OCR Text |
Show ""fr rw wr, ? .TfiqDaily Review. 7S. From mr rawrrrwsrv tottnnwsod Correa. tliilr 9 vjir a - ,a& t T Ma.' r L m. "ggmn 9fy CALL AT Riithor- Fashion Kotem, offY all' Ifco cl.iS's of hoii-jized rradeF tho funding 'nc, ii equal coitfure-are in vo: ue once s f each tlars, naif's Congrtv-- . more. ; j portion of 1D- - Kmifw fVonr cr,rroiohdtnu a hall faille meantime authorize lnm to j Yellow silk sun shades are lt latest Tuesday Evening:, Sept 5, 1871.) ; vtsitwl the Wellington and WeUh mine - i and four novellv-i- ' t wjthdipi' tin four qnd Whclesale and Retail : thii morning, and a fete so ikvorabtv im- Specially Compiled aad ulported per eopfs. fioti the market altogether.' Tlflfi OS will be all the rage House weddings - for'tha PARTV. is. officially stathd thal; , evt winter. Yichaiu . Daily Review, the pressed w.ib the appearance of the sur-(C.mtluued ) "W. U. Telegraph Co. Uctut. Andr.i-and Iforen wc that hata are of ont front Sailor refrain cairio, rapidly going The irnulf p&rty iireuleof the building-1- roundings ist at the Conference of the fashion art will readers the hem lit of among ladle. rottr giving Etnner The the at twelve of ri WWd ftthff , Emperor Salhttrp, Colon 1 linen L affectod by Be&a " ramble of Austria leaves for tl.at city 'tomorrAND EXAMINE TIIEIR Low btr tuk the siege. His ans1ml Bruin mels at the sea side. ow. The mine The 4. was discovered Wellington Paris, oppruaehiug disorganwer came wben'be akcd for another Beriin, 1. Bismarck Balden lias been nigh London collar are cow worn about a yeaf ago but was considered of ization of the National Guards is , relieved fioin tin1 government of Alaaco by both ladies and gentlemen. revolver, making three Le Ultra had. It no Jidrlituhii1 value until Col. Young plated by many with up freHeusiori, and Lorraine and promoted to the rank Bras-t- i foen rhofi cl that thu new mover ped heel ere the entire interest at a noiui-UjU vulgar, common, trad rowdy. Curs not deal in rerrialinnt much. The purchased 4. Vincent Collyer has into the nunilter of Washington. throw a And -commenced men, to rHsdui large Lon rnrf e price .Stanley .operating appear Were then thrown mwo s1 w ritten ti The, Serrftsry of the their .popul.iriiy all tho yt o', Soeielv. hnt hnv been well- rank so f the that the little party cm, hi fetfeat up Interior, August 22, itt 'tLfed'Y'frT'raig, Oxforel shoe New Yoik," 4. A correspondent are now 0 The shaft or iueline is at repaid. he which interviews he had several lives atU their say and as aaits dearly AN'D fo t te da wear, of from g vy c'clortd St. thicg, under, alhj with but .writes from or iu with ore near ninety feet deep, Cochi.e, Peteiahurg they messengers muh meant blood. Jfjl&W lids wdl be a Double breasted and - gayp j tlw i overnHnssiau vel setlsfivciiorj. the ro 12. that direc Tfii tion. can h, mirte justly August Wiwii- - for the broalcloth evening t. that thief thy c.ilmly awaited results. Seated every he ooitstdered the wealthiest mine in the ment has not recalled JliaisterCatacazr. were very slight, lie appended aroundthe altar with their chairman, r.o lontrer ia tor-- t for1 Gilt ingfon is braid bf4vcu 'foeeret.yy Fbilj the following to hi letter: j , wha btit lihree revolvers, they looked Territory. Those who donht can only TlyrclatiorTs triiiimiiig save among cWny L MmiVeVwlre v uitjd Aisanf, a', ainlthi 2f. will and call for ami themselves see Alamazi, Aug. they Cyxini, Lilac or lavender musjina are grvxily t ref tbtr arms and came to tui undervv IoiK, Eiq Dear Sir : Mr. Nmi the former asked fur the Miuufor's reeorroltorate our , testimony. favor for afternoon or evening ton Sets. I in. instantly li:i in without seeing standing, If att.ulcel, get on the j The Vetslt mine m'lhtsc got just absence ofPuneci the in but Y'hia lace bonnets wick tine e..-rtproximity to call; stalrwaf and fight Tt out there, for they Ccichizo. lie say. he very unex peetedlv A'S? AIL Russia detliucd to recall him. laetXfefi- - Uro nrc 'worn feir tiding by tLe Ixai a assumi,H,h last k who bird llac,; W1Ii,,ton ordered, " OF bjek could seo no were not , .They . , The acting Premier, Wurtlieiim r, ap- and refused to recognize In authority tc. Newport. t among the first class mines , of our Ter- It will be among the fhuin next t the proved ofeCatacjiSjOOHjlgcti jui refer- go to Cochlze canip, and threw hi letter ln the (door. and. headed Ire bishop riu,rT- - By .otne, it Is thought winter f7r briles tu be married in trav- - j down iu disdain, saying thatiMhe Superand claim Perkin to ence negotiations, intendent of Indian a'l.iirs of New MexU,c M,c KhJ ell,g, j ,aa Mule; a lluhpp and master of j WtloL elnig sent. , . y ;ition at the tt had1 authority l,,at ico nor any of hi agent ViLlte l' uLn look ceremonies' in trower. Tek fn,bk:U j Staple and Fancy Groceries, House. Kndowmept very mm by the American made into he Arizona bis to can that muscle m,.vc and 8ei4 ; a now j parties days, espciaily upon the. .strict Territorial Marshal, McAnNtfr, , iinsiructionsl authorized Linji to capture when and officials, and although Orders Solicited and they are ironed u'l wav for Bun-- 1 twed'in breaking and Smashing fur,fo VULh Uu ,,wt lyeu prospyted as- journals Mexican or found rou.the return to to desires any Cataeazv himself day. tlie V-- ejuugton, prefirfe. kud howling like demons damned, roinl. lie al-- o says they attempted to ' a Newport coxcomb have hit it in the tl,tt ou llne aI,?w,,,X. arrest his Lunin, but LieUtennnt Ros matter their fenders exclaiming, Come forward SP,,ts of hat trimming by wearing If not better. The complied with until the vbit of Prince knew Sato and iiiterctded fop him. Gen. foat her dyed jheir fjtyorite hue. rooster Tlmn did the Wellington, y brethrpq anJ, ake front, seats. fi'rook vvoubl not let him get hi rations, Alexia is over. . . f with a wave of the priestly hand the energy that characterizes the oknerj ' , vvlmlr were, at some distance from where A Rome, Bari the on writing correspondent Ovcof .r women, and we predict speedy vinPi't ; being T he told the lie General met mob became comparatively qnief; jl. The warraot success, ptirfv, told by the oflieer who seized her, You Several of the most em them they were (uckyTo get baolewith are brave Liberals clustered around the at and and returns to those engaged. The average Aug. 12, sav: who are you have killed two of my J and Cardinals inent Goods delivered Biships, from the two mines is seventy-fivtheir live. witho.it ration. n.u(l assay wildh: May the eurae dCTlUUf atarrs. to men, f the a. responded kept patixaec reconaffair thia think I i iufal!M5n.lbJa'rb lure -? return If becMniug ?! 4with ja, fedf nbowiug of strong you sOul the of dU silver, rest oungejin Almighty ulwnyit Toe mob, which was thoroughly armed. tiy ciled to the political situation. The should be investigated further. for, not killing more. I had two sons at mustJred at lotut- - two 'tliovisaml, then galenay - The niiiies, are situated cue - ' h C. ' Pu'kr. j Signed who were both killed, and two at and a lialf mile from Alta City, between Cardinals are freely appearing in the Ivoiig, 3. A diastrdn tvphoon Went to work, elected their chainuau, Tiong w ho shared tlie smite fate. My and American Fork. streets and meet wkh respectful sympa- visited this v ieinitv yesterday Twelve Ncyujlya died at this and bow kubniij and dominated a chtm-- ticket, at the Little Cottonwood bariiu.nk, from citizens. and the ve.els were driven ashore and much do with furnished her quota of thy regard wli.it yoit will.'' The woman tlfie time threatening in a violent nwvn- - Nature having A Vl.'ufrhUjilt&nAl (00 tufas To all parts of the City. damage done 011 land. w sliot. wood and water in abundance-contiguouefr $otuc of the Dauites were seen to being the first l'aris, 4.1 tint Central of a mentthatnt , meeting awaits fortune a those to j mine, of tlie downfall of the Kmpire make the penal sign of the endowment I11ternalion.il the Committee of for Society, and future the THF-Itheir of generand the proclamation lucky owners, Republic, ceremonies to the Liberal chairman, who Corner of' Main and 2d SonlU Street it tv as resolved to military precau'ions were held in uguin-- t London, are such generations pken STQLEN ! $100 REWARD ! grew hshade pialer whea he aw thisj ations, provided is not necessary shrink before no obstacles in order to dangerous demount rations, but th day not It polygamist. but the man 'who made the sign was ha passed quietly and no, disturbance suoofosk-b- f tfiufrpis ti TiplAC are on the richness of carry volt ihe or murderer, and was imme ' for me to expatiate TROT MY RVXOTT. XEVn kpwWti apprehended nnywhirel STOJ.CS ity, on llie nijilit of tin- ZTtli intSU.T I - It was considered that the greatest of an Davenfamous the National Kiuma, of disarufnincut The Flagstaff, duUf-lcovered by a Gentile revolver ItruntiHt formerly L. Inmiiri) II., M. and the ob.f.i Thiers re those lies wi . GKanls France Southern Revolucities of inthc Mr. Joule. One hundred lioll.irM o neii hj DEPARTEIENT. that had gone through many such iry- - port, Savage, Montezuma and DRUG STJJRE, of the tliief, uii cf Belgium, Italy, Spain and will begin on the 15!h(hist. Troops Mill lie p utlumforfortbthonirvlieniion for Kings tion themselves, mines, speak tliey r. turn of tlie hih in scenes, as this. Then came the as at the concentrated been poiuts . SliLr. V. CLtMKXT. the heavy burdened teams that Portugal. It was resolved that they be have a manner iua to inzure outhinsiuh ignal ;Tr the work to begin. The IS NOW cl-- o to fire resolved and set disassassinated, tho stream down HalL canyon, obedience to the law. As soon Apothecaxies prompt llishops withdrew leaving the fanatical the upward bound traveler to all workshop,, Vu tories, and indus- .is the dhsArmament is completed, tho "mob. The United States Xfarbl at commoding II. Furuthlsd Room. AU MANTKl 10 compel of sh gc w ill be rti-eor capitalist may prove. Buildings are trial CsftJftdUbfiM; f hunSalt ! akf U tins time, with some help, opened the Complete in Every Particular. the rtk-the 3Iiuitcr In Fifth Store North Klmhall A Lawrenee'a. to worlritten a Assembly in and this place our gry up rapidly going of War infui med t L (Tiutnber that the nrtlx. TATKn, 1MM J3l)f TEIY making at avenue for wxj twf, is' beginning to present quite part in the social wtr. Felix lyatt, on fuMo, f ftm'trt irl for co rinifosicM ftjqioii t'd to invcstigwUr the toe- besieged to gel out upon the street. voting city & table Kuo to to mg. arr pf nnd psiui inother members the of nri. fSe refugee a lively appearance business on capitulations during the late war, would lamrtiir I'tali L.ilnr K&ihuugr, tv3dG(r D?rth OPEICED OX 310XDAY, AlGCSTTUt then designed bolding ALSO Jhe, in discussion. took WsGk inve.sti-gatthe r , Hrrt up part iret on tlie in13ih hist. Jtfwuidd tak- tf crease, and everything looking prosper- Commune, theiij nieetiug in- - anotlfor tall, bttt the ous in1 the events advices Prof. that order, rt chronological rep Foreign kkm vle wtt m extreme. vitA large and Well rejected rttnk of first. the surrender at mob follow ed'abd' openly and dcrantly M Ldlrdii bnlltl- Male am inqmrft imm Fredricks, one of tho c v'coin'nunie.itcd ing up bill F T. of examination Fuller, An Htt ?. 5 I v. M. A. ami Tlie Said that to meeting should be held by providing tor tax on newspa- ingw, Mam it with intent to comBollinger leaders, continues in the exer- pers was adopted. with charged .1 fmalt- - family GFtf liberals any when rrr Salt uouio City Rooms beant New- York, 1. The of citiart ommKiui Hith a auii of vry mit murder, was l.cld before Judge cise of his religious functions, and that the meeting hi a LnTd the Liberals were Wldle vith tliatj wight. jItaRant!r fnrnishI qmt Brand ner this afternoon. Several wit- Archbishop of Munich will probably put zens in rclaton to tlie alleged frauds In-in iH.atiun and near the Kunm at tin held to t V. at C. House. r Sthertng in an adjoining store one of finance, tlic at night city Cooper win oh AND Oitan Ntthls, no important air iotereliytnipon tho ebur, hynj was largely attended, and much Gteia ventured to say that the Masonic nesses were examined but stitute, OF "excommuui'-atthose enthu.sn.sin was shown byl the audience was elicited. The inaia wit- he officiates and Hall was sacred, and no man should testimony who sanction his proceed; iig. when th city officials wire denounced . tnfer thcre when a man in the employ ness being absent the court adjourned New-- York, 5. Democratic organizaTory d ii ruble ft.mbbed rooms, with or by the varion Among the fllMO rpt nJjcj-suntil 2 o'clock Monday the 4th. The without iKkinl Knuft at were Noah Davit--, citizen ussocia-jtiuioung Immediately drew bft cave so far was conducted with a fairness tion. called the prominent house LittiVii Kow, of arrh iu V. Dowling , V. M. Kvnrts, Henry Isaac yovolvcr to the , front and threatened to meetenthusiastic and a had large Merchants to rent abovo Grtn-ntnow for the well our s II. j justice. Bailey, S. B. Chittemlf n. 01FICLH corn r of bouth ami Cuixmo t t tl Ex A a elegant atock of lie was stopped, that argues shoot the Liberal. sis ing last night, and adopted resolutions LH kvvood Jackson, Shnlt?. Maijhul Kirijimv ot V. hu;clhret !u AuJ8 hi force wa3 too weak , Kowever, reO.Iolx-rthGeneral John A. Dix, B. J. Rosevelt to Isaac I). Hixtoox, the enterprising requesting Congre-sma- n ROOMS TO ME rLlNTLY MUMIIf:n Liberal were nnd a number of others. 'On there, while a Arnold, 4d.7 sign, ns lie ha his a traitor and examine our commission and rent ut itHWani merchant, ti buihhn. Main Street. m- - Toilet Articles and proven shipping ex-t Ive or yu suite. Taney Goods. tJCjgrGdl motion, the ihair was then by just a anxious to spill' blood as he was. Battery street. San Francisco, has Wen aed ioinqd the, TadicaJ or to I Lie guarantee satisfae goods I i emeyt r, who rnij the meeting Thw meeting, hence, co ild not be held .1 irhtt his send us to , in its September was and party. pleased cnipo-'uinnThe Fmet SODA WATFIt in the efty, drawn tion. that night by free American citizen on The Ilerahl, Tiihnne. nnd Times all parties nlike were interested iu havReport,' which has now readied Vol. 3. from the most elegant Fountain. Call aud ee. N Acionnt Roik wxa lot lmt cveuinjt. con la-- t ijner'ean soil. at Cooper ing an efikieul at.d eiononiical adminisNo. 198.- It is filled with all the necesto nrt, ami private meeting letter night's taming stilt lie afanuhta. Tho finder will be licer.illj rawarUcd Tho World tration of our city gover.iuient. . XX'. A. PERKINS, Pharmaeltt. sary market shipping, both imports and Union as a great success. caLiyoR.vn. said thdt thethnrgcs of corruption and b hniviu" it at Kimball A Law um.es Wre , ,r ITAII ASD A. .!. PlTGKR4LT. 2tail tf). Oar reader will remember that sev-r- exports reports. We append the finan- however think it wai Cirrtom House extras figance the city ag.iin-- t : affair, nnd that the action of the meetUTzUI and CALIFORNIA. authorities bad not been torily t Wars ago we made mention cial review accompanying' ihiv number pa bnfc. valuable to none other than tlir riXAXHAT.. oauer. The timhr will be suitably rewarded Ilia llnvanr Young had - made the ing stamped it ns the work of the Cus- answered. AtiVtf Aftcraddrcsscs by prominent titiens, bv leaxitts Hie sauie at tb.s ofiii e. Our local money market shows signs tom House faction, which has duped and hr tin Taber aachi pulpit that no reform and rigid iminicipaf demanding the of large shipments inveigled some well meaning citizens to plethora, despite people or locality could show more and the UTV1. inquiry into past expenditure America, China, and overland. take condition of the finance of the Mormons the than of part in its procti dings. 1 XCOlll'OJIA JVJLT 17, 1871. Industry Bullion has been in large supply, keepIOCKKT r.K)K lDVfAlMVi ORKhX-- I Dublin. 5. There was fierce fighting city, a s ries of resolution were passed, k and a railroad lUh. jin lliis we took issue with him, ing our refineries and Branch Mint unrhe'k whiih iuY )) calling cm Mr MrKec at the city n"t.d county debt lif o and allowed that other localities not der full headway. The latter coined here all night. 'The police were driven which dcrhre - $75,000. r larfto A i p rflic, dvHerHda pw(i rtv and CAPITAL STOCK, more than doubled within the last two tenin The over August. received their (mvitiiC eenacfi. to $2,000,000 Mormon '"had advanced, barracks; tliey by large nnd a half years, being now $11.5,00 dency is still toward a lower rate of inTit this drarged-!travel des- - 000, over '0,000, 000 more than when . - odds, morn than this people. Dealer In 11 Kind, of l loans who I L and bs have.madc I I 3XAHONTO NOT1CKH. J li Li terest, parties J ' M, was lid.! driven while tne but Here into w it aim sh our w.t not to Mayor inaugurated, that bowing on real estate at former ratef an' dili- perateJy, is reason to believe that many VnntrW S, A. F. & A. M. SECOND were not industrious, gently wiping them out and placing lln-i'again. Tlie sally was repeated tLere ST., r the Mormon millions more will be paid out on flint-inKllt.cn . fT)W'ltlVt('ATlnNfi - llhl.t) AT U is not several times but with the same result. securities lower at figure, in to were show that not alone lut j itiiililiiisr. VI,.otnthey th TniaMrrtt. and Kit the unless oiitingent claims, Half Block East of thcRcwcr Henar, now, to perceive bow the 'unontl nut) fourth roln of nu.li tfuuith, Jioin A bar of iron thrown from a public advancement, and were entitled exclu- easy, just, present Olhcial arc rctiioved, Cir their Uvit at DOORS, of capital which ohtuin homo afc Ixulpr. mt 8nnrniUK 1m thron in UJIBKn, the police led to the storming protending atrtsfed. i.t.nulaiK nre tor'liullt mritnl to utt. nd. sively to the terms industrious, etc. In in nearly all of the w irld's markets, is . M. K. if. llOllKK i'J.N, in which The manner inhOnse implithe of its parties xvurnoxvs. of tbe and no diminish to it HALT as Inc VI. Srrv, capture sidiho, making the comparison, to show that to be employed have cated met the of their exposure The interest rates. and increase An volume made mates. was rescue to were correct, the Tribune take is me attempt fraudulent s, thecntompuous t ire A S. VENITIAN BLINDS, system recently adopted by the them by the mob, aud in the battle which deni il of practi' IJ ns, awl, like Brigham, claims in hoarding T JOHVLOxiEOE lFdi EOTIOX.XO 1,A any power to interlt re. the Bank of Inland, whicii now contains followed the house was A A. meet at Hv Hall Mvoui (tmnietcr nnd stud completely flippant evasions pwvrf, the exclusive right of terms for the .' Htdldinur. Ma?n xTieef, eetv Sprnnd and Fourth abort $140,000,030 in coin amTbullion, FLOORING, CEILING, of a large part of lie publie .ac- Mnti'io of rat Ii month, Mormons of Utah. While we are wil- does not appear i cvrrcbe the least ef- wrecked by, the pqb.ip. it fir? 51m, rage. oiurtunjf brethren are CordiulO attend to nnd to juwted t count and garble ntreinpts T. F.TRAY, T. P. O. M. CHICO SVG AR PINE, ling to give the Mormons their dues as fect, while the large disbursement made Half of the policemen engaged in the the re'idue, nip t haraeterizetl as a TtuM SWFT7, Fc. add to Government the Prussian !v only s were , the Tribune injured. affray with the asks, we are not willing to the immense store ing ofguilt nnd, coupled already lying idie in national back of our late, comparison. AND onnt songsall night. There is groat fictsiicd figers nlteady disclosed, furforinli IzOdjjt NJ. 70 AND ALL KINDS OF KOl'LDINGS. Nti.her does the rtuafi'p I A KurvprUrt markets. A A. '1 lUvTiJ.u CotnttiuttHatiMit nish tor that the li belief same with is ground hidd wt MM4nir Hdl, Vtntirree Itiiiidinff. Kaat increasing If the Utah people, or the Morin in peo- wonderful activity in railroad building excitement aud it .are sanandered or stolen Temple 'sircf the becond and Fourth Monday of men wlo f f t re ea h month ple, ware ignorant enough to follow the and Qiber kindred enterprises seem to every haur.'i Members of Sifter Lelpe, and hutHLetfe-othousands ns There on California Redwood, Flooring, stock aroMi.OOfl in of 3: the hand, capital jtciirinng brethren in gcwel tandiuj? are rordtaT1 Pari, troop or Brigham, and not develope deplete iu nll sunilvr are t arlricwf engaged J Uiviu-tnorer, to LOLlfi COli, M . M. attend. such the money expended for purposes the is and a eontaut city, patrol kept frauds ami speculation. tha resources of Utah, as the California Christ inm Dirnt, ? y. goes back into immediate circulation, Bordeaux The fourth resolution rames William Rustic Siding, Etc. miners have done, it surely shows a de- and soon finds its way again into the up. Lyons, Marseilles, and f. .M, TWeetl. Rtebard .a- and A. TTTUI L0TOK NO 1 -- Viyt cer reliction on their part antTthrows them great accumulating reservoirs. There are filled tyitb troop.Oakev Hall a the officer direttlv ar7 p in fVmimerre Rnibiiue. Main etieet, b the renrof enterprise anf progression is ati undoubted tendency toward dePortland, 4. Anniversary of the or- raigned at the bar of publie opinion for halt lake ( it tkMlliocj in rov d stamhug are in the purchasing power of onrtnns FOL. Lh , N t. in ited to utt nd Tiyntzns preciation the of Portland thc-Depart-meri- t F.ro e U. ganization claim nnd declares unless of California' their v ogsmuit & cv ofl'ente, J M On they and one gets a smaller amount money meet the charges by other evident The fire can was celebrated ttod.ty, "neighbors. The people erf California, it of goods foe. a larger amount of cash mOHPTLY PILLED. I ' . on different pleas than huve been H. . E.CRUN, ftKARl'ATK OF ai)l from the towns attriwe before than M have had as neighboring this to not obstruction stated, formerly; compnnios MHlIl'AI. COl.I.KiK. Sttr of , ruej their l half, the ereilit of Srw t.EXKVA f Iht Miln-.i- l IhMnl o' of wealth joined in the celebration. Tlie affair firnished in rk, nmi l.n progress in their way, but being in a bute this sudden appearanceand Now the tend Yoik of ili the n t.trto. Australia. of ( material City Ollire, two olmiy intellicivilization to the . growing was very creditable. .Wet tsnntrj, nod. in the full rights of up .tnlr. inti rests of citizens ill demand t line d.ori north of Kttnlnll A to ha lieen which Sash, Blinds, to U si , mol from to otlire tioor fiom Jtt a. nearly imparled gence A man named Jaa. Stanney was killoffice of the s TUC which m mot own OrUrr their loft th deprived ill rr- thiy.be 4, olhor imemeu, have, by industry, the whole world, by tho aid of steam tttn niton ol Mil hour. f"pocltd earned1 the merited name f being a communication and magnetic telegraph. ed by a falling tree on the Columbia, op- thet have dishonored, nnd the power ft'lvr jiromjit to illo'ton- inthirmul to wom-- u mol Mouldings. (tit in w Inch tliey arc abusing. 3m cluMren. posite Oak .Point. jieople are abandonPREMIUM WHEEL MAKER, very industrious anJ progressive people, Even fifth The resolution demand fall , a in the woods continue all over Fres month of Jfrffcer'r custom of hoarding and secretSt. firm 3stfn rfeer, wbich name will follow them to pos ing tin I . XUT1CE. detailed exhibit of publie receipts and TAKE I IX .r' doing Oj.i.south, ing tln-i- treasures, and the rapid aug- the country north and for the past twoyenrs and 7o A !I tJV.om ,t mny Crn'fTnt expendit'ircs lerily.j While we admit that the com- mentation of savings banks ary collect to flic farmers by burning a half; what has beeR done with the X rK, THE at S EMPLOYED Ur US. ItoroliT notify mercial imerrourstj of California with mg for the uses of commerce the gre damage V "II l.At Imvintc purrhwrtl ix I ron. whom to nnd done their fence. All what Ilnainre -the tliroush raid, money, upon raw hlf of tlio Minor (turn) ftvt Jie, world hu- - lnwn frecr'thun th.it of millions of driblets once kept aloof It i now ytaed that the summit of consideration nnd pretense in every Mine. "iltiHltil on Oplur Hill, in Dphir from busithe of of the general requirements be denied that the pco-Pmtrict, looolo Conniy, t'lnh Tomltirv, zn4 lUkah, it cannot ; wljife the sixth asserts the right ness. As this improvement progresses, the Snoqualamie Pas can be crossed at looalott July 2 I, 170, hv Erans mri Ilham Citizens had a good market for and it is of till of Utah have to know, and their deterCompnny. two Imixlr I (2001 fort lrn Nmeht yet in its infancy, the an elevation of 2, G00 feet above the mination to nst ci tain who nre and have from Cloorpo Jl liMUKht, twohiiK huiulrott (iOtl) foot all thviir possible surplus produce hereto-- j stream willonly become larger and larger, water, a Inn saiiton. iul two hundred (200) foot grade of $0 feet to the mile will been on the of the city govern- from Two on the great overland thoroughfare, taxing ingenuity to give it direction ami dnl re from E. A. Ooodwin, nid Yard, on block south of be necessary to overcome this elevation. ment yihat pay they receive, and whnt oonletl in the Record, of Tooele Cottntr l tall employment. not a At p vpry tLegie ftgre- - Tfien! we warn all fartle tfvwi (.itrchaM-m- p San Jose, 4. Thirteen car tonds of service they render and to what extent Rates of interest, in this city! are 1 the aame. EoUrottd Depot, Californian who traveled overland since any members of the present 1 ity govSEYENOVK?, TIOI.COM R I CO. ent. at commercial, and excursionists left for San Francisco to ernment per per nre Chneeraed in real partnerivested- largely in tho centin savings banks, all of which find 1HI3 but ha E. II. BARRON, 11V Jh. Tale night, to participate in the Republican ships or under fictitious names in the H. .1. Pmldent, of life, and found a eanty it difficult to- keep down their cash procession. the of XV. , D. PAR Kill'll ST, public treasury. balances. The Democrat are holding a meet plunder .The seventh resolution demands that CARPENTER suppy at that. Had they esfablfeliedi ..Treasure fcfiipment overland, by & BUILDER. Secretary. remedies be employed to recover t past at their very doors on this routed CHARLES DAIILKR, for tlie week August Jl it, inglanidon, 4. A railroad accident has legal the stolen moneys that tlie law should Sliop Rtar of VVrlU, Fargo 6z Co, Trramrrr. How much went fhey could have disposed of all their were $7 7. 11, fib which in be occurred altered effect to this necesif Northern, 4VgncvJn e object, noe known is the to had had Done AU lit . and Neatness this manner if with Work through they products ten persons were killed and an immense sary ; and the eighth nppeals to the v number hurt. Dispatch. tjeir J$fwn will aud not. olieyed the the public. next Legislature to retiea! the present Pent-lan- d A ill loft at Artaer foundered of schoonei Store, north of Salt and New charter form York worldly teachings Oplt a fishing Brigham Young; give city KKwmoa will be Tub Lake Iloiuc, w U1 receive prompt attention. five Frith: J of devised drowned, or this leeih. through sun-- I held persons government : approved : by : j j ; ' vJf j AGENT FOR THE throughout that State to-- arrow, AND Dublin, 4. It proves t,hc number of the widest and best citizen. Citizens shine and storm they havrj unfortunately aii3 will McCL'HDY. Be C. MORGAN. F. II. SOI. ia of in is fire urged to unite in the next election opened voting theridt aptacc police injured Yesterday Jfortme nrt geo Sari Fro First Import nff iujlen in yhe rear of the p regressive age, this city by Mr. SLoon maker, propriir exaggerated. Only rfix hrert t badly in- npon municipal reform, candidates mak& MORGAN, OF ',McCURDY n or ran only tilaimS their own of the Jarlor Saloon, and Twenty-seveslightly... ing that the controling issue citizens formerly Reids, to jured, of the eighteen have" been arrested throughout the State being entreated to ATTORNEYS-AT-LAnoters past coor. Tle people of Utah are an test the Californians now in Salt Lake Disorderly persona wdri tu ihc streets join in the effort; while the public Nidustrious pAipife if they are only tr a . , . , City on the Gubernatorial question at all night, pinging sedujoun songs. Th should all be of And tbs lwet Manafaetureri of kpt informed ernrt r door Book. take the eoorae predicated by hsuotn tljat Stated A lull vote is de- police station' was smeared with the the amount nnd condition Iooper Jtato EWrelg" A SPECIALTY. , ' ' of the ' fVee will and: common sente, which we tangll-tf) blood CALIFORNIA JEWELRY, of the womided. publt dfJtfjTo-- j which "po addition not " sired, and no voter will lie eligible unLondon, 4. Tho Christian Confer- spefialty aTit Korized" shoiild bC'made. hope they wilt follow hereafter, notwith-sw- t less" he would be entitled to vote Jo that East Tri! Street, Opposite Salt Lake Iloaaa- ,KEITH LY, met ence Messrs at The thanks the of are.ex-tendeAldersgate. the of community priestliood State. The ballot box will be COACH finding AND CASSIAOB ' TRIMMIXO. SALT LAKE CITT r protected We tmore, of "New York, Revell, of to the Times and other newspato the contrary Vote from the and Let be have Varauemaher, of Ohio, pers wfiich contributed to enlighten re V large repeater. : , LAW, LUMBER YARD. movement can get and fair. The defeated candidate- may showed the progress of the Christian the public mind on the state of affair Tt1T8B Woman-Righ- t v t v i v J I Jp t Association in America. the of recomthe 9ty,and some appointment from from .consolation fubvlt Lake Corn and Oalfi ty the Car" Load, or a Utah, and reap SALT CITT, V. T. New York, 4. The first bale of new mended of an executive committee of -LAKE plenty of eadoreement ' . t , RciaiL for 75 seventy, whose duty yth Y'eaag. Soovr and Sifiiih fanutses, as may be abfc to find in this Territory a California hops was sold , be to carry on ? t T C jt Tr t and into-- praHieaVeffoot the most ' they can supply the want of quatisr by mm U foe fotune fame. The whole cents per pound a T. R. TTilt attend to collection. JONES, forrijm rpecially known is 4. nolk-eIt measures for tfew will apt re card Washington. 'be: Shall Haight yet vigorous nantitr.t tWo' securing question Rt issue what course the Secretary pronoses to Jlnise reforms which the public interests block South ot Depot? ri.trk ao'dlrcotcd to a- female lecturer remain Governor or shall Booth 'take in relation to the three hundred soimTerailvely demand. purkue wlth terra female Young,. as signers. his dace. Let us see who has the most million of five, front - Avecibo Havana, 4. per cents., which remain ITeaort in OpHlr, CALIFORNIA BREWERY' women find friend here, While these new looruiuidcr the funding bill, on the 22d nit. report fearful hurricanes Tlie the of ( i ' 3SMt U. r r Canyon, ill financial in the bnt the Babanins. The American vessels tremble- in getting .endorsements from - Itt A STYLE impression prevails TO SUIT ALU White will lie Q O. Rolvtr double or cashmere bonds Carolina, new circle more that.no and plush s TJjttS GARDEN CAW AZ.TVATS Commercial ii the harem tliey are looked upon as very breasted jackets are worn cool mornings offered for a month to come, and that and Knglish Tesels Lady Bird and fontid the I boietwt Slimmer Drink, rotten Salt Lake. Street, m regular City Mj le. Also, Beer, hy the Quart '.jnuel? .out of place by the and eveumg by young ladies at- - tffe. when Bocrtf ell decides to place ,mpn, Nellie Mow were wrecked; all hand up llnlt-nTmgor Itcrr j- jite, trholreal and retail '" r A. 110111211, seaside. ' I.Of-It,of the new loan in tve rtiarkct, hejsul saved. people f Umh- nrRXAX, IVep're HENRY XV Ok.4 5 - TXnsrxrA-TJEPST- pondrnt.' i t W l s i TELKGIMMS Salt" Lake Seminary. D. C. BUTTERFIELD, s A M, Fted'rk Prtoelpal Sir. Fraucra B. Sir, Fmrp rraa. new. ' lf fr-- It " WALKER BEOS. t,-6- -It Mini-m-r- s THIS. ABTRRNOPN. j V . X. A.- X2 Or . i fuimy ZTi MINEBS !: ScUI Evmlnc "El It. if Sfttaie. Thi re will b Department altarVd hi vocal tarnue ; aUo, a or,n, Uraamat, SUPPLIES. Powder, Fuse, VARIED STOCK r. 1 I Gorts-cliakof- Tn-jill- o f, a , 1 1 th-r- ,onbut tney 5. 3IINERS TOOLS. ; Uf -- WtVi PROMPTLY FILLED. Slinori' Tool, Powder, Fuse e ?- Ki.- o- -t , ( SlippllOH. F1U2E OF CHARGE s To-da- nnni-'Srar- y y 4 ICllWAlIl). to-b- R new! e DRY GOODS - C y lt-- 11 IiIk-iw- I toll-tinual- WAISTKD. ? 1 t Orn.inrnl.l DepartswaWsemftiw In oil paiwtHMt. err.w abd J tiiuae W lo dnnre II- I.hui - f ti"1 1, ,. re'o il d-t- IS' ot it'ew. Lf'gft 1 IS UEIIFBT CITIN'. TJIATTIffnrid XonrE am n, ot halt Lake City and roon y. II I'tah Territory, It lie it Tun and parchM iha ela.m tao thotaatni feet in I jrti hjr one hundred VV feet in width. n Jht Hhxrg" Wa.binpi-u- " fde, ydate. and fbe'ng a mint hearing vein ot r..k m the buid and yrvimeis utertiiiniu to eaid suite, all wtttetsdm Jtm Vrt Mmmtan JHijt'nsDwtgtrt, Territory of Lt.Ui. the hra-tio- s Conhly of t1 lit and extra! thereof J inj inure fully aa Mlow, to wit: The d hnftof aid lode. befog d:.tnnt ahuut OJ) two mile. fr. ml tlie conflu-enoe of Markham lotk with llmchem Canyon creek. Ttfe hde ia footled on a ridtfeo bark-bon- e which form tlie head of .'lnrkhum I'otk. This ndte i ver Jm iilthn, and mi IB niuMlit ad-i Thera are no iskiJcy and bare of 1 he land join mg claimant or prrmuKW adjacent. npthraced in'aid elnint hate an area of (t.Vai1 ;j (Our and iee hundred and ninety and fortli in thl diagram : tbounml:h acre a and I do hereby give fnrtJier notice, thot, having nceupied and imtirured the said heir aud nvuilea, acovrding to the Imal cu.ioiu. ami rule of miner III Uid irtlninr titpirt. and harms nrendd iu and improvement thei ent anamonnt actual not fee than one thOHSonl tittlnr. and hating at of aiwl minthis time actual peacealde ing property, I will r.j'plv for a aarvyaudpl.it tU of aaid ptviiiivra. ami a pah nt for aaoie, u nder the act of emigre emit Ini tit AH graining th ron.il oWncr over tha right of way to ditch - and a d fa- otln-- r pnrpyc... apj ror cd public hunt, 1 July 2idh. IjG, and the ann ndatorj Act approved ihh, lt7d. July M line tny hand and seal tb s Cist day of August, 171. THOMAS H WARREN. KIM a SltL nr. dvi!l one-four- th et lalr po-ee- fJ D tr. M. MitORK. DKLANAAi ATTEST; . 1 LLU-rnl- s e dt-C- Jo-ep- h n Excellen t Yari cty b FOH UIBVT th-vvc- s f CHEMICALS. lt i, jMo-c- l, septl , A ui CARPETS. 1 Z, t- d5-- LOHT non-partisa- n I..-i- f re-gar- WALKER BRO'S. al pre-en- t COMPANY. LUMBER I'O com-parwti- TI t" mm Railroad Shops AV A. HOPPER -- i e bar-rack- ! s r e & CO., I 4 SOUTH Building Material. S, cl g c ' - J LAKE CITY. c i w: con-fus- Tlie'-prisonc- cenfe-saio- AGON" 1 1 olte -- - tax-finyer- s CARRIAGE WORK, o77. J Of nil Tbur-dxv- at t ron V V DeHei'liitlouN. hill s Geo. W. Clawsen, V V I vv jiwn-n.-rV- i M j semi-civilize- I d - r f 1 INriF.r.S-KiXR1 of div ida between Silver Fork ami Hotter Co !. to nrth,-ra-trCplivons. tln tiie N "1 At' K end of mine as set fortli ill the d sgra liy, : , r and we do lor hr give Rirh-- noh-ethat, haring, otruplad ami Improved the said lode and remises, aveor !ing to the haal rnstom amf mhsiof miner, in said mining d.siri E and having expended m actual lalor and improvement IU ma.animsninP not less th :i one thousand d llurs and Invuig at mm-iit- g this hDir mliMl Meu on of suf and p'at ptopertv wewitlapplv for a urr-of saif j rMilsca, and a potent f r the same, wader Xheptt of t',nrress. e ititled An i t granting tha mght of war to ditch and rsml diners over ths public lands, and for dher pnrihve,' suprosed Julv ZK iMU: auda amended by Act oftongras. approve Jnlv Uih. 1 Uu. . M ituesnir hands and seal tl w ISth day of." August, 171. hnn-tlrt- pea.-onbl- p oth-o- r; 1 V VV pay-rol- ls r Blacksmitliing, Ter-nlor- y, hy ( eV-- tf - ecerie ITS DUANCIIES. GAUDMtlt, - t ex-pre-- 's, t. cn-h-d- 1 ot-oftic- but-tiHowi- Joseph Rosenthal, Assajcr nnd' Rrdltor, Str ng 1 1 COACH PAINTING x t whii-hsHie- ' ! Watclies, W, to thfe-fi- . t Diamonds, CARRIAGE PAINTING t 1 W.R. -- to-da- y d .TVHN vf MOrilRK.") L lsxvt.1 CI.KMF.NT T.FVIB ARCIUU.r LIVI VUsTfl.N J I rertlfr that the alve Douce alas this day 61" ia the Land Oflhe f.r tliy T ir.tori d Ltah, and a llmgrum of the ld lode, together wkh notlcw of latmitiop to apply f.r a survey ami plat thereof from tlie Surveyor General, and a Ipatent therefor from tlie Government of tha L'uited gtatea, as in aa act of Congress entitled An act graoG tag the right of wav to flits Is ami canal owngo user the pebfie land- - ami for othi purposes, el July 5, law nnf a nmi ndsl bv art f (Vnjrrcs, approved July SiU, 1S70. I herrler direrl said notice to he published in thf Salt fovke a newspaper published nearjrst the focatiois , of tlie etahn. 1 0 EO. R. V! V X Wktfo Register. pro-vid- ed Its-ryr- w. fu ni moil. j the District Court of tlie fleet nd Judicial INtnct of the Territory of I tab, iu and for Otmntv of Reaver Jacob Emdr id tor.v ' N J ,,,,,( d - hundred and Bight .IMI. OH rsll hereier certify tlie foregoing VV i strong-minde- CLIFF GARDEN. d T. - -- e AT yc'js-ctahl- Horse Shoeing SALOON, - J 'lfe S AONERo ' E.n.z.vmiisrnE. A I! D 1 1 seven(tv-neHf-- TI . to AX, Clerk. lie a full, t r and corre t copy of the original summons on fi ip my ofiiw. in the alsive-eutil- e ei tion. I In witness whereof, T have h repnto set mvhai and affixed the seal of the a court, tl kill day of August, A.D. 171. Jon M mn CiiRiSTTvx, clerk hove-nam- Dissoltil ion IV qtlccM FLftTNERBinP IfERITTOFORB rpiTE itjg under the nante and Art of RXIftT." Rafferty A Riley, in the general husinesj of j saloon keeping, in this city, h is teeii thi day dissolved by muluat nonseut. All bills due liio late firm will be an, leelist. and ell claim againt thy eaaie, paid hjr' IV illi.iai RaDtrty, who will hereaftvr eundmt the V 1 J MAM RAH KBIT. husiuees. i JAMES GI RILEY. Own Y. J las Crry, T, Sept- - "Z, lr'lj J "aTOTICK. The heretnfor estst-- " of Medicine, betwees F. Ing in the Prat t Koewell Simmons nmi Jl. Tibhitsj u this day Either wriv ia author. by mutual convnG heed to sign in liquidation, and to w hom all osit- -' itanrtmf bill may le pasii. Roewru. TiastT. M. D. 1. 1 Sm voxa, ML J Salt Lake City. August 30th, M7L tf. e Trie ha FlRVf KNOWN AS and doing hnsine A GROWS " CLFT.' at Stockton, I'tah, tbfct day lieen dissolved by mutual cob sent. Ail accouula doe the firm must he paid to Lew ia' ISroaa alio will aelUe ajl account gainst tlie" ' rm.. An. 1 IJl'lS V. 12, 1871, W GRfws. CLEVELAND, ISAAC. D. IIUNTOOIv CommlKNion Moichnnt, Comer Battery and Washington Sti., FBA5CICO, - AN . j - CAL. w IrRRiGnToN a wr Mm. . A LOLT1IAN, - . - foarvys Kut nflLC0X & t One-ha- lf v agnin-- 1 , jucli-cieus-ai- xl are v w to-da- y t s. re.p.ired 10 appear In an i t you by tlie atvve-nathe Ih.lriet f onrt of the second Ji. rial dislricl of the 1 ei riuiry of L uih. in end the eon ut v of Reaver, on the first day of the ns term thereof, to wit - On Toth of Ortoher. a 171, ami answer the bill of complaint thers Hied against y m, within the time the law ,p ctfi of judgment si ill to? taken bv default against tc and the relief prayed for will I. demand d. ifei ip fail no at. vonr peril. Jti itui'is tli, llm C M. Hawley. Judge of as Outrf, and the eeal of said Court - Given nud-- r mr h toil and theseal of Hie Ditri of the Juduial IHsfrjiet of the Ter Ctrf terv of I t lb, in and for the county of Beaver, tl nil day of August. tn the rear of our lord o thou-sii- d - ! D Moss, IUutlilT, agsii Defendant ITie of the T--r I lull s nl grrs ting t v pepl Enidr Hess, defei M-- UftiS hr.. light tm Hsietitl in Chi.-mgo- ATTORNEY 'AT c , JreiIdent . rl r h) 4 Min-in- ,' 5 f ! V f wmiih-wester- - t ft alt app.-taani- -- P 1 -- VV Oom-Ritueft- I lnfenl. Fotj ita-.n- half-doze- n vt. Pfl lea At nu GIVEN TIf VT A Rf N'OTtrE ISHFK1D1 LlVlM.srilN, (,iM) M. ViiKiRR LEV f It .CLEMENT', of line Territory of I pdi and county of lotk e, do i!vim 1 tm in length by I'M t in w nplj, ouJ tho ANDER-l.v- ; Hu hole, S.lr, r t'anug vein of rank in pf ice and tie land 4 d fnmi. tnaaof mine, all s tiuitijd luilhe i Illfg CotfoBnaod Fllntujg District. County of Salt IgiVc, Ivtil .ri of I tnhT the loea tion amlfttenl thereof - tng mors fully a follow tew it The i .v ry olialt u N 17 E . I feet from L'. S Miwril Nhmuhient No I and, v from tlhe main .haR-oabont To feet coif the Prinre of Males ln.lv lit the head oft Silver folk Canvon, theues S. tsi VV NKJ feet,, ihenre S si3 yf Vv pvi feet to thi ead of tlie vvii. the shaft of the jlfighland hief tune beanne north Hltnm to diseov etv -- baft. th nee North I.'3 K 2V fsd t summit u Jl rr llu-refo- hkt e j u-- d 1 I'o&t-ott- ) Irta, 1 rertlfr that the ahove notice a this day filed1 in tin ofji e, with a diagrum of the said loin, to gerlier with a notice of inteuoijrfo apply for a from l lie urev and pis! thereof orti, aerwl, r from lueGoVi lhnient of the nd a si tent an of a Aft Lai in provided Longrw, State, n Act granting the nylit of way to entitle b and raual owurr over the pilblir lands, and for other purpose" approved July -- utii, ls0l.ai)t a am nded by Aid 4 Longreast approved July Uth, Ia7i, I d.rert aad notice to be t ruited iu th Salt Lai Rrvixw. a tiewsjuter published nsamt the locaUou of the vlaitu GEO. It MAXWELfo Bur-ge- t, DRUGS Otfk-r- , tl'iTT. August 31, 1171. tlu-rcb- - r.tvn V S Sut l.vax j - as.-au-lt f..r aer.t C fo-.l- ie i(nrd m-Ui- tt td a. to-da- y Hl-da- d . term, oa the U- ienUrf pn.s-- and auwniogy J t the eciraol. 'Fat-mIt re mmmOt. ri iainry DepartSmem ' I re neHf.h. ttitannediulo Dehartntent, ZreVnuc c Grammar Otvanereat. aaihMnn attt-- . IV(rtiaent. tinihutie faiithee and modern htiifstgrpt, rat scienca. and s ashanto, II pe jBooiii. Fayirent iirti,iy ma-i'- -l luiiun.; ion, l"t m.' to lat.rinalion lh or in letter, antdr hy C. M. PJfc-H-lnueijl, B. to the imdtmctef. a X halt Lake t iy, off 18,171. cowne of Irtturm during K d. teeo-kte- lr. tlinl'wnni. forwrtyw fnH Led Vtarts aiverwtv. ha teeoBH K;r a dent v( V Awu-ridH- ! wJulwn. piano and 1 1 d, ,' I I abe, decrf k-- v - wr leett-Kttie- J pos-v&f- tiefetp litetaiAit urpiRtwEtm-H- IntA-n.-Ain-il r t. Seminary -- will be four rt scalar dvjirtoet of m0ueor and Arm- Frimary, luteiUKdarte, p tfeirlc, win he. faawa-The-re In aid non to the drjertmenu far the mne. eperiat aluKild there be a , to fteninx ann-ifoanm, far ran . the Sul attend duriu three who to n-- l and sfintk th to aprrud Ucrtnjn.hJaiaiert 1 Afill.an-t.uansae aleo h-d.i- - TIBIE. ds f the h'H la the ruiua ht. Maiha laut,tw Muin in t, cemmuwe l prBt, lv 4he o!, on ri,l The Fall a eft. I. ami continue fbur BKtith,rlng the wMitu UacK Provisions, Liquors aydiki&aihat dr tonuafly jrtid--f k m con-tc-- Tlie ROOMS GROCER, f f SILENT IffTINrG JIACIIINK, The ChampLvo of I3S first premlnma ia tiro , season. . - It seam is efronger and- tret liable te rip than ! the Loch Pmctl, Jndgee- Report of the T nei. Pend for the and seaiple of work esw latnit.r both kind of etitehce tin the m piece Rirt of .'i-- i. AGENTS WANTED. corvfll warp IS3 Lake comtvir, t.,Chlret |