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Show sp hg Vietnam that nobody wants. We are sick of being used and kept down by a system completely out of our control. Women have so many common problems - why don't they work together to have accepted the plan) and then seemingly are unwilling to follow thru with it becoming a reality. Editor: Please print the following letter: would hope for immediate "action" and We Govenor We a Calvin Rampton: re residents and property owners who live along the South and West sides of the cooperation at all levels before it is too late and we can all just look back and say "it shouldn't have been done". Dean and Lorna Lee June B. VanCott Fred and Rita Elhems Roy and Ailene Butterfield Ray and Edna Schwemin Bruce and Billie Thomas Ruth and Dick Martin Ned and Norma Nielson which is scheduled for : channelization. opposed to the several reasons. a. We favor as presented are strongly straightening for We the Parkway Plan in the Urban Technology Report and this channelization is in direct opposition to that plan. b. We feel that this particular area is extremely adept to the Parkway Plan and feel that the ecological protection and i recreation potential of the Jordan River are vital issues to be faced. c. We feel that this area is not exempt as "flood control" under the House 57 waterway bill and that it should require a permit from the Utah Division of Water Rights before it can be done -- (The Parkway Plan proves an alternative for flood control and history has never shown flooding in this area). d. We are aware of property committments made by local government before the Parkway Plan was developed, but we feel that no effort has been made to "talk", "reason with" and to "explain the Parkway Plan" to those property owners involved. Cleoand Ron Bytheway Editor: was very pleased to have you use my poem in your special edition. I So glad I could contribute some small thing toward the paper I enjoy so much. I think the Clinic and what it is doing is one of the greatest May your work continue to grow is the wish of a happy Neighborhood Health Center Mary Leavitt Thank you!! Editor: grievances. We are underpaid and overworked at our jobs, and often Parkway Study (both City and County chi have joined together Id -- care groups. Housewives food s because they are tired of paying high supermarket prices food. And women for are speaking out against the war in Indochina. Our isolation in these projects has sometimes made our defeats seem crushing and our victories small. But our work has just begun. We need to involve more women and to bring women together to support one another's efforts. wish this could be done in co-op- low-qualit- y I in Salt Lake City. Jane Overguard Northwest Area Ms. (address withheld on request) Editor: do all the housework and child-car- e as well. We face welfare cuts . . rising grocery prices . . harrassment in the streets . . a medical care system designed for the rich . . and finally the war in sail iaxe modal neighborhood news The Model Neighborhood News is a publication of the Salt Lake Model Cities Agency under the supervision of the Joint Board of City and County Commissioners with editorial offices located at 119 East 21st South, Bldg. 5, Salt Lake City, Utah 841 15. Why Ad e I D e a Corporation velopment is a non-prof- it holding company controlled poverty stricken migrants, 4. Conducting training and seasonal farm seminars for migrant, and seasonal farm workers in ts workers. economic development oriented. awareness. 5. As time permits, help individual minority businessmen with federal contracts. 1971, it is business Unemployment of migrant and seasonal workers, at times, reaches Corporations organized for profit spin off from the Adela 85. Corporation and these business ventures give its constituency jobs, profits and service in their own companies. Staff of Adela include Antonio Salazar, Chief Executive Officer, Bill Mangle, Deputy Director, Kent Hart, Comptroller and Robert Martinez, Community Organizer. A corporate attorney will be added within the next 90 days. Adela has administration and venture capital close to $1 million to operate over the next two Maintenance Corporation and the Housing Management Programs, them, then the food stamp Inc. The Maintenance department says you can't have all that and the price of the food janitorial firm specializing in educational plants, apartments and offices. It employs six workers who decided to drop out of the migrant stream in the state of Utah. Average income per employee is $450.00 per month plus medical and other benefits. i should they if they can't have the benefit of their pay to have an incentive to work. Failure to Terry, Staff Reporter Roger Taylor, Staff Reporter and Photographer Steve Varley, Staff Reporter and Photographer report any change in income is punishable by cutting of the Joint Board of Commissioners income. Why can't the agencies work more together and be more fair than this? Ralph Y. McClure, Chairman Phillip R. Blomquist ''for profit'' Adela owned include the All Purpose f your money? s en d n9 possible through a grant fromthe P a raise the Department of Housing and Everytime you got insurance payments increased? Urban Development. If any member of the family Publication of the newspaper 9ets a steady job, the family is weekly with a distribution of saiarY isdecreasedso the children are not encoura9ed to work. Why 17 000 copies Kirk Two corporations stamps for their regular Corporation by is a ex-far- m concerned resident. (Name withheld upon request) One of only 40 such programs in the United States receiving funds from the Office of Economic Opportunity, Adela is also attempting to survey and identify minority businesses in the state of Utah. present, there At are between 130 - 140 voting members in Adela, with a potential membership of 13,000. fees are Voting membership $1 .00, non-votin- g By fees are $5.00. capitalizing the poor community, we can begin to channel the profits through the corporation and the poor can begin to satisfy needs which present agencies have not met, Antonio Salazar, Chief Executive Officer said. "These people can begin to have a say in their own destinies," he continued. Adela is one of three farm worker's corporations in the nation and probably the only one dealing with the worker. For more information, stop by Adela offices at 465 East 9th South or call 359-776"ex-migran- t" will include the hiring of 20 more workers by the end of the Anticipated expansion ex-far- year. The Housing Management Program is the real estate subsidy of Adela. Holdings include an office building and property at 724 South 3rd East presently rented to the Utah Migrant Council. It also manages migrant housing during the harvest season. Approximately three other corporations are planned over the next three months by Adela. Other economic development thrusts in which Adela has been involved include: 1. Sponsoring the formation of a Chicano building contractor's association. A nt Incorporated on May 14, together instead of against each other? The President gives a small raise to welfare recipients to help weddings, etc. Because some of the stores make exceptions on the use ofthe with the credit needs of the oppressed minority communities. government departments work stamps go up. We are told just how to use the stamps, not a freedom of choice. There is no allowance for clothes, or gifts for Christmas, leverage, attempts to persuade local lending institutions to deal through voting membership of can't the different customers the method of using them is changed, which makes it inconvenient and annoying. Now Publication of the Model would anV of You be haPPY with a the Neighborhood News is made situation that planned Marlene Marie Young, Editor and Community Information Specialist Donetta Fluker, Editorial Assistant Distribution by Reliable Courier Stephen Harmsen Conrad Harrison Jennings Phillips William E. Dunn Seasonal Workers years. discuss with them an alternate use expenditure for the conditions. Girls at high schools have won the right to wear slacks. Women at colleges are demanding women's centers and courses on women's history. There are free women's health clincis. Parents member. Women. We have a lot of Board of Commissioners approved an $80,000 wages and better working things that has ever happened here in Salt Lake. (The Brockbank family) and (Parkway) for their property. e. We are concerned that the Model Cities Agency and Joint They've been on strike for decent are forming cooperative river (Jordan) at the point between 17th and 13th South, solve them? Some women have been. Economic Awareness Provided For 2. Sponsoring of business courses, through the University of Utah Business College, for minority businessmen andor potential minority businessmen. 3. With it's million dollar THIS IS YOUR PAPER WRITE TO THE EDITOR TODAY! |