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Show - us shop locally IinOPER MFUK moon- parking - cpsffErmvtt prices Hurley, $ua, iMi August A PAftP SNVfti drove to San Fran- cisco, then down the coa?t to - Te3r cme hom Recent guests at the home of ff Vegii and Lenna Hull were Rulod Host at a Pizza and Marie Widdisott of Pay-soparty Friday formerly of Hooper. They evening was Scott Peterson, His were on the return' trip from Chests included Linda Fowers, Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Marsha Palce, Margie Thurgood, f Tamara Peterson, Kareb FlindTed and Grace Parker find ers, Glenda Thurgood, Karyl son James also George find Anderson, Kurt Fowers, Lyle Parker of Bountiful Andrey. Brent Thurgood, DeH-nl- s were dinner guesti at the home Taylor, Flihders and Bill Batchelor. Mra. and of Apostle Ezra Taft Benson Of Salt Lake City. The Bensons daughter Beverly and CLEARFIELD James Parker are planning an early September wedding. A1I Last Friday and Satuday Carl and Luanna Fowers, Herb and Wenda Peterson and Melvin and Lawanna Hansen went with the Weber County Chapter of the Young Farmers on a tour through outstanding farms in Cache valley. They also visited the cheese factory. They spent the night camping out in Logan Canyon. NEWS From Okinawa, in the Philippines comes relatives of Bry-8h- t Jacobs.His son Donald with his family for a visit. ' Stockton, Calif,, residents ts Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott his wife, also daughter Rosalyn and grand daughter Michelle are visiting at the Jack Dial home. A reunion of the Lowe fam- Mr. Scott is Mrs. Dials broher. The Scott famiy are also exily was held Saturday at Logan. It began with the LDS Temple tending their visit to Cash excursion in the morning. 63 Valley in Paradise to stay with the summers family. family members took part at the Temple and 317 couples and Frank Rudolph with his wife 1532 jchildren Wei-- sealed. also sister Miss Laura Rudolph ' In the afternoon, they met from Salt Lake City made their at Willo Park in West Park in visit in this area a two fold afWest Logan. Attending from fair as they visited friends in Hooper were Vern and Reta Layton as well as Clearfield. Parker, Norman and Beth Hull, Visiting the residence of W.D. Carol Parker, Ted and Grace Morphy is their nephew Ivan Parker and James Parker. Harry and Leoan Buhungham Murphy with his family from have as guests for the next 10 Washington State. Mr. Murphy has retired from the service afdays,, MSgt. Clarence .Gamer, his wife Leoan and children, ter 20 years .froip Utah they will to the New England States, Bruce; Kerr and Robert of Al- go there they will return west to buquerque, New Mexico. The Buminghams just recent- make a home in Bosie, Idaho. ly returned from a trip to YelMae Kitterell celebrated lowstone and back then up to birthday on July 20th, she was Nyssa, Oregon where they vis- guest of honor at a luncheon in ited with Lorin and Fay Munn Salt Lake City. and Sam and Thora Moore. They-tooMargaret Anne Mabey had a their granddaughter 17th birthday on. Laynb Carlson with them. July, 21st. Jeffory Jetlsen was a very Ortjher 18th birthday, Vicki Simpson took Hdlly Fowers, happy little fellow Monday as he Marilyn Bell, Jeanette Read, lett home with his bed roll to Jolene Todd and ftalane Fow- join a group of 'scouts on a two ers swimming at Holiday Hot weeks stay at camp. Springs. Tiley cattle back to her Hisasterous things happened home afterward and ware servat the Charles Dirskills residened a lunch. ce on 24 M&ude placed a roast Tom and LaRue Ewing reto cook in oven of their lov- turned home from their Honey-, and went into eiy trailer her house thinking things were well as usual. Suddenly she out the kitchen window. pancejJ to? see flames devouring their trailor. By the time the fire dept, arrived things were pretty well destroyed even the limbs of a shade tree. Down go price! on summer goods 'way down low to give you the hottest buys of the season . . . SUNsational savings on d things you'll need for the weeks ahead. Shop HAMILTON'S fun-fille- sun-fille- d, CLEARANCE a BIG SAVE in SALE-a- nd WAY! ARC e - Deluxe ' . BAMBOO W18 LAMPS THERMOS ... t i 7.95 Pearl Nail Polish Hi,, Reg. 29c A -- 19c STEREO W T DELUXi V--e Is of ICO RECORDS V Reg. 2.98 . Velee to $2.00 The M. J. Bennetts spent a few days including July 24th at Lava Hot Springs in Idaho. (Stanley intf Ilildegart Shaw are Spending a leisurley vacation in the Jackon, and Teton area. 1.49 1.19 - Thelma Nelson, clerk of the City of Cltarfield, has turned in her resignation as she is leaving to go to her home town of Brigham City, She has accepted a position with Thikol Chemical Corpn, Thelma will be greatly missed as she is such a friendly girL t , Deluxe Boxed CREAM RINSE rinse 'N SET EGG SHAMPOO- Max Walker informed us that it will be probably a week befor water restrictions in Clearfield are lifted. Tests on the well are being made as the water will also be used for cul- - Reg. $1.00 LEMON SHAMPOO tBq Reg. $1.00 49c inary and irrigation purposes: ; Mr., ahd Mrs. , Lee Poulson have been spending a few days vacatiohing in Nevada. You've got it made (2 ways) wheo yob'Ve got if saved HOSTE& LINED - at STATE . A 'I tail 59 '98' 79 TRAYS ( k Regular $1 ? t - 4 piece place ratting ef enqeislte Imported translucent cldha, hand palntnd in 24 kerat field in the Iternel Nerved" lech edditlenei four-piesetting D your fer $2.7$ of the regular price-ea- ch lime ye add $2$ or mere to year loving, account. ' s ' 9f Mtl-S-pi- ece place lotting ef Roger lilverplate by Oneida ltd. lech edditlenei totting your for $2.75 eech time you add '$2$ or .more lo your raving ecceunt. INSUfitO lAVlNol All (let. ' ecceunt ere I n u 1 1 4 to $10,000 by an agency of the United $ ) e t e Oevernment. Your araurance ef complete rafety ef year money. --- a LVI fraction n tt - mum ,s . . . i . . - ... f . i. Welcome relief from the irritetion end mlrarle ef peHen llnrgie can be found In the preferaieeallyoppraved medicine and acceiterie featured at HAMILTON'S. Our' com- plete . dock make eur phermecy the KfflCTlVl HAT HVIR RELISTS. . HIADOUARttfiS , fer , V.v.v. J Drisfan Tablets p RIO. $1 Loan Association 75 South State, Clearfield Home Office: 56 South Main, Salt Lake Cityj , :iM00s , REGULAR - $1.S3 fe ll r & x- .W'AV. UA I D GREEN STAMPS ''FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY -- Phono: S.VN mm 825-74- U , .. Roy- - ! , Shopping Center ,y ; |