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Show ; Oh cancerous for smoggy skies, For pesticided d grain-irradiate- - , ;,i - , v - : - ' , -- ' a v. ., ' - &'' tv iix v ' "$' T- V- lff' 4 v . Above an asphalt plain. ;fi - ,yv ' - -- ? wsAidA, ".' s .' 'of? ' J m V-- ,?f jL v - - ; vvi "' v, V y v r ' ' : - - t v v r,; , t"- ' mountains rise Vv'' V I,- .SsWjW' i. ' ! ,; ?-- nn-vrtr11- .. - & &. , ; ' ' ' '" ' '"' America, America, thy birds have fled from three: Thy fish lie dead by poisoned streams, j. j,, From sea to fetial l&dA AAA & 4 Air'-i sea. - '"' ' v& ' f V & ' I ''" -- 4Ji ?? 4 :A - ' '' Oh plundered of their guardian woods, Where silver broolkets flowed, Their gullies clogged with Thy cast-of- f goods, barren hills erode. America, America, no sunshine comes to thee, But bakes thy barren topsoil dry, No wind but blows it free. Relent Less as thy banker's greed, That for each west ward tie, dancer's corpse decreed, Beside the tracks must lie. A gandy rs- WSW?fSt!J5 m |