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Show The house was blessed by her father. Anita Reeves, daughter of Mox , Birthday wishes go to Sarah Reeves and Ruth Venable, blessed Tevey on the 12th of February. by her father. FEBRUARY HAS been set aside JANET ADAMS EX 41115 TWO BOYS who have graduated by the LDS Church as Sacrament from Primary were ordained Deamembers of So all meeting month, , Tuesday Feb. 10 work meeting the stake are urged to bring your tons. These boys were Dennis listwill be held for all members of the families and attend Sacrament er Day and Kenneth Ray Pratt. Ordained a Teacher was John Paul Rop First Ward Relief Society unas a family unit. meeting der the direction of Lila Larsen. Sorenson and Brent H. Gibson At the Roy First Ward Relief while Dell Luncheon will be served at noon Ray Grange were orand there will be activities for Society visiting teachers meeting dained Elders in I hi Melchezcdek Tuesday, Feb. 3, Kay Griffin was Pnesthood. The Sunday evening everyone. a visiting teacher and A PARTY was held at the home released as service was Boy Scoat night. .Ocra Petersen sustained in her Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lynch had of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Belnap on place. The lesson was given by as guests during the week Mrs. Mr. Mrs. with Udell Delores Miller. and Friday Eleanora Keihl, of Salt Lake City Kearl as Games were Babies blessed at Sacrament spent Monday at the Lynch home. played and a buffet supper was served to the following: Mr. and meeting Sunday at the Roy First Mrs. Keihl is Mrs. Lynchs sister. Mrs. Lemoyne Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Ward were Kelly Frcngner, daugh- Thursday, Mrs. Lynchs neice. Mrs. ter of Richard Paul Frongner and David Bailey and two children Lloyd Schiffman, Mr. and Mrs. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Diane Phillips. She was blessed by Michael and Mark of Salt Lake enChild, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Allen, Mr. her grandfather, E. Vernon Phil- joyed the day at their home. In Salt Lake Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and the lips. Sharon Martin, daughter of Deal M. Martin and Eileen Wood- - and Mrs. Wallace Herrington and hostess and family were Mr. and Mrs. Lester iHuuituHiimutiuimiimmmmiiHHuiiiHmmHHimtmmHmHtiuiiiiMiimiuMmiwmiiHHmummi Jack. The Herrington family have just purchased a new home in Salt Lake. Mrs. Jack is the mother A LIFETIME OF of Mr. Herrington. THERE WERE 14 member of BEAUTY SALON the Roy First Ward who attended the Temple Excursion last week. The next excursion to the Logan And Other Big Beauty Prizes Temp'e will be held Tuesday evening Feb. 10 A meeting of Den Mothers and Committee of Pack 871 was called Friday evening. Plans were made for the coming months activities, and the chance on the quilt was given. The lucky winner was Mrs. Keith Homer. The Den Mothers and committee would like to thank all those who have contributed in any way to making this project the Thursday February 5, 1959 ftOY NEWS Le-Ro- y SERVICES! Motional Beauty Salon ITS EASY Lik 4 JUST COMPLETE THIS SENTENCE IN 25 WORDS "I 8-1- OR LESS . . . . Get Your Official Entry Blanks Here 2193 Roy Superior Beauty Salon West 4800 So. 5535 So. 1900 Phone EX Phone EX 2 West 45870 3 FimiiHiimww4MMiwttiMWHwiHwmwmmnMtiiiimiiinuiuttniniMiiininiiiiiiniiiunmnimiitiiiiiumminitHmmimmnnHmmttiiiuMiHumg F-- ' eim At the Rcy Second Ward Sacrament meeting Sunday evening, Oakiey Moore reported on his mis-io.following this Jo..n Ljnn Owen, son of Mr. and Mrs David Owen and Haven Simmons, son ot .Hr. anu Mrs. Frank Simmons were graduated from Primary and approved to become Deacons. Fast ounday will be Sunday, Feb. 8 at MRS. JUANITA Hansen has returned from a two week stay at 12:30 p.m. rather than aunuay eve- Eleajon, Calif., where she visited with Mrs. Lynn Wilbur, her mothning. ivirs. Ruth Simmons is visiting at er. Boise, Idaho with her parents, Mr. The Homebuilder girls and Mrs. Fred M. Cooper. Mr. coop- of the Primary First Ward held their er who is on Idaho State Senator daddys dinner date, Thursday ,s observing his birthday and all under the direction cf Mrs. ihe children will be tneie to neip evening Phyllis Austin, Primary president; nim celebrate. Mrs. Delores Miller, Seagull leadLittle Annette Simmons daugher; Mrs. Bernice Horn, Bluebird ter cl Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sim- leader and Mrs. Mavis Price, Larks mons had her tonsils and adnoids leader. A dinner was served to 31 out last wees and is reported getgirls and their daddys. Games now. well ting along very were played and the was Baptized recently were Freddy centered around theevening Snowman David Paul, son ot Mr. and Mrs. theme. Special guests were Mrs Fied J. Paul, baptized by James Emma Smith, president of the stake W. Pingree and Sandra Pingree, and Mrs. Elaine Child, Primary daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. stake Bluebird leader Pingree, baptized by1' her father. Mr and Mrs. L. Amos Schofield These children were confirmed at were honored last week by a spec-cia- l this meeting Sunday. Freddy David from President Henry A. visit was confirmed by Bishop George at home. To Reimschussel and Sandra was con Matis, his the Schofeild visit also were the Schoenjey father. firmed by her fields daughter and family. Mr. and Five babies were given a name Mrs Blaine Houtz of Provo. Dale Leon McMillen, son of LaVai TSE FIFTH WARD Relief Sowas He McMillen. success it was. and Ruby given Building Fund dinner was Edwin C. Beitz is at Ft. Walton his name and blessing by his father ciety held Thursday evening at the Lake Beach, Fla., for about three weeks Scott Lamar Barker, son of La- View Stake House. All ward mem-beistay. He is on TDY from Hill Field. mar and RaNae Barker, was named were invited and the proceeds AT THE BAPTISMAL services by his father. Parley T. Johns blessnt to help the Relief Society held Saturday evening for the Roy ed and named the son of James their quota for the building raise Second Ward there were four bap- Lamont and Betty Jenson and gave fund tisms. Betty Lou Perkins, daugh- him the name of James Dunum The Fvfht Ward Horn, 'builder ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perkins Jenson. Kathi Lynne Westwtod was gills daddy date will be held Sat was baptized by Dennis J. Miller. given this name by her father She urday Feb 7 at 6 30 pm. at the stakehouse A dinner will be served and is under the direction of Mrs. Melba Child, Mis Sarah Eames and Mrs Winnie Rush, the girls teachers The Pr.ests cf the Fifth Ward held a swimming party last Mon- PHONE EX 4 9639 5316 So. 1900 W, Roy, Utah day evening at Rainbow Gardens under the direction of their ad visor, Svlvestor Barton AUTO GLASS INSTALLED HIE SIXTH Ward Relief Society work meeting will be held Wed nesday Feb 11 at 10 am The les AUTO GLASS AND PARTS New and Used son (Home Management) will be g.- ven by Elva Fox and the aetivi ACCESSORIES BRAKE SHOE EXCHANGE ties of the day are under the di rcction of Ruby Layne, work eoun selor. The Roy 6th Ward Relief So cioty furnished food for the family of Vernice O Anthon whose fur neial was held Friday Mrs. An thon is the mother of Evan An thon The Penny Drive at the 6th Ward will begin Feb. 9th Thsi year they are asking 2c for every ry year ou are old and the Pr V vSsVChild n s Hospital reports that a if J r. vision has been made and they will accept any child under 14 regardless of Religion or race. Lets support the Primary in this under-akmand be generous There wrr1 three baptisims given Jan 31 for the Roy 6:h Ward these being Linden Alan Good win, a son of Mr and Mrs Linden Bruce Goodwin ID was baptized by h.- s fadier Gary Lee Shellabargen, was baptized by Haiold George Young Jr. and Dale Bird, son of Mi and Mrs Aiton Dale Bird anu WuS bap ired bv his father JANEAL LAR'ON. wife of Ervin V llliam Larson is r eciv ng treat inei.t at the Dee Ht.jp.tdl lor rheu natic lever. Newell R Budge of the stake p. es.Qcncy was a very special visit or at the fast and testimony mee, mg held Sunday at the 5th Ward Mr. and Mrs Gar.h Cash aim chi dren. V.ck e, Clay, Cindy an cr.stie have moved trom tnc Va. nty i.on.c here in ltoy io C enruelu Ti.ey will be miss.d and our bes with them. gos AT 111E bth Ward Sacramem n.cct.ng Sunday theie we.e some ehanfatJ made in the Mu.ual. la 'eased were YMMiA superinten deni, E.win Walker; Reau Gauey, and Parley manuei counse.or; Wayne Hansen, activity counselor. MiA Shiney Hill, presiIn Die dent, Liman Walker, manuei counselor and LaVora Burton as activity counselor. Sustained in the YMMIA were John Jeppson, supe. intendeni, Uuion J..n,o.u Kay, manuei coun seior, Pariey Wayne Hansen, ac uvity Retained as secretary was Waiien Beus J and progressive operation of Rio Grande. Sustanud in the Gth Ward YW-Mlas president was Bertha Bird, Supplementing this rail service, Rio B.rmce Bingham, manuei counse or, Lj oid iiu ion as acuvay Grande maintains a coordinated truck servcounse.or. Retained weie secretary Gicnua HancocK and enl.stment sec ice Rio Grande Motorway, Larson Transi ciary tvaie., Bmkmuie. Inere wei a .o u ree conin mauons made. Lin portation Company principally for eia Ai.en Goodwill was coni.rmeu uy B.si.op Loren O ivay. Gary I'-- v The majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado and Utah are your assurance of weather-proo- f scheduling on the Rio Grande. These huge wonders of nature act as giant snow fences; d make it almost impossible for wind-forme- drifts to delay your Rio Grande shipment. The Direct Central Transcontinental as it is by Nature, is Route, weather-proofed further enhanced by the modern equipment . 2 P ad shipments. Whether youre shipping a carton or a carload, you can forget the weather when you ship direct ... via Rio Grande. If (QJtm (Ot the direct central transcontinental route & Hip familv of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Green have been 111 with chicken pox and strep throat. Our wishes for a quick recovery is with them. The Roy 4th Ward Relief Society work feeting will be held Thursda) Feb. 12 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The meeting is under the direction of Inez Nelson, luch Will be served Mrs. Ileert Porter is In the hosat noon and there will be a baby pital. She has been ill fOr the past tender for the children, six weeks. We wish her a speedy THE EXPLORER Stouts cf the recovery. hair-raisin- g WOMEN'S FLATS SALE mi y4 to Heel CASUALS HALF OFF Toe Plates With Each Pair & Set 0nly) f New Shoes (0ne EXPERT SHOE REBUILDING FAST GUARANTEED SERVICE Jimmie's Shoe Service IN ROY WASHINGTON TBRRACE SOUTH OGDEN V--" Clean, quiet electric heat is here. And youll be surprised how little this heating will cost in that borne you plan to build or remodel. Take your choice of these types of electric heating: Radiant Haatlng. This comes from heating cables or panels concealed in walls, ceiling or baseboard. Your furnace room becomes a small panel in the wall, permitting an extra bedroom or recreation room. You can arrange your furniture exactly as you wish, because there are no radiators, vents, or currents of air to consider. Radiant heat also gives each room its own thermostat. Choose the degree you wish warmer for the bathroom, cooler for the bedrooms . . . with no waste. Heat Pump. The heat pump is really a big brother of the dependable, sealed-i- n unit in your refrigerator. In warm weather, it gathers heat from indoor air, pumps it outdoors . . . giving your home Springtime comfort and cleanliness. In winter, your heat pump concentrates warmth from the outdoor air to heat your home. No vents, no fuel, no d chimney. It provides adequate air conditioning for your entire home. Glass Panel Electric Heating. For either surface or recessed mounting Requires no major structural changes no pipes, flues, tanks or chimney Easily installed in new or existing buildings. Unit type Electric Heaters. Can be used to supplement existing heating or for a complete heating system. There are both portable and wall models. Excellent for a new, added room, or for bathroom. modem-as-tomorro- year-roun- GGfiieclznIe. For help with all your transportation, call the Rio Grande representative In your community. NVER 6th Ward are playing Invitational basketball now. Friday evening they played Ogden 50th and lost by 17 points. Monday evening they ployed Riverdale In a game that ended with a One point edge. Their next game Will be Saturday, Feb. 7 at 4 p.m. at the stake house. This game also promises to be excitlno. ; PJ1llfoeBpBoof -- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Berrett had as dinner guests Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Morgan Lake of Rigby, Idaho; Mrs, Helena Lateo of Rigby and Mrs. M. D. Harris of Ogden. i. from the hospital and is expected to return to work soon, ROY AUTO PARTS . eProfessional Beauty Care Because Cobia's Style Salon is the daughter of Darell and Manlyn Westwood. Blessed at the hospital was Mark Robert Ziegler, son of Robert P. and Carole Ziegler. He was named bp his father. LITTLE CAIG Ward son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ward haa the measles. s Week FEBRUARY Douglas K. Gavin, son of Mr. and Mrs Keith Gavin by Dennis J. Miller, Rex G. Greenwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Greenwell was baptized by his brother, Robert Greenwell, and Shirley Benson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William iC. Benson, baptized by Dennis J. Miller. RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD was cuni,nud uy ms lather Louis llugn Shehauarger and A an Dale Bud was ccniirm id by hs lather Alton Dale Bird THERE WERE also tour bauies blessed, 'the duughbr oi Mr. anu Mis. lto.lin Boyce Ems was namiu ivaien Ellis by Bishop Loren O. Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Trcey L. Wheat-lgave their son the name of Tim L Wheatley and was blessed by his father Richard Craig Hansen, son ol Mr. anu Mrs. Paney Wayne Hansen was named by his father and Wayne Adams gave the name of Julie Chritenc McArthur to the daughter cf Mr, and Mrs. Frank Jackson McArthur. NEW ARRIVALS Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Leishman are happy over the safe arrival ot a new baby girl born Feb. 1. A new baby boy has come to say at at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rohik. He was born Feb. 3. Emery Atkinson is now at home GOOD INSULATION IS IMPORTANT Get a copy of our free booklet, explain- ing the role of good insulation in bringing you low cost electric heating plus many other interesting facts and figures on clean as light Electric Heating. - FREE Please " Information Booklet out and mail to W. A. Huckins, Business Development Dept., Utah Power & light Co., Box 899, Salt Lake City, for your free copy of ELECTRICITY FOR HOUSE HEATING. No obligation. fill NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE raMUHJ.! 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