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Show The Continued from I.DS Sun-Chronic- June 23, le, Pile One AMERICAN FOOD pnncipal speakers for the morning f.riuOn sessioiik of the con ferem e slid - Bishop lluehncr gave several iq of the wonderful things people do in the church from a 12 year old deacon to tin 1st presidency of the church. He commented that there are no other three men in all the world who have the combined knowledge aiui spirituality of President David w Mi hay and his two counselors. ten s' mg illustrations STORE-RO- Y lie said the gospel is the great est thing that exists in the world uni there is a great deal of differ tu e in being on the inside than m being on the outside. Latter-da- GENUINE SPRING FRESH LOCAL LA TURNIPS 'saints are great teachers, they don't to say anything if they live tin- gospel, they do good missionary voik just by example I. isc- 1955 - s H lament meeting attendance of the Lake View Stake is still under i lunch average and the bishop i nil members to be more dill i o' in tins respect lie also re Mided (lie members of the stake STRAW STORY 0f iu. problems the bishop s, KOcm t tv ca0 ci tin ward faces in making cer nocu m uinaa to LOrn war rr cvuvT do (Tec ua Islotis Bishops nof nuke TiT SV 10 WTO TwXT JWCVTMi. c i ules, they must keep the stand l U9 MM rtm HtHca n evPWMOc ro jm "0 is sci down by !he church and COf TU CKTJOT (T0UXT1 u.c its leadership. 'tew aids and great blessing come those who keep the command iris Don't do things the hard do it the Lord's way Bishop i! :ier concluded his remarks by t nig "The Lord loves us. do we i him as much as wc should" l.ldcr Lkhrun said he was great impressed by the leadership in "ms slake of Zion in welfare work iif cited the importance of this bespeak more humility than any neat woik which is as old as the spiritually stated that if we fol words we can say He cautioned lie further i lunch, Feb 9, 1831, Joseph Smith low the welfare plan, regardless of that many times men who have a H ic mil revelation from the calamity may befall us we l.tile authority act with unrighteous Imd wherein he was told to re what dominion over others, whereas they wall be aide to lake care of our mu mber the poor and make pro should act with loving kindness, selves sums for them The eaily people the understanding and forgiveness He concluded rcrn.nding by thechurch had no alternative The influence of humility, kind that we have a definite plan l at in cling to one another for pres people we should be ness and love have a great deal and us that before i ation Saints should live together of the word, not just more force than coersion .uni help one another, to sustain "doers" of the word bearers" and cheer one another in the hour In his message to members of of bereavement When we do things View Stake at the slake Boy Scout Council the together collectively we unite conference Pres J Iwvi Ileus From Film spoke of the wonderful blessings Will Benefit that are mils living in this great Sets a chance to help the Boy imii.'ry and in this day and age Scouts and seeing a good show too I he I cud designa'e l long ago that 'his was a land choice above all Starting at the Fgyptun Theater! next Sunday is a benefit motion pic a i l.i I .an. sun Iv it is a land worth fighting and working for He tin e sponsored hv the Boy Scouts I hey will receive 2V which is 50 sj.d that we have a grave rrsHmsi bilitv to those who have gone lie per cent of the- ticket The main "Ma and Pa Kettle at feature is ideals and the fore, in preserving it Ui.ekiki," and the full length mo lot which they dicd Pic o.i 'it Bins expressed great t ion picture with Hollywood stars Loth i! the vcuih) people who are and .Vi ()o Boy Scouts in Jamboree has been praised by lakug evir the civic government This 11 (.hundi groups of the nation and c Vtc h affairs He said "We cannot Iw discouiaged Thene is i'roceeds will go for improvement! no qu.n.nir place and no stopping and evpansision of summer facill place, we must maintain our hcri t.es tage as we maintain ourselves in Kulon Peterson, council president the Kingdom of Cod said sjxvial prizes will be awarded Humility is one of the most im to the top four salesmen in each attributes toward good' um' Tickets have been distributed porlant leadership in the church, said Pres i) each leader in this area and will Rollin Green in his address before be sold by I ub. Bov Scouts and Ex VAN NUYS, CALIF live! National the conference The lives we plorors Pilot M. Conlit Lt John juard If you dun t have a scout call to roy made aviation hutory by loomvour home, contact your scoutmas ing ncrosi the country and back to complete the first sunrue-to-- 5 r. he has tickets irst t trip between the coasts. The ft'fj mile round trip between Van Now arid New Yoik, which took Postal Clerk 11 hours, 26 minutes and 33 sec-i "ii. mnde good Conroy's plan to Exam To Be Held have lri.kf.st here, lunch in New "i- City and dinner back here. U hi r. i 'i.imw , 34, lanited his F86A The Uoy 1ost Office announces Fvrr Jet V 5 26 18 PM at San the oK-compet. t.ve examination ando Valley Airport, he wa hii t " ! i c d to eat, but added he w ould foi substitute clerk and city car Mw Uw-cos-fc with i at SI 61 ; per hour i'i r attend the officers' dance of ROTARY C B th fighter He is shown This examination is not to fill wing Ii av i, L to R) Bar-.1- 1 g plane with MOWERS current vacancies but to establish a 4. Jeane, pushing William, 1 a roster list of eligible s from which na. hug'g'y, 1st Lt. John Conroy eligibles will be drawn for any fu' ..Iding Timothy. lure vacancies that might occur The duties of substitute clerk con-s.sof hand ng of heavy sacks of loiter mail, parcel post and paper mail weighing in some instances Hie) pounds or more, sorting and distributing mail to railway post office and to city carrier routes, and related duties as assigned The work involves continuous standing, walking throwing packages of mail, to empty sacks and stiHehing 1ST reaching to all parts of the distribuV tion case m sorting The dutie-- s of substitute city carTheatre Building, Roy, I'tah rier consists of handling heavy sacks of letter mail, parcel posL anil paper mail weighing in some instances 100 pounds or more; sorting and distributing mail to railway post offices and to city carrier carrier routes, and related duties as assigned. The work involves continuous standing, walking, stretching and reaching to all parts of the distribution case in sorting All will be required NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS J to takecompetitors a written examination de signed to test aptitude for learning and performing the durtca of the postions. The test subjects will be of the following typos (1) following instructions. (2) address check ing (3) verbal abilities, including vocabulary, ready comprehension and spelling; analogies and arithmetic. About 2i hours will be required for this written examination. r Application card form 5000-Acan be obtained at the Roy Post Office. STEAEl SWEET JUMBO 27s Size CANTS TV i TV 49 c Per Pound 29 c LEGS Per Pound 65c STEW Per Pound 15c P ATTI IS each 19c , . . LAMB 252 SIZE SUNKIST LAMB ORANGES I FRESH 3 doz $1 BEEF LOCAL PIES GREEN PEAS 3 lbs 25c U. S. No. 1 TURKEY CHICKEN Blue Star .1 - Per Pound LAMB I ' SHOULDER BEETS yfrpit1 oan 3 (" Bunches lflr and - White Shaffer for 85c 4 . . . Nev v Record POTATOES llc-re- s I ! pic-'ur- c 2 I 10 BIG CHIEF By Browns ... 73c LIBBYS, FROZEN FRESH ORANGE JUICE ... 69c LIBBYS, FROZEN FRESH ICE CREAM REALLIME BRAND LIME SFBERRIES can. FROZEN 29c LiCBYS. FROZEN FRESH JJMEADE 10 cans $1 FRESH BAKED lEM0N 8 cans $1 LIMEADE LEMONADE Four Tasty Flavors Half Gallon BROWNS FRESH FRUIT SHERBET POUNDS j P E A S . . . 6 pics $1 CAKE ROLLS i i iM. i ! MAYFAIR Photographic Studio H A-TC- - f0R OFfigS&t Frontier Coffee Shop: Grand Opening Sat. 25th i ANYTIME BRAND GRADE AA LARGE Country Fresh EGGS HI C BRAND 2 Dz. 7 cans $1 PIXIE BRAND Flat Tins 10 Oz. Bag 5357 South 1900 Wet, ' , v Roy, Utah MtKEBM TELL EVERYONE YOU READ THE SUA Only $1.75 Psr Yor ,19c 0 L TABLE E 22 Oz. Jar Cut DILL PICKLES 19c 22 Oz. Jar PICKLES. ..39c MT-ID- ADMIRAL A SELECTS Tall Cans PITTED RIPE , 0...3 pits $1 OLIVES PRIDES BRAND PURE Free Coffee for Adults Suckers for Children BIGS BRAND BIG S BRAND Sweet Memories MARSHMALLOWS. 1 25c PINEAPPLE 1 3 for $ PORK and 12 tall BEANS . . . cans $1 No. irrn PEARS dTnN ERETTE BRAND SILVON BAR BRAND si SIZE CAN 95c 46 oz. Can ORANGEADE 2 Strawberry Preserves 4 for $1 |