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Show THIS IS THE LAST FREE ISLE OF THE SUN CHRONICLE (FORMERLY THE ROY SUN) BUT WE WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE 50e FOR. EVERY SUBSCRIPTION BROUGHT TO US FOR THE NEXT MONTH. 4 JANUARY 27, 1955 VOLUME UTAH Arsenal Villa Resident o I, NUMBER 38 "SUN" Phone No. GALENA UNCOVERS 'Junk Mail' Will Re SILVER, LEAD DEPOSITS Company President Says Strike Looks Promising Hamed as the Winner Of 'Sun' Haming Contest ' Exploratory mining by the Utah Galena Oil Corporation, in th Santaquin District has uncovered what promises to be one of the largest silver and lead deposits in the State of Utah, according tc Ben H. Bullock, president of the company The Syndicate Oil anc Mineral Company and the Idaho Oil and Mines Corporation an also interested in the property. ; VV ' & , . i i. A ft ROY, UTAH , U Stopped March 31 y na il: The delivery of "Junk mail" unadrexsed mail sent to all house holders in towns and cities will no longer be permitted after On Thursday Jan. 20th the March 31, according to an order issued by Postmaster General Roy JCs presented their Distinguished Service Award to DelArthur E. Summerfield The order rescinds an order bert Brow-- The presentation was issued in August, 1953. which made at a dinner in the Pagoda mailing and which celebrated Jaycee Week. permitted , such Mr. Brown, president of the has since proved a big headache to newspapers and a decided club, was selected by an imparbenefit to distributors of shop tial committee for his great contribution tu this community ping guides and direct mail ad through his activities in the city vertismg pieces ITA and Junior ChamEver since me "junk mail has council, ber of Commerce been jsermitlcd. protests have After the presentation the been fiom mi leasing! v loud Jay tees and DSA candidates nevvspaix-- publishers, from post were entertained with a reading men and from householders by Miss Caroly n Gould and a talk According to a survey made on the importance of the Jr. by the National Editorial AsChamber of Commerce by Wen-dl- e small town sociation, newspaVertical fissure vein predicted Max field, past president of per publishers reported that the Utah State JCs by Gordon McMillan, geologist. North of the fisure another rove the bulk mail competition bad The next JC project will be a opens up into a tremendous cue cost a total of about $15,000,-00renewal of their activities to get full of low grade ore. a fire truck for Roy. This is a ( f the publishers answering much needed item and plans are ore cari ics gold, silver and iron the questionnaire, 2,097 said they underway to aoruse community This is .i new ore discovery and were definitely opposed to the (jrterest in their own protection mav be the first virgin district Bulk Mailing Order as liberalized bv Post Office Results of the of ore in the sinte the discovery North I.ilv in the Tintic Mining this questionnaire were presented In addition to the gold, to Prxstmaster General Summer Something new has been added 3 silver and iron shown by the field in Washington, D-at the Roy City muncipal office. The appealed to him for re assay reports It is expected that Yes, Marilyn Zollinger is the further exploration will also lief from the inroads of severe new bookkeeper. She has been financial of distress being caused enrolled to show considerable amounts the load help lighten to publishers throughout the lead for Mrs. Elizabeth Morriss She overb a rapidly tountrv On the same property an spreading started Jan 10th burden of silica and alumina has use of circulars instead of news tjeen discovered and at the pres- paper advertising and also from ent time a tunnel is being driven thp mushrooming growth of into the mountain where Mr newsless "throwaway which Mitchell M Hayden of Roy, Bullock predicts a high grade have sprung up in urban and was a winner of $215 cash award enbody of holloysite will be sub urban and rural area lh& Roy JCs Elect Man of the Year r jg Rrrrlving the $10 as winner of the new name contest for Sun will now be The Sun Chronicle The name was suggested by Arsenal Mrs Joan Owens of Villa Joan is the wife of Clarence Raymond Owens, who is employ The Known the paper Owens of I is G6, Mrs. Joan Arsenal Villa. t break which crosscuts Caves running to the east on fisure vein which runs north 30 degrees east. In the batk of the cave preliminary Investigation has .shown a cave filled with iron boulders and every indications of huge lead deposits. east-wes- Roy as Pennies for Playground Funds The Companies own 1300 acres of this land in the Santaquin Mining District east of Santaquin Utah 350 acres of this land is ed at Hill Air Force Base as an low red with valuable timber airiraft refuehr in this district Conditions the tops Plavground hails equipment England is where Joan wdth conditions favorably new Lake from originalh She met Claren hq of needs for the in ce there during the war while he View School which was com at the Tintic Mining District Utah was in the Air Force He is from pleted last fall accord o: to Bars Fietkau. print ip.il of the Illinois According to Geologist Gordon school came from here The England They McMillan, now deceased, Pennies for Playground" is present working tunnel In the in 1951 and have resided here the past four year. The Owens t lie project just inaugurated to Syndicate ground is going N. 75 have two children, a boy and a provide the equipment before degrees east in Teutonic Limes 's of Middle Cambrian Age. Be. the coming of spri-j- ' girl When asked what she was go are dropping pennies in a large this series in the Ophir and the Teutonic ing to do with the money, she jar at school to help raise funds formation, said. The first thing is to sub- Anyone wishing to donate mav Quartite. These formations have scribe to the paper. I feel I have do so by handing the donation been immensely productive in to any student to drop it into the a part in the paper now. We take this opportunity to jar or may call at the school perthank all those who entered sonally to give the donation the contest and by which supAnyone wishing to contribute plied keen competition that to the school libruan mav do so enabled this fine name to be A school library is anothei great chosen. need of tile new si o .1 Set at Lake View mm-par- 1 !e-- e the Tintic Standard, North I.iK and Eureka Standard, across the valley in the Tintic District At the time Mr, McMillan made his rejort the present working tunnel was 1400 feet He prediced that by extending the tunnel 350 feet a fissure zone would be struck which he described as "showing on the surface a fine grade of lead and silver ore." The tunqel has been extended and the fissure gone has been encountered at the 350 feet that It strikes McMillan predicted north 30 degrees east and is practically vertical Recent assay reports taken on samples from the cave shows the 1954 Permit Values Expounded For Roy by City Officials Mr De Wav no B Rice, 32. an employe of Detweiler and Del weiler, subcontractors for Utah Power and Light Co. had a nar now escape Tuesday morning at New Police Chief Named For Roy $215 Cash Award countered The tunnel is now in 143 feet and is showing increasingly val liable hollos siti lium all mdi l .itions the body will prove to be one of the largest deposits of hallos sit m Utah 3 1 45 Banquet Set hos-pita- "IN THIS CORNER" CONTINUES Accident Sunday Causes Injuries served as a deputy sheriff during the administration of John R Watson He 'reminded Roy residents that an officer can he obtained By Kyle Ilarrop by calling the Weber County office Information there Mrs Walter G. McPhie (Reva) Sheriff's to Roy police by be will relayed sustained a severe leg fracture radio The Roy force has a sta Sunto route en Sunday morning car in tion wagon rigged up for am day School, when the struck bulance service, anti a radio was which she was riding 4900 equipp'd patrol car at car bound south bv a Allen Wheelwright is a full South St. in Roy time police officer in Roy and was who driving Mr. McPhie. Kenneth Russell is a part time of received minor cuts and bruises, ficer. was who but Mrs. Mattie Band also an occupant of the car received a broken foot. Mrs. Ar- thur P. Brown (Frances) has a severely bruised leg with no bones broken and the other Occupant of the car Mrs (Lila) Ashton was bruised and cut. m the mishap The- - other-c- ar was driven by a woman who. with her husband and sister were en route to Phoenix, Ariz. She received a cut requiring several stitches over her eyebrow, her sister a broken hip and although her husband was thrown from the car, his only injury besides being badly shaken up, was a cut on the back of the head. Neither car was speeding but the south bound car went out of control on the icy road and the impact resulted. . After the news hat been received from the correspondents and the ads and news set then they are ready for the "makeup" man. Here Editor Stahle is shown placing news and ads in the page prior to publication. When we get assembled in Roy (next to will be made for an open house. Market) plans re Mis- - Jnvee lt.ir-cdaughter of of Mr and Mr- - )t'u Pi ir-- m of of Roy and Gb 'in I. Nil i mi Ogden sun nf Mr .m ! Mr- Idaho Nielson nf Moutpelii r .it a were united m m.im.igi home ecremonv S.ituidav the 22nd at 7 pm by Justice of the Peace Howard Shape The candlelight leremnny was . The Roy Town Board has ap While working on a high vol pointed as the new poliee chief tage wire he made a grounding Am ami Baker, who has served Permits for an estimated value contact and was severely burnt as a police officer since January of $1,829 492 for construction The crew was working at 5300 Mr. Baker is well known in was issued in Roy for 1954, acPreparations for the annual South, east of the post office. civic affairs, having helped to cording to Rulon Hammer, build Lake View Stake Adult Aarnn-iFirst aid was rendered by Dr the first Rov Town Priesthood banquet are well Arlev Flinders before he was organize on winch he served as mg inspector Board, Of the 239 building permits underway. The event will take l where he a member for 8 years and as taken to the issued. 77 were for the construc- place Feb 11 at the Lake View-stakfor deep elec- town treasurer for another 8 treated was being tion of new homes, 1 (32 for com house. There will tie a pro trical burns. years mercial buildings, remodeling, gram in the chapel and the ban The new chief has been cm etc. garages quet will follow. ployed by the Weber County Fire Dept and the U S Depart ment of Agriculture and also 'Say-Mo- c Couple Take Rites Power Employe Had Narrow in Roy Ceremony Escape Tuesday Working on Lipe . our-plan- t Guess What di-tr- jx'rformcd before a background of daffodils and white earna tions and white c.mdlcabra and was witnessed bv relatives and close friends The brides' ballerina length gown, with its tight hod ire and full skirt was a white net over taffeta and featured pleated tiers and a dramatic flounce at the waist Her fingertip veil fell from a heart shaped crown outlined with dainty blossoms She car ried a white Rihle with a yellow-rosand lovers knot streamers She was attended by her sis ter, Judv Kay and a cousin, Dav LeRhy Kathy Browning arted as best rrlan A reception in honor of the newlyweds will te held Friday the 28lh at the home of Mrs George Ratkham of Ogden Mrs Rackham and Mrs Stella Day, aunts of (he Imde will be ro hostsses The young touple will make their home m Ogden Bernard Esthers pointed out that this order could ultimately destroy newspapers in the small towns of America, as we have known them, and cause serious harm to larger city newspapers, by diverting directive practically by government direeliye. revenue which both must have to survive and serve, into inferior, unstable and irresponsible media. So remember Vhen you ad verlise or back a "throwaway" you are taking needed revenue away from the newspaper, which re. ill v is trying to give commu nity service The editor of the Roy Sun (now the SunChron ulel has never had anything in mind but the best in newspaper service Incentive Award Committee at Hill Air Force Base and Lyman J. Cottam of Hooper was awarded $55 These two men were among a total of 15 workers so honored iiuxully by Just Plain Curious School Students Change Hours First grade students of the Roy and Take View Schools who have been attending school m the now report to school at 12 40 and those who have been attending the afternoon classes are to report at 9am mor-nin- - e READ THE I JINK MAIL ARTICLE ( fkf: ( mmaltmm Ntumt! Kft.) SPURIOUS about the big world U outside hi V hidont In an Algonquin Park, OnL, tree, this little raccoon Juet wonders what the cane erirnan is up to. Tbe raccoon knows he is safe because firearms are prohibited in this 3,000 equare mile rater e wboae maze of lakes and streams are famed for their fighting speckled and take trout. MAMIE DERMODY CONGENIAL AID Roy Printing Co. Soon To Be Located In Roy 'VN Market has been rented The building next to Sav-Mby the Roy Printing Co. The process of moving will be started or Mamie soon. Employed by Mansfield Realty and Builders, Dermody hat also been secretary for The When moving it completed and the machinery adjusted we will be ready for job printing. This should be of interested to all businesses in the area. The Roy Printing Co. is the publishers of 'The (formerly the Roy Sun). (formerly Roy Sun) for the past five montht. Mamie it the kind of a perton who putt her heart Into her work and alwoyt manage to do more than atked. Starting the paper hat had many problem and having Mamie at the office hat been very beneficial to ut. Sun-Chronic- Sun-Chronic- le |