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Show I f fg .fT'ri VAN D ALLA -- THE EATjSsiJ reconstruction. IN OKNKBAL. criminal assablt on a Spanih girl, Olympia Lopez, Utah, at almost every change of the The English Revenue Board is to try s held the defendant to answer be- and 'V ednesday Evening, Aug. 10, 1871. moon, is threatened with dismemberpreveut tbe adulteration of tobacco. fore the Grand Jury in $1,500. A medical student at Liverpool was ment, and all kinds of propositions and and Retail Wholesale The Republicans take their turn to- lined 20 for vivisecting a cat. . plans advanced to crush the wicked Specially Compiled and Reported .TAKE A 'WALK. -The University of Munich celebrated morrow evening, Graham, Edgerton and for the Daily Review, by the While Uttiug . in otir SSncUmt, rnmi institution of Mormonism. It is reallr W. U. Telegraph Co. Rollins being announced to address tbe its 399th anniversary June 26th. tint wig iiKu thd situation of affae.. in amusing to read the journals of till stations have been estaSixty-fou- r as surrounding Stiles and Territories upon New York, 16. Captain Benjamin people. oir Mountain home that tbe German Society for Savblished by Placervillc. 15. The mutilated rethe rose," tra had ' almost come to the this qHgi'i-- inj refer nee to the effect Barry and mate William Barry, of the Shipwrecked persons. have on their respec- American ship Come mains of a man, supposed to be Ferdi- ing conclusion that Utah tnu free, ami at that a At Fiqnna, a society for populaf edCommissi before nand Klein, better known as 49, were ucation and improvement of the lpt of last'Wu a part of ihe Union ; that the tive localities, socially and politically. cruel .treatment on a to known never whichwas rereign ot'l'natcism was a thing of Nevada, San Francisco, of Christian Dobl, sea- found near Louis valley, Kolsaytown, women was lately organized. The University of Ixdpsic nt present libfcrnl from slice a fuse neighbor, man, who testified he was kept tied up this morning. He had been missing any ) memory Only, and that the power had AND 138 professors and lecturing numbers suband litfordifteen wrists the the bad several and been hours, tried in and instances to steal, by bis days body many droned from the red, slimy hands of the doctors. not sequently kept in irons, aud on bread erally torn to pieces by bogs. take and carry away property Morjuo priesthood ; that The city of Jerusalem contains 9,000 and water, for, eight daws.- Stockton, 13. By enclosure, is nojv evening Jews, 5,000 Mohammedans, and 4,000 was a blot iu bistoW now; that no within its legal The Sfoit Ccntonniaj was celebrated the track of the Stockton and Visalia Christians. the whole of Utah here more should priesthood say fo his followA large procession marchwill be laid to the town of Railroad The amber gathered on the Prussian and Cento house streets famthe Young ed with polygamy leave Go principle through ers, your your coast of the Baltic is of the value yearly miles stone the of from corner four t(m where Paters. lest is tral alarmed thrown hut Park, in, Farmington, concubine hath need for seriously of it P tnr ily, of a half million of dollars. Scott monument was laid with approVisalia, 15. A man named Reeves, Brigham should hold the balance pf and that no more should the profit ban was There a ceremonies. A Dublin Justice rapped a witness on priate in the outskirts of the town, was aVer and revclator of all the Saints have power in such! an event and control Netbe head with his ruler Tor mumping" evening at ihdinonicos, many livingand quetthis shot th power to expel obnoxious Gentiles vada instead of her controlling Utah. distinguished guests wjere present. wjottnded by the accidental or speaking so low that he could not be the for is based of his own pistol. lie was heard. The The first.suit damages j .upon discharge against general objection fruta their own places. We had beard AND ALL for in- called out of bed about" midnight by Stateu Island . (Company all is bf Ferry It that Swiss The conone Basle that of plain Uuiversity point. that lb last case of that kind ha J ocwas the Wcstfiejld by explosion, some unknown person wishing to see tains 157, and that of Zurich 297 matriccurred oub lung year ago, when General our neighborji would like a piece withra juries brought bv Miss Kstber Wright ulated students during the present suma admission view an of him; arming himself with a revolver he mer term. , qs Statje. A Washington spi jal says there is early Maxwell was expelled from his hoarding, Jvhen the pistol became enbtrasa by Brigham Young. We thought But we object to lacing sliced up just hut little doubt that Ue President ha went out, On Jun6 26tli, in the town of Tschan, Ashley, of Mon- tangled in his clothing and was dis- Bohemia, .fifteen we wort safe ; we were happy ; why not? yet. We arc able, and intend very appointed persons lost their! lives The Brazil. to Minister President tana. a number of housed were had not the Liberal cause uiudc gigantic shortly to jtike down our Territorial also told Ashley that, he is now con- charged, the had passing through the by a and other1 damconsiderable : The and foot. to should read destroyed, parties wishing Orders Solicited and vinced of the falsity of the reports and hips strfdest was not the Rktikw on a firm sign and put one up that lasted age was done. The financial basis,- and succors a ready The great State of Utah., That is dishonest means used; by ttoliiicians to see him disappeared. about four hours. secure his removal from llie Governor' A man named Joe Churchill, a horse- emblazoned on our Ifibernl standard,? the way, and the only way to reconstruct t An old bachelor says that giving the of Montana. from Stockton, was ballot to women would Had we not ai lease (verbal) for 'one the demoralized condition of jur society, ship not amopnt to Boston centennial anniversary of thief, who! escaped The and laws arrested here us that last and make a us hecause State, placed evening give to which anything practically, they would Walter Stott's birth day was appropri-atedyear for pteasaut rooms in old epougb QiVe that were in case. the will keep the of they Massachusetts meet denjing the observed jail. mill by exigency turn the trank of pur opinion elections under Historical Society, of which Scott was Los Angeles, 13. The largest politi- to vote until they got too ofo to take auy were, we nqt fortilh d by the word of an us a law to govern our interest in politics. 1S22. in elected member cal gathering ever known iu this county, Goods delivered Arima Bihopthnt for $30 per month which all male citizen shall have the Seeclea honorary were made by Robert C. The Illinois Independent, edited br will ' the one in is assembled front that and now of another to Lafayvote, we should have a secure retreat from right R. W. Emerson, Geo. Si Hilliard Mr. Steele, says : A printer last week disinterested from with a to boxes ette till our others. ! jury and speech listening IIoue, to go into partnership with us. tb wind, raiu and at rin? But ala for otir Ole Bull recently fell in a fit in the Hon. Horace Maynard, of Teunesse. Eroposed is Doolittle. The firm name for human expectation ! we wen des- juror, and we will soon clear up door yard of his residence, at West Leb- He will be followed by It, Pacheco, the would sound very bad, either wav vou the of The record. ist Territory shape tined to bare our castles overthrown, anon, Maine, aud nowllies in a critical put it Steal A Dolittle, or Do Little Republican nominee for and the veil that had been drawn over as it non stands on the map, surtjlv condition. & Steal. We cant join. One of us Hon. S. O. Houghton. Congressional would be in the To all parts of the City. The friends of A. IL Rice are activeour eyes by ciretim stances, -- the Her a Id could nut be improved ; and jftt poorhouse and the other s and Net rd, rudcly torn Rvvay and lenr.i beggars should not be choosers, we will ly organizing for the purpose of pre- uominee,j and Hon. Jesse O. Goodwin. in the penitentiary. olir neighbors for the present on senting him to the Republican conven- I)elegatijms In Vicksburg hundreds of colored from Anaheim, the bitter truth that we are still in Utah. excuse tion as a candidate for Governor of Los haveLeen attracted to the chanty Corner of Main and 3d Sooth Street. peojde El The Helios, Norte, Gallatin, This was done by our fcceiving a notice the nipping question. government Massachusetts. of an old negress who believes she can in course the and other towus. is s rongj enough, and will, in due form of law, to vacate the preyn-iaasee5 angels in the air. Her visitors do Ottawa, Canada, 15. It is now posiSixty thousand dollars were subscribed not pretend to see the celestial beings, wu luui rented. Thieves haye some of time, remedy the little inequalities in tively asserted that the Marquisof Lome . ' and lritye Loui-o- will take up their at a public meeting at Gallatin, toward but they have the satisfaction of looking Utah honor; murderers have some principle; rosldenc here for a lengthened period. the purchase of ail opposition steamer. upon oiie who does, aud this has proved barbarians respect a contract; but it apDRUG STORE, an attraction sufficient to draw Arizova Troubles. We learu from The Governor General's residence is be Oregon City, 13. A man named creatures from all directions, ignorant and ia pears that these Saints of the Mod Higb-o- the Arizona Miner the following ac- ing jrv pared for their reception. Chas. Keinptori, 33 years old, employed some cases from great distances.! Iu 'consequence of Wahingto these Latter days have no regard for count of recent troubles there Cerconsiderable reductions are Elliotls saw mill at Conemah, while Treatv at in when come theitf obligations Apothecaries Hall. they tain news has reached Prescott, from to be made in the militia force. remov slip-jeiu the some boom, logs ing the the of Contact with king; Toronto, 13. Today is a civic off1 and was arap Hualpai, that, on Tuesday lajt, drowned, is dom. buioes ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM8 TO generally suspended. i indust old and Abraham Henning, an Fifth Store North Kimball. A Lawrences. from Paris sar rjVIVE at Godtlurd building, Mriu Street, tinAdvices 15. -, Cros-Ctatodonisvn c a l.a matih London, too. we We suppose arc publishing pmfui to. murdered n was or ous citizen of this county, and numerous exerris are to take place the city is excited and the situation gle much truth, and as evidence that they bv an A Tt-rwill be an in the evening. Indian, neaf 1 is threatening; trouble is apprehended OPENED ON MONDAY, AUGUST TtH are troths, behold how they flutter. We home at Centi cebbration, 1 be His body was Camp Wood. is the from various sources. rvlebratcd in ar gralifie 1, hasraver, t. oerv$ th it found, istil. Iwieg gpoe-a5lw ait- and female restaurant horribly mutilated, which foro all th f rvuipwl A large and well selected stock of lnmi(KtitlFli U Uoddudf throeghont tlic fete of Napoleon I, and the air is full of Male Inquir tha proceedings are to be legal ones.. us to think that more than one Jodi m. t 5 a. tn-and r. u. Main will revolt tbe rumors army against We can stand ihosfi , jhat in the (foul crime. It V. ala Cdaiie, lias LoJde, 15. declare Mac-- TJOOMS AND BOARD A SMALL FAMILY the The iimejVad when Justice at the was' engaged Versailles Assembly, Amerk-aam- U J br V ciui t ArcoinvuodftbrtI with ft uit of renr said the Indian murdered Mr. Hennii g . ahon Regent aud demand the lin and plummet at the root" would j pleasantly fumlnhed rwmi, with hoard, in ft quiet him have am let refused to be because wild ntmr the I'owtHiffjee' Enquire at thi location . The jeojle are leaving Paris in a offler orvff c 7 he New have bc6n applied, rid instead of a '" - i . . . 'r Ccmtuiae. A ( NnhoU, at the (Xtugntt Hooe. AND munition. g", I !.:cWr I f; wb the believe Some that would banuless piece of jutpr, - sn A idhl or two after tbe commlttruc I An a projwrod is ripe for a coup d'etat, have seen the red handed Fyr of this horrid - k ! un s , of ti a Nap'Afos avag trinie, jmrty did not Brigham say, rather, than that MEERSCHAUM TIPE, SILVER MOUNTED, lb- - gruvtfcl 4 tiw nation. being hastened by a proposition to make attacked two siunew here north of less it is low da; ago. Tbe men, wm hurt in this cit which Thiers midst the flourish in should our cuemics has executive, to permanent tuy gone Ashbury's pipe belli); highly prized ly iu ow nor, a liberal6 but were repulAsl. Prescott, rew offered for it to thi office, al ard return Newark. it is feared would establish a governI will unsheath my-- dagger (the one visited the head of the The A from Strassavages Imdoiv, ink monarehial. Thiers has no ment BOWIE KNI1E WITH SILVER RHEATH. An elegant stork of in that murderous Cane we Supjwse and W have ocat or near the Warm Spring. The Under bourg states that Haxsaynmpa, a few days sgo, shot is hated by Republicans, friends aud at lie die." We arc flourishing, and ns he horse rewarded a ill it the by leaving to Mr. Uavis, and curred there between ibe PrtiWan troojis RovalisU arid Imitcrialiats alike. A Sell Lakeliberally ault-2- t Hoiimeor at thi officer There is much anidare not unsheath that dagger except woundedbelonging W . and inhabitants. to It. belonging another, Toilet Articles and Fancy Goods. ate crisis is approaching. mosity toward the troops, and many DISSOLUTION NOTH 1C. by accident, be must use all his Groom. no them made with m tacks t oppsirttniity as gross a clevis. NewjYork, 16. Thy steamer, City of The firmand knowntitiainoM possess to "drive ns out of Zion, at Rtnrkton, Utah, next visited Lynx Creek, an for retaliation. : A number of Prussian Limerick, doini; They from Advices has arrived. The Finest SODA WATER iu the city, dree a old i of Bod witness the dissolved ha tin day been ft to by mutual consent. imherility troops became AnvolveJ in a quarrel stole two animals from C. Y. Khelton. from the (nost elegant Fountain. Call and see. lie paid to Lewi must Ail firm due account the dis no official state that Washington with childhood all of the the and with a fight ensued, inhabitants, Gross who will settle all account Against the g4HtvTond From these villainous acts, we judgj V. W, Cleveland, which a numlier of both parties patches have been received concerning anu,. during wrakueM of a babe and none of its bright Louis Gm. s that the 1) ing, murderous is stated the Corean difficulty and that the ackilled wounded. W, A. PERKINS, and were It childor virtues. This petulant have played their little peace game on' authority,' that serious disagreements counts hitherto arc probably incorrect. ish old man, tottering the grave to and will, henceforth, kill and steal have arisen between the French and The Chinese Eastern out, question may inhaunted by bis past, dreading the future, w German governments in reference to the can. The savage, or sa henever si war they the nations with western volve and Frankfort tlr by peace negotiations, bad better turn his attention to bis cou-killed poor Henning had that difficulties are lead to to which likely our present China, jfrom government canifition, attend to Ids ow n concerns aud for further complications which nny result not been partially fed by him all wiuter. There other nations are escape. ,t bora wo intend to stay for the present of the treaty of peace Word reached town yester- in the .ater.in Corean interested the difficulty as and shall continue to fire our rifle guns tbe governments at Whaluali ax Rat ail Pzalxxs is that oil the previous- night, ffegotiateu between noon, day United the States will well but Frankfort. asours, at his tumbling theocracy. Our work will only be commenced when church Thursday, Indians stoje eleven head of Pittston, Pic. The lost bodies were not be likely to make war against Coaf Jakeu out of the Eagle shaft this mornanimals belonging to and Slate are separate. of other rea with the thjs town, from a Corral . at Walnut ing. The mine inspector put a stop to powers. all proceedings at midnight last night, BAXTERS AND WESTldlX EJII- - Grove.. . Advices fjrom London state that three SKCOND in order to ventilate the mine so that ORATION. , it is said that the Then, who down those went could on had widiout fatal cases of cholera go ajijicared Withiu tlxe last few days we have met Half Bloch East of the Revere lienee. Wallapai and Ch'imahueva tribes of In- danger. A streaifi of water wus turned steamers coming from Cronstadtto Hull, West and from the East' many formers and in :o means dians nre coming here from the West, passage ways arranged by but the English authorities were taking in this city, seeking new homes, who aid the a grand effort ;o of doors, so that n current of fresh air Ajiaclies.tn be circulated could enmakhixvA come here for the purjio.se of every means to prevent its introduction throughout thef drive all whites from the Territory. One tire mine, which soon removed ihe from ships arriving at their ports. To such settlements. all ing permanent is certain, the devil apjvcars to e damp. The bodies of thing l Yesterday dispatches were received offer a hearty welcome and wuxU-iemore vigorously at work now than ever were recovered. here counannouncing two fatal cases of chol then owe of the finest agricultural before, among the hostile tribes, at d in era Paris. Members of the health tries on the coast for settlement and new there is no telling how for lie may force homes- -. The mjneral resources of Utah department of this city think there is them. . Wish the large party of 4it n Iu Yw little probability of cholera visiting Eng York, GiwnUukl, tcMlajr,8SJ are just being developed, and in connec-tibt- r now out prospecting for gold at d going land this year. One physician says he AND with Its agricultural and grazing faSan Francisco, 15. An alleged atsilver would turn their entire attention no considers cholera a matter o longer cilities she bids fair to mark a new era. bribe' the Sheriff to to Deputy tempt savto prospecting for cop t certain persons, whose mimes were Amerjcan interest, as it has been lurking Hitherto, Utah, although one of our place con'd Crook Gen. that .Wish, too, settled Territories, has been obscure, ages. handed him, On the jury in the case of about Europe for years while we have s know of these depredations and as to its real resources aud capacities ; Freedman v. McStay, involving land escaped. of the savages immediately. worth $50,000, which was tried in the .London dispatches, say that Bismarck this, to a large extent has Wen the cause of the Mormon proper guards which has Polygamy is a crime. It is in viola- 15th District,t Court last week, will be has Commenced a vigorous campaign at all times been opposed to any species tion of the laws of God, and man. It taken before; the Grand Jury. It is against the Papacy, and as his first blow debases woman, destroys tb sweets of alleged thatjSam Neat, clerk for Geo. has declared in Parliament and in his of development under the rule of Utah has ever been opposed home, crushes out conjugal affection, S. Sharp, who is associated with Wm. N. official gazettes that he regards the Chnreh as hostile to the to Gentile settlement, and eveu to that violates public decency, and is an insult Patterson for the defense, offered Bovd . CAPS, StateJ He has broken off all relations A civilization. the new ass. civilization of the to , whiebpproachcs $14,000 put it into his with disnot it has and annexation of population daily pouring purely political, BOOTS, a pocket, to have the names drawn, and BREV I IIKS. into our Territory bids fair to soon arthat Boyd informed Judge Dwindle and solved the Catholic department of the THE SHOES, rest the iniquitous doings of Mormonism. the plaintiffs counsel of the proposition Ministry of Public Worship. He is inAbout 400 vessels were it MINERS' OUTFITTING S, for the establishment of an OrThe day is not for distant when the the commencement of in the Gulf and in the presence of the officer return- triguing July thodox the Catholic full resources of Utah will be developed of Bothnia. PREMIUM WHEEL MAKER, party, composed of ed the money to Neat. The affair is Etc., Etc., Etc. acthose of and and her.ee be governed as other Chrisinfallibility opponents au to excitement an were If engaged couple speak creating quite among the Utah. SALT LAKE CITY, sees to a clergyman, what celebrated Romin lawyers. tian lands. Brigham Young ) tively supporting Dr. Dollinger. aul would ? mention Marius IS EMPLOYED BY US. 16. New York, that his influence is fast waning and they probably Benj. Barry Captain, The attenduuce at the fair today and . second the Wm. mate of (marry and that a newer of development is daily ' this eve is greater than on any other Barry What is the difference between an enAmerican ship Comet, were arraigned being inaugurated and Mormonism giv- trance to a barn and a loafer in a the of the siicces print- day except Saturday; ing way to wholesome lessons of Chris- ing office ? One is a barn door and t!ie exhibition pecuniarily and otherwise is before tbe U. S. Comr,' yesterday, tian teachings. Utah is rich iu mineral other is a darn bore. now assured. Many people from tbe on a charge of cruelty and unusual and agricultural resources and in a The Hudson is going into adeclire. East are visiting the Pavilion and the punishment to seamen during the voyage short time benee must rank second to It keeps its bed and is quite low. Even Chinese and Japanese are attending from San Francisco to New York. It f sheet of water is uncomfortable this none of our western mining countries, aworm appeared from tbe evidence of Christian daily in lare numbers. weather. alias John Brady, that from the Plumbers, Gas & Steam notwithstanding the vast extent of agri The Republicans, not admirers of Dohle, The fashion of the ladies preferring the rime he left cultural landsyct undeveloped in South- buttons to hooks and eves has thrown Geo. C. port of San Francisco Gorham, are very' much dissat- the second mate exhibited an unfriendern Utah. With the completion of the half a million of capital iu Massachu- isfied with his canvassing the State for treated him contemptuously, Utah Central Railroad, our Territory setts alone out of employ. the Republican ticket, and openly avow ly spirit, and compelled him to do all the menial An exchange describing a funeqal laust become the centre of the vast of "The procession was very fine, their intention to bolt, declaring that it work of the vessel. " On the 24th of Seep always on hand a General Assortment mining and agricultural countries of the says: sineee-newed is old four the of two miles in length ; as was and years fight while painting a spar, be acciIn the also nearly WesVj hitherto unimproved. the prayer of Dr. Perry, the Chapmen are July, three ; prominent twojor c-let the paint fall in the water, dentally future jit wiH be our ainCto pay particu- lain. I Brass-wor- k , included in jthe list. the mate knocked him whereupon lar attention to the various parts of our is A.'ease recently said to have occurThe trial of Ike Brokaw for the murf AND jdown, beat him severely and subseTerritory, and endeavor to lay before red beyond the skill of ordinary oculists. der of Robert Evans, alias is tied- - him up by the wrists and For gttftia mod Wiier purpoM, our readers the fine resources of Utah It that of a young lady who, instead set for has been contin- quently " confined and at the same lime to check fanatical of a pupil, lias a college student in her uedBob, him then for in a eight days . for the lerm. j dark fsilk, which is today impeding its pro- - eye.Two shoemakers out in him on bread and room, feeding cJf friends Tbe H. Schwartz, President company were water. Andrew Ilutts M ( asked their profession. gave corroboraRays one, I of the Stock Broker Association, who tive the and the case was then ' Tut traveling community are particu practice testimony heeling art. Aud I, said the suicided at North Beach with a razor, A SPECIALTY. this until adjourned Jarir called upon to read the card of. other, labor for tbe good of men's soles. morning. think he wan. insane when he In Paris seventy-threnew newspa- committed the deed. The Welch h Clark, proprietors of the Czar has informed At lower rmtea, tor cash, than any other Home London, reports that COACH AND CABKIAQE TRIMMING. pers, mostly of but an ephemeral existLe Flo House, corner 1st East and that there is no treaty between were started during the rule of the pecuniary or family troubles were the ence, of W'tet Chicago South streets, in this city. We can tes- Commune: Russia and Germany. cause are unfouuded. j furnishthe of the to superior style tify Difficulties have arisen relative to the At the Swiss watering place ofBaden, Tbe California Insurance Company ing and the maimer in which it is con- Canton ofJAargaU, 3,304 strangerr re- bas declared a scrip dividend to all pol- evacuation of four Departments; France gistered their names up to July 4th of ducted. Travelers need not fear for icy holders on tbe business of tbe last refuses to admit Alsace produce lie fore the present season. there not is, And all Work warranted ta give satisfaction, 1 1 months;1- this is tbe firs( that bas evacuation. . j provided ' At the census recently taken-a- t Vienenough room iu the house ample been A that Rivat declared. Tbe Raymond the President proposes Ely na, that city numbered 10,250 houses, or no pty. aill.be provided. Give them and should diviwith male 300.125 communicate the Assembly and declared has a Mining 307,389 Company female, j a Call, all ye coming from the West aud total 607,514 inhabitants, the soldiery dend of one dollar "per share. There by means of messages only. East, you will not regret your stay. .excluded, SECOND SOUTH STREET . was an unasnal "amount of trading in The which in- caused IN A STYLE TO SUIT ALL. for fire? bells dose Are rinderpest, great ringing - As Indian (Adjoining Fausts Hall) keeps a.brif dozen squaws ravages among the eattle in Austria for Ophir stock on the street yesterday, in Tiberius. Simon of No, and is called n beastly savage. Geo. Q. the last ten years, has recently made its anticipation of a heavy rise; many par- 3ufred answered Tibe; doy hab ' got SALT LAKE CITY,U.T. bitten!-'.'in . the ciy of Vienna And ties were Guanou keeps several cvttrabineA. appearance plentv ob fire, and deys ringing for called ? ' what shall he vainity. auI4 San Jne, 15. In the case of Dr. water. Uo Daily Review. - D. C. BUTTERFIELD, & TELEGRAMS " -- Mordfio, charged with the-cou- CROCKERY, ROUTE EAST I i j i INDIANAPOLIS SHOUT LINE. j G-BOOB- B, hlo-om- Th odIy lin Hmulnff Pullman! room ftftd sleeping Cftrt from St. IxhiU in i j V slice-.woul- Provisions, Liquors, to-da- y j . blood-atoneme- chon3 New York, without SILVEB, AND VIA PITTSBURG ' TI LIKl'j C1XCIXXA MINERS SUPPLIES. nHLADELnllA.' rAXDAtIA JtOVTJS T2A j to-da- Powder, Fuse, FUFiMITIM j r without changm of Cars, wsfn through Indiansrolis, OonnortsFle, and lUniilton, nod landing its pocnt$ il of ths Ifnmtlton ftnd Day toa Railnmd, wi dpot vement to hotels and buitn-ss- , a street car peas this depot for all parts of tha city every Sve minutes. Passengers for the Kmt via Cincinnati will I are. this the mod desirable route, a, iooncti DfUlT Trains Uuaewitb-o- made in Union Depot with the principal omaibo transfer. st j LOUISVILLE to-da- MINERS TOOLS. rain-spou- t, rain-stor- Crystal Palace, m a iei: i a .a. c - PROMPTLY y FILLED. J 1 Win-thro- BARRATT &: CO t Lieut.-Govern-o- MTSSOURr NORTH THE LARGEST FREE OF CIIAltCiE 1 1 dr Passengers by this line are lauded la tb Crwl. Central Depot, fiiot of Istke straet. In as evfcfc time aud by fee Dully as'by any route from St. Umli, Trains, without change of care. VS St. COLJUTRjr, loo North Fourth straet, St Louts. p, j Passengers will please bear in mind that this ts At car frum bt. Lms into tha tuy, culy line running of St. Lout over the great Iron Dndge, avnldisg a. and disagreeable omnibus rids up and dtnrc long tbs banks of the Ohio rtver. RAILROAD. r, And Cheapest Stock s FIFTY MILES : are-prese- Wil-mingto- a West of Chicago. NEW i - holi-dav- -- I J J e Scl WANTED. To-da- y tei jvi.y ixconroitA n lit-.tl- lrd. e - Ca-.'- i j d "'ll ' if !- K- Ern-jdre- I LOST. itdcis CHEMICALS. A I , ST: Material. 1 F . Ll'BBKR, lDOORi, ' 1 Ak VENITIAN BLINDS, FLOORING, CHICO SUGAR WINE, KAHN BROTHERS v rjtoMrrtr riLixt - -- Wm.-Rimmon- A. HOPPER s, & CO., wes-er- n Groceries Pali-Ui?- Doors, Dry Goods, ' intcu-ntion- Clothing, j and j Ilusincss done tlirongh the President of the Company. i Il k 1 F'eari-sy- . Vr Gout, Col.c, t'ntmpe, Cholrt Toglheche, Mrvh, the internal and tmtemal ftcbot mod muq, Kheomalom, lbr!yi. ia, Mfvrbn. IHurhift ftod mil Pratts Abolition Oil, it family remedv ia the world. A grand ucees. because it doe nil if 1 dm to do. Avery bottle it ow n testimonial. Price, .mail sue. fifty cents ; huge, f l.i1. For sole by all DraggtAs. PRATT'S NEW LIFE . The Great Rolauleal Remedy, For alt disorder of the Blood, Dowel Liver am! Kidney. Stomach l.utnbor Yard, one block couth of l Railroad Dejpot. PRATTS NSW , BARRON E. II. Purifies and enrirhss the Blood, cure Scrofula, President, Scrofulous Ernptmns, Tetter, fait Bhsnia and ail Skin Diseases. Price $1.00. For sals by all D. W. PARKHURST, Secretary. CHARLES HAULER, Proprietor, A. Mi Boyd A Cfou, Dmg Treasurer. gists, San Francisco Cal. Office LIFE WAGON Drag-gist- s. CARRIAGE WORK, OF Sidc, The d old-fs- f a nl MusvliM. Swellings, Iain in ih Breast and SOUTH ST, Salt ivicib city. THIS AFTERNOON. Lamr Ruck. Sprains, Prime, Stiff, Weak anl SwoIVn Joints, Conlractcd . Main St. flea door mouth of ITalter Vll r throat. ioiiK Aithn.i, Mouldings i Cr-- Blinds,' Sash, Oil, Remedy, i I - - The f f V RAILROAD, Abolition Mitt. rUfUMf roti7T fN PRATTS. i I Railroad Shops i Arthur, Rustic Siding, Kte. ORDERS OT1IEE KOtTK. And see that you get them V. SR. General Supenkitendrnt, Hi. Louis. JtMEt ClIARl.ETOX. , General Fiouenger and Tnfcet Agent, St. mwiia.. MOULDINGS. K1YDLOF y California Redwood, Fit t, A.N'V tor Tirket via MISSOURI NOUTIK ' . Ko other line hm through cere to St, totli Connect h ere ! sumt fejr the rente bjr ft tuch Through Cftrt $re raa. i CEILING, CHANGE. FARE AS IOW AS BV SIDING, WINDOWS, Apacho-Mt-have- A WITHOUT Building AND ALL TLiOTTXS, !! . pros-ariptiv- dn-anu- M t A dii-ir!-an-- i on the Kansas City, 8t. Joseph and And all Council Llitjp, Failroad to tn oil Kinds of Dealer - Or-silie- i - DRUGS Are run through from Council Bluffs i7t. 17, ' CAPITAL STOCK, biiilil-ln- M Palace Sleeping Cars e t r juche-Mihav- e COMPANY. LUMBER FOU REIST.I d PULLJtANH Utah and California f Jl The shortest line from Omaha, Council Blaise Nebraska City, and Sr. Josef. h to St- - Louis, at all Fast and South via. St. Louis. TUs only points line by which . . UNION PACIFIC . TO nil Descriptions MINERS, Railroad FARMERS; Company i TO IT.V LOT 'DRRARTMRXT. Mor-nion'u- AND THE iiats, Geo. W. Clawsen, and,-actual- ly ice-boun- d PUBLIC GENERALLY. y 4- j B. Ly6ns & Co. PUMPS, Blacksmithing, ... ROWS, GENERAL White-heade- PAINTING tural and mineral land. HARD- - , WARE, PICKS, SHOV- ELS, DRILLS, DRY GROCERIES, CLOTHING, to-da- f c O NS TANTLY O N II A ND , AT THE Most Reasonable . Prices, Kimball & Lawrences. MANCF4CTUBER IN ALL KINDS OF " & I t j .... Horse Shoeing I 4 - HOPPER, -- i E. 1. ZABIHSKIE. THrfotm, A turn nwuiiltv, Good and-Spo- t Raautortured by I i Street, MX TOtK. 5 Send tor Catalogues rt r HEDWIS A HILBERT, t Lead and Oil Worl32. EdabUdud Burnt IS&i. . 16.-T- he ir Full and reSsplet stock ef CHICAGO mod RdmOt IK. or .crtcrcnit LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD, BAR AND PIG LEAD, LINSEED OIL RAW LINSEED Oil BOILED AND OIL CAKE. Pumps Repaired, accom-modation- has M e,ual at a Demngre. CaL, 3 Chambers, sad 5 JUade BEMIS, BROWN & CO. A rfpr leak Oua, Rifle, AT rJ, ar 0 THE BALLARD DERRINGER, 41-1- 3-- 1 I No. 1 Cal. short. No. 1(B CU tor Pocket Revolver, UNMRPASbED. They ne the cwdmarv Cartridge and are beautiful la shape and I k Pipes, to-nig- X LltEVOLTF-R-, 32-- li i e X L llEYOLVlSs: long. No. 4 Lead; Iron and Drain CARRIAGE PAINTING Col-ra- d k, THE NEW I d Application may be made to sgeata oa the ground, or address . .A. H EDDY. General Town Site Agent, U. P. It. Omaha Nek. , GOODS, Ac., Ac., Ac j COACH HOUSES MINING TOOLS, FUSE, POWDER, In all the town, lo supply the immlgraties which ORE SACKS, WHEELBARwill continue for year settling up the rich agricul- IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Fitters. Have an nnlimlted number of hmh Bn. I Reeidence lets in all the town along the line ' read from Omaha tn fnrinne. which are being aoht cheap, and great inducement art being offered to .(1 wishing to retatdish bnstneas and build ar tliemwlvc a home. There 1 great demand tor BUSINESS , . 5 to-da- I All Oil guaranteed strie ly pure sad fall weight AGENT OP ' ? Homo OFFICE OF Chicago Shot Towor Cotton Mills. KANcrAcrrROia or Ca., 4 h fihst, Drop and Back Bnllett sad iPar Lead. Order from the trade solicited and promptly filled. 9 X COMMERCIAL E, W. BUTCHFOHD A CO ST. ST. LOYJS, to N. NO. ) f CLINTON bT-- , Chicago. 4. J r r |