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Show r IL r.llIIATORE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, I90U. Page 2. IL MINATOIIE Established January 1!, 1968 Bt Issued every Saturday by IL MINATORE PUBLISHING CO. 372 - UTAH E. Lunderhll J. E. Walton 3.00 B.F . Miller 1.00 McLain W. Davis F. Pulin..: 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 IlOK 1.00 C. L. Countryman A. P. Anderson AH Forman J. A. Butler K. Kielly . .. John Hogan John Levra . Ur. Ray Mrs. Mary L. Klopensteln $2.00 Chas A. M. Peterson 1.25 A. G. Lughbg .25 J. E. Dow Sam Togliotto 1). D. Crawford Gennaio 1908 SUBSCRIPTION One Year Six Months One Month Fondato 1 11 Pietro Caintorth Canton Llnsy ABBONAMENTI Frank DeLemar $2.00 Un anno P. Heiruno 1.25 Sei Mesi Miners' Mercantile .25 Mese Un N. J. Long Byrne Bros 1. II. Quillan OFFICE UFFICIO: Herrick & Jones 235 Edison Street, Salt Lake City Entered at the Salt Lake City mail matter. as second-clas- s Post-offic- 50 50 50 1.00 1.00 25 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 00 2UU M. L, James John Hocking R. MOSE PAGGI Postoffice Box SALT LAKE CITY. - J. Calandra Blan Arinter Co T. H. Fagan S. Tinsley K. E. Laughter A. O. Peek John Solatino Polite Caruso Kafftele Porco Peter Kausulas &.oo 1'om Magufos 1.00 Cost Magafos 1.00 Felice Marasco SECOND EXPLOSION HUNDRED (Continued from Page 1) time of the explosion say tnat Immense clouds ol soot and smokegushed from the mine almost simultaneously with the detonation and immediately weire sucked back in enormous volumes into the mine. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 12. The senate of Tennessee today by a vote ot 20 to 13 passed finally the bill prohibiting" the sale of liquor within four miles of any school-housThe house is expected to follow suit tomorrow, and the state wide prohibitionists today held an impromptu "love feast" on the floor of tbe senate as soon as that body adjourned. The debate preceding the passage of the measure was replete wttn sensational ineidenes, one of which was John I. Cox's speech in defense of his past record and his present attitude toward temperance legislation. Another was charges made by Senator Fort of Montogomery county of intimidation against Rtv. Dr. E. E. Folk, whom he termed the "high mogul of the league. Senator Fort charged that Dr. Folk had threatened to ruin him religiously as well as politically if he voted against prohibition, and further charged that Folk was attempting to carry out his threat by publishing an insinuation to the effect that Fort was Lozogo lieries company. Of the men under the ground at the a trovato time of the explosion it is said that Mr. Joseph Sebek di Ferre, only three succeeded in making their escape, and these were the motorman, "11 Lozogo e 11 nostro me dice: Pa., Boss Bowers. Per anni ed annl the brakeman,,and Bank dico di famiglia. The last named was able to get out ho speso nella mia wfamiglia centina-lof the death trap by crawling d dollar! per medic! e medicine. The West Virginia state mine inCio prima che io sentissi pariare del spector, Phillips, is on the ground and molte gravi malattie. Noi abbiamo is leading the rescue work. One hundred coffins have ben shipsei ligli, ma per sel anni, da quando from Columbus, O., on a train toped 11 Loabbliamo cominciato ad usare night to the scene of the accident. zogo, non abbiamo piu chiamato il Essi l'hanno buono e di sicurl $255.00 e Ilislurbo per colIetlHre ri- - . ten ii to da Guv liologrnesi ... 1,1 .00 pro-vat- o a Collette a Favore dei Danneggiati dal $240.00 PARK CITY. Terremoto. DA GUY BOLOGNESI BINGHAM CANYON. COLLETTATO IN Bolognesi Chiara and Vietta John Scussel Guy Gg Schlnp Butte Saloon Bingham Mercantile Co Holm & Ebll Hingham State Bank Todeses & Gregori E. M. Stowell The Leader t. N. GifTen D. H. Mendt Ben Lewis J. Bouregard Bingham Hotel C. N. Lashbrook 10.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 Wells & Co A. Christensen Watson Drug Co Evans Roberts Peter Julian F. W. Quinn W. N. Myers Geo. Trennovich P. J. Schultz Bingham Livery & Transfer City Bakery W. V. Evans Citizens Coal Co C. N. Steve Amlcone Bingham Laundry Dr. J. F. Flynn N. Luce Frank Avugonl John Kennedy J. J. Fastebera J. Botana J. Bellute John Cereghino L. Kimball $15.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 2.50 10.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 2.50 6.00 2.50 2.50 3.00 10.00 2.00 Co. 2.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 Welsh, Driscoll & Buck BlythFargo Co Win. O. Sutton Bnukill G. W. Morse .!. Bangford J. A. McSorley John Chiono G. W. Mannuce Cash P. McPherson J. A. Arnold Frank Lake 5.00 2.50 50 In the house today Representative Cooper introduced a resolution based on published reports to the effect that E. F. Chappell and B. p Haynes, prominent ministers of this city, had stated that efforts were being made to corrupt members of the legislature. FORCED TO RESIGN FROM CLUB FOR INSULT TO ROOSEVELT. Democratic Leader Ousted from Bakersfield, Cal., Organization for Unbecoming Language at Table. jumped to his feet and held a nepkin over the face of McWilliams, who was about to resent the action when they were separated. Major Rice, a Spanish war soldier and Republican leader, declared if the club permitted the insult to go unrebuked he would resign. JUDGE AND SHERIFF IN JAIL; OUST REPUBLICANS BY, FORCE Colo., Jan. 12. County Denver, Judge A. W. Gutheil, charged with tampering with ballots in his possession, and Sheriff Clyde Hackley were placed in jail at Brighton, in Adams county, shortly after midnignt and forced to remain until late today as a result of a struggle between Democrats and Republicans over county offices. Cal., Jan. 12. Following a dispute in the Bakersville club, the leading social organization of Bakersfield, H. A. Jastro, Democratic leader of Kern county, was forced to resign from the club because he applied an offensive epithet to President Roosevelt. The incident occurred at the break-las- t tabic at the club yesterday. The attack on the president was resented by John McWilliams, an Illinois banker, once a partner oi Marshal Field, who was seated at the table. At the table with Jastro were Alex Hyman, Major F S. Rice, John McWilliams, and B. A. Haydtm. The dispute arose when McWilliams referred to the "fun" which would occur in the senate when Senator Tillman his position against the charges Jastro then by President Roosevelt. referred to the president in offensiv The words of the Demolanguage. cratic lader amazed those pfsent for an instant. McWilliams, who is a G. A. R. veteran, was the lost to speak, excaim-ing- : Los Angeles, The old board of county commissioners had refused to approve the bonds of the newly elected officials, Herman S. Schloo, sheriff, and Harry S. Class, judge. These and other officials became convinced that Gutheil and Hack-lewere attempting to hold over. Gutheil after 11 o'clock last night against began issuing injunctions Democrats, who gathered forces, and at midnight charged tip the courthouse stair. The lights were turned off and the tow parties fought in the dark until Sheriff Hackleys scalp was laid open and he fell unconscious. Gutheil and Hackley were released late today on $1,000 bonds. y os-se- 112-11- . PREPflRflTE . . . . . . fltMiEHIRE fll YOSTRI FIGLI . UH camera , L. W. McCarty ... i'hos. L. McCarty . .25 1.00 2.00 Joe Chisdo H. Parton 1.00 R. A. Wood 1.00 Frank Cook 2.50 T. T. Tuner 2.00 W. E. Loughrey 1.00 Cash 1.00 an infidel. ven-dut- 2.00 E. J. Edeney 2.00 Anti-Saloo- n litigataticp which (has reached the Supreme court involving the contested wet and dry election in Putnam county. The court refused the application for permission to skip the Circuit court and carry direct from tne Common pleas to tha Supreme court the action brought below to have the elec, The applicants tion declared void. held that votes which, should have ben recorded as being for the retention of the saloons were entered as against them. The resolution authorized the speaker to issue a citation to Chappell and 1.00 medico nella nostra casa." Haynes to appear before the bar or 1.00 O dift'erenza di altre medicine il ASKS BUSINESS MEN TO AID the house and file specific charger. 1.00 PLANS FOR LINCOLN DAY. It is provided that the citation be del Dott. Pietro non puo 1.00 Lozogo placed in the hands of the sergeant comprato nele farmacie. E' 1.00 at arme for service, and in case propAsaile persone direttamente pr W. J. Calhoun to Address Chicago 2.50 ., er response is not made that warrants sociation of Commerce Today at 1.00 mezzo di agent! local! designati dal be issued for the arrest or Messrs. Noon Enterprise Lacks Funds. 2.00 Chappell ami Haynes. proprietari, Dr, Peter Fahrney & Sons 1.00 The resolution lies over under the So. Hoyne ave., Chicago, Co., 1.00 Chicago, Jail. 12. William J. Cal- rules. 111. "Any man who applies such words houn, chairman of the committee of Ohio 'Drys Score in Court. to the president ot the United Sates 100 on the Lincoln centennial plans, Total $25.00 Columbus. O.. aJn. 12. The drys to- is no gentleman." will address a noon meeting of the DIPLOMATS PROTEST TO PEKING After a moment's delay Jastro to- day scored for the first time in the Commerce Association of Chicago COLLETTATO DA FRANK POLITA will lie the regular weekly It day. NO Dl GREEN RIVER. Imperial Seizure of Telegraphic Fa- luncheon of the association and will be cilities Declared Contrary to Chthe Great Northern hotel. 5.00 Frank Politano . . One reason for presenting the matinese Government's 1901 Pledge. 2.00 Tony Scavo ter to this association is that the mu1.00 R. L. Rogers of Chicago is legally unable Peking, Jan. 12. The diplomatic nicipality Kiino .1.00 to contribute to the support of the has made a strong collective repcorps 1.00 Fortunato Caputo . exresentation to the Chinese govafra$ Lincoln celebration and to such an 1.00 Jor Anzermo tent in is with hampered comparison ment concerning the board of com2.00 Peter Politano munications having usurped the full other cities planning for the anniver1.00 W. E. Garvin . . control of the Peking telegraph oflice, sary. Mr. Calhoun will try to interest 1.00 Tony Wissler . . . which the Chinese government in the large business concerns in the cele2.00 Chas. Spadapora . bration from a financial standpoint. 1901 agreed should be under foreign Dando loro quell educazione che sara la migliore per avere una U.00 Frank Thompson Concordia league, composed of memThe imperial tele1.00 superintendence. Chas. Barnaul . . . administration took over ex- bers of the Lutheran church, will hold piena di buoni successi qui negli Stati dell Ovest W. L Robbins ... 1.00 graph a Lincoln celebration February 12 at control of all the telegraphic clusive 2.00 Y. M. C. A. auditorium, 153 La Salle Seph Pace Mandateli business to and from Peking and dis1.00 . . Louis Presset Aid. Albert W. Beifuss presidmissed the foreign euiiorintendents street, M. R. Kamen . . . .50 1.00 1.00 .25 1.00 1.00 .25 .50 .60 1.00 1.00 .50 .25 .50 .50 3.00 .50 1.00 J. Chsa Price & . Son Petro Natoli Martins Nalsul 1.00 A. West 1.00 Cash Ginsepyne Gluilanni G. Bolzarini W. N. Woodring Oscar Kdrston 50 C. H. Turner 1.00 L. L. Nuguier . . 2.50 Cash 1.00 M. B. Lumbe.r Co. 1.00 G. N. Stevenson 1.00 O. E. Coleman . . John Smith Fred Wittick $ 5.00 CARRY THE DRYS SENATE. Twigs of Tres Withered. in the Tug river side, four miles from the main entrance, the smoke and 1,00 name gushed from the entry burning ,the twigs and small limbs from trees 1.00 The damage to the 1.00 $54.25 that grew near. mine cannot be estimated. 1.00 The explosion was the most terrific l.uu PROVARE TUTTO. that ever has occurred in this region. .50 In 1884 at the Southwest Virginia im1.00 Procure tutto e fermarsi sul buono provement 1.00 companys mine 351) were Cio e special-ment- e killed in an explosion. Today's hor50 e un prezioso consiglio. vero quando si tratta di medi- ror is the most disastrous that has 15.00 The mine is owned 3.00 cine. Migiala di famiglie considerano occurred since. the Consolidated ColPocahontas 5.00 by del Dott. Pietro cotue It 10.00 medico di famiglia. 5.00 TENNESSEE KILLED. Unitevi e Sarete Forti . . . . immediately after yuan Shi Kai was turned out of office. LINCOLN TWO CENT U. S. STAMP. Committee Approves Specii Issue in Commemoration of Hundredth Anniversary of Emancipator's Birth.. I). C., Jan. 12. special 2 cent denomination, ot the one hunin commemoration dredth anniversary of the birth ot Abraham Lincoln is authorized in the resolution of Representative Dawson, which was reported upon favorably today by the house committee on and post roads. Washington postage stamp of s ing. Two brass plates have been installed in the vestibule of Lincoln Center boulevard and building, Oakwood Langley avenue, one containing the farewell address of Lincoln on departing from Springfield for Washington and the other the immortal Gettysburg address. Death yesterday claimed one of the enthusiastic advocates of the Lincoln centenarian. annivrsary, a colored Elijah Rhubatton, 7335 May street Rhubatton, who was born in 108, was one of the first blacks to attain freedom under Lincoln's proclamation. lie had been a slave on the astute of Abel Scott of Hardy county. V. Va. He is survived by the widow, who is said to be only a tew months Al Collegio di Agricoltura DEL UTAH A LOGAN, UTAH questi Stati dell Ovest, offrono inlimitate opportunita per avere degli successi uell Agricoltura. Alio scopo pero di avere i migliori e duopo oonoseere il sistema razionale di coltivarela terra, con tutti i suoi diversi nietodi. F qui, nel prospero e fertile Stato del Utah, ee una scuola o Governativa per tala scope, scuola che, senza dubbio, e delle migliori cbe si e e dell' Stati Ovest, questa negli lAgricultural College of Utah, a Logan Noi oilriamo ai vostri ligli e figlie, la migliore istruzione che possaessereimpartita nelle regioni Intermontane dell Ovest- Le materie die si insegnano agli hlunni sono le seguenti: TUTTI UFFICIO JOTflRILE ITflUflfJO tro-vin- Per Procure, Atti Notarili di qualsiasi genere per I Italia, come per disbrigo di Affari Legali locali, rivolgersi a ::::::::::: RflOSE PAG6I, Motaio 235 Edison Street - - : Pubblico Salt Lako City, Utah - AGRICOLTURA, SCIENZE GENERALI, Vi sono pure COMMERCIO, INGEGNERIA, corsi di Musica, tanto vocali che per istrumenti, corsi di Arte, di Coltura Fisica, Lavori di Libreria e tutto cio insomma che puo essere utile nella vita umana. LTstruzione e libera. La registrazione costa 5 dollari. Durante i mesi invernali vi sono corsi speeiali di Agricoltura, corsi Forestall, corsi di Arti e Seienze Domcstiehe, corsi di Meccanica, corsi di Commercio e d altri Rami d istruzione. Scrivete per Catalogo lllf ARTI E SCIENZE DOMESTICHE, MECCANICA, Idirizzate le lettcre: o Circolare. THE REGISTRAR, A. C. U., LOGAN, UTAH. tRljMlM0l 1 s' |