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Show 'i S U ?4 Y r N c Ih EX 3 2607 FUuibhn EX 4 2240 Kyle Harrop trtrne 59 mr- V I luoiiii lf, Koy, It.ih, Thursday, ScI'UiiiIht ,.sp ,?r; r731 ;v; Sun In- - ;J 1Jj7 - Large Colored Fresh : 1, POEM) PER . V )U' Welcome to the Berrett Addition to the Robert Wilsons Mrs , Wilson is from Spain, hjvuig only F' been in the t'niled Stales eight ; months i en ol) (, and We hear that Gene I g W ood formerly of Koy, mm of an of den are the proud parents other little girl Hid makes two x----: Kiris and a lov for the Wood fum dy A. i Walds Don't forget the Koy u . rtus lluaar lommg up on the . A . 2dih of th s month Then- will be MISS CAROL MAE 114 BEE became the bride of John Ed many beautiful ratules available iih hiding (pulls fain y work, apions, waid (ilson, on Aug 30 at 'lie home of her parents Mr and ihildrinx pajamas, doll (lollies, Mis Keni.ith lly bee of West Point Hi hop Loy HI. ike of artules baked goods alid nusl Olson of liciatcd Mi dIm i. is the son of Itr and Mi- - .1 4uU will he able to buy Sour ce of 1610 Gaboon Ogden. The mwlvwods are enjovmg a jnnj meal iiiius style, as theie .Nevada a bones moon in Keno will he hot dogs and lui heipies. and i old drinks, ne treatn ioiks deliseicd tin- b.is to Soda oi al ouple fuliu popcorn 1 fieri will be liowns and a program that is Mire to be very in ''''rut'e Vows Sl,MKS Id., ho In the pino-ssf enjoyable lor the whole family So )iai 1lh KinnL, (Minor,ljmU bring the ih.ld.ed and grandma V1, n.,rk who ls ,tj!lllIlt,(1 w lth the and grandpa and have the inie , KiiK of your lives at the Koy I t Ward Mrs ( h. tries F Huh is ouiv.i'is at 6 pm on Sept 2U . Fnc t p .p h no aft r art irnergeiuy Mr and Mrs Oeorge stone had as tin ir house guests operation of wpcndniDs last wek i I rnlay last wdktnd I)r and Mrs Leo (vinrig a i roup of Hr Wash ted m of in lu,. (.011,: allup tarnpbil! (njjjdes from the Kov Thud waid ehjoyed swimming t ainpbell is loiiimtid with Wash ollege as a nsiarih at the Rainbow (hildell followed lligton Male by garii'-hainburuis w a'i ill ln piiialist Mr and Mis May ben It Fox and all the trimmings a' the home W(le entertained at a trout dinner n Mr and Mrs Howard stahle at Monte risto last Jhursday by Co hostesses wire Mi and Mis he two Marilyn Modi .ml Mr an hMr- Mr and Mrs l'n eslone Iho-atti riding louples are friends of many years Norman (diver and besides hosts bostsses were standing (. harles F. Hull. 2643 W 4HiMJ Mr and Mis h.uhs I'.uki r. Mr So. returned reunify fiom a 2200 and Mis John Iui'it Mr and Mrs mile trip in the process of picking Hclgarn Smith, Mr and Mrs Slier 1; oii.ii,! in go a ri of ( bant my up a school hus at Columbus. Gj man II. Hop Mi aid Mrs Kithaid 1., M vs I ynne AH .1' for his brother F.rvin Hull Of Salt Tubbs and Hr and Mu I.ml Na.s and Ml' ol Ml da ,, '. I I luike City who owns the Western bill It was .01 n,nab!e iven in he bl.de of i'm Ml. u State School Equipment Co he for all ' I: .1 dn I. ,' Vigust 23 1, up j win in. itt in mar s't Pan Ready Cut Up ... . V I t ln-- POEM) U. S. Choice Grade Beef XI i PER Prime Rib Per Pound - Split Morrels ( Per Pound Half Gallon PIGS , Jar 98c n-- H mm Rib Boil 1-- Per Pound s 1 .1 U. S. No. 1 , , r.-- Per Bushel SNOW WHITE SEEDLESS CAULIFLOWER 2 Lbs. GRAPES 19c ( Per 1. I I,- .it a I .11.(1 Mis h I h "I o' III ' , boll I of tl,( It! la a ( U. ,11.1 S Bj .1 f a tl.i ..' I dditl.; WI hi nle S Mr ai.d liny e n i'i . I RE ad. a K!ll $41.00 Only Keg Red Sweat Shirts Keg 'les 1.49 19 95 1 COLEMAN Only Only 1 7'l LAN I'EltN SI 04 I (I l E N I N(, I I 10c ItOlls HUE KID KIN S( ,li KH's KH i,KiK.s hi oh s maids w e Miss W.i kir Miss Kae'.i ne Walk ,unl Mi's l.uid.i .Salas all nciccs id tl.i bnde 'liny were gownid in .s. sh.nli - of organdy and k .11 na ii ' a d no a - of ( 1 I. ' s ' he-- MWAH t wiie man Bob tb . n 1. it Ka S Inee Walker as .uni K.i t t; Ins I'dii rs hard Sales ol in a a smr tiding trip, t1 ewiyueds ale making their home m Og.h n at 12.56 Binford I Gmm for a Soft Life ii u x i Iiuim till '1 is v in i;i U Choose from long, three quarter or short sleeve Knits, No. 303 2 Korrt 49c Special . . ,1, t w 4 , Green Peas Stellar Gem . $1.00 Quart 23c Tall $1.00 4 lor $1.00 . 10 . 4 Eor $1.00 . . . 59c Noodle-Tun- 5 7 $1.00 6 Ox. Jars Tomato Soup Phenix Two Pounds Cheese Spread . . 69c . Caramels Two Pounds . By Kraft ... Oleomargerine Grade (). Pack A Small 29c Country for $1.00 ... 2 for 29c Tuna ... 4 for $1.00 for $1.00 Maraschino Cherries or 5 Dinner a Heinz Tomatoes ... 84c Tall Cans Chunk Style DESSERT No. 303 Size Can Table Pride Pure Fluffo Shortening Carnation Jar ... Three Pounds OFF DEAL Chi.ken of the Sea . ... 12 cans $1.00 lor $1.00 Cinch Cake Mixes s Fruit Cocktail 12 Skippy Dog Food All Flavors TAI L CANS Swift's .... 14 for $1.00 Vets Dog Food 15c Mayonnaise III NTS lor 4 . Me Cans Ripe Olives Curtis for Tall f ans . No. 303 Red Diamond Kraft Tall Cans Sie Cans Apple Sauce ... 4 for $1.00 ... Fresh Eggs 9 cans $1.00 3 Lbs. 93c 3 Doz. $1.00 New Liquid Detergent GOLD STRIKE STAMPS ON ALL ITEMS of JO'S 5651 South 1900 West . . . ). 89c PAIRS 29c Homemade Bread ''ize Cans j Ik M have a good seledion of skirts KEA Frosting 10 for Old Fashioned Rolls Per Doz. California or Stephanie 4Ve BIRDSEYE IROZCN I 5 FRESH B4KEI) styles, also bulky Iwdtie I REM or 25c 2 ... STRAWBERRIES for Cans PEAS, Grade AA P U Ks 07. I' knits in 6 02. 10 i.r an ami Instil nut Classics and dressmaker MIsT (fu.it I Bottles re,' Top Pierres . 19c 4KEI) pplrland ' S 4 Apple Juice li.no WE SE Boysenberries WHILE THEY LAST! !2 B (.olden Ioppx 12.95 18 95 Reg. Pineapple Drink & SlI.VERI) UJ1 IRES1I FR07EN ( AN 8.95 Reg. 12 95 O LEMAN ROEN Potato 3 I I ().. 6 LAYER CAKE .22 CAL. RIM E Harrington A Knlurds, 5 Shot Reg. $23 50 Clip 30 30 DEER RIFLE Savage, Bolt Adion Itl.MI NEW 1)01 K LEMONADE MIX I 20 GA I C.E SlIOTt.l N Stevens, Bolt A lion, Reg. $29 93 1 IROEN II Grapefruit I : 1. 10c Pound I 1 !,, 'll r VJ IIOMPSON , J 69c Per Pound Bartlet PEARS I RSHEK Bacon C ji S44IFTS SWEET Food Store Roy, Utah OPEN 8:30 a.m.-- 9 pan. |