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Show t IMftWWI RICHARD WEBB, tttttttll MINING NEWS. Editor. Alta AdvtrtisimsoU. Alta Advertisement?. Alta Advertisement. a. BOOTMAKER, X.OST. The Smith and Murray Mine. This mine hs situated on Davenport Will sh.u vly re, no e the house known Hill, close to the Davennort mine, and I h" HAUIApW'S Ltd HOUSE, is owned by S. G. Weston, Esq. few A Wlkef Strict. jy Jni days shaft is down thirty feet. sinee while the men were engaged in icin ot KINGS HARLOW stripping the ledge up lull, a tlie hij'h grade milling ore was struck, 1 Saloon and Billiard Hall, he ton. the to averaging $U0 Walker Street, Alta. ore is found in connection with white FOlTlt liUAAJ UJ TABLES. e b?inn on quartz, the vein ot solid o bran i of Wine?, Liquors And the matter vary. the ledge with and foot wide, Cigars. 11 u i see us. JYiy in Drop width. ing from three to tour feet lft The vein is widenin'' as the work of deTERRY, M e have inDBS. KERSEY velopment proceeds. spected samples ot the ore, which are iciam and Surgeons, certainly of a superior quality. From a trustworthy source we have jylfi tf received the following concerning the A. AT undermentioned mines: MINERS RESTAURANT, Emma Hi. I Consolidated Mine and Tun- On Sunday last, in Alta City, a 1 ALTA, WEDNESDAY, JULY JO, 1873 MEMORANDUM BOOK. 1 PROTECTION A3A1N5T FIRE. ' L The fire of Friday night last has led people to reflect upon the utterly helpless condition of the city in the eent of a fire in the business center. Built 1 un n tide m iterial, which, if once f f i to i.ib J. wo ill d dv all h im in efforts at subdue, with the facilities at present nand of tlie cbizen, our situatY U nay wed cause alar up. The small fre e ttin guishers in the city are perbut they haps useful as preventative., a tire has once ob- j powerless when tauMd a start, it cannot be expected vo iiiz a place can afford the exiff, Such a pense of a fire department. ih'iiijr is o it of the question, and years vill p obably piss before an attempt is ravl" in this direction. In the mean-lilie eiti.eus have a right to expect that every precautionary measure be takm to ensure the safety ot their ! an I property . There is a custom existing: amonj: the leadin ' storekeepers, which is a source of considerable anxiety to tinny, and is needby which the safety of the city lessly end uigered. Me allude to the ot practice ot keeping large quantities explosive (oinpouinls within the cit. We un lerstaud that powder to the extent of several totiN is stored on the firm.-i- n premises of two or three h ni ness Alta a sulfivient quantity to lay tlie city in ruins. In case o( a fire in Walker street, this fact alone would No one paralyze the efforts of citizens. would remain to extinguish the fire while haunted with the prospect of bein'' suddenly and violently translated One s personal snfett heavenward. is of paramount importance, and the i . WALKER STREET, a.-sa-y m citv would be left to ts ta'e. This state of Hum's sh mi l hi remedied. It is tune .something was done in the matter. It would neither he a difficult nor costly undertaking to run a tunnel in the hill to he used as a magazine for the storage of powder. On the representation of tlie citizens men in we an confident the volveu would have no objection to make pome proviidon ot tee kind, for their own protection as well as the satety ot the people. We commend the subject to the consideration of all who have an interest in the place, and trust that a move will at once he made. bu-ine- -s of Ca?h aad Cu tier's Containing th 7 account The II i m Currency. Stabler, and findar on returning th '0 iriren to th Co , and Alta, Well to Fargo AMUSEMENT h nel. This property is owned by gentlemen FOR THE BOYS. Dealers in Nick Dramers ALTA CITY, UTAH. Groceries, The only place in Alta where - tlie same the in Salt Lake and Detroit, Miners can find a good homemines Terins reasonable. (Jive us a call. Company owning several other Emma on situated is It in the distriet. jyl6 tf JOSEPH 11UANDY, Proprietor. been has and Hill near Grizzly Flat, working steadily for ovr a year. Now working three men in eight-hou- r Dealer in .shifts' ijiht m en in all. The Coin- has the exclusive Choice Cigars, Tobacco , Era it, v;, unpa: all Ho- Min i ledges in the hill. rigi : NEWSPAPERS AND STATIONERY, tunnel the run ion to It is the in Twa door? above Harlow and King?, '1 he out to the Hrj. C ittonwood side. WALKER STREET, ALTA. jyictf is 4!b' n - cut tunnelled dis.auee hi - mmediaiely in viow feel. i!the Home '1 'cket and heii- : other lc Iges loo Monday Iasi a vein Provisions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, C. H. E2TOS, , GRAND FREE , - a-- , Of all descriptions, and General Stock of , Ladies wailing in Attendance - - tosh' of otr Hji. carbonate, e It In i not 1 to deiermi"' whether it ; feeder I' taitilv ;nd far off. W r Miners Outfitting Tools MINERS composed of galena and e! with while quartz. tlieientlv developed k , 1th of the vein, nor d go or simply a IMPLEMENTS, &C., DRUG STORE. Eight Young Ladies viil , ; . b uge itsei:', it cer- tie ledge is not All kin o the ore. v, k i It has Mt.City to (, l.'S. Vne Home Ticket ard - 1? of And Dyo Stuffs. Wine3, WLiskies & Brandies Of the purt anl het, for Medicinal White CIoud U ;r.3e. 'Fliese mire? ar oin ted close to the d u. l),,f)re-ni,,i- t erty. and are pur-purpo- os . CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Company. Tlie. Prescription? carefully comHome Ticket ledge is said to have all Pyhi(ians' . ve in, pounded tin appeal unie of a true fissure several If you wanta good article, call at the and can be distinctly traced for sacks hundred feet. There are'.-- eral of ore on the dump Neither ut tlue MINERS DRUG STORE, mines aie working now, as all the enerAlta. to directed the ire of Company gies J. W. COLDTHAIT. jyir tf tlie work on the Emma Tunnel. owned by .! J. McDonald, Notary Public ap- pear every night. Superintendent? and contractor? of mines are respectfully requested to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. jylS tf Drugs, Perfumeries, Paints, Oils specimen of remarkal.lv well nt to Sait Lake st ?n a o During the day. lC., &C. - The lest place for fun in Aha AND CONVEYANCER, jyltUf ALTA CITY'. j Sot-g- j j j - j j j Corner of Walker Street, apThis house is the biryest andha best accomand houi-in Alta Gity. pointed gueyts Alta t modation hr seventy-fiv- e ity Ladies and frentlemeii stop at this, will find it to their benefit to aecoimnoda-tionshas very superior houv, a? ittables the being supplied with the best the market afford vi.-it- m j RESTAURANT WALKER STREET, Open Day Sc Night The urnier?ienel defire? to inform liii tlie friends and the public that h has opened above named risfaurant, where he i prepared to servo as fine a meal as tlie market can afford. Meal? at all hoar, day and night-Givme a call. e jy 10 tf San Francisco Advertisements. Paper and Stationery MEAT MARKET. always on Fresh Meat of all kind hand. JO "N G. HODGE & CO.. Orders Promptly Filled. SALOON, Importer?, Manufacturer?, and 1TJIO L ES I L E prices. 327, 320 jyl2 tf -- . - - - - 1 1 ONE US, and 331, Sacramento Street, SAN FRANCISCO, SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobber? of -- Alta Restaurant, -- books. Printers Ptock. Stationery, Blank Matoial. Bookbinder trapping. Look, and Newspaper.--, etc. . etc. Agent for th j Cart w Companys superior Lett r and Flat Papers. The trade supplied at lei than Chicag , in-th- ree ST Keep a full line of -- dw. ; The bar supplied with the best Wine jyl2 tf Liquors and Cigars. Manager. e t- v MUSIC BY HOMER'S BAnO 3. FULLER, say, or J. C. ARMSTRONG & CD. connecting the Matilda tramway our darkness nether of the at the sight Proprietor, jy 1 0 tf with the Davenport Is completed. whi'e a After state. not did informant The Victoria and Imperial Tunnel. thev came to the Emma Hill ConsoliR. L. BAWDEN s A large body of good quaity ore dated Mine and Tunnel. T his tunnei tunnel a few days is in 500 feet. Nothing daunted the was struck in this five hundred feet ladies resolved to enter, ibv the light ago. at a depth of and four hundred and East End of Main Street, Ata. of a flickering candle, they passed from the surface,tunnel. This discovery The beet Wine?, Liquor? and Cigars. on. About half way in, they became fifty feet in the D. W. BRANDT, Salt Lake and other new paper? on the in the is significant, showing as it does that 1 of smoke, cloud a jynitt in table. envelope attained ore Proprietor. tf ct lowest jylfi in the of depths two overcame fear which presence of the fair ones, and turning round thev may he found. JAMES McTIRNEYS Mine. Rocks City six other The made for dav light. a likely if you Want a Good Meal, this In property splendid the reached SAkOOKE, and pressed holllv on, 1 ' 1 ms.le was tka strike J at Call .ately. Wenlt ot the tunnel, a4 he desire of lookim: 1 WALKER STREET, ALTA. id easily acees- low a, . said return In The best of Liquors at the liar, and every their hearts gratiSeA lylb tt sihle attention given to customeiiIy tunnelling, ot tliein were induced to tret WALKER STREET. into the car, to rideout. Thec-rwa- s RMr. hat understand We Sale The table supplied with the beet the marstarted at full speed, and not relishing CALIFORNIA BREWERY. jylb tf of the ket affords- Meals at all hoursbeing whirled through the darkness at I. Martin, late Superintendentsold his ao uncomfortable a pace, the frightened j Darlington mine, on Saturday, Wholesale and retail. Billiard Saloon. Olive in Go the amounting mine, Exchange interest commenced screaming occupants Best U ines IJquors and Cigars . A few morn tubs and to about 700 feet, to Messrs. Keller, slow! go FIRST CLASS TABLES. well and Perrin, for the sum of Beer gold in the Brewery by the quart. Best of LiqnorS and Cigar? at the Bar. they stood on terra iirma, to their Bid we and for Good hope Martin, re1,000. Furnished ltooms up stair?. lireat relief. Long in;4y they live to NlSIIWir & UEBEL, the for better still EWING Sc RAFFERTY, Cotton-vooibe trill it ! the raxahles heir among late Proprietors. Proprietor. jy!9 3m jy16 tf Io:ils, 50 Cents Fancy Dances Night and Alta City, Little Cottonwood. e NEVADA and s Bet e The Toledo Mine. This mine, which is loea'cd on Flagstaff Hill, is reported as looking exceeding! v well. The ledge is between Ladies Prospecting. and tour feet wide, tu2 oreusfc&s On Monday a party of eight ladies-fro- three 130 to the ton in silver the East and Silt Lake City, were The Haskell and Wells Mmes, tempted to take h tour of inspection hill are also looking well to the mines. The day was dcdglitfulh On the same has a small vein of neli ore, fine, and providing themaehes with The Wells stout sticks far climbing up the hills, assaying very high. diAil thee locations are owned by the they started from Alta City in the Ilill Consolirection of drizzly Flat, whither they at proprietors of the Emma . length arrived with courage unshaken dated. The Davenport. bv the trilling dilfieulties encountered We learn that a new vein was Uiruck What subterranean passages arid damp in thL mine on Monday, about three shafts they explored we are, unable to the ore being of a high grad--Thwhether their resolution lailed feet wide, taiztes. Day and Night. Open Heavy and Shelf Hardware, - Hall. Concert CIGARS AHD TOBACCO. Proprietors of La Espanola Cigar Factory. Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated Charles Dickens Cigar . 413 Front street, between Washington ar.d Clay, SAN FRANCISCO |