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Show The Roy, Utah, Thursday November 7, 1957 Son-Chronicl- e, headquarters in Atlanta. Ga., on Nov. 20. Elma ia a graduate of Weber High School and Weber Seminary and also attended Henageri School of Business. She has been a teacher in the Junior Sunday School and assistant secretary of the Sunday School and at the present time is secretary of the Hooper First Ward Sunday School. Fima has a brother, Howard Fowers, who at the present time is serving on an LDS mission in Brazil. He has been there for two years now and Fima hopes that alter his release some time next year he will return home by ay of the southern states so they can see each other for a visit, as it will be a long time before she is back and the family is together once more had, no doubt, has been passed on to his family as all of their five daughters are very musically inclined. . Mrs. Mary Parker and Mrs. Ilah Giles were released as organist and chor ster and have served in this capacity fo many, many years and I'm sure we have all enjoyed their services very much. Roger Cox, son of Mrs, Marion V. Cox, who is a member of the Weber College band, left last Thursday morning with the band and Colleens for a trip to California where they took part in the activities at the Weber College Compton College football game Saturday evening. They also made a v sit to Disneyland, had a boat tour of Dong Beach Harbor, attended a game at UCLA and stopped at Las Vegas for a show. Seven babies were named last Sunday in Hooper Tiose in the Second Ward were Alan Widdison Haws, son of Mr and Mrs. Barrett Haws, Anthony V Stoddard, son of Mr and Mrs. Verg Stoddard; Barbara Hull, daughter of Mr. and , Mrs Jim Rigney; and Shana daughter of Mr and Mrs Golden Easthope. Those in the First Ward were Cathey Lewis, dauhgter of Mr. and Mrs Dick Lewis and Audie Lynn Kilts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kilts i Tell of Projects Three new research projects -- two to study feed flavors in milk and one to study the effect of mo derate and low fat weight control diets on persons between the ages of 40 and 60 are getting undr of tin way under sponsorship American Dairy Association One of the milk flavor studies lest the effectiveness of va cuum processing for eliminating weed and feed flavors from milk. It is being conducatedby A W Budnick Jr and T R Free nun at the University of Kentucky will Hooper School has a very active ITA this year. It is fully organized and working very favorably. It in-eludes the following officers and committeemen: Iresident, Mrs Mnna Christiansen; 1st vice pres, Nek Arave, 2nd vice pres, N'ephi Manning, 3rd vice pres, Wallame Manning, secretary, Mrs lwana Hansen, program chaciiman. Fred Johnston, room representative, Mrs Donna Cottle, health chair man, Mrs Artell Fielding, hostess. Mrs No'a Cox, publicity, Mrs Mar ion W. Cox. adult education, Mrs Margart t Vaughn, Founders Day.' Ms. and Mrs Jay Ncl.sen, financial fund raising, Mr. and Mrs. Don Arave; magazine and memhership Mrs Barbara Paulson, historian Mrs Donna Hansen. 1 ' QimXIB(Z!S3 'Mf ROY AUTO PARTS PHONE Miss Fima Powers, daughter of Mr and Mrs George Fowers, has 'ary The Itelief Society of Hooper accepfej a call to serve as a to the Southern States MisK.r-- 1 Uand field their Rcl.ef So A farewell testimonial meetsion t i'y conference last Sunday eve-- I w.ll honor her Sunday Nov. mng at 7 p in An officers and ing 10 at 7 pm in the Hooper First ti. ichors meeting proceeded the Ward She will enter the mission main session At the conclusion of home in Salt Lake City on Nov. 13 '.he. first meeting, just as they were and will depart for the mission Man-lloop- er - . Baptised in the First Ward were Jeunnt Ballif, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Lyman Ballif, Kelly Cray-- t he rue, son of Mr. and Mrs. Afton Cray thorne and Hal Johnston, son of Mr and Mrs Fred Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cook have had a very nice two week vacation trip to New York City during which time they celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary by dining at one of New York's famous resta-rauntIn New York they were Kue!ts of Mr, Cook's brother, Leslie II. Wadsworth (whom we know as Tex) and his wife. While there they saw many of the interesting sights of the big city among them were a guided tour around hattan. a trip to Station and Bedlo Islands, a tour through the United Nat ons building and through the '1 heodure Roosevelt home, they also Mr. and Mrs Orlie Garner have saw Queen Kligabeths parade as teen on a 10 day tr.p to Mesa, she entered the New York shores. Aru . to see their son and hui Thew went to Washington D C seefamily, Mr. ami Mrs Darrell Gar- ing the many places of national ner 1nor to ihe.r go tig to Mesa, fame. Betty and Darrell's littliest boy, Mr and Mrs Vern Parker went Dale, who is almost 2 yeats old, pulled a pan ol Hut water over, to laigju o.'i Tuesday to attend services of their cousin which wax being used to steam h m with, as he had the croup) urrin Pulley. Mr. imllcy died of and scalded himself on his back double pneumonia following an land arm he was hospitalized with tack of flu Three of his children second degree burns But is home were unable to attend the services now and recovering satisfactory. they had the flu. j The Hooper Junior Women's club held their Hallounii party this year is a very unique spot It was! held in the vacant huifie of the late As the Isabelle Simpson Mrs guests arrived in costume they escorted up the stairs, which had been converted into a spook alley. The upstairs room where the group assembled was decorated In keeping with the Halloween sea-son. It provided a whostlikc at- mosphcrc for the members. Mrs Arthur Moore was awarded the prize for the best ' costume, she be ing dressed as Ole King Cole" East-hope- Milk Association hTe room mothers are: Ruth During the evening games were and told and were fortunes Dawson, Betn Chistensen, Elaine played a tyrkey supper was enjoyed set Walker, June Frew. Ruth Nelson, on black tables! Jun Beeton, Melita Lewis, Rita Hyland, Charlene Green, Mildred Mr. and Mrs. Will Cottle enterCl ay thorne, Gwen Stokes, Frema tained a group of their friends at Beua Brevedcl, Kuth Dai-- , their home last week In form of Gravis, Sarah Trease, Alice Omer, a Halloween party. Guests came in ley, costume and Claron Paulsen and Donna Arave, Donna Hansen, Mel- Don Arave, appearing as frogmen ba Biown. Lorcll Widdison, Nat were the most uniquely dressed. Yamashita and Delsa Fowers A Two fortune tellers were on hand luncheon wax In Id rteently at the! School cafeteria for the j to forsee the future of everyone and the room represent a- , teachers present. Thirteen couples were in tivts attendance ' ti 5318 So. 1900 W, Roy, Utah EX 4 9G39 AITO (.LASS INSTALLED AITO (.LASS AND IAliTS-A- ACCESSORIES - tw and IVd BRAKE SHOE EXCHANGE grggiF&GSE! preparing to begin the conference, 'he lights went out and we were 'I groping around in the dark Time lanterns were rounded up mi church was begun. The new ptc dent Mattie Cunmngton. conthe1 ,.c ' meeting, in her opening i she ta'ed that she felt ike she was m the dark when she une and that she would probably s' ill tie in the dark when she went hoim- but not so .as at about 7 2!) the rhts came on and the remam-iie- i of the program proceeded h pc abets were Mrs pell a'der wood 1'l.iIicM Wield, son Jean FI n dels Seo'.t Pete rson and Mrs Duel-lMrs ormer Parker V rma M.ini .ng gave- a f.nanc.al te it Kus'a.mng of officers was hv Mrs Kdnu .lines Slake board - ! - , i The other milk flavor study will examine the chemical and physical properties of compounds responsi hie for feed flavors in milk in an effort to find a means to eliminate these flavors It is being cimluei-w(l' Y!'' hmiMmr.y gave some by Dr. W. M Roberts of the Cm The Singing Mothcis sang remark' versity of North Carolina two numbers, led by Mm Mane The low fat diet study, being car B.a'ehelor and accompanied by Mrs ried out by Robert F Olson at the Flore nee Ch. Prayers were University of Pittsburgh, is part given by Mrs I.uana Bowers and of a larger project on weight con Mrs Ea Cox trol diets at the Falk Clime It f Society The Second Ward IU will stress the effect of weight re was hi Id the same mg.it conference duction on cholesterol levels when at 7 ;;t) p m So it was their officers dairy products make up a sigmfi and teachers meeting jree ceding cant part of the diet. the conference that was held in the All of the new projects were '(lark but luckily the lights were on adopted by the American Dairy m Hue to begin the main session. Association at its recent Executive Their meeting was conducted by Committee meeting in Tulsa. At Pres Flora Stoddard Speakers Gus Mrs Marie Haws, the same meeting, the association were also voted to continue 12 other pro- Vaughn. Joann Penman, Fred Cox. duct and nutrition research proj- Mrs Gladys Garner Visiting hoard ccta. These cover a wide range of member was tse organist nutritive studies, including several Prayers were given by Mrs. Wanda on the relationship of fats to hear t Miller and Mrs Gary Belnap. disease. Four of the 12 renewed Mr. and Mrs Fay Parker and projects are being administered by Mr and Mrs Duane Cox and their the National Dairy Council. new bal y daughter Cathey Ann. have recently been to Rupert, Idaho so that the new baby could get acquainted with its great grandpar- By Jewel Widdison Ph. EX 3 9713 ents. Mr and Mrs. David Parker. a 1 Bre-ih- d - - ste Hooper News Thc Hooper First Ward Relief Society was reorganized recently releasing Mrs. Norma Manning as and Mrs Wealthy Cottle and rMs. Vida Parker as counse-arlors. Mrs. Mattie Cunmngton was chosen as president with Mrs Vida and Mrs. Bernice Fowers sustained as her counselors. Mrs Edna Jones was etained as sccre- Hooper First Ward has a new choirister and organist. They are: Mrs. Marion M. Cox as chorister t and Mrs. Ruth M. Mason as ist These ladies are sisters and the daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Manning. Older folks will long remember the ices rendered by George Manning, as chorister and as a vocalist and teacher. This great talent that he New Shipment SPECIAL of BERKSHIRE hosiery ODD SIZE HOSIERY IN to choose from MOJl'I) 1.35 and 1.50 Both Brmlf slid HANES HOSIERY FOR THE SMALL Pr. AVERAGE organ-pesiden- j OR TALL GIRL HALF SUPS serv-Parke- r Announcing . . . $2 98 Something Special We Now Have For Her (pltilgas i FREE PICK UP AND $3.98 For The Teenagers Christmas Beautifully Boxed tri AM) BALLET Only 75c Scaei SLIPS SEAMPRUF lovely-shade- Nylon Half Slip and Flinty Bouffant slips in black, red. pink and white. Yards and in Bewitching rsu 8 DELIVERY or and yard of material. Ba-stel- ON 100 LB. BOTTLES OR TWO 20 LB. BOTTLES Richard Tubbs 66 Serv. 5711 So. 1900 W., Roy rilONE EX 2 0022 ESiA J' 5651 South 1900 Wet |