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Show V V " Tho Bally Review. it' i r r Tho Daily Review - ? fc FubUahed every evening, - -' r F. EENYOU& by- , ' Ow Terms Covt,1Ov Os o YxtxJ . Coi, Taut Oj DxUVttCS BT . CMHX , . . j - FOX 25 CxXT Ft X WXKE. Y0L. iJ STATOFFICEBS , FOB UTAH J i Oeuryre t. Wooiti, Oregon. SrcrrOery George A. Black, Utah. Chief Jtitttc J. B, McKean, hew York. A Juthiee, O. It. fetnekiand, Mich- - and 8. M. Hawley. III. i Marthttl M. T. Patrick, Nebraska. r. &. AHorwy C. H. Hempstead, Cal. Surveyor General C. C. Clement, Ind. H neuter of IkUaJgwyi-- J. B. Overton. Pa. H eg, tier of Hand OQ ice George K. Flax wall. i Ml. It. V. S. A wiwr V. S. t iUector , John P. Taggart. 111. Hollister. Cal. M. Moore, of Indiana. Special Hail Agent J. II. VI ickiaer, of 111. J O. , It is again rumored that Napoleon is . 30,-00- W OFFICERS? to fmgrei Fm. IT. Hooper, General 7rublIel Snow. J. D. T. McAllister. H m. Clayton. The trial of the Communist prisoners commenced ou Monday. out 817 of Only 7,000 voters came 7 rearurer J unn-- Jack. bujjenntendrnt of Common School Robert L forward at the Strasbourg municipal j, Campbell. election. . Tbe first car load of goods shipped through New York without appraisement started on Mondayv4 Richard II. Dana is now named for DAWK AND SUNDOWN. Commissioner to Geneva, under the XT NIU.tr. W. CABriSTIt. treaty of W ashington. : The Boilermakers Association of New The rain is drifting down again; York deuounce the present system of It a pa lew the , lawn, It trembles on tlie Window pne, inspection of boilers. And round the Bills its roil is drawn. Oh, cold and long the day will be ; The Directors of the Lower CaliforNo light, no warmth, it brings to mo ; nia Company propose to receive all I or yon, my love ! my love I M ait in the sweet South far away . Communists as colonists. Persons obstructing the thoroughfares How wait you I Ip some grassy place, on Sundays in Dublin were lightly fined. Beneath an arch of bowery trees, A smile upon your upturned face, Smith demauds immediate inquiry. our hands ilagp-- d idly on your knees I Tbe name of Hon. John S. Watts of My lore my love I the day fsdaikf The rain is dull and cold ; and, bark I Santa l'e is mentioned as likely to reThe wind la up : I hear the sea 1 bat separates you, duarfrom me. ceive the appointment of Governor of ' New Mexico. It hat happy tno .blues in your eyes? tt bat dowers of A ranee about joU blooom! ia reported that after a week the It tVluit rare, eeUesti'red beauty lies Prussians will qvacuate the Oise and Far In the low hills purplish gloom? Seine and tbe txo departments immediThe garden leaves aliout me toll. The viuea bang loosely ou the wall ; ately contiguous. And, hush! at row) theatoim comes, faint, 1 he ring dove s murmuring, low complaint. Governor Hoffman of New York refuses to commute the sentence of Joseph Bear lore! when in some still noonday Messner, who is uuder senteuce to oe lour rapt glaum yon northward turn, 1 catch its light here, far away, hanged I ,ui lied with the win of sweet Auvergne? face comes ia mv ole- p a star Advices from Algiers say the insurI our 1 guide me through my dreams afar; rection is routed. Meeneddem is sub1 feel a kiss on check and hair. And then, oh, then, the day dawns lair. dued, but the war continues iu tbe province of Constantine. Numbers of forlove summer our hura ni born; Through ests are burnt. 1 htme about our The grm n itl jcrouinp corn, In Brooklyn a womans rights woman AudJuue laughed low In lane atttl etreet, is reported to have uamed her boys SuO kvl njy love in Ua like M hen e the bird ami boot san, Mary and Kate. YUush through iht fUers Uuiit our door, Deaths from diseases of the digestive Mtnmktii tlie wtp'W lor nothing more. in Euglund greatly exceed' in organs tV bat if the ship that boars you homo number thatot any other co'uutry. Goes sailing Ly the sunlit strand, It lute art ping, here i v&Uh and roam Tbe largest income ever paid by any In memory truth r, tHihgbt lnndf 0 lure! my love! 1 watch end wait; single firm ill this country, is that of P. The laud a ith rain is d olat LoriUard A lo., the tobacconist. And ail the hint; to of the w Lies now betwixt the light and me. Weston is urging St. Louis to try to him to walk to Pair grounds persuade Bo, on and on my thoughts are led, ' , fair week, next fall. I hide my tears against the wall. during And, dreaming thhi, I hear the tread A from voice Washington Territory Cf unknown feat aloug the hall. 1 dare 'not look! Ah, heaven, if he Thousands erine: Send us wives Phould come this rainy day to me. ; Take ours Then all there shimtig cold, W oold turn to bits of burning gold Brunettes are coming into fashion LipptncoU t fot Avgust. once more, and the blonde, will be obliged to resume her former position MY QIF.E.Y as a "bV gEOXOC F. CUAX. A magnificent sword, purchased by a number of prominent citizens ofNew IThat shall I say to describe her York, will- be sent to Gen. Ulrich, the to tell rnu bbw shilling, how fair, Is the summer bloom ol her brautv, defender of Strasbourg. Anjltlie suns gold beams in her hair? A Troy editor lately returned a tailor's Her foes is as fir os the dawning bill will) tlie following memoi andum ou Her smile lights up bk the suu Your manuscript is tbe margin; And br mouth come Cupul. come Venus, declined. Bring words for Its glury, I've noue. A Baltimore workman lighted a match . Iler step is noflle and stately, And never was i mpre-- . 1 ween, discover tbe leak in the gas meter. to More proud to enriy her sceptre He discovered it, but will never commu-nicaU- i than tuy bea.uUlul dueling, my queen. the intelligence. And she tins a crown and kingdom, Tse Secretary of the Treasury has he reigns id my heart supreme; 1 ( rown her w ith love and with kuums. decided that American seamen disAnd theres never sw happy a queen. charged in foreign ports must be paid tae three months wages provided by Golden Words to the I ... . v- POEIEY. k rose-pin- Tnun Hally. S.UOa.m. p. 1.1X1 4 42 3M 8 40 700 .M - A3 M 3 A t o Tgrr Snndaya KxprcM Ptustyptt Sundays axrcpled 0. TERRITORIAL Delegate Attorney Harthal A erfifor 1871. I San Fran. Oakland. San Jam. Stockton. Sacra men to Mttrytvillo. 12.21 f N 2.10 14.10 7 AO Soamo. 2.U Sacramento 6 25 Coliax. 1.15 Aw Bern, 0 10 Winntniuca 12.01 M, Battle Mt. 4 40 Elko. 0.20 A. M. Ogdon. f RAN JOSJt BRANCH 0 a. mi daily (except tuiy excegted 1 r to y -- I 1 1 raiii-ln.j- Cheap Lands PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, IN THE 5 45 p.w TiJiO ww 11.58 r.w 6.12 6.30 12.15 1 28 P.w 835 1'.45 A.W 7.00 9.10 5AOJ 1143 8.45 1.00 A.W 4.05 P.W 1.25 8 45 A.W 6.20 P.W --1 58 O Fxamcwc av p. m. Sunday) and a. m., daily. Ketnnung, leave San Joee at daily, and 3.50 p. m. daily (except Sunday). OAKLAND BRANCH Leatx Sam Ixanciaco, fi SO, 8 00, a. m, I AO, and 3 01, 4 00; 515, 6 30 8.30 and 11:30 p. m., (10:20, 11:10 and 3:00 to Oakland only ) a. and 6 30, 7 40, Lv. BxOoxitm, m., 1 30, 4.55, 6 10, and p. m. Lv. OAtCANtk, 5:25, G 40, JO, and 1L6CI, a. nc, 1.40, 2.50, 3.00, 6.05, 6 20 and 10:20 i ra p. ALAMEDA BRANCH Lew Sot Fxavcico, and 11 15 a. m., 1 30, 4 00 5 30 and 7.4X1 p. 7;2U, m. (7 20 11 15 and 5 30 to Fruit Vale only.) Lv. llAiWAKlir4.30, 7XK and 1045 a. m and 3 30 p. in.1 Lv. Frcit Valx, 5.25. 7.35, 0.00 and 11.20 a. m., 1.30, 4 05 aud 5 .H) p. m. Train do notruii Sunday. A. N. TOWNS, Oenl Supt. T. IL lOODMAN. Gen'iFaeaenicer Agent. tow-hea- M. D., RAILROAD COMPANY J. HOLLISTER, O. Internal Collector 306 A 309 CLAY DAILY REVIEW WIIOLESA LpNOTIOXH, OFFICE, 103, 103, HO, A 119 ITabash Avenue TWELVE MILLION CHICAGO. ACRES ' Of the at farming and mineral lands hi America, now offer for tale g BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Time Table of tire TT. C. R. R. ieAve Sait Lake City dally, and connect Train at Ogden with the train for the Boat, (allowing a. m. time for break faet), at Train leave Salt Lake Ciiy daily, and connect at Ogden with the rmtn f .r the Vt eat, (allowing time for aupper), at p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leave Sait Lake City IJaily, (Sunday excepted), at 4.40 pj in. Arrival and Departures from Of. & Co. ice Well, Fargo DEPARTURES. Expre and letter mail leave daily, at 7 a. line of otagee, tor Ophir, via Mine A Kimhall Eut Cuujion. Stockton and Tooele. lor Stock a, Tintic Mine, via l lues it Kimballs stages, at 7 a. m. 1 or Piocha and St. Oeorge, on alternate day, at 8 a -, via Oilmer A Salisbury line, at 3 a. m. For I.Urcka, Silver and Diamond cities, on alternate dav k, a t 8 a. m. ilaity at 6 a. m., for New York Kipndi and all loinu In the East. lor San Francisco, Montana, and all point in the 11 esl and North, at 2 45 p. m. -ARRIVALS. Express arrive from Ophir and East Canyon, dailv, at 4 p. lu. From alternate day. 4 pm. An express letter mail via Chisiott' line of stages, for Cuttouwood, daily ot 8 a. m. From a. m. From few York and the East, Daily, at 7 40 p.m. From Mngharo I nuyon, dml . , at 5 p in. From Eureka, Silver and Diamond cities, alternate day, at 4 p. in. E. P. JOHNSON, Attorney & Counselor at Law Solicitor In Clinnccry. CORINNE, HOTEL, OPHIU CITY, - LOCKE ftilnem of climate. These lands are ail on the tine of the Qrmt National railroad, and intersected by the Sioux City and Pacific. Fremont and Elkborn Valley, Columbus and Kioux City, extension of the Burlington A Missouri Iliver, and other railroads. STOVES AND METALS. 113 and 111 IIA VAX A Rich Government VO TTER T. 9330,000 in Gold drawn every seventeen days. Prizes cashed and iufoimaticn furnished. The highest rate paid for doubloons and all kinds ot Gold and fcilvcr, etc. TAYLOR At Bankers, CO., No. 16, Wall Street, N. Y. Metropolitan Hotel, MATS II A GltEEXEirALV, A. HUGGAN. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, SALT LAKH CITY. - & Williamson, AHNaycrs, Hroi pie - need of permaneut, proStable work, should address GEORGE 8TIN8UN A CO., at once, Portland, Maine. Street, ESTABLISHED 1853 DAILY, (Sunday Commissioner, 1853 t FINE IMPORTED FURNITURE PROPRIETORS. -0- HOUSE ELY, Clothing , 1 one-thi- rd Ex-Senat- Established Turner WELLS SPICER, Curtis, to-da- ! i Cxe-eftte- d, fbe-publi- Tae Moat Elegant EetahlUnment Chicago. JANIES S. AND It KIRK CO. A- WHITE, SAVON, GKO. W. BITTI.NGER C. W. S. WALKER. U BITTISGEO- - & BITTHIGER IXPORThSI AXD CO. j f - , We are Prepared AND to Execute FANCY TUB LARGEST groceries,. HOUSE THF IN WEST, - ' Special Inducements to the Mountain Trade. f - , ar-eighted rnoiion.t - d tiers. r T ; , sr ft . drum. CITY, Surgeon, . 5 Patent Medicines Visiting Cards.' tUtcntionv, produce. S9 and 31 LAKE STEET, CORNER OF WABASH AVENUE, . WM, K. POGGFTT. Chicago. D. HOBART MILLS. PJllPARfl. UnlWAUW CllARLf 8 H.CRAMj HENRY D. BADSETT, Boetoff, (Office 79 ( j BEST RUBBER IIOOtW, , f a of Job Printing yi 9 And Bill claaaeB of Goods ia our Use especially adapted to the I , MONTANA TRADE, ' I air ocRovs KDEATrRKMKrrAcrrKE. HOTEL iriTERNATIOfiAL TAYLOR X LAXCASTER, Eropr's. MONTANA STREET, Corione. Having leoaed, n fitted, and renovated tbla pop- - ular hotel, we are prepared to meet the want of tbe traveling community. A free hack to and from the hotel. PRICES VERY REASONABLE; ISAAC, D. IIUNTOON, CommlKslon IcroliHld, Corner Battery and SAN FRANCIbCO,' iVaihingtoit - - airrxiscts CRETfllUON It MLNPO. LLLh WORTH A LOLTHAJt. - . Sij - - ciXd Oinsi Kbltos - GARDEN. CLIFF IJesort iii Ojiblri Finest The East Canyon, U. T. can always garden Choicest Summer Drinks, found the gotten At this up in regular City Style. Also, Beer, by the ftuart ot Oilluft. LOUIS HERMAN, IWi St.) HAYWARDS AND Zrtry Variety HILLS, BOOTH AND 8IIOES. 1 e 4k AND WHOLESALE PEALER3 IK Bills of Exchange, Business and k , A BASSETT MANUFACTURERS Bills, Cards, Stock Certificates, Blank Notes, Catalogues, Pamphlets, Envelopes, ys Physician DOGGITT, Theatre and Concert ProgrammcsWey t now-a-d&- BALL TICKETS, . LABELS, LEGAL BLANKS, ' "I BOOKS, . DEEDS, BILLS OF FARE, , i - Illinois. Chicago BILL-HEAD- ATTENTION GIVEN TO ANIMALS, Iwt of stock alwaj kept for livery. the place. INVERT - 47 MICHIGAX Af EXVE, POSTERS, CIRCULARS, ? . II. T. PAULIN &. Co. - Little Cettsnweod ALTA CITY, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRIED, CANNED 4k PRESERVED - HliUUMATISM, r, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable IV JOBBCMS FRUITS, -0- -0- egg-strea- General Grocer, OF; Ladies anti Gentlemen's Linen Collars, Cuffs and Sleeves, aud Lace Collars and Sleeves. MOTTLED, Sold hy the Wholesal Trade everywhere. G-Omi- da . 35T. TBOY, MANUFACTURERS . Aud all work will be guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. ( 1 in GOLDEN. R. E, THOMPSON. NORTHWEST, U. T. PAKL1N. OlODlLDO. LAUNDRY, CALIFOBNIA THE LEADING BRANDS. i SANTA, CO. NO. 556 FULTON STREET. IMPERIAL, GERMAN, - and HOUSE SMITH, . A YERBA M. BUCHMILLLXL. STANDARD SOAPS, RUSSIAN", Of every hue and variety , FINEST HALL IN THE CITY. EVER atteuuou given to customer. rnilE I CHICAGO - INKS, BRONZES, ETC, DEAR Health Desirable? c The Choicest Wines, Liqnora an if Cigars In tbe Market. Whose Customers knew nothing of tbe Agony of an Garment. MODERN TYPE OGDEX. 0- -0 THE uNOBBY TAILORS, y IS LIFE tailors, Af EXVE. CHICAGO. The latest styles of STREtf, billiard'.hall. Manufacture Gent Suit to ordca, neatly, promptly, and to the mtiefactioo of all. W, a MA IX BRO)VN A MATTHEWS, I?-W- WHITE BANK EXCHANGE, (Between Commercial and Sacramento.) XO. 93 WABASH ) SALT KAKE CITY. II. II. HORST, Proprietor, SAN FRANCISCO. N. Y. E, EAST TEMPLE SAREET, Between Salt Lake House aud Wells, Fargo k Co , OREGON MEATS AND SALMON 310 FRONT STREET, MERCHANT SALOON COFFEE AX1 Warehouse, Jk-HsTTS- AND I h And 1 oncer. RESTAURANT, AND CONSIGNEES Of Csatalo every faeilltg for the execution of alt descriptions of California Drftel and Canned Frnttfi JOB PRINTING! DAILY. COSMOPOLITAN WHOLESALE GROCERS, OF IMPORTERS TEAS, alco-Jholi- c self-denia- A. L EVENTUAL, PHILLIPS.TAIIER &Co., New York. SALES t Fruit, ricnlly-Heal- ed ?- PLAINT A YD ORNAMENTAL 7 CO US Ell. Money Advanced on Consignments and- Satlafnetion Guaranteed. OFFICE AND SALESROOM. 204 Front Street, San Francisco, Cal. OUR JOB DEPARTMENT A SPECIALTY. 4 SAUCES, i TRADE. " et THE AUCTION VEGETABLES, MEAT, FISH, Ac. O Fifty-fourt- ROUND of And every variety -- Wedding Outfits at ! PRESERVES, VINEGAR, PICKLES, I lev-m- , - strictly PACKERS OF jS, I Auction House CO.. to r jr All our Wines and Brandy guaranteed pure and over three years old. - , LAWRENCE? LITTLE and YVaaUiugUm Sts., CUTTING 4k r. Proprietors. FRA SCI SCO, CAL. SAN F. Kenyon & W. Fenton, -0- TILDKN CO.. &: 1 Cor. o Battery WOOLENS. EER DA TEEMS, $3 OO u NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES. KELLER o' Hotel carriage constantly on bajid to convey guest to all points of interest. Rising Sun and Los Angeles Depot fur the sole of Ills Proprietor tiliejards. BY- guest, f tks Lear Dally for alt part 711 nr a. Stages KELLER, of the M. e now prepared to accommodate two hundred M. -- Artistic operators, and skilled labor combine I teith twenty-threyears' close Personal study of the- business , enables us to serve accejtably our patrons. Enst Temple Street. SALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH. located, has centrally This hotel, and refurnished and is been enlarged President. Merchant Exchange, California atreet, S. F. Office, No. 16 C LAWRENCE SALT LAKE HOUSE Vice President. Secretarv. 110K.VAX J. A. F. T11.DEN. . - M ISE P. DAVIE, Land - -- Excepted.) Choice Stock THE GREAT - - Salt Vako City. i Opposite Salt Lake House. Vast G. II. AXD $5 to S10 PER DAY. COMPANY C. K. MeDrauoT EXTRA LARGE Y 1 EN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS WHO ES-i- t 1 gage iu our new business make from Kto fkO per day in their own localities Full particulars snd instrut tions sent free bv mail. Those in PAID TO ALL U. 8. Patent obtained for ljinU and Inventions. Mining Plunk of the most approved forms always oa hand. Mupsaud Sectional Dram ings furnished at short notice. Miiu-o- , Cash Assets, 300,000, Gold Coin. II. East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. ATTENTION ptRTlCULAJt I busmen, concerning Mines. FIRE AND MARINE! IS PUBLISHED ' ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Or me WARNER, OF SAN FRANCISCO. R. K. Co., Omaha, Neb TOOELE CITY, Good Accommodation for Families. E. S. FOOTE, Proper. i i mineral Surveyor for Vtah. lr. S. iJi:oiu.u:p4 j Streets, UTAH. CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEER, A. SPRAGUE. LIFE INSURANCE n 1roprs. C. L. STEVENHON, CO. Eepeeial AHeUtion given to Mountain Trade. lands along the road between O. J. B. 0.8. The Review Surveyed and open for entry under the Homestead and laws, and can be taken by Actual Settlers only. An opportunity never before presented for securing home near a great railroad, with all the conveniences of an old settled country- - New and enlarged editions of Descriptive pamphlets with maps, now ready and seut free to ail ports of the Lulled btatee, Cauadas and Europe Address, u , - . and 62 MiriHUAN AVENUE, A. A. EPRAGlE. OMAHA AND NORTH PLATTER Oquirrh House, Carner Main and Locust ATTORNEY8.AT - L.AW, t. Vice President. Seer- lory. EAST TE BIBLE STREET, CHICAGO. 2,500,000 ACRES, KOI AL -- WHOLESALE 60 To settlers with limited means. SAN FRANCISCO. s Jonri Cater srRAGVE, WARXER, Credit sales require but rath down ; no pnyment but INTEREST at the end of the first year. Battery Street, AGREEMENTS,-AN- TORNEY, LEASES, C0NTRACT8 ROCJlS,lt K GREAT INDUCEMENTS OF DEEDS, COffIMISSIONER Give Siwcinl Attention to the Incorporating of Mining Companies under the Laws of .Utah Between Wells Farg k Co,, and Salt Lake Hoafts SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. -0- STEAMER AND BOILER ; OFFICERS PtAvrium If. F UtVTlSOS :l Prlndleu Agrtciiltaral r . AMC And other instrument of writing draws with aa curacy and dispatch. one-fift- AGENTS FOR COMPANY, I.rtAn BIX PER CENT., A DEDUCTION OF TEN PER CENT FOR CASH. Main flirst cl.is House of the city. Free Bus to and from the cars and boat. FITCH & MANN, Tiernan STREET, a SCIIREIBEBA HOWELL, Gem. Agfa. 87 and 30 Second St., Sacramento. iayment HI-3- fijrei f 'I GOULD & SOrl, , Public, Notary Conveyancer, BONDS FOR DEEDS, MORTGAGES, POWERS OF AT- OF CALIFORNIA, j 'S. A. MINING DEEDS, PACIFIC MUTUAL j LIFE IXSUKANCK MAIN attended Frvrlt Packed with Great Care. OFFICE, In the Valleys of the Platte and its tributaries, a region unequalled for fertiUty of soil and health MONTAGUE, Sc IMPORTERS OF 7-- tho. NEBRASKA. i CORINNE, UTAH. Arrivi from the Fast at p. m. West at a. m. Tor 9 m. Fast Chwe at p. the West at 130. Delivi ly open rom 8 a. m. toS p. m. . on bunda) from 12 to 1 p. m. OF UTAH. Convenient to Market, both East fc West EAST CANYON, REG VI. A 11 STAGE JIOVSE. Prices Range from 2J0 to 10.00 per Acre. mocnTnK in Best accommodations at reaaotmlilc prices. Gentlemanly and courteous attendants. TERMS Cash or Long Credit J. DUKE, Propr. SALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH. at With interest on deferred s MATL8. UTAH. : s PIONEER B1- , : : STATE r T Order from dealers will be promptly to., ; American Livery ' , Term per quarter of 13 weeks 30.00 THOILW. HASKINS. ... Heaviest Choice forming and grsmine lands oa the line of the road In the Young,' law. Shirts to measure, extra durable aad perfect lit. Ores and Bullion Bought OF; T1IE WEST, The coming of age of Lord Burleigh, AVhilc yeta tliild I learned that the band of the diligent nmketli rich, and eldest son of me Marquis of Exetef, was . 00. x. AWMd.XD. H. LIEBENSTEIN & CO., whateter of wealth I have achieved, hag recently creltu3ted in England in a WW. W. jOILLSK PIE. AMMOND & GILLESPIE, been duo primarily to kabitu of patient manner worthy of the oldeu time. . Artistically finished. CHICAGO , ILLINOIS. The Emperor William .has conferred industry formed at tbe outset of my ca-- , recr; I soon learned that waste makes upon Count Wrangle, tbe oldest Field Atty's & Counselors Law, I6T, 169, RANDOLPH STREET, wanf, and I jtherefore saved wbat I Marshal in the army, the cross and star SEARCHERS OP RECORDS We constantly keep on hand, of onr own manuearned, aud, J by taking stitches . in of the family order of Hohenzollern. AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, facture, the most complete aaaortnient of Furniture time, guarded against the loss which Colonel H. J. Hill, Governor of New AND Tailor and Importer of fine woolens for of every description in tbe W eat, both for unavoidably attends upon neglect and Foundland, has teen married to Louisa Corner Commercial and Second South Streeta, Gentlemen. want of foresight. It did not take long Gordon Shiell, & RETAIL WHOLESALE daughter "of tbe late SALT LAKE CITY, Ctah. for me to learp drunkenness was the Chief Justice Shiell, i Mo. 4, Washington Street, Chicago. of Santiago, West parent f tha larger portion of the pover- Indies. WELLS, FARGO & C0 ty, vice and (.rime which afflict tbe Madame, wife of the Marnuis of Wholesale dealers will consult their own InterAmerican people; and hence, until adIexpress forwarders, Counsellor of the French est by purchasing their stock of us direct. Chambrun, demand to moder seemed vancing age Price List scot when requested, also PhotoBa,L and Dealer. I ExeLage. graphs. Legation at Washington, is a grandate stimulants, carefully avoided JL HEWHY JOUST PAHET, General of Lafayette. H. LIEBENSTEIN & CO., liquors S the greatest curse of the daughter Draft on Enrope. Enroean Collection promptALB WHOLES who N. Hallow Edward General ell, foe tbe the and most to to. ly attended deadly 16T and 1G9 Randolph Street, young, Massachudomestic happiness and the public wel- commanded the CHICAGO, IWIXOIS. TEMPLE LAKE EAST SALT TV. Cl 8TREET, setts (colored) regiment after the death fare. A. N&W ARTICLE. TIIEO. P, TRACY, Agt. Next, I observed that the most of the of Colonel Shaw, died recently at Med376 4s. 378 Broadway. shipwrecks in life were due to debts ford, Mass. clerout and wife R. P. of Mrs. Clark, of a celebrated proporSEALY, hastily contracted, Cor. White Street, A Composition Pipe For Conducting tion to tbe means of tbe debtor; hence I gyman of Bedford, Pa., went to PittsWater. WlLSOJf always avoided debt, and endeavored to burgh, the other day, and. hung herself 0X0, j on to some is deal of hotel. a in hand, There her ready money great keep ON COMMERCIAL SHOP ST., for its favorable a of matter. the with avail opportunity mystery connected ATTENTION OF RAILROAD COMPA- W invite the special attention of tha rjMIK use. With economy and industry it is Opposite Palacn Bath Boom. A remarkable lives in Dallas mes, Farmers, Dairy men. and others, is called to easy to do this in this favored land, and County, Ark. Thefemily 108 years is father MERCHANTS OP MONTANA in my case tbe result has been that, Pipe for leading water. It is lighter than Hanging and Caisomlng a specialty. onr New 106, and the two are the W Paper amid all the financial revulsions through old, the mother done races. tor trade at reasonable the To a stork of goods, especially adapted to tbe parents of 29 children fifteen boys and ordinary lead pipe, and much cheaper than iron, want large which I have passed, no obligation of fourteen of their trade, and which will he offered at girls. . w. A. JONIS. TUO0.ft. WHIT. the mine has ever been a day in arrear, , will stand a heavy pressure, and deliver about Yates, of Illinois, has acDebt is a slavery which every young man Market Lowed . Prices . mors water than Iron pipe, provided tbe BANKING HOUSE ought to avoid, or, If assumed, ought not cepted an offer from a New York litesixes are the some. to last one day beyond the shortest time rary bareau to deliver fifty lectures next e manufacture all the California styles. OF already necessary to set him free. .Shunning winter, for $10,000. He has which halffrom now all We are manufacturing size, is one two of lectures, and and prepared debt, can order to two inch and fill practicing at Intemperance short large Sc CO., notice, and ineh,on reels for shipment, W. on The Life and Character of Abrathe same as putt 1871. industry, rigid economy and lead ham pipe. EAST Lincoln. TEMPLE STREET, it was easy to be honest, and to acquire such knowledge as the opportunities of , Sir Edward Thornton, having, with SALT LAKE CITY, - Utah. Samples can be seen at Our office this city offered in the days of my youth. the successful conclusion of the labors Bo. 116 Californio Street, & of the High Commission and the ratifi,r I was cheered, comforted and sustainBAN FRANCISCO. tbe ed and encouraged by greatest of cation of their work by both countries, N. Y. Steam Dye Douse, toman blessiugs, a diligent, wise, indus- handsomely cleared the docket of the ATTORNEY-AT-LATHOMAS H. SELBY, A CO. . for a quiet OPHIR CITY, U. T. trious, faithful, and affectionate wife British Legation, sails AND summer at home. . hided by tbe earnest '.sympathy and 'ATTENTION TO who PAID . of in Honolulu with PiRTICYLAR Abstracts and my children, cooperation Leprosy is CLEANSING ESTABLISHMENT, Transcripts of richest portion of the rapidity spreading of. an epidemic, and the Title to Mining Proerty, justly regarded s4he and Real Estats and ' SECOND STREET, ' theic inheritance, that portion of my local papers say that, uuless tbe law for Mining Agent. TO YOU wealth which I desired to consecrate to the isolation of lepers is vigorously C. 8, COMMISSIONER FOR UTAH Joseph, Missouri. welfare.- - Henee ray lastles the Hawaiian are doomed to beIs 8b .is to ; marry, at the come a nation of lepers in a very short Caseimere and Plaid Shawls, KIMDARK CO., HALL, Aon for tha young CRAPE,ailBrorha, r the bright colored silks and mevincs , ' so " they time, Dealers aad ia proper age, when, and not before, ip without Importers (leaned injury to tha colors, or dyed aay v can see their way to a decent and com I ! shade. HEAD THE TRUTH New Orleans of cooks Two irate Also, ladies aad Gentlemans woolen garments - ) ' fortable support, and thus fnlBU the first IRON, STEEL, NAILS, ht cleaned or colored without ripping, and pressed law of nature with a high and holy threw eggs at a policeman who endeavoffered nicety. The stress west tcetlsnony everaaedf-etFeathers or kid gloves cleaned or dyed. sense of its happiness, and its duties, ored to separate them, until he strongly disIn favor of an advertised - ne received aad returned by express an UP A VY HARD 1VJRE, the greatest and most serious ia tbe resembled an omelet, and appeared . notice. short etabltshee the in the algusted have life. Love and I of P. 0. Box 541. Address Haty of efficacy path Ac. Beat FtUoe Staff, Hubs, Spokes, Locomotive No. 3 of the New Jersey ways found to be the passwords of all 80, 82 AND 84 MICHIGAN ANENCE, C. M. DOUGLASS. that is true and noble in life, and when Railroad Company,- - is said to be the United States, the locomotive fastest fires fam on in the the are CHICAGO. they separated, , ,, , e miles in one f s., ' 4 ily altar die cut, and life loses all its having made eighty-ninGREAT THE hour. the be to ; never THEODORE compensated by charms, HOLLANDER, false jewejs which are often worn in the The last name for the new deparVEGETABLE BLOOD And Dealer ia CAZIFOSXIA - ?? ture is Mulatto Democrats. They Fatclimaker.and Jeweler, , ' FVRXEIEJt public gape, be of any peymanent value, have been so dubbed by that able and Reform, to DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, And certain cure for rAST.ITMDLS STREET, Richxaust be based upon personal virtue, not influential Democratic ' SHOES, HATS ISD CAPS, Three door helow the Sait Lske House. force; and it seem to me that the mil ard Vaux, of Philadelphia. f GOUT Alt D NEURALGIA. lenium will not be far off when each in .The New Orleans Picayune denies SALT LAKE CITY Ctah. him act shall about reforming dividual it that there is a roan living who can be eel rather than society, and conform claimed as tbe of the senrepresentative A large assortment of watched and Jewelry alFor Sale bj all Dniggistg. i"g Lis life to (lie great law of loving timents and opinions of the - people of ways on hand. All kinds ot watch- - neatly reGod and his fellow men. Amertwelve Southern States of the the AND TOBACCO, TIN-- a paired, end warranted for one year to keep good . PEEING TON, UOSTETTER A fO. LIQUORS t tune. Pater Cooper. , ican Union. IV ARE, NAILS, ROPE, ETC. , , , AGENTS, - , , ; The arguments 6f some people tbeolo ' j ' According to ,some classes of 531 529 and Market Street, Saa Francisco. - Swath Sixth S fare si, t.1. D., H. ia. fa votof tippling would do , pans it is necessary .for God to wind up old traditional to that would credit soaker, it his watch, fron,time to dime, or mo. ... , COLORS MADE A SPECIALTY st, Joseph, -who declared that water, ever since the . r , J f PRINTING IN Call and examine onr facilities qtop outright. A ccording to tbeirvew t n . . gjn. nub prl'-- paid for all kinds e I for Job Work; All order MU rirrtrrc presej t SapHlghest. be was not enough- to make flood, hadjbfpta; tasUc odrwn,-. UTAH.' ac-tiv- LET LIVE PRICE i edm-sdn- i THREE MILLION ACRES 11-0- - i AMD A branch of ST. MARK'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL' will open for enrollment end classification onst W Thursday and Friday wordings, Aug-o9th, loth and Uth, at 9 oclock, in tbs bundy School r.uem of St. Marks Church, on First South , street. . Tins school is Intelided to b of high grade for advaticoil pupiis. There a 111 be a Primary Department for pupils of x lower grade, and every school raqui-sit- e All books, slate A. w ill be furniahed by the school without Charge, nor will there be onv extra charge for , anv branch a liich tbe mbool is aide to impart. lhe School will open regularly for recitation on enrollment ol and lire 1st. object September ciaasificairon now, is to know bow many pupil to pi or Me for. All pwsun wishing to enter are tlieref or re, , quested to be enrolled. A.. LUhilw & C O., PACIFIC FRUIT MARKET, Clay Street, San Francisco, California. fecit dealers cn thepa- - b-- BANK OF CORINNE. s DRYGOODS, WOOLENS. NEWSPAPER 10-1- t SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. JOHN V. PAR WELL 2k CO. : . Having a land grant from tbe Government of Revenue. STREET, One Door above Front, THE Four doors south of Salt Lake House. of Importers, Jobber and Manufacturer Tobacco and Cigars. THE GARDEN OF THE WEST. Union Pacific 10-0- ., ! i LIVE PARKER, WATTSOti & CO., St. Marks School for Girls.' t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, Browni Building, 12.-0- 11-1- STREET. MAIM TIIE Great Platte Valley, Drug Store, J. K. WILLIAMSON, 1.EAVX Ram 10-2- 0 the Office over A.W to-d- UkU-- DR. A. FOWLER, Central Pacific Railroad ALL BORTS. going to Switzerland. The National Labor Congress met at gt. Louis yesterday. A son Of Erast us Corning died - sud" denly at St. Catherines, August 7th. Thiers aud the Committee have agreed respecting departmental law. Several negroes were wounded at an t election riot at Lexington, Kv. J The Democratic majority in Kentucky is estimated at from 20,000,000 to Coi'ireori NO. 14. 1871. - OFFICIAL! DIRECTORY UNITED SALT LAKE CITY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, . he Executed oh Short Setltd 1VI11 00 ' 8 00 ao , ".TOll PRINTING INDEFENDENT IN AEE THINGS. NHUTRAE IN NOTHING tlO ' Of All Description 00 Subscription. Corr, Six Mown, m any ia Ulnlt. Coni tplete FENTON. V7. r - " ' 1$ AS - excepted.)' (Sunday's i OFFICE JOB AND BOOK -O- Prapr. BEAR RIVER HOUSE, Front Street, Corinne, El A, STAIIN, Propr. the Depoff) (Opposite 4 fa. IA 'iI'trt Uass board at tlie iowet -- F 'I 1 rates. i |