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Show The Sun-Chronicl- December 15, 1955 Roy, Utah, e, bond made payable to the City of Buy for an amount equal to at least five per cent of the amount bid, such guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into (3') the contract. The Contractor shall begin work Second-clas- s mail privileges authorized at Roy, Utah. within 20 days after receiving noPUBLISHED BY tice to proceed and shall diligently prosecute the same to completion THE ROY before the expiration of 35 consecutive da) s from the date of said noWeekly newspoper publisher eoch Thursday ot Roy, Utah, In tli e he interest of the surrounding communities of Roy, Riverdale, i'laiis and specifications will be Sunset, Clinton, Hooper, Kanesville, South Weber, Uintah and av jil.ihle at the office of the City Clearfield. Yearly subscription price $1.75 in advance. iiitordcr, City Hall, on December OWM.lt M W GKH b. 1055, and may be obtained upon J. HOW, MU) ST Mil K sr m w .i it ldi nut payment of a deposit of$5 00. Said si mii k i,i;ttv i.ot SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 75 PER YEAR will he refunded provided dipo-.- t FOR INFORMATION CALL the plans and specifications are reomci: LOCATION' 5380 SO. moo WEST ItOY. I'T.MI. HI. 2 1181 turned lo the City Recorder's office m rood condition, not later than 5 da) s following tne opening of the PRINTING COMPANY is doing. They romped their 39th husband Adolphe. He passed away ward opponents last week by 52 to after an extended illness. Adolphe was an active man in the church 39 GTFP ftd is a former bishop of the Uin; GTFP 4 7 3 11 Fernelius Wllsn. 4 64 12 tah Ward. 3 0 0 6 Stuart Fryer 0 0 0 0 Hansen 6 75 17 12 13 Dye 5 3 1 11 R By bee C Hassell 2 0 0 4 Hales 2 4 2 6 6 0 0 12 Hill 4 2 19 C. Bybee Stadilen 0 0 0 0 m aBy Burrows 0 0 0 0 ' N Mill S (or '.ilo vrl led l.ntiir .rul top kimtih I vtr.i m. ii v .iiiI (i m.i ilmur SINGING r A I' U ill M'll Mll'glo oi I'! one Io 4 ll'llr . or Uintah News x I ilii r I ,i F t ellclll r N mill. ili-i- i Ith.in jliuul N 'in i i ' h ( o in r r I. U lo i j j id! i J'l O, 0 S Work a' .i i hi- - , m i s, oi V fh'J I ot i. ,iu ii toiiut'c hi I ; all' I pl.o (i'i I ol .to ilu h ilia all II I, trill III,, .ll(".l! (ii! i w j I in' 'oil f i I,, m da r ' Insurance i ri 'Ilo t i wo: i M oi ut ni'i I h'e mi pipe, 1'2 f t 1' a i d IN NEW o; FICES ioia'cd ton m i. III M Its im:s ok REAL t k diu pi si out ' e si Realty J of hi lo--- s a I ' V' - 1 Shave Sets 1 Ties Razors Electric Shavers I'HONK 3 'u !! . khlk Hu h ,v A iTiTiiiiiMmiimnmiimmiiiiiiiitiiillif aid dull c v : i all Cc I In re of the column is strut mt ri sted tn.v ns pi up c i.i i d or ale living a a at ham e to find out ' " ; it a in hi' part v ilu ! at Candy Chocolates Costume Jewelry Perfume Sets Wallets Postmaster Emma Russell has made a tradition of delivering mail on the Sunday before Christmas since she became postmaster 13 years ago. S9R Mills I ft.HT SETs 1795 Reg S33 Reg ) , I COMPLETE I INK Ol ( - MX) V IT ARPt NIRY 5 01 3160 GIVE THE GIFT THAT WILL BRING JOY TO THE FAMILY IN THE with EVERY purchase! NEW YEAR . . ONLY $1.75 SmCkomek Sent all over the world d $10 DOWN AND AS LOW AS $20 PER MONTH First payment will start d9 days from purchase date!! Only $1.75 per Year DALE FREE APPRAISALS ' Used Pianos 2218 W. 4400 So., Roy, Utah COMPANY ANYTIME, ANYWHERE Expert Piano Tuning rilONE DATE GIFT COUPON STATE Reg. S13i: $9.95 Reg SlflflS $9.95 $239.95 I Ot I. I OR I rools I OR THE 1141 t lMIUMtM POM Fit LuO choice CHRISTMAS TURKEY $12.45 3 4 h.p. motor. Complete ishop in one UUfl ...PLUS 10 free lessons and a 18 i;, FTC MEN BENNION DRUG discount on any new piano on my floor $29.95 $12.95 accuti riejp. will give a $100 30 ); lie-- ; Reg GIFT ITEMS IM from now until Christmas $18.95 Houseware Gifts A SAVE TIME & MONEY 2 $29.95 20 G Electrical Appliances Dishes Glassware, Ceramics and other ) Phone $15.95 5 fl Our Large Selection OIIMMIArs hm. I't.ih WOMEN in and see Hoisery Cosmetics be the same as any week day Carving Srt & Knives Automatic Toaster '( MUSIC packages may mailed on the rural route Sunday, Qt. Presto Cooker 4 Qt. Presto Cooker For the Youngsters Cr3 (.AMIS TOYS SHOP IN ROY I and Stamps G FOR HER re- boxes will also receive mail. Clock Radio and Timer v laAiCtw" Wallets I INS but mail will be and dispatched. Post office ceived Clock Radio xg; iV I, ' FOR IIIM i: A o'n not be ITEMS C need. si REM. ENTUE route. The post office windows will Holiday Specials 0 1 f'.'.-V.- MANSFIELD 3 5!)ii Carmiihacl Phone 4 138') Kl ,, s 1 1 - 3,- K ESTATE Insurance Notary Public Ino.Nt: - and mints Roy I l"'a Ferni Pen and Pencil Sets Mil rural doors, city delivery routes and ac- 1 , M I. jello, prepared cording to directions on the box Set until quite thick, then beat Horrop until light and fluffy and then add Phone 3 2667 fl two cups of whipped cream. Cover the bottom of a 9x12 pan The first time for any experience or 2 loaf pans with vanilla wafers always remains in your memory and rolled fine and mixed with 4 square so it has been with the first persons of letter we met in Roy, Owen and Elna Fox, Tb the jello add one large can 4242 S 1900 West, who were not crushed pineapple only the first persons we met here 1 cup nuts but also the first neighbor we got 2 cups chopped dates. acquainted with. After eight years stand in refrigerator over we still count them first among our night then cut in squares Serve other fine neighbors and friends. with whipped cream topped with Elna served these two favorite a maraschino cherry. Serves 12. at DTP held meeting recipes at the We hoje you will her home Dec enjoy them as much as we did. Creamed Chicken in Pattie Shells Bud one chicken m salted water until meat tan be removed easily from the bones Add to the chit ken broth, enough water to make 2 quarts then sun im r until Ii mb i h chopped green pepper small chopped onion 1 cup chopped celery 'j cuii chopped carrots medium sized can jieas medium'Mzed cjii mushrooms c.iii mushiooin soup When tender, thicken broth with two ljrge tablesjHjonsful (lour moisten ed with a little (ream or finite i Small Table Radio Add chicken meat and tiring t" on It". In packages Portable Radio ion appurtenant Post Office will deliver mail to all of the season. 2 Dec. 18, the Roy This Sunday. change from the usual heavy deserts s KIR a i Mail Delivery and tasty light desert which is a of 1 Make Sunday This recipe makes an attractive fui-i- No hid will he ret l ived unb sv it v made on a proposal ! ot lit liiin.sh till' I It I.I . ill! t r la, h hid il h nu-- t he an ouipalin d h tasli iirti s o d or ihcth, or linhhr.s NOW LOCATED ( v i vinjiithv to Viand in r faimlv S ah ML We viant to ir fui nithiiie of lo ,iit ti i II i Git) South Stree! at 2b' Hj tlali on hi a i st i si .iiid at 2 7.hi lii In d r lor ho' h ii pled ini .m ALL TYPES UK i i.i t. r s 1. fkiiKI III s : i. lie Chrst:n.is i all' l Ise, a l i !.' I i , h - pi. ii lung their (hii-tmaparty for t. e 21s You at' midiullv iiiviltd A ill fiaV e q a ; nod .me troctores r li a. it G W I; K an I plat ,ne 37 fci t ilia to'tre'e sewer lone and plat .ng m In on 34 111 Furnishing and pl.n ! .1 m h d a 3 .. I -- Post Office eight. Jello Holiday Special w Kyle Serve hot in pattie sheila. 1 In f SOI ep. pH t A. Ill t'Vtlv !' in com rete ilu!e ,hi (1 ' lii Ml, .ii'M : ; tfi-.'i- i hi '!m.o mio In 'In Sun 117 ' ' ( i .il , Hi .10 .i in M ..il ' ih'i hi min ' i i , 'i wir .mi 1!,. f I .il,, ,ul 30 I in .,i ii 1. 1. -I i ' . K lo I .ri rt.iii i; nk o( ml, Y .i i il n lo r '!.i t I i 'I'U'I 2 11 , i rTdeWanted U 1 111 !il I'hui e 100 year m "canaries 'I", 50th Ward beat the 14th 32 and the 37th beat the 34th, 40 So you can see there are hot teams m uur league this NOTICE FOR SALE . The to 40 00 to some Primary is busy, hii-busy They are in charge ol special Reverence meeting for Sutulav night, they are planning their own ' hristrnas pro gram for the 20lh ol December and bids besides all that, the hoys and girls 'Ihe City of Roy reserves the right are busy pract.img and learning to reji-e- i any or all bids and to Iheir parts for the si bool Christmas waive in fui in j lilies program which will he field on the Notice to Contractor OK ROY same night, Tuesday Dec 20th So SE M.ED I'HOI'OSAI.S will be re t don CITY ENGINEER re forget it And there will be of office the ritv ciived at the a little change in the Mutual schcd cor h r Ci! Hall, 'Vy of Itov, t'l.ih. Ilihhslitil Dei 1, 8, 15, tile that week It a '! be held on a H ihi 0 M, on )et ciiihi-uni doiiilav night Dei I'Mli So don't l'l Ci ,il A hit h tilin' t v will he nih , i t mixed up and huuitl yon lorget, s Propo-aland ntil rc;i'! ilt t ii and o!iie jti p.ii'd for Ml on a. II in lor t uint. ''tit tin, ! a o mi h r W lit I.I - ia) iriuuiil r j Ii u.il cm 'inis a, f i hou'o dark ami low ti o e .hanks p,.: II .Illil J'ui St he il phiC lie Rut not to i cl in.; ot I, i o it no h 'ha a i,i i t ry budv n ti.irii ' hiii r phi'.c uihIci the t,,o I' I'll li f ii n: hmg and pl.ic- ADS Serves Jolly Cooks Comer - CLASSIFIED a boil. tr- -' U HI K |