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Show f$ f PuliU.trd tmry evening, . : r. ZESTYOIT (Sunday's excepted.) or & T7. FENTON; All Description of Till Core, Oir Tx, Six SJoNTHO, . CIT, O ,rt, Tnn Month, Ott 7 Diuruu at Cri is Cxkt ron i m U KITES STATF3 OFFICFRS FOR UTAH T (i rtroT-frcorff' I. cxVLi, Orpfrun. A IUi' k, - George tnJi. tcrftttryft B MrKrfen. Ntw York. Jntbrt JttdietB o. V. fttncVland, Mcb ftiid ' t IMAKOXIG NOTICES IS GEXEKAL. i OFFICE, Iiodgis N o. yO Moriah tfonat A a. M. KvKulsr ctmnniniction A. F. tiwt You niitv plean knowledge br but you taunt, separate the cbatF from the wheat by thinking 1 . Cor. 40 amt Montana, o field at Mow file Halir JltuildinK, Moudny of Tempi Rireat. ili sccoa'I and Fourth au.I sotwUee. at) month. Miii.twrn of Sister are In cordially Hoathren good standing journ, nicKi LOUIS COHN, W. M. tuv .ted People with bookish knowledge are Mrs. H. K. PAINTER, M. D. M ppMlff, l!l children wiili weauotis. Tliey edged M. T Patrick, rink, from 1 to 1)3 A. M. Office hurt thettiathes and put others in pain. V. S AttnrnryC, II lln hrjst iratR Uitnt, Sc'y. fL 'trad, t C Jf n.rt. Ind. Gfnrrl Svrti'rr it. n. office:We ought not to jw V. & V. fSsl- liBfmrrr r,f Mo J, 1. 0rtm. P. TTAII. . C&R1XNE, A. NO. a their stcr ION. R. t, letmd .loilN by LOW qualification, EOF FritFEO (if ttfg ('Mieort kjif-- l BT. ( u..u.ricc Hall. k. Masonic A fhe at m. Charrvn. Rj,uuet. tl.ey make of lr & hn p TcplH nt. Ilullding 'tain street, eveiv Secumt mid Fourth V. S. A mind full of piejr and knowledge Monday J. Hfihu-r- , tal f wh wotiih. Sojouruuig luethrsn xn ' is alwaj s rich; it isHbank that never cordially Intaud to atteu.l. T. F. THACt, T..P O. M. dividend of it a TitRr.TTORl 1 T. OFFICERS: faiLq yields j perpetual REPORTER OFFICE, In MjNwvRt. Sec'y. r happiness. JUf0t fo ( Ymrrt M w, PI Hor T UTAH- AUtfrtttfi (nrral 7fruHUi Vo, 8, A,f A A. M. CORINNE, Wuslilv beautiful in a Lodge Somebody, describing J. T MrAlhutrr. HELD AT IONS AtZCtU.rW m. ( Utu ii., lady, says she has a face that a painter rv EG tjl A it COMMlNICAT , Ituildmg. Fxst Tnle Streot. th f Jm k. Voj'iiir a- - broad Rathel dwell 7irvrpr upon." Stolid pvd Fourth Fridty Of e !j imoiuIi. CVwnvtcxi .StWl RoU'rt 1. might bptrtHUndmt face that. .jo.iriiiug Brethren in f.,,4r Ldgs. nd jurit'-to ott. nd. oio cordiail) staFidlsg misfortune If K. H. ltoBHiaN, W . M. comep into your bouse, Collector Infernal Revenue. be patieut and smile Ib Nwtr. her y. will stalk out again, ir; cheerful coinpauy. BANK OF CORINNE. evrrv TtinmUr at T T lattVv.i Vsi FAY.nI,K SI KKH At. K. L-The road that ambition traveNJ-- too m To t in men .m!Oirs,s. Va.u street, J 7 tn ii d - ud hg ore Ceid Ftiiou r nrrsfcTT. narrow for ft iendship, too crooked for sa!t t tat e hdti. Ltt I , N U. I .j st .lid Civ love, too rugged for honesty, and too I a tantc a hu u pune 42m; f b J M oi rF.s. ribt dark for const ience. a fi nitk to vote a fiemrer he ith delight, Mr fyHt Kick fortlt to the day pia; Central Pacific RailroadIr. .McClintock says: It is a gr. at Attorney & Counselor Laiv ttbrii the poll will appear like A meadow of Uiftirtt', 1 foy man to allow any mental facguilt Pwlfi gc tlllu.nf'ly JULY I m J tu iue Kathfi'en. a hen fiotu the com Ictlon ulties lie may possess to become rusty m.ii.UvF 1m.il Sundays 9 Mtc lame vr t tit a iMiuiitnl nimle on her lace, l,'SfirK'd foil.V. t from disuse, of to submit implicitly to rXtrptcl 1811. JL Vll' attmtium rll moi tie a lad. And ivtrva bo .m e h I mi p a have poer and another. i is'v vi sjii run. j l.d e u Id it ehoAo yea by IhcM 11 r.M (KiUldii.i. j t U iso UTAH. CORINNE, 7 .Hi .0 ro San Jot,'. Thq whole universe is full of the ina ldl' - Ouniirhag thin on yenwlf a iU lx dotin', .(." cm 7 .S stovhtoii. Ids and awful 'knd xir e up to her liou4?, niter fear; jestic reality that would st.r o.r t4 In i' v 7.00 S..rrrii(iito hw lay n nleare votin' ,the innio-- t depths of our hearts if we J At d thin in iter carriage, 4 KI l.i Mu tilU-.'l dear. inv uch, hihLn UUu U hvr$A 4. 1 7 in could owe realise and feel it. Ktshub ' "5 i1 that this lift aflher all, Ha bubble, . Jt i 4'i ll Chunder ten. Iji EAST UTAH. CANYON, thrue u of the d ; F 4 Vu inH mi wth u S do Culiax. Life is divided intq three terms: (hat v bcu Jo gun, and Jrec Jixni all lii no. virtue waT i f llEUVLTl STAVE II OISE. ihrm.hi", Mimn ii. u. p 110 which was, which is, aud whieh is to be. n'.eji S While miftuT the morter and siryhr the hul 12.01 w. j nttl Mt. ACCOMMODATIONS Let ns learn frOin the iast to profit by IV THE MOIN w F 4 4 40 " Flho. VaIou. oh no, not at all, BET at And 1 am tnrt. UeutlBUiHiilv and from the present to live V. (..do tfsdui. jjfdtle.M but meh "ini .1mm Eri 4u.U ai long minded die prevent, better fur the future. rhiUghlef J. ntKE, Proper. 15 o at .TOfK IB M To rhmii up ilia luMtr and aalk oa the anil,. Sts Industry will makd a parse, and fru.'Vbti w a m. sl.ttly uml And ehar all the joa ol the brick and the p Sni(ivsi i! tuimfi. If iv at uV,a ui , mortar. gality will give .strings to it. The purse tt.ulv . mnl It Vi j uinlavie tulv ui tlal, will cost nothing. Draw the strings as 7THE OU4.K i if MtiJ h n J,RArt ixro. (MKliAM) dog; m , UM, Mii 11 b. i, io, im v, directs, and you will always frugality l .! si, 4 V. t, a u I lit , 10 JU, Maq le'e f. hi dt rg is Iai mg And strong, hit find a useful penny at the bottom. n thtkl ; oi u.l ii tf IIs lovt Jir bis np Is t i u Lv I Hoi (Ki s vi nl 10 ol a b The world is a bioking glass and Ta punt hi- - dr4 mutt be xefy wrong, b lo, aiMi o m t tit i 3 w piArti hi purp o w rugiT y the to back ictlection, I ' 7 Vl o (ki, IQ io 11ijO Main uij.l AbstjaitH and Tnii gives every man, ipt of l.v fcMD. k, t1 hi hi of vrdfrfh! ways, .t his own fae. to M iau 1roptrtv, ami UA LMul nbd ll !ncfs of Urg and it an tl Vjt u., k, V, .i Hi, Frown at joio it, In Mininn lrApgtli; Ant will in turn look sourly upon you: laugh p inI. n in.MiM.., ' r. s, JleOioispt ui nt hr ol w ho f tithf vI) Li)i imwiii-i.M- ir commissioner w Itv first o.i de a ' n n . at it, and with it. and it is a jolly, kind 7 .I, o vitnv mill Th p t h n, , 4 t.1 ib t ii n. .a. il 1'. t. ii I ml Thutkfi ay. Like Kxtlif'il. he mouin,aml ho will not dry up, companion. A ciiifU K1MJ3 I 7 10 UK 40.1 in , nti CO., Hii HALL, l.v. jjl tor thr hiVt love m In o her t hath d(wirted ; The common covjrse of things is iu )t lo p U. I A and his ui, r. I. tsfld drutU h rgn huarted. Dt&b in and tert lit 0 U 7 IA h xu4 r r. Itnpoi Vu m, i'o favor of happiness as the rule, misery I .n 4 it ' abuie br AoJ h ,i!tl Were the order observ-- ; 1H ON, io ii t r.fn .'mi tn i n The ratu mw mky lun through the streets at the exception. KL, INLVIL. m vd, our attention would be call, d to exA N. JoVI NK, Crnl Sup t : them The trfMitjre bo tnorm dmll nu r Aj,t nt. u lu4 T l.hubM XN amples of health and compe.eniy, m t Tin ha u.r juowr tfp lb suecu J A and of disease and want. stead HE A ' 'V,! HARDWARE, rjsht urrowt them. a purp sh "Mnd n i The faith that does not throw a Tijme TaLlo of the TJ C. R R Hull, Spolcrs, Frllorn, Brut St If, Ac tv tdirr n n rtag in palace sn4 lull. Th warmth as of si inmlr aiound 'tl.esvm rn r man i a In i t cl U M. dVMfel MtCIIIO CN ANfc.Nl E. .mtl I.iV. ( ti toi nnt Tn iDlt a vs buiird m ji purp, uhd all, pathies and harities of the bent, and T thi.c w h at yu u lllHiii' trail fir ll.! hi I, uIIoaji Su ih hfflWhurth 'imid hr i irf r. on like showers drop inVigoratioris c;o. on . tn. : iu uj i Jt ttbr I . nt the const icoee and th will, is as l.tl-- e - j. ti tl nnk r i i d bl t. m r n it tu. tmr LOCU-wiih as it is omrtlilnu More About Corsets. o,. ing., Paul P,Mn lONTAG T "1C, b I hi pi i t : i m , An honest is the within 1MPUIUF.RSOF repiiiition MI uMMuKAIMN 111 UN of tbi; icariv sale tjf rea.hof.ifl Your obtain it hv so'1 men; tl1 Mindiie vui.lni j .(,4V ; c it v of Cii imil S(hI.,U lilufii tl in v L g, ci.rvt' T cial irt nos y j, jy was Ibis kind and by Jdoing tl.c.r dutv. the i ismls nu' raeKr . tliou-an- d ' i of reputation, it is tine, Li' AOENTS FOR tion plating neither brilliant or rj ri'in, burtl but it is Arv vain and Departures from Ofstarling, t! tv is reallv t'i.x ntili.ii i,n.t-fice AVells, Fargo & Co. Frluiil Agricultural generally conducive to happiness. ninayn g. Il.l'e t! esc lpurt s been oie The soul is idd fts as humanityt..iid in n. of r inert hauls, or is it a re-- and we pious HHMimiiF'd, STEAM HR AMD BOILER ace ordingly-tirnthe hitiI 7n w., ' ainorig Fxj rrstand dh,Ht 'tr pubhhtd? it!ntily a, Dra KintbeiK nos ft !v N br tin lur, nii.il 114 and 111 Battery 'Street, parallel to the op- IlHwt Uf fminev, a long drawn erate many sayings i anm, St ktn ait I T o , But we sayings of Je.-uI that Is the result for Ku4 k.k, 1 in tic Mim, utiUmjsi Kiinln)l tor FAN FRANCISCO r;l!i II - writer's lungs are c able t)f full in-- l where that cmnpUte insight aud that Kt.4M( tit 7 a r.i ftt on and If.i pj.Afbc 1H.13 its lnrs', Imr nt 3 ft iu. EsT UILISIIED 1"3 Iiudinsr them fri e to take in perfection of character fiom which ..fcin. a m . ft Oilmor A holt !nn on alter- Knr fruf Ka, MIm r and Diamond S!ie air of JnaVen, a -- igb of iclitf tiitse proceeded. Ilasr Life nf J xus. 8 ni ic (j 4 nt followed by piany ol regret and Long may it remain in this inixe.l m for N?w Yr1v ItU'i dadv lit TJri dtci-iowoild, a i(ii.tHui ofl r.o ea-s. .rrow for those who are ,0 tboughtless nui l v joint in th ljvt . Tiil all jxtiiiM nt til tiafMi- - . wli.bis I he more b autitulev e ot h nuiuiig. Sn.iiiug :tg tins! tliriiw It.-.m V hadU at j iniin agaiiiAt frit i )s. Sit iiingag.Mn-- t the A ini gilt g.Hidness, ,lu-- soft whin- the "it I S . AKKI band formed tor the uvin'usi riiliop of tHitxtfii t biUri-nSinning aiiiiin-tlh- e T j r1 rarmin. art ivo from OjUir ftnl d and win tt ilu 4 ' ndtj rne, nr jlKiii ail biou!J( j rymj'iitliv nt j m. (bal rough i 4 ro n ni litM 1d, nit rnat Uj p tl.Mit into form 4f bcjutv dfgiiid for'b.md whiili the lmart sof!( n., tout ho OF TI1E WEST 7 I hrwltt a l.u of Ait f fiU'rmal rf' and g.ui!i,s in a moment. Dirh.us. I'!' (.wfulnt , liappmeysf oln ( otonvMML tfitiW ot t a hi Wlio hath Mjrnw ? at h in rtui fnruibt! anl Mn I tan believe. tbre may' be huppv i in H. LIEBENSTEIN & CO., They that wi.tr souls who iiave tratUeend.ed the ot K 'Hi'4 th V 7 fkm V KtlVtilv.ftt 40 p w tO' ftt r m n. Hitihnm p for teLom other mens aim j aiyiu r m ILht k an I ii tnni'i to inw k onr creator, (river, i4r CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. citi, pray rs would be Jpei fluous HJid intiu-sive- . tn w a4p li.it irrr-and irnncc can mortal But I have not vet known iu greater MATLH. RANDOLPH STREET, 'commit than dcfornitiig'ihe human hofly, actual life one who can always sour in 167, 169, fuim the Frwf at 7 '0 jn m. Aiitc Wiwwti'. 1ialy, thi W 'Hi at 1m i cnrutfintlr keepaon rowning act of the upper air of thought and feel no hnnd, of our o n menu-fjiA. m. 'creation. CIipe for' the Fit at 9 m. tirr, Ilia nmat complete RirtmHnl of Hirmture do need to be sustain d wing, tl.igging t nt L t of every dwrijitjon in the Heat, both for errittifn on satanic at- and ' M vnii list. inm a, m strengthened nt intervals by his jt tn. Prlvciy open on humhi U4.bi ii in l jf m. tributes; how they chuwd war in heaven, brother.- - Frances IoKcr Cobb. WHOLESALE RETAIL Eden from rejoicing in exhausted their have wits, Doctors iTH'i P. A, MXV tbrtihovit mif etrth, in human woes and aegi.i-h- , but wh it greater joy, more tellingihe sleepless luwv to get to sleep. best recipe we know ot is b foie I Lid.i gscmkld be borne1 by evil ;n tiolcvilo will ronxilt their on t hv piirihnning their etoi k of in rtirict. tu4 to jiau'h monni', titan th.e above getting into lied yourself, to walk the hImi Price cent Photowhen Lit relucted, KY S ,V'F LVAA, graph. tloor two or tiree hours with a teething-babynamed artitb eoncCri.itig cnract. If utter exhaustion docs not ilr. Editor, go with me for a time SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. II. LIEBENSTEIN & CO., your case is hopeless. Jl rits to the grand tracing oife 4f itiese 167 and 169 Randolph Street, counc ii hamfx-r- . Enter spirit with the ' A city exijuisit having become agri C1UCAOO, 1 1.1.1 SO IS. taken from some poor sub- - culturally ambitious, went in search'of d A JVJSW W.th one grand farm, and finding one for Rale, began bV PCriber'e dixir-iyLAW', fiourih of ihf w lb tilled sheet, the per bargain for it. The seller 'mntioejj, ' . , the familiar name of as one of iti recomnicndationa, thatyjt-ha- d lean of trod, A Composition SALT LAKE CITY. Ah awl Pipe For Conducting a vi ry cold spring on it, (ouneil Iff u S'- f ,f all veaesilence. He Water. I'oix-reads "'The said the fop; I wont take it, then, for temporal power? 1N0. JYo. I he Kuklux? I have heard that cokl Rpring ruined The riot ERNAN & WILLIAMS, Ntv. llnw arej matters of les'fr inter-t-.-- t the crops last year, and I dont want' a OF RAILROAD COMrA-to thoir tartjiiy inK1on ; rpIIE ATENTrOX Thirty- - place with such a drawback upon it.? at x tbotisaod. pairs tjf. corsets sold in tn, Farnicn, Dairymen and othrr, i called to - bftU JAtk East Tnnpte Street City. our New Ftnimil Bhiir in our venr! A gentleman whose custom wasfoen-tcrtsvj- n Pipe for leading water. It lighter than ' It wasrei4nplu v Cjheer after cheer ofteu a circle of friends, ob very House Lake Suit Opposite than iron, ordinary lead pipe, and mueh rang through. the corridors of the pa- - served that one of them- was in the habit ions ball. folltiwed sliout. The of eating something before grace was 0 es and Bullion Bought. will stand a heavy prcMiire, and dalivar about one- ld dance began. 1 he Corset dance. and determined to cere him. asked, third more water than 4ron plio. provided the Here was one beit g laced, ano'her ith Upon a of the offence, he sliouldc rs pitsb;d upwards towards the said : Forrepetition !. U!LltPIE. AMMO'D. ize are the same. at, ft. what we are about to receive ears, in vain aUeiupiingji full breath, and for what James Taylor has received AMMOND & GILLESPIE, e are now manufacturing all atirs, from the halting careful promeuadt, attempt-ju- already, the Lord makes us truly thankto two inch, and can fill large 01 d rv at abort wocxlen-dulto pick up a Ian, movel untie, and put on reel for thipuent, the name a & ful. The effect pay be imagined. Counselors Law, lead pie 'll. nt, pJa-t.pans face expressious,all o cor' SEARCHERS OF RECORDS Sample can tic aeen at onr office A Chicago nobleman says, the stateThe 8ene ment (hat On, on, went the dance. the AN'ri saves ESTATE REAL MINING ANI) country AGENTS, tigbt lacing No. 1 16 Callfemla Street, was changed. W .at wrfect pantomime in board s dollars 200,00.0,000 annually SAN FRANCISCO, IL-fCo d'erKToDmorcial and Second South Street, was heart consumption, alone, is a villainous and habitual lie THOMAS II. SELBY, CO. dispep'ia, head achy, aye and many I know a girl wlio laces so tight, that SALT LAKE CITY, - - Utah. more stt h groans, such sigh, such will and around her twice artn go my learsr--- a call, All promenade and sent WELLS, FARGO & C0 lap over clear to the elbow, and one Each cotfin seat a into your partucri. think to look at her that she wouldnt w hi h they gradually! EXPRESS FORWARDERS, sank jtnd disap- could eat anything except soup, but she TO YOU peared. Tire hal was clear, bas got an appetite like a cross-cu- t Bitiikrri and Dealers jin Exchange. saw, A sound of feet. Innumerable chil- and she mows a swath nt a table like a DiwOa on Europe. European Collection promptdren npj ar, mourning, pinched V ; reaper. ly attended to. smaller brains ajid sinallj A traveller stopped at a tavern and EASjT TEMPLE STREET, SiLT LAKE CITY. biHlies, .d old faces piarked with latent IF SO 4 diseae. '1 Ion, entj rooked, cramped was much taken with the laudlady, a : : TIIIC F. TI1EO. TRACY, Agt. Stooping for breath, eiitf and xtolid. old neat, pretty and agreeable quakeress. n. Y. SEALY, ah ! the of parent When .about to depart, he declared he yet young could odt gev without a kiss. The pretty sin in would boibildhond. The utrnngMt (ntlmanv ewer otTerad In favor mt an advertiaed medi. This pageant, sad for human, heart, quakeress blushed, as she replied with etna the v sorrowful tor human Friend : thee from drove ns mt yes, great circumspection efflHty OX SHOP COMMERCIAL &T.t the scene in very terror. Wiping our uvtist no,t do . so impudent a thing. Opposite Palace frith Room. half blinded eyH we found ourselves By heavens, ' 1 will ! exclaimed the Well, as thee has sworn, I promenading on Bread ay. Dismay ! traveller. human 4 pravity T The first sight that will not be the cause of thy breaking thy ft specialty. rAprr Hanging xo4 THB GREAT me bs whs a woman selling corsets! oath, uaively answered the blushing TVerk tor the trade done at rcaftoaeble race. but thee must not make a Y!ti tell ue of this immense sale in landlady, CALIFORSIA VEGETABLE BLOOD TUOfe. ft. JjNftS. ft. W. WHITS. our City .that its appropriation would in practice of it." rVRirjEIi. thirteen years pay o ir national debt. And certain cure for A short time since a stalwart Pat. Thirteen years is a king tima, can it not lander paid a visit to a gentlemans be shortened ? OF There are oter luxuries on sale in mansion, the object of his call being of GOUT AND NEURALGIA. Couiu-tBluffs licsidek corsetL Tobacco, course for the purpose of begging. ConAc AV. Please trary to his usual good breeding,' Pat spirituous and tnalt lienors. EAST TEMPLE STREET, went right forward into the sanctum of the with issue in tiext ns favor For Sale by all Druggists. yotif In his burst of a indig- HALT butlership, who, - Utah. , gregate pf yearlv sal of these articles him what bright him REDTNGTON, UOSTETTER d CO. If the patriotic nation, asked cf Inxury in onr city, aift-itsaid s there. that will arouse J0ch, States United Paddy, THEODORE HOLLANDER, women of the AGENTjSi , to a nente of their d uty they will cast ye're wjin, is it? Share thin, an it was S19 and SSI Market Street. San Frsariaro. Well info the public trees try dollar for dollar, to spake with yer honors glory. retorted 'do - then, sir the butler, all you or for with patriH. P. STEWART, U. D., Lintirr any luxury EAST TEMPLE! STREET, otininen. Should this arousing be this not know that, according to rules of this ' Throe danra below the Salt LG Hoiua. fear And men adopt! the measura yon house, it is customary before coming iu -, the F door me knock to at .Arrah, by prep.,themselves of luxuries, I - Utoh. UTT wpl duy find tH inly free people on sowl, bawled Paddy an how sjmnld 1 SALT LAKE CITY, OPHIR. CITY, UTAH. y jVl-v. earJh, free frejn debt- - Car. ' Nonpareil. know tbo rule of the house until I come nd jewelry J A large fteeortot of wfttrfre The tnau of the cellar was TJRINTING IN COLORS MAD A SPECIALT in to ax? I at thU ofire. Call and eanavtua onr facJlitio o bicd- Ail kind o wfttebe tDfttiy re wry woh rewarded Pat n a and we. Langnngc that ti fir Job. Work All order, nif rtrn'giv might nonplussed, ned sirrr.M f enaii paJff'f 14 V? his wit. ttrnts-nesch ,ber. drop of somethin ?' i at K 305 DAILY REVIEW Union Pacific DENNIS J. TOOHY, ifcr-Jy- 4 ATTORNEY AT LAW, , . boor above Front, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. JOHN V. FARWELL A. (O. THE I V f O. d POETRY. J. HOLLISTER, J r NKNVSPAFfillt 119 11 VibaaA .tfti.uc r CHICAGO. . 103 , lOS , HO, ) . , i mi ir 1 at - j , Solicdfor in Cimueery. F - 1 ,1 ,Llrs' M- i Vj6YEEllK)fEU 011 lit CITY, i 1 I V 1 M -- I m V j j 1 1 .v M 1 THREE . land are nil on tlm lino of the Great r.tiUond, ami intc rccld b) flic Sioux City and Pacific, frreiuoul and Klkborn XkIK), Colum-fi- u and Moux City, oxtciivion of the Buiiington k Mnaouri Kim r, ami other railrouda, lhwe au-- Cash or. Long Credit i 4 . 1 m (redit i ear. 1 1 1 tf To at the v I w H) Rih Guvint STi: !f roi-- N D I . 11 c i j 1 i I it lie-iiii- all . v,,L-oro'- j yp I t ln.ulM.D- - nml K mlnnr j MI Ml. ttili.'. Pi , BY .Stock j &W. Fenton, ! find-anv- s. WOOLENS. n. tr id.-i- 1 - V T1IE I 1 1 piEAT FURNITURE . tn-ali-- HOUSE f ; flo- - . l l , Il uni n !.t- - ni itr J fvrr s m-t- iilter-itHt- ! e Uj-4- S Itii k ITTCU & MANN, VV mtor-iw- . lul-lo- N)jir(il !a.huggan, p AfroitNKY AT Contains crcry facility for the execution of alt description of Ac i i ' Assnyerw, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL FAN IlTlOWrN rh-ap- er - VV half-inc-h g at Atys -r j e e, i GLO. GftDf The Intret styles of THE Who. n. y. MODERN TYRE t i physi-jugnomie- s, DEAR 1 - ItEAD - the -- alw k of iroodx, eajw'cHllv a!fipted to the their truth, ami LiuL will Lv offered at all mannfactnre thy Established Turner N. Y. IANKING WHITE A. i HOUSE SANTA, RHEUMATISM, CO., ag-L'- i j' 1 - Physician & Surgeon, m jf fr - i i u r.t, given la rx thf city and EVER? t BUCIIMIItiLER. SMITH, HOUSE and CO. NO. u56 FELTON STREET, LT. . , V ; jst. rrtoir, MANUFACTURERS'- o - STANDARD, SOAIS, w mrsi white, IM SAVON, GERMAN, NORTH-WEST- Of emery hue and rariety 1871. Aud ell work will be guaranteed to give eatisfaction. Curtis Dye CLEANSING - A- and Plaid shade. Also, ladies and Gentlemans woolen garments cleaned or colored without ripping, and pressed nicely. . Feathers or kid gloves cleaned or dyed. dariGuods received aud returned by express oa short notice. Address P. 0. Cox HI. C, M. DOUGLASS, General Grocer, LIQUORS AND TOBACCO, TINWARE, NAILS, ROPE, ETC, loath Sixth Street, ,c ST. JOSEPH, MO. price ped fi- -r viv f IN HOUSE J? kliidr di C it fl G1YI V TO ANIMALS, oak a.eay kfd for hvery.' a. Jf MONT WX T t.tl . K7. THF 1 A h-- vci OULL'l-- re-- ! th kolvt ? VA SON. 4 RLE. .1 !. Bfd fcwvr-4hM rev. tu U i h waotaaf d - ad !.' tree Urea Brmpr, STRZiT, Carlnne IliVcf Vwd, v- l'i(h m.vf rj rewa n, ufvr HOTEL, LAXI ASTER, ll 1II'NT00n7 Illinois.; lkkl MMloiX Special Indncament lo the Moautda Com Merchant Trw,t Center R tU.-r- y ttJ Washington BALL TICKETS, LABELS, LEGAL BLANKS, DOGGITT, - - BASSETT HILLS, MANUFACTUIIEI18 AND WHOLE '.(LE DEALERS IS FRANCISCO, t f I crn;HTOV I 4 A WJl E. IWJGFTT, Chic.ro; P. HOBART MILLS, CHICAGO, CHAELIS H.CJtlVM. HENKY D. BASctAT, Deaton, (Office 79 Pearl SL) CAL. . LOLTHAN. G A R DEN. G4RDEN CAN ALWITI TheTIITS fi hummer Dnok. th up in nr S-'- s Ti rsort in Ophlr, EUkt C'nnyon, U. T-- I 4 . ' vcvtta C LI FF boots atsx shoes. The lrine.t 99 and 31 LAKE STEET. ..... ned retulw City GalfiruJi, Cho'ceat htyia. Alw, Bcar,.by tba Quark LOTS HERMAN. Frephv Business and HAYWARD'S BEAR RIVER HOUSE, Visiting BEST RUBBER BOOTS, Front Street, Corlnme, . Cards. AND And all caaeef adapted to tS ' Trtry Tirifty Cetdi In our l!o i eerecUUy E. A.. THutlitg ? or MONTANA TRADE, our eery EiiTESVMArrrArrur at I I j i Ui j Cjf- - ft - STAIIN, Propr, Depot.) (Off-oeiU- e f ATTKV'tt-V- TAILOR ' j WIttJLIjIvIL.. LARGEST Ptd lva t 1 Little CoUaawowd. i CITY, q , .INTERNATIONAL T vt UJ a Chicago S, Blank Notes, Catalogues, Pamphlets, Envelopes, Bills of Extr&ange, Patent Medicines, M. BILL-HEAD- BillsCartis, Stock Certificates, AND H!gbet J. A TVPKY i Theatre anti Concert Programmes, Way CORNER OF WABASH AVENUE, i -- CO ALT u AtKtB 47 3licit IGA .Y .I rEXlE, POSTERS, CIRCULARS, notions, boots, SHOES, MATS AND CAPS, cunfrv -- mid Sale Stable, , If. T. PAR LIN tib Ce. 1 Livery, i C. L. BITTIMS1.P. AND THE pOOKS, DEEDS. BILLS OF FARE, And Dealer In ' Prepared .to Execute I evetyplire. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRIED, CA STEV . rilESERl VVe are Pliawla, CfRApE,allBrocha, the bright colored nlka aud merinos leaned without injury to the colors, or dyed auy jBITTINGER , i BITTINGER & CO. txramt axamxzxs i House, SI. Joaepb, IIlMonrl, WhfdvYil .Tratio : W. perpt ae BECOND STREET, dry! goods, , Solti by- th ESTA BLLSHMENT, Cv!m'-r- - PER! A L, I TLFD, GOLDEN, OPODI1.DO. MO , LAUNDRY, THE LEADING BRANDS: California atylM -0- - 1 rpiir. n'lT 1 attention TAILOR, to. -' The Cholrrat Wine, Llqnorw Clzar in the Market. CHICAGO and- INIfH, HItONZES, ETC, ; LAKE CITY Wtclmafcer audJeweler, & Steam ! YERBA -0-0- Customer, know nolhrngofthe Aglfiv 'of 1 Garm. ut. Em. W sje-ctac- j BILLIARD IIALL. Tae Mont Eleg MONTANA Lowed Marled Prices, TRUTH AilTTEE,, 0- -0 I KIRK r OGIiRK. - MA1X STREET, ) pro'll t nc-ill- A Co . To a tar' iarue o Is Health Desirable? self-rakin- NOBBY JAMES Ii. Xft invito the pftrial attondon of the OF an Her. Iluiisc and Wells, Targe - BANK EXCHANGE, i:CE. tion ol all. o- TEMPLE 8ARKET, II. II. HORST, Proprietor. Hi NCTM ). sT M a TTH K VVs, A I SAL O OX, SALT KAKC CITY. , j fcntfe tu G nt Mann fin ly, and ti the ..iti-f- j IS LIFE i:wr UciTvccn Suit tAk- .icr'mnto ' AM COFFEE I n AIlA.SIl NO. 9.7 bin- - Warehouse, MERCHANTS and ! I, Anttloneer. Jr:VfAATII . j CHICAGO. : m--- DAILY, Guaranteed, , MERCHANT TAILORS, JOB PRINTING! PARKT, Cor. Whit.- - Street, aiu0N ., (.IUKI.U4, OF TEAS, (Between Commercial und 376 A 376 Broadway. I j 1. OREGON MEATS AND SALMON 310 FRONT STREET, WHHLlIVLK Clothing j Ivftncffl iii ConAffjnmetils ml Ae California Pried anil Canned Frutt,. -, u SALES - i JOHN A LAWRENCE,. RESTAURANT, j C avb rovMr.vrj.sccr Washington Street, Chirago. HENRY A. Solitf-tclir- Fmutrn, iiEL-- v AND New York, YlliIC'LK. Street, S.in IMPORTERS Tailor anil importer of fine woolens for Gentlemen. No 4, I II. DliN rtnrD the corner." Mon P VT. ji,rj WHOLESALE ELY, 'X TRAD IL ! Front 201 fit fimhd. Artieticaily H hujii-Jnui'i- it extra durnblo and prrftHt .hincrican Livery . a 1 - OUR JOB DEPARTfilENT fe- ijirts to moikAtjrt, rrit n.ir, ACrriON SAUR'"M. OFFICE AND SPECIALTY. A . 00 COSMOIOLITAN rid i n o' On iji ts 1 I .1 iu! ion House A t 1 If on hand H'T'CL'IS r Vruiif, M gUeat, eflh to ony parCa - il HUlCt. ..t. ( M 3 1. 1:11 arittjr of fl VE( KTALLL.s v Mol- j VINEGAR, 1 1 iTnietrioully-SfJiJ- all SVKt.i--, PIUEltVl, Anl i j .loo tale two tuibdrial D.-lt'tr-r ,i.i-tnii- "i. O.. iS; C . . I i Prpprlekr-ra- nr RIR ( .! Stngrii I.tnvr . it ji'iio - rj Vnfc--- 1 Mrant rXTJXii t -0--0- Temple SALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH. r ,JV fit At LY IOCVTKn, HAS f pitta i aid rofutniehmi and la i tJ I i i PROPR I RTORI, e combined with twi close yiarsenables Demount stud of' the biisiiuss, vs to set ce acrejdably our pati mis. SALT LAKE HOUSE i t - KFXCE. .1. C. LAW i tio- - ,. VcanciY TILI , ri.io f ol Si,rl ti- , NATIVE WINES AM) BRANDIES NI. KELI.EI? A-Cor. of flattery a lid NVaeltin"! oil v,., svn h:an( K) al and skilled Libor, nfy-thr- I uiuiiL'. F. lo pot In PICKLES, Aitistii oe, j KKLLKH. P -- ft- . ri ' C D 4 Coi. PAID TO AN v 1 rt vli j put amlotu tltt v jre f A. 1. Gold r.Iouitk' iip t. M All onr,M infs i j Id Lake City. t (ALL PVTlTiFCLAR U. s. Pat-n- t i ob. ii g M ari. 'ti ! and TnvenOon. t ,i Mihifix s. I Sii r on !.r m.atvflvv th approvd fir. i, ,i.j Vi.nwJ Draw iiigv tariiiflaij ht tv. j ... uiuvartiv. IMPORTED FINE li FKOFLDS M. I. Kenyon T injd- - ?troet. t F,-- !.' VV No ' i ; DAIL&V (Sundays Excepted. i Mini cat Surer,, or fur Vtnh, V. Orrtti givi?n to M.jimi.un Ti II G, Il liuHVIR F. stevensont, ' AM-t- , - j IrRU'-- M K 1I.,i.n t- - I Ca.h I , c loici V. ARNEtt V nti. n Att- - T IW- le.tiruijid CIVIL AND MINING El&GIftfcfCR, j J w.Ainglo enter are therefor m c . L. . -i, C K,,,K V7so IS PUBLISHED- - IAT1U LARUE -I- II . -- OF .vVN FRVNCW 0. Ibc lldnteiul lp lak u by nm ( o. Oinnh.i, N t K OUi.t-d- t NIUllH.AN AVE.ME, CHICAGO. 64 E.pcti..l i ! I to. A. ' Term per quarter of 14 eel 1)0-03 , , TUOS. W. HASItlN. LIFK lXSl'HAM'E (0.1I1MSY i,,(ii.t'piii.i! lump IddrtMi, O. F. DWIS, .v jr Aili-r. ATTPVTJ ; t p rie-ue- d HOC O S. The Review mly Inform r cntcd ftr Anoiprtm Uv'iH u kl'kt i ttliiMtf, a it Ii pH tin iii id nrnij New and 4f tn 11 .criln totiniri ts with miUikm1 rfI -I 'i r piiv- - j .11 part ai! n nt r m tu ii $ tn of the tj tj nc HAJCM-Jt- , AVHdLE'ALE 1A C. Inndn along llie roi-- between AND NuKTII PLATTS. Atltn! S tri.r j iiie-an- .lit Irc-cHi- I r aches n for rntM iindr vfel anl djh md nnd can and K -- I I I j un-alis- fv I ( , Sui due f I i OMUIt -- 1 i:, ' ' '! t A. tiday n orxiinga. Aug. F a, Sr'i nt cf r la. 3 i C( r.t KiioJf 60 and itli Iiuuled iiihuiw. Ulcru Pi po and ' e.t w Me A. A KPRAOl'C a,o 00,000 4 s Ktfn C c.li dow n ; no nd of the ftnt one-fift- I. EAT IN DUCEMENTS G for vtaii i i v -- irf but t IMLRiM but iniiitnt 1 "1 JL I ll IUTiaOi V S Eli AVI CAnll. I th H -0--0- n ilcw I I lr F.N T FOR C krM I.m am OF TEN IF.R 1 I t' Dtlilf TIUN A PF.KCENT, T ,t . HldT-Arl- l ; UMIt .1 std-nc- jni-- I SALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH. t on deferred .avuiehta at itlamtere-- i 1 kt i (nat (are, lltk to be of high grade fi.f ho 1 U .iv po; .te Ti' i wilt be a Primary Depart .1 i of lower m t r nj a grade. p in'.h. ud rtrv itanel Htw ue .)t v jurm! ed bv the hoot a (ibout Ohaxga, -- vr r barge foe t 're be env eitra h hjeh the ehool le abie til impart. mv t , h Km A will open ngnluiiy for recitation on -.r len.fcr 17 'Ibe ob c. oi enrollment and cuk-'l- i ei.on now, ufta knavr how many pupil tu j ' , Tlini-t- a t 9 o'clock, fn the ua&y nJ m o M. Mcrk Church, on Ftmt South l. .v I kl 11HF lit lit A 1IO W KLI . Out. Vt.. 37 aiud 39 Srroud Ht.kArrAmrnto. ? 1 " enrol'meat and chuullcitloo oa sr i i, f r . ) I MAIN HTUKKT, . v J Price Range from SA.CO to 910.00 per Aire. TERMS . ST. MARKS GRAMMAR SCHOOL brvv'h of A r.h, prm.fty attend'd lav al Coufcnimt i Maiket, hath Rant L Wist ., - 8T Fruit Patkrd vt tth OFFICE, Iti trihutarira, a ftoil and baultb' In the vallev of tlm Plutto and region mivju.ilbd foi b.rtibty of fulin m ot thmntc. . i NEBRASKA. OF A Order from dealer wilt jo, j V n.u-.im- Mf ft n Ckoite burning end grazing lands on the lino of l be road in tbu -- I t MILLION ACRES STATE , j v 1 ! BOOK AND JOB PRINTING - E. P. JOHNSON, j U eo.r . V. LLlSlC & PACIFIC FRllT MARKET, ' pi Clay Street, Sat FrancHen, CaHfrla. E VI FRflf DEALERS CX THE PA, cific Coaet. ' U-a- . 1 j j ACRES Of th. t farming and mineral taoda iu America, now otter tor aalo OFFICE, i7. o. V MOIUGAGES, POWERS OF AT loUNEY, LEASES. CONTRACTS i DRYGOODS, WOOLENS.. Having a land grant from ths Government of MILLION AND BONDy FOR DEEDS, I RAILROAD COMPANY TWELVE AGREEMENTS. deeds; MINING ' WIIO LEM A LE NOTIONS ( ( Mnu-btr.o- Giv. Si5cI AttrnUon to the Ineorporarlou 4 Silaing Compantee wilder the Lara of Utah. f On OF DEED. COMMISSIONER STREET , 308 Cl. A A' At I aXD Tobacco and Cigars , &. SON, S. GGULD Convtyanecn, Notary pnblla, Importer, Jobber, and Nlonclactaiera of THE GARDEN OF TILE WEST. depot. A &C0. i Great Platte Valley, lloum c PARKER, WATTSCft THE TN Corinne. i THE Cheap Lands Js W. GRAHAM, M. D. PRICE, " 1 f n-- r.Nnt(d on short be LIN K ASD LCT LIVE Vnc OFFICIAL I'll tJ ECTOR V j PKINTINO ItUM .TO I? Tfrtn of Suboription. . the Inn' rai . f ' |