in the center of the sugar, pour a cupful of boiling water about the apples, cover and bake until tender, basting occa sionally if the fruit seems dry. Un cover and brown slightly Transfer to a dish, put the pan of julse on the top of the stove, add to it a tle gran ulated sugar a dash of ¢cinnamon boil up once, apples. Set away right on the i with then pour over the until cool, then put Serve very cold week yard, Captain world is inter- beginning Decembes in George Tilton, master of arrived at San Franciseo from the Aretic, characterized as “rot” the report that five ships of the whaling fleet are thought to have perished with all No Reasonakle hands, Proof of Deafness Also. Word has reached the treasury department that because of reluctancy an, who lives up on the | to part with the currency they have , Was a passenger on a Fourteenth throughout on hand national banks the country are declining to cash pened next to a couple of clerks who were sion drafts and other obligations of >| the government. which caused one of them to raise his A special representative of a newsvoice to quite a high paper who was sent to Karatagh, in This appeared the Hissar district of Bokhara, whtch was destroyed by a landslide following the earthquake of October 21, reports that 2,400 persons perished and enly seventy escaped. At this moment he dis- the last two decades State Dairy and Food Commissioner justice and turning hastily to his loudhereafter he in all matters of commerce and in Foust announces that dustry, it is a remarkable fact that ! will issue no oleomargerine licenses tu the system of making and receiving | non-residents of Pennsylvania The payments by checks, so well devel- | commissioner believes this refusal will oped in the United States and in other break up the illegal sale of this article countries, is little known there in Pennsylvania The Luncheons Above the Clouds. possible to state, Lunch and dinner parties above the clouds are the latest fashionable craze in Switzerland Prince Pie of Savoy recently gave a lunch in honor of | Prince and Princess Nicola of Greece j 7,575 the young fellow's HERE’S A NEW DEFINITION. Platt Was Right. top of the | Brevent, 8285 feet above Chamonix each gi receiving a bunch of ed Weiss aS a souvenir Alpine have also been given this season on the Pilatus, Rochers de Naye, Brienzer Rothall and Gornergrat , on his last visi the of | father than reveal the iden the politician who induced ΠῚ ricts, City won't yom. senator, middle class minds, has felt the attack | political economy * “Political economy, of the revived idea of simplicity. In is said to have replied, | many houses you are refreshed by un- 1 incumbered walls, merely decorated| by quiet, plain papers, without pic tures or fans or plates. A few neces sary chairs, a table meant for use, fewer things everywhere, and those things better chosen—that is the new ideal in furnishir PLEASANT SUMMER, Right Food the Cause, is of tar Y joined a small t society people food and sul i who and eschew t on vegetable She flesh accepted fare and nervousness Repetition Is Excusable. If a man tells a woman he loves her as often as sl wants to hear it his conversation 1 be awfuly monotonous in two Healey a of tu r la wolf's lities Of wis ex W had to inge h a t rhe dollar be ise it was a state bounty upon the death of a wolf, and venison hams i dee ) ay ] ing lt { of the fur bearers rose Value some have Philippine cigars and a half in length. are a foot ! I an the sheriff ms ί GASTORI were For Infants and Children. |The Kind You Have repaid te or other ob- mere word H d. ZEMA GREW ALCOHOL 3 PERCENT was AVegetable PrenarationforAs SimilatinstheFoκοτε WORSE, Hospitals a and Doctors Could Not Reiticura Remedies Speedy, Permanent Cure. “Eczema peared thre when iths old We ou Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. I pplie NoT NARCOTIC. sentence New of Southern and other York n railways, and ven Gover- nor Glenn of North Carolina, υ conference with his advisers, declines give out first any Aperfect Remedyfoi Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions.Feverishi ness and Lossors OF SLEEP. OaemΟ “Suppose. you ask him?” suggested Clarence, the girl, “You ask him just this one time, pleaded Clarence “I promise you that in the future I'll ask him, no matter how shy I am.’ Judge An Estimate and a Hope. “You've heard her, you say?” remarked Mr. Dubley. “Ah! She σθτtainly has the gift of song.” “Well, I hope that’s what it is,” replied Miss Knox. “I should hate to think she paid anything forit.” FITS, St. Vitus Dance and all Nervous Diseases permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Send for Free $2.00 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. H. Kline, Ld., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. To turn from another's sorrow may be to miss your best joy. Use For Over Thirty Years WiateagrecnPlover. NEWYORK. οΕς δὶκλοωνίνὰ ΜΝ unde ον — aly er ον Exact τον of Wrapper. CASTORIA THE CENTSUR COMPANY, NEW YORE CITY. W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES;; BigS" SHOES FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, AT ALL PRICES. To any one who can prove W.L. $25,000 Dougtas does not make & sell Reward [more Mon’s $3 & $2 than any other nen THE REASONW. L, Douglas shoes are worn by more m all walksof life than any r make, is because o exeslia nt style, easy-fitting, and superior wearing soutien, The selection of the rs and other materials for each par® of the shoe, and every d ail of the making is looked after by the most completeorgani on of superintendents, foremenand skilled shoemak ers, who receive the highest wages paid in shoe industry, and wh aan cannot be excelled. If could take rou inte ymy urge factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer and are of greater value than‘ao any make. $4.00 and $5.00 Gilt Ed: atainy prica. AUTION! The genuine have W[τ ἥδορο asr tame and ee Stamped on bottom. Take NoSubstitute. Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglas shoes. f he cannot supply you, send direct to eet Shoes sent everywhere by mail.an free, Ww. ενεέκ, bao Mass STOP WOMAN AND CONSIDER LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes rst, that almostevery operation ed upon Ἢour hospitals, perfo women, becomes necessary because of neglect of such symptoms as Backache, Irregularities, Displace- IN GREAT VARIETY FOR, SALE «AT THE LOWEST PRICES BY Pain in the Side, Dragging Sensations, Dizziness and Sleeplessness. A.N. KELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO. Seeond, that Lydia E. Pinkham's native roots and herbs, has cured more cases of female ills than any other one medicine known, It regulates, strengthens and restores women’s health and is invaluable in preparing women for child-birth and during the period of Change of Life. Third, the great volume of unsolicited and grateful testimonials on file at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass. manyof which are from time to time being published byspecial permission, give absolute evidence of the value of Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkham’sadvice. havs is nts 2 to inf READERS of this paper desiring to buy any- es thing advertised in its columns should insist upon having or, refusing all substitutes or imitations. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Sensations, Weak Rack, Falling and Displacements, In- flammation and Ulceration, and Organic Diseases, and it dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. Maty Tiger, chief of the Creck nation, was seriously inju riding in the woods near his home Okbecame His horse mugee, Oklahoma. from the trail frightened and broke into a dense thorn thicket, two large thorns piercing Maty Tiger pressing into the left ear wperinat = Bi CurkoiuleSeda o HormSeed {ποet Sugar » Fac Simile Signature of Dragging results recent gold engagements abr on November 6, with the arriy teamer Kron Prinzessen C« ing $8,000,000 of gold aboard ] one of the largest ever received, and # ypkir Seed= piu+ Yeehelle Salts-~ ymise Seed + For more than 30 years has been curing Female Complaints, such as details tangible Recipeof Old DeSAMUELPITCHER Carefully Compromised. “Father is in a perfectly lovely mood,” remarked Clarice. “Don’t you think you had better ask him this | evening?” “Oh, I can't,” protested “I'm too shy.” Bears the Signature ‘romatesDigestion Cheerfitness = est.Contains neither York, March 380, 1906.” ments, Always Bought his next settle- No 1 was + Thompson's Eye Water i Vegetable Compound, made from electior of has been agreed upon, the entire policy of the state mapped out f its conduct of the rate litigation with the exert a salutary than for the six past years a of xcept that a plan of united action, to Lady Paget Puts Meat on Black List. | and headac che for the Lady Paget, who is better known as Mrs. Arthur Paget, and was former] Mary Paran Stevens of New York severe headache, has surprised her many frie by 1 register Joseph than four years and six months, not more than four years and months in prison The coming a convert with deposits A statement of the London ard of trade shows increases of $15,125,000 in imports and $25,426,000 in exports. The principal increase in impor was $15,000,000 in grain and flour and the | increase in exports were coal $15,000, 000, and manufactured goods, $18,750,000, faisely confusion bank, and The full legal reserve is on hand Simplicity in Furnishing. externalizing National $50,000 $300,000, temporarily suspended on November 56. Heavy drafts on the cash on hand, with no cash coming in | from outside banks, forced theaction. The reign of bric-a-brac is ending That confusion of our rooms, as it were, Globe capital of feet | | 4nd Many There Are Will Say Senator high, overlooking St. Moritz. Recently Mr. and Mrs. H. Murray of thes city, on w F. Kara, 343 East 65th Street, New Germany during party π S THE FACULTIES OF JUSTICE. Time to Check Up. Considering the progress made entertained a as tigating the steam whaler Bowhead, which has crea at the Bernina hospice, i the ter, without violating the proprieties or incurring disapproval ag a bully, There are many opitional punches, so to speak, on which the world looks with | approval besides these two compul sory punches. The punch shivalrous for instance, the weapon of eee knight errantry, in defense of the dis tressed maids and matrons is of the | Optional but approved sort | and i nd τε e at dan old Mis int ants. will almost unobtain esen | ive been preserved volume. Some books sienificance but Heart is the only book 1 know tha. n the ack in a friendly suiting itself to your roving faithful to every Next to mylove of the Bible Thre »bs. It is the most > book of the times.” ctors and hospitals, « Henry Binnmore, shorthand repor lawyer and author, died on No- | which gave us somethirg diff vember 6 at his residence in Chicago. every time, but nothing brought relief He was 74 years old. As secretary At last, one of our friends recommend for Stephen A. Douglas he reported ed to us Cuticura Soap and Cuticura A few da; fterwards im the famous debate with Lincoln in Ointment. provement could be noted. Since then 1868. we have used nothing but Cuticura Following his indictment by the Soap and Cuticura Ointment, and now grand jury on a charge of attempted the baby is six months old and is quite criminal assault, Alexander Johnson, a cured. All that we used was one cake negro, was taken from the jail at Cam of Cuticura Soap and two boxes Cutieron, Texas, by a mob of 500 men and | cura Ointment, costing in all $1.25, C. hanged to a tree in the court house | Ϊ no man car through life h head οἱ Reye (! minir na man } iit his dispe ion id his teripe of times at the i ' t whe was I | use abie During Period Missouri's History. of colored, i post at WAS SCARCE. Ι tl que nd the music was for 9k turns reading the 2 mT less cash i} soomian, Who shet κ 1 Hovhones Tavshanjian, a we y Armenian merchant, in New York City last July, has been sen ] o die in the electrie chai mol the to set hetie MONEY da Guatemala City, and ment cor ! frightfully beaten by ormilitary governor of the de- | { Zacaha The American 1 whe 1 t Atlantic City. American ‘ f { WHEN close of busi- debt, i 1 one he en At one of the hotels he ded one of the guests who el it is all der « not if robbed every October jied last Matter } them from spoke ir kewise abundant and valuable. When the first sheriff of Audrain county, in he treasury, amounted to $879,176, 837, WwW t to Jefferson City to deliver 630, an increase as compared with last cour revenue, he met an old month of $1,177,822 the wa wt needing Daniel F. McMahon, who was leader mone vanted to borrow the actual of Tammany hall with Charles F, coin pa f the county’s revenue. The Murphy and Louis Haffon, and who good-hearted sheriff lent it to him and red two igo from the chairl red mal p of the executive committee, | we wit! Οι evidence e and 8 neé ΕἼ climate even skill t London Ὁ ona, lebt ‘ f and Pa., exploded, ffered re ance The monthly statement of the public th Contine sixteen highwayman, armed with a d five hotels in Prescott countered fatally w t entage streng ts box. h have ining 8 restitution company, Butler, ' e edo a Ι There not nar in 1 « has fea ustained cuts and loss of $25,001 of the Pe 1 } g t τ i ead to e I I ‘ i 1 nt. writer } γοἆ ο ronger and hat make echt ‘ WwW no ter of the in en found guilt eneed to dismis +} we Dx Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair, a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restor Hair to its Youthful Selon s scalp diseases & hair fal Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. foradvice. She is the Mrs. Pinkham who has been advising sick women free of charge for '. than twenty HOWARD E. BURTON, years, and before that she assisted her mother-iin-law, Ma linge nve opes andft Lsenton ΠΡ ol and Umpire wi μὰ solic: Reference. Carbonate National Banks Lydia E. Pink- ham in advising, Thus sheis especially well quali fea ‘to guide sick women back to health. Write today, don’t wait until toolate. Specimen prices: Gold, 8 ASSAYER AND CHEMIST, ; Gold, SilCyanide tests. | W.N.U,, J.,Salt Lake City, No. 46, 1907, PUTNAMFADELESSDYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors al! fibers. They dye in cold water better than any other dye. You can any garment without rinzina apart. Write tor iree bokiet—How to Dye, Bicach and Mix Colors. AMFONR Co.. Quincy, llineis. |