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Show TJ South Weber Lola Brake Phone EX Merry Christmas to you all. There were three young people baptised on Dec. 1 They art Jean Kendell, Byron Mills Poll and George Willard Johnston. Congratulation to you new members of the LDS Church. We want to welcome two new families into our town and also Irvin Poll and his family. The new families are Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Waters and their five children (they live in Thorpes place). And Convenient Budget Terms YOUR OLD TIRES FOR DOWN PAYMENT V p to 15 to Months Pay DAVE'S Christmas babies: Eugene Water, Dec. 13; Mabel Nix, Marva S. Cutler Dec. 15; Mattie Ray and Jean Rupe Dec. 16; Wayne Isaacs, Selma Kesnedy Dec. 18; Ann Jonea, and Judy Mathis Dec. 19; Martha Birt Cindy Smith, Chet Stark, Bonnie Elsworth on Dec. 20; Ralph Birt Dec. 21; Lois Jackson on. Dec. 22; Maurtne Thqrpe Dec. 23; Shannon Kapp Dale Waters on Dec. 24; Marie White Dec. 25, Merry Christmas too; Nelva Birt, Kerm Jack-son- , Robert Rupe Dec. 26; and Lots of girls from South Weber Linda Poll the 28th. took advantage of the girls dance at Davis last Friday night and esHappy anniversary to the married corted their boy friends to the folks: Mr and Mrs. Marlow Poll dance. They all had fun and are on Dec. 14, Mr. and Mrs. Richard looking forward to next year again. Peek Dec. 19; Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Doyal and I were pleasantly sur- Stanger the 20th, Mr. and Mrs. prised last Saturday when Mr. and Guy Miller and Mr. and Mrs IrMrs. Jack Klugher and Sandy of vin Poll on Dec. 24. Tucson, Aril , dropped in on us for Bill Backus has returned from the afternoon and evening. Jack Sheppard Field, Texas where he and Doyal spent two years in Ala- has been on TDY for a month. ska together during the war as There will be no primary, muflight engineers. tual or Relief Society during the We want to send a hurry and get holidays well wish to Rose Watts and Mattie Last Friday night Bojd Harmon Ray who spent last week in the and Bing Nix took a group of scouts a attack Rose had heart hospital. to Camp Keisel and staved in up and Mattie was in traction from the quonset hut overnight They complications after the flu. Archie Hill is recovering at home had all kinds of stories to tell after a horse on which he was rid- when they retursed about cooking their meals, getting to sleep, etc ing fell and oiled on him and kicked him. Jle was out on the The boys that went were Ralph hill about a mile from home getting Birt, Jimmy Cook, Val By ram, Da the cows when it happened and ufd Stanger, Lee Nix. Ivan Ray, it took him about I1- hours to get Merrill Byram and Douglas Smith There will be a special Christback home He has 3 broken nbs and plenty of cuts and bruises It mas program Sunday morning at was quite an experience and were Sunday School There will be no class work Everyone is invited glad he wasn't hurt any worse than A couple of dances to keep in he was We hope hes soon feeling nund during the holidays are better Our sympathy goes out to Sharon division holiday dance will be held City on Dec 28th, (JimJ Clark jt the death of har at the White NowEve dance will and Tears a sister this past week. Dec. 31 at held bo the South Jr. about Happy bitthdayto the just High School Bugct tickets will be honored. The Jr M Men have won the two basketball games they have played They play each Thursday evening and need the support of the town Word has come from Idaho Falls 5316 So. 1900 W., Roy, Utah that NaDene and Kay Carver moved into their new home last weekend to these young Congratulations INSTALLED folks Highway 91 Roy, Utah We sell nothing but Quality Products ROY AUTO PARTS PHONE EX 4 9630 AUTO GLASS AUTO GLASS AND PARTS ACCESSORIES New and Used BRAKE SHOE EXCHANGE Riverdale News Verla R. Hull Phone EX 4 5831 Do you believe in Santa 08115 like to regain that unquestioning kind of faith, that buoyancy of spirit that I had as a young child 11 With all the bills and banquets, the parties and packaging, I was bogged down under Christmas a week or so back Then I heard the children singing praises to God and I got the Christmas spirit Vee Crabtree and James Brad ley were elected the new presidents of the Riverdale Fireside group, with Kendall Probst as secretary treasurer The young people met for the first meeting of the sea son Sunday evening after Sacra ment services at the home of Ruth Eames Olsen There were 18 in at tendance Wendell Hansen a form er missionary, was the speaker The next such meeting will be held in two weeks, place to be announced Alta Patterson announces Y beginners sewing class, to be held at FOR SAVINGS BONDS gift she will really appreciate sjM-n- Junior School stamsg Riverdale Elementary School 2nd Jan 10. There is no charge for and 3rd grader presented "The this 12 week course If interested In. si" as Story ' on Wed evening contact Mrs Patterson at the school gym The operetta was directed by Edna Clarke and Eliza Thomas a member of Riv of 120 students composed erdale Ward residing at Hie- liny Infirmary,, would love tee receive a Christmas visit from you heir 18 years a cripil. Mis 'Jt,om.is' LaUus- - MsOuarrW Ph. TA world gets rathe r gnomy when no we one bothers to visit her Masi'iiu Lodge 29 of Gateway .nduUe her o:i our nu-- t ws.C eld wi'l hold Its So High Takes the work out of her washday Live and Farm Better BUY FROM YOUR DIALER ft-i ; . . . Electrically UTAH POWER A LIGHT CO (half. list annual HKOASlfil) CHICKEN 7 WORLD'S MNIIT lATIN' CHICKtH TMl ' Ntwtit Specialty II You Like Chickan You'll Love BROASTID CHICKEN! By Ska full Tub Ju it Ordtr . . . Si or by Ska It' i rtody It Mlnultl Burger Bar Phone EX Roy, Utah it ClinRhm bat quel Tuesdjy at 0 30 Did you notice ti.- Motkiiun-p pm at the Clearfield Community of the wreaths adorning o u h ipd 'hurcii according to Mrs Thomas These were dcs U'cd lev he Guide Bloomer chairman of Sunset bin Scouts direct' d h Iucil'e Sic ner will tie- - prepared ami served c I phens Ardis Ellis h.ic tie honor of having been se'ee'ed .is pres dint ssn of the Woung Homemakers of Weber Countv she is also reporter for the I t.eh Stale- young Farmers Assn The- Young Home makers Assn is comprised of the wives of the Young Farmers for Weber County Tliev arc an ner getic group of educat'on iminie d young mothers who are accomplish ing and learning right along with their husbands There will lee no Primary or MIA meetings during the holidays, it is announced by the presidents of these organizations Guy Larkin brother of Mrs Don Higgs is leaving for service to the church in the Central AtlanMc sion Joe Sears is home again having served in tie Army in Germain Iuerry Ijrktr is also home- to ta It took the fellows eight days tr.e veling freitn Germany to lew A r k harbor from New York, thev fl w home Mrs Adeie- Fife is doing lemp'c work again Sister Fife spends the entire winter engaged in this fine tile Womens by iii j v o i i Service Society, ounce d 00 Irene McJuarrie attend'd a Tup Mother ami Daughter perware party Friday evening at the home of Mrs Frames Judd in Clearfield Mr and Mrs Cyril Kearl and family of Hyrum were visiting at the Robert C Mequarrie home Sat urday Mrs Kearl is a neice of Mrs Me Quarrie I tie Stake dance held Sat Doc 14 was well attended and everyone had an enjoyable evening Next slake- dance will be Dec 25 Sunset Ward will be hosts It was rrroneoiislv that Sunset Ward would hold theor Re lief Society Christmas party last Wednesday, instead it was held 18 Erie ne Ward Wednesday De-showed color slides and refresh ments were served The Sunset W ard lie id their R lief Society ( parts Mondav Dee 18 land their ward Christmas party I i 18 Tlie-had a verv interest ii g program at 7 pm and Santa rime a' 8 and gave each one- a bag of nuts and candy A dance was held a U p uj for the adults Mr and Mrs Robert C McQuar work rir motor cl to IOgun Fridav and Bishop Teseh reports that Phil visited with re lat ives Smith nas In en appointed Distriet Gary Sti tiler son of Mr and president ed the North (entril Mrs Is Ro Stettler was ill last States Mission Appointed to posi tlons on the Sunday School Stake Board are Mary Dickson and Dahl 00&GHTBxOC) - i- M-- s - ' V - 5 . , nsm Sec-i",'- h j hri-tm- .4 e - First Church Baptist James MeFatridge, R. 2050 West 5700 South t5SJBy5EO n In PARTY-OOIN- 0AM an OC.AMOU CHECKS-newe- O and on TV st NtTWOt miry SHOW in the t late o'clock whirl It's the soil sculpHired look and (.o friendly to your figure) banded with while In Dandy, Lowcn'ieina fanciful embroidered daisies. now available at all Ioral hank. Mrs. Bream says, This colorful envelope will enclose the new and woven combed cotton badcctweave wrinkle-- . saicen check. Geranium red, Washes beautifully, resists navy, pink or light blue. Sizes 10 to 20. r Savings Bonds I am giving , for Christmas. THI ONLY LOOK IS EXPENSIVE 8.98 tr v rvv. " MEN Mrs. Virginia Brenniof Glenview, III., Mr. Illinois for 1958, displays the new II. S. Saving Bond gift envelope lx-ttr- mas parly when old Santa comes and leaves a bag of candy and nuts for each one. Sunday night Sacrament meeting was a very interesting meeting with Bishop and Mrs. Orlin Oleson of West Point as guest apeakera. Colleen Reid was released from Mia Maid teacher and Eva Dawson was sustained; Naomi Wise waa released from 1st year Beehive, and Ruby Robinson sustained; Mrs. Blanche Doe was sustained as secretary of the Young Ladiea MIA. t SUNSETNEWS Milton Goff found it tough sled ding when he1 broke his right arm sleigh riding on Taylor's hill re eently Beginning Jan 3, there will In- a course in square dancing. saen sored by the Senior Aaronic Priest hood contact Grant For Gibby A Division 15 Frolic will be held at the Lake View recreation center in Roy, Dec 28 at 8 30 p m Budget tickets will be honored ... an week and missed several daya of school. The Sunset Mia Maid had a class Christmas party Monday night Dec. 16 at the home of Barbara Hill. Each one took a gift to exchange and helped furnish the refreshments. Games were played and a gay time was had by all who attended. This was under the supervision of their teacher, Mrs. Colleen Reid. t The 2nd grade class at Sunset School taught by Mrs. Beth Peterson will have a little Christmas party Friday before the Christmas holidays Each child will take a gift to exchange and games will b played. Happy birthday to Michael I.unt and Mrs Fred Omer Dec 22, Elmer Dec. 23, Mary Montgomery 24, Carat Mrctus and Elizabeth Bennett on Dec. 25 and Frances L'pp on Dec 26th Scottie W'lbrrg, son of Mr and Mrs Norman Wiberg, was nine years old Saturday Dec 14 He was honored with a birthday party given by his Sunday Sc hoed claM H A Thornock motore-to Bear Lake Monday to attend a funeral of tils aunt Nancv Thornock Mrs Thornock was ill and unable to go with him Mrs Ruth Tippetts a day or two last week at a convention in Rogan in connection with her woik in the home economics The MIA of Sunset Ward held its Christmas party Tuesday night Everyone over 12 was invited and pedal pushers were oked for the adies to wear Friday night is the night for the Sunset Ward Christ Ik-lo- s Crabtree A ' i Chrortd, T bvnday, Dcmbf If, If 57 Mr. and Mrs. Verio Petersen and their two boys who will live in Frank Firths place. We hope these people like it here. Christmas come a little early for Bob and Lorraine Bryam in the way of a pretty white 57 Buick. Con-grNations. The ward teachers party was a big success. Lots of games and relays were played, a nice lunch aa served and every one had a good time. - SERVICE SuR Roma California ' I is an honest wine, a good wine. Never anything less. - I . utf . ttir 'w' Jt ifJl j i . gMr' Merry Christmas , Cars ! and a happy running New Year, from all your friends down at your neighborhood Union Oil station P.S. Merry Christmas to your owners, too. . . . pH"- THI WINES IN THE 0RIPLE53 60TTIE V UNION OIL COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA . ffl r ( .rnmhf ? r - I k f. A ii aA4 v ."r Where Quality is Inexpensive SHOP in HOY and SAVE t |