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Show STEP 4 When voting a write-icandidate do not punch a hole m the punch card ballot for the respective position. n After voting, slide the card out of the Vote Recorder and envelope. place it under the flap in the write-in DO NOT vote a spoiled or defaced ballot. IdentiNOTE: fication marks or a spoiled or defaced ballot will render it invalid. In the event you make a mistake, or you have a spoiled or defaced ballot, return such ballot to the Judge who will cancel it and issue a new ballot to you. VOTING FOR CANDIDATES ON ONE TICKET If you wish to cast a "straight party" vote lor all the candidates of one party, punch the posit ion indicated next to the desired party. If you have voted "stiuight party" you have voted for each candidate ol that party. VOTING FOR CANDIDATES ON TWO OR MORE TICKETS If you desire to vote for candidates on two or more tickets, you may accomplish this by simply pum hing the ballot next to the desired candidate's name as indicated on the ballot. If you have voted straight party and change your mind and desire to vote for a candidate of another party, it is permissible to do that by simply punching the ballot next to the desired candidate's name. VOTING INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM QUESTIONS Voters may also vote on initiatives, reterendmns, or constitutional amendments submitted to the vote ol the people. To do so punch a hole in the ballot where the desired response is indicated. VOTING CANDIDATES Judicial, state school, local school, etc. are contests and are located on the last pages ol your ballot. The vote recorder copy contains instructions as to how many persons can be selected for that particular olltee. HOW TO OBTAIN ASSISTANCE IN MARKING BALLOT STEP 5 After you have voted the ballot and placed it under the flap of the write-iballot envelope, RETURN IT TO THE ELECTION JUDGE. Give your name and the Judge will ballot envelope remove the stub. Deposit the write-i(containing the ballot card) in the ballot box. You have now completed the voting procedure. n n WRITE-I- VOTING For the November election, you may vote for a valid candidate. This is done by either writing the office title and the name of the candidate on the write-i- ballot envelope envelope or by placing a sticker on the write-ithat has the office and candidate's name printed on it. write-i- n n n Any voter who declares under oath to the Judges ot Election that he cannot reader write the English language, or that he is physically unable to prepare his ballot without assistance, or that he is physically unable to enter the polling place, being at the entrance thereto, shall upuii his request receive the assistance of any two Election ledges who are of different political parties. Any voter who does not understand the English law. urns-iemt entitled to have two interpreters each from a political party to assist him. dsn ;;r Anyvoterwho is blind orhasdcfectiveisions mi cannot read his ballot or mark it correctly, may him. to assist elector qualified c! : l |