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Show 'M rmmma ' THE SUN CHRONICLE THURSDAY, ,r V 11 ! .v.r . I Page 2 MARCH 5, 1965 paid, car parking space, Phone li! $35. 1802 W. 4800 S., Roy. 825-726- 357 W. 300 N. SERVICE RFNPO ml8 FRANCIS APPLIANCE SERVICE new duplex - stove GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH SMALL electric appliances reand fridge furnished. $86 mtn. H. W. McEntire. BYU instructor will do genealogi-gica- l all makes, all models, Phone paired research in England this 4893 S. 1900 W. tf sewing machines, vacuums, summer. Write for details Uni. toasters, irons, etc. 166 W. 600 Station, Box 150, Provo, Utah N., Clearfield, Phone 4 ROOMS, Hr 'J 825-784- HELP WANTED ELECTROLUX ': NEED GENEALOGICAL HELP WRITE University Station, Box 23 150, Provo, Utah 84601. TV SERVICE CALLS, $10 up; tubes . $3.50; pic-tur- tuners e $3; used TV cabinets with doors $5; volume controls 50c; capacitors filters 50c; speakers $1 up; off list. tubes at store, 30 Dealers welcome. Als TV m25 or 10c; 773-07- 825-990- ( 3 ' i - I - imMZll FASHION PERMANTS wore In order tho day fhroo operators from Hio Bon Marche Salon visited the Wabor Memorial Hospital last week. SAVE BIG! Do your own rug and and upholstery cleaning with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham-poo$1. At the Paint Pot, next to Dairy Den in Roy. er STUDS 31c, 4x7 mahogany panels 2.98; 12x12 vinyl asbestos tile 18.4c each; ceiling tile 2x4 -- MEBBLEM 9S CBMNEB ... There's one thing more would rather have died than difficult than being right. That's fess it. being wrong. Today I saw what happened to a man who was wrong. In his heart he knew it, but in the moment gf his wrongness he mean actions, and he cannot find anything sharp enough to wound him nor dirty enough to touch So every word he said was him. He is fighting a lonely batmore wrong than the one before. tle he cannot win with dignity Everything he did was more or justice. wrong that what he had done. I will be wrong again. He will Reason give way to blind inbe wrong again. And both of . tolerance. , us will turn within ourselves in I feel sorry for him. I didnt uncomforted loneliness and search then, but I knew I would. I our souls and be sick with the knew being wrong was going to sight of them. hurt him and he is not a man But we learn. Perhaps he who takes pain stoclally. He will knows even now that all men clasp it to him and allow it to fight' forever against the black knaw at him in the darkness of their beings, and passages of himself. are sometimes vanquished and I know so well how it is to be must live to fight again. wrong so many times. I have Perhaps he knows that underd stood on a principle standing of oneself is harder by that crumbled under my weight. far than understanding of another I have generalized to the moon and someday he will look into and 1 have seen my werds bring a mirror and see himself with tears to the eyes of another. the same gentle compassion with The pain in me was like a which he forgives the wrongs knife blade turning slowly. of others. I know where the man who And love himself a little, as was. wrong is at this moment he should. He is alone with himself and From an original idea by his bitter words and his small. Patty Johnson con- NATIONAL delicior I popcorn confection tfit has taken Tho. Sun Chronicle, published week ly pt Roy, Utoh. Second-Clas- s postage paid at Roy. Utah. Publisher J. Howard Stable. Offices 5368 $. 1900 Roy. $2.50 per year, in d advance. THE SUN CHONICLE STAFF J. Howard Stahle Asst. Editor Pat Freestone Roy Newt & LDS Church Newt Charlene Ilardcastle RIVERDALE NEWS Come in today! MMELKORN S. Roy Shopping Center Hi! This is station E.L.D.P. reporting for the good ole Sun Chronicle. Mrs. Vern E. Parker and son Blaine returned recently from a vacation trip to visit her daughter and family in Santa Anna California. They went by tram. Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Child have a new daughter born March 2. Congratulations. The mother of Mrs. Rex Roberts died recently. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Roberts. The mother-in-laof Mrs. Lucille Judkins died and sympathy is extended to Lucille. Sunday is fast day, Sunday School stalls at 10:40 a.m. Fast y meeting at 12.20 p.m. The plan to hold their annual Pri-ma- P StAATt S S44i aUt Luella 2 BEDRM. APT., in Roy, , program at 5 pm. at the ward. Parents and children on the program please be there at 4:43. Baptismal services will' be held Saturday at 6 pm. Parents and children to be baptised please be at the ward at 5:45 p.m. Anyone in the ward needing fertilizer for lawns and gardens should contact Gail Sanders or a member of the 70s quorum. 4-oi- Ci'c FOR Five Stakes Schedule Tuesday at the young mens mutual meeting, everyone enjoyed the performance of the River-dal- e built-i- n range, refrigerator, large living room, drapes, hot water, washing machine, carport, $87.50 a month. Phone or tf 6 for the BIG 5 THRIFT IS PAYING A INTEREST ON ACCOUNTS... IN TIIE ROY SHOPPING CENTER Phone 825-97- 86 CHEM-PLASTIC- S 1828 Locust $1.50 825-183- 5 AREA 610 square miles 1960 2,837 AREA .394-473- RICH COUNTY MORGAN COUNTY 394-356- 4 MAIN TOWNS (1960 populations) CITY ACTIVITIES Randolph Laketown Woodruff Garden Gty - Cement, livestock (mostly wool), dairying, wheat and barley. Sunset Jaycees Assist in Heart Drive The Sunset Jaycees have been asked by the Davis Cpunty Heart Scouts. Fund chairman to collect doHappy Birthday this month to nations for the Heart Fund drive Susan Farr and Mrs. Paul Buck. In the Sunset area. A new time is scheduled for Bruce Scholer has been acting the teachers report meeting held as chairman with assistance the first Tuesday of the month. from the following area chairThe time is 9.30 am. Mrs. Davis Woodbury has been man: Dale' Corey, Luke Callovoted in for the second time as way, Ren Galbraith, Neil Breeden, Gordon Ford, and Jerry theology teacher, M r s. Mary Child has been released since she went to work. The annual birthThe teams spent last week covday party of the Relief Society ering the area seeking donais planned for March 16 at 10 tions for the drive. a.m. Everyone attending should bring a white elephant. They are planning a skit, games, prizes and a nice luncheon. Accoustical Spray Ten ladies from Riverdale are now employed at the Defense Depot They are Lola Patterson, Plastering of all kinds Willa Foster, Louise Bindrup, -- Your choice of glitter- Zona Taylor. Doris Machcaskii, Cora Burch, Gene Temble and two ladies from the trailor court. Nice going ladies. Susan Farr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Farr, celebrated her birthday last week by a Phone EX wonderful party at ther hom.e or EX This is station E.L.D.P. signing off see you next week. ... color. Phone today for your appointment. Phone 825-778- 7 5317 S. II 'rI GARDEN CITY LAKETOWN Bit-to- Canyons and valleys of Weber River and its tributaries, surrounded by high mountains. , Created 1862 from Davis HISTORICAL BACKGROUND fur Jedediah Named Morgan Grant Morgan County. settled in 1860. TOPOGRAPHY Decorative Ceilings POINTS OP INTEREST AND ACTIVITIES - this newspaper. Materials furnished by tho Utah Tourist and Publicity Council, Council Capitol, Salt Lake City. Hall-Sta- POINTS OF INTEREST AND ACTIVITIES te 69 When you bank at First Security you have every financial service youll ever need at your disposal. Checking and Savings accounts, loans of all kinds, safe deposit boxes, travelers checks and money orders are all available under one roof! By taking advantage of our complete banking services, you get to know us personally ... an important thing when you want to borrow money to buy a home or for any purpose. Since we know you, we can help you get the best financing for your particular need without fuss or red tape. Rates are sensible and terms can be tailored to 1950 W., Roy Mtmbtf ftdtroi Dopoid favronct Corporation A of Created io 1864 as Richland County; name changed to Rich in 1868. Named cither for Charles C Rich or rich soil of Bear River Valley. Settled 1870. County Hopping series published through tho cooperation of the Utah State Press Association and PLASTERING Valleys HISTORICAL BACKGROUND recreation METZLER TOPOGRAPHY Bear River and Bear Lake, adjoined by high mountains. water sports East Canyon Rasarvoir curious natural formation in Web CanVOB Devils Slide Mermen Pioneer Trod through East Canjo weird erosion Chinatown Weber River fishing Como Springs Resort swimming, roller skating, other FIRST SECURITY BANK 4 IT TTTfT 211 169 168 RANDOLPH your budget. BEAUTY SALON 537 ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES Livestock (cattle, wool), barley, recreation and travel, EVENING APPOINTMENTS GER-MA- R 19601,685 POPULATION MAIN (1960 population) 1,299 Morgan 0 1,022 square miles POPULATION each. with a new hair style created just for you , . . a soft professional wave a fresh new hair 125-86- 825-153- 0 com- Swing into Spring . . . W. 5200 South Roy, Utah Phone 4 NEW OR USED BIKES-- We Service What Wa Sail 1955 , BE READY FOR SPRING A PAINT CO. IRONING DONE in my home. St. Louis 3, Mo. DRESSMAKING and alterations may6 for that personal touch. Phone bined members of the Davis. North Davis, Clearfield, Layton, and Kaysville Stakes will be held Layton LDS Saturday in Stake Center, 125 S. Chapel St., Layotn. The program, under the sponsorship of the BYU Ogden Adult Education Center, is entitled. The Fine Art of Living or bringing happiness into our homes Professors and local people- - will give lectures throughout the program beginning at 10 a.m. and continue until 8 p.m. Lunch and dinner will be served for a nominal fees. Tick- ets are Bingham . BIKE SHOP 825-544- the FORD'S 825-763- vestment $300. Maximum intf vestment $7,000. Investment is secured by inventory. Factory APPLIANCES REPAIRED trained personnel will help set ALL makes of washers, dryers, up your business. ironers, etc. Phone For complete details and deAtkinson Appliance. tf scriptive literature write: Education Days Soon Education Day Furnished DIANE MC NALLEY 11 W. 5600 S., Roy PHONE 4 MORGAN AND RICH COUNTIES Hooper ..... With e woman's magic touch! BASIC H DISTRIBUTORS All supplies & Equipment County Hopping in . . . 825-246- 5 Parker CLEANING Mil 825-440- FOR RENT Clinton Erma Ross Comrr .rcial and Domestic 1. Pastoral beauty and serenity mark these two northern counties, where the people live in rural valleys sheltered by lofty mountains. An abundance of streams and lakes make them favored bove most other Utah counties. 399-277- 3 Sunset Letha McQuarrie Clearfield Susan Albrechtsen South Weber Lola Brake 825-232- 8. 825-556- 9 Palmer m4 p. Riverdale Ella L, Free 773-186- estimates. EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE AMAZING new liquid plastic coat- MOST ALL lawn, garden and household tools sharpened and ing used on all types of surfaces HOMES FOR SALE interior or exterior. Eliminates repaired. Saws, shears, scissors, knives. Small engine repair and waxing when applied on Astune-uFranks Lawn Mower BY OWNER 2 bedroom, full phalt, Tile, Vinyl, Linoleum, 5855 So. 1900 W., Roy. Hard Service, and Asbestos, Wood, Vinyl in basement, carport, Harmony Phone tf elimiFurniture. Completely Park area, Roy. Phone nates painting when applied to TAX SERVICE ml3 Wood, Metal, or Concrete surfaces. This finish is also recom- INCOME TAX Service, state and 3 LARGE bedrooms, older home, federal, honest, efficient, acmended for boats and automolarger lot, small orchard. Comcurate and experienced. Short biles. forms $1.50 each, long forms pletely renovated inside. Irriga110 W. tion water available. NO COMPETITION $2.50 each. Call Ken Colby for 2400 No., Sunset. Phone an appointment 8254816. aid As these are exclusive formtf Phone ulas in demand by all business- SPARKLING CEILINGS, choice es, industry and homes. No of glitter, free estimates, 100 franchise fee. Minimum infinanced. Phone 3764083 or CLEARFIELD 2 room, furnished utilties cottage. Clean, Editor-Publish- Vacuum cleaner sales, service and supplies. Also used and rebuilt cleaners. Cail Bay Judd at Serving tf you since 1948. block and FOR YOUR BRICK, stone work call PIANO lessons for beginners given in" my home. Sheryl Seifert, 5256 S, 2300 W Roy, OPPORTUNITY 1.59 ECONOMIC the nation by storm I 1927 W. 5700 EDITORIAL c&fel l45c6T,5N flat-foote- ...the cement 1.35 bag, wall gal.; enamel 75c paint quart; 2x6's $65 per 1,000. Cail 1 ml8 or 10c; FOR SALE . (23 84601. oorloko and Boor loko Slot Pork -B- boating, fishing, camping, beach resorts Boor loko Sonic Overlook on US 89 t Boar Rivor Valloy charming rural drive Monto Cristo Woodruff sconk drivo through Wasatch Mountains, Bear River Valley |