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Show ? fL LOCAL ITEMS.! rnri:--a- t !l Ne. )m;w IV nicy I l)r;zl re t , fur, -al e v . -- -- W .s - - a- euti-um- 1 -- , c I lu-it- id ph-io- -- cl !. 1' a " I I' cA M f . a jiv i.. a k v w group cflaJles w etc Hmpph.g ul n store on V, iln rd., ! e cat belong;! g t' the walked towirl the front door, when t she was, as quick as wink, upon d p: the New a funnur-lby large Kl ue elevated her h ick after the most 1 style of the arc of the covenant, swear while spitting oni spatsiog ;n a in 'inner as ajihx.atcu as a cat could; but Ihe dog was fH' ft r rn'"'b !I" 00 ha A of the the gic iiiovenient seized her y shake her after that neck and proceeded to , 'igotous lasluon peculiar to oomnieeriug ciui when they are hepeeking the ir hn-- I tun Is. At this juncture ofofT.iits the eiuto-- 1 mers scattered in a way such ns we might imagine from llcpubiican di u hes tliedar- ki's did when Ku Kluxed in the Swuih just fr am' at I Fo-- ts end (, r. m i But- Foun-Haa- j (. B, Tl. II. has nt Tet race. lioue silt a it FA erg:n 1 , d (?, nm. C.li-- s oral Crockery at Walker ; Eru s., tgden, L tail. now and Only two cnscs of they are t.caily cunvalesectit. C.T.txxr, Bee. 0, 1S,!j. T.atC'i 'stele of Feather Trimmings, y LvMTor- iifkm w: .m Kuhn & IWs. an b.r T he i Ii u Is have settled down upon find 1 Cu It or. , of j p j oj m I of silver huliijn went A whole train two 'it h c. reded m so tlo'ily lor the past uys Bast ycteid'V tram Utah mines. stf, lirtin ,i liquor that we hive been tin tide to see our neigh-e- l Co., arw ttoic ! ihe lea tg Tit t: cit o ct ts ef meat and the full thick 'i ia the Blolc-d- e hois, 'the ig lias been St. est w eights, are given hy S. iiicl, I Ketall e a ad oi.ikiM itu the which Liquor lta of dump day, you hare ary firs, le sure and call , rfkc f,)V we do ur el ie tbl-- , c c.d'le. ScTtril Ftah, v it t.l.u la,h,a gi pat as they nt A. Kuh l ,k Bros. the r an the counter i reiglititig has nearly close ! for the set- one Froo! the door, tlrsn, sprang upon ay t ie higli-'-- t prii es. nil t uuci ' d: clothes tightly aroun 1 her feet, tucked her son, vet there uppetrs to lc no diminution " will ore lie ( f good cheer; siuy iron KNO W ALL Ml X. was loo much Falrite-he crowds ot teams com- of hii'ines lure. another, jotn-w make j ig iih charco.d in the furnoce. 'll.it the Bavarian K,, nt frigh.eucd to do might hut stand grasj itig in;' in loaded with produce ives the s. reels i. i j Louis Lr r Bet r, ' This heiug at present n liv ely appeal aneo. tl,e c,!,Ii'tev in fiX',5 ,orror- nH Bil!e a!j 1 cxfr.ufps o j toeduin'il dritik.as tor n m roducis of all f(J , jon t ut .Kuhn k Fro s. r re i Iv t lie F. S. Naval I a- ed j y kind-- , lu ings in the larmrs from the w hole hcralo; v fallow- -. j our Inn at ca,ching the nine des.- - felines neck still g) ipped between his teeth, of .Noi i hern I tab. At almost 11113' hour in the ertewstry from I'ort Ellis. See the rewards Bpecifiu grsv ty, f.ug pr ct. and in a moment more l.e shook her as n ter-- ! day the streets may lie seen filled witi wag-ed in our sper. j Bit raeted ma. f r.T.Hk! otis laden wiih all kind- - of truck, fiom sor- rier shakes a ret before swallowing, but ju-- t Cnrhouic aci 1, (.I Ce?nrorlers, Qailt, Iaidies ns he J wide Lis ponderous j iwsas if to a nd carrots iu p ,1 k and wheat. The eped j I 4,k.i Is .all oideil dim kinds and las keis ntel Alcohol, of of a damme" does not seem to af- - ,)C t, selection ill I tail JU talker ilrod. gulp her out of :dght, the cat sprang from 0.21 'j here. Cur lei t the iiitlut of ft iln lai-ehim and at otic tell swoop struck a streak as Curt'ier j And, Jtf uti'l - running to its Uiimi-- t capacity; and Lion n, ilrtt the Ciib;.u qniA - lightning's f, tsh to the !h,A room, kc-- 's llm'-u- i f miles north where crockcy and glassware weie store !, a few lcfo, r.in Uiue.nrindy A Lipur mid, the bn'giri New Foindhnd log following ia Co. de il in m thing hut te kept running hy our erdit buyers.! noil quality arc worthy X The q r. w ike. the of hav e been hudt and expoThen the tel ihe tars tsnicc g,o nulls Wi ses lid. j and crate tm.i grot hi at mu in mnkliq: si lections ot our af er ciash of rienoed wuikmeti tun them t i ih Hour dads Cigars !t!, I 1.1 puns. Iliosen X. to. are this niul Liquor-- , and heg to call w hiie a ready sale j.t emu ucr.u n e prices through only lode-al- e and cut Uld oiclulv e dealers iu the-- e Attention to their Be ii! f, gl.i es, vc.efs, tge chiim, !11Nev ad 1, w hei e a few yc.ii - ago it c.mld hard- - J1 u ei e iricn Li- tuuewith g Tin: j uni it seemed as if denu ns .11 lei il in luilier, ttur l'he ituAs of an cn igrnot cir mrl ed on siii'io!i bent to pive their way with Irag- y he given nw.iy. tv lew day- - ngu ere pi ugh! mi nts of umn's iu'JtcnietMH' o eggs, vie., cannot get supplies to fill nil her up rear po.tery. L tc to oi'Jcfs. If tl.o f u iiii'is siio,e a i'c of the into the To put an cn I to the l.i licrra cviiit. t!ic day. f k r the bue, 'oMowcd bv Ids rps ; g.'..,. loci do, tie! j towns an j cn.erpvise i'i'.t oor country with Fiqi.oi s of lei - e I for he ear to mediate, mid stares e ilisut so pply tin ..A'i ppiog I'.ide hei c would lie tuple. 1. a h ua i.'oju' nuio .mg tet v a n ( ii us is The on! y scisiiion v,c have 1, a 1 ' X Co.'s fat iiaii-c- n 4 " can was ie ciitiinc tip ot one (. oinanieii v an- - where 1N3 as tnev , Liiih st in t, iZ m.i. o! her last t'lzht. and The cirviflg was rut tloje and ecoud's bidldo."ii.' j r p the Bank J. 3.1 L.vig olorf B1 sail lives. After ctry tying the bhc'ves tlare. ihe show y, an the b Co. into t'n.i uevv ttM-i- t V. Uml.rie ot J. e. to the cfhe i our of et.e gv:cy Owing anj winlvwg on the B out were Hit, ked itud u ,n vtefk cr two. seconded by the e.oits of the c:. !'mii Lb t.ue there sh 1, ant ot fivti' hi y UvAr etowd of thiov e i ami gt"toles Foui'.grsyou will find . iavAt d.,d ate the eyes' of sldewgU 1 1 ( . iittniel-huiis oc s. id Nc v 1'rv Coo.'s, . r that uile-tourebv have tiime tn-.Hf'-i ; t ago lo'n down h 3 ii i'i a Notion-- , bn tad and Wiii.gr ti le; . 1 3 in it e sent qiide j tstim..er t "ceil i!ispt"-eGir, cotifmn led- and amo.g 'I t! i.; fliH-re 1S j5ua IVuvis- ri.. j,, .t A f I ,f rtrt , la ihe eunniy ja 1. hut the couti v Lou pi ices mid got"! go. ds. tl at he e'v Jill Lui il ni. logic (! 'ums vr'ts so co'uple 0P11 il- -, at. I r keeping them a few day-- , let .he h m iou, not cxicci.e ho'-et- f. The loeoiootive hou-- e nt H loud li - ."o p.m nl iIhmi go '13 ii'i; ho w 1 er. -' ;l' mo .g n the Caion iacif.c cagery : r; nhiiiv, w..- - Iii.itied 'and vva- t it t .ul tor nuo her gu'p a. t. ti, win h n g h n;uLiigii.eiuke''pi.learot ihev'.v.as'ln'v .Wat urda v e ennig, and a toemnol iv e riiuiiij.... Tt i uhf tr itu Bar the waim ret epthui w hleii ncy coven mm'! b.t''. Oil rev itg l!':a tiic hq s I si order to wear w iili cu pre-eEr), iv e on ar o. : "bl ccUauiiy oil. t'unei - aio nfi' ho-- s maile a fi.ti m- - jump nt bin with gain 1. mu y new one-- , 2! insen e hap j y to le.ii n ao o e t o w s t i. taut .i lor it t' i n' polity to give eye hnigtd out so ti.tuh tr e extended hillunbar a deal of .1 oti toil give if uihie, uc good I.iquot s and Cip u s thu s heir went, that the hulhluicr .2 gie.t .ail gra tes an I price-- , acYwi'ding to older. of '"i!.! we ue'e unable to (h, hive heeu vaiao-- t d ihe iamb, by sp' ig ng lhvougii 'K Ii, cil'ghl up '1 Ie the door, who .'.j t iu I'pfie'y tmtei iw.ij t j As these. c i s' b; ,u he . oBrs wiio vveienhoui iOCb.il flop at d ' i!m united the in II - In .i;t!:e"."i ' tdio- - a;o-- e uei, they ed mei ham, wuli .V 1.. Il .Hi now 'u i on 3 y if ( ini orvei iv e, j lai r tui' t at ' nie of vein incut aib-tivs t miidred pupl on tie v, un lev he b ;n 1. ion that he ivking - !l vvas..'"!!!! IL11n.il ho is dihe hem. oi d'.g t h e ot at k b v the so et iiiic.dcrt pm all and the hlxplino ihciii lor tlciciiiLug Lifisell tgmirt the pix bnai hie-h,.d licit spoAe'tn.tti otic Doxy CT TttF. CITY OF iiiu i'iie1. e in-- . Nr, j o . ii i: young "CMt'otna'I who turneltv l.is col : FtyTo I.uht' f loaks at Kniiit .ule- - ii h hi . ' j A' l.il'h.." n; re: i'i"g 'the ,v"B1 o s. out ot tie ouu young S linie-- s n - he Z C3, ia r Ltit.ft tines of nulitaiv' s, 2 l1' i A.iC. ( x'tC ! tin, ig'.V A id Califcr;: f ihev-g.. to- -I u.a wire tinnsfencl dl !. Vie t.evcr i 'ie they all bv way of San Francisco, the (Inif ft U uu it.e panic a. 0 bt.Bidoj't'g. Fifth firu.i it, d t he Colorado iv er. y,,u is is as plain as a level. nion why the .1, !! V m, Uvo-ii. 111 d, w u S !. h 'i id n! v .,! for i yes. every style at Brown's t! 1: h 1 1 i ( ic ei srs. vj .1. no TS. i -' tit Coiinsie have 'tji jo-i,11, eshyteritns $mi i lf-- t th ti imrih tf Litghntd SO't eoreeit un account id tcatr.uig-- r , t VrH Ii It ( T t I) itV 1.1, Vt fit 4 'l 't l.l'IN. t ogi imnie. But muhe "ill Is1 L.3 k o City, Ctr.h. e t.mc that the cut el t.unnic nt il ; 1 uf- -. ,tn ( cai tutilcs, Kh. Jh t!' I' o o. oy "to ' ftr'-Noilly nl tlicMorru it's luvcleft Frankr; v- ;. V US ,1 , il.lll.O, in lin. Idaho, an l are ItuiMing a VrV'o I Lv iii Ai L'csh ju-- t South uf the line, so us to evade i might tii ike the st.o men t that t'cgcti- era iici!;h of our li y is c.eeBc-,- i ',ll! :l') ,, (lie per-- , cut ions uf their u ago By migtibois L crNSMITH.-'- . TJC lB w on I be ilm. Hue - ever sick in Cur. a no pet - of Vie Lpf N AJ 'ik nt Prntjt 3! x. ft mnis. 10 it ti ti in.o futon 4 j The s, ulcr.s I etween Hamptons' hri Jge ! Cot rvsf an M :d r,?r nine, cimplaiit hiitetly about toe i.m:i HlidmiX. FT!--4 W j bo . ) ' ! 'v i r V, ,cn n i: v. u s who Lamanit llilihi Bimr oftieo. liion Wyo. pi ft nil i f Mt b lu t:i i . take y our meals at Joins lib tlf in t t i. ' u t Vil tend to he making a farm on the vve- -t Lnl . . l! n tt 1'i.iii at tla1 i"lt itSi ijioi i I It with j,rl 1. Bi uii'ajil. The t ibie is sunidic K f Le r.v er. ill .'isi'fi' o . of u Hut .tut ti i'li ih lie- - tin nu.tket a'hu.l.. Fst'e--e Tf nfy 1' " I" r m we, ,. down from iu.came .losli. niii-- : i'li l.is mi y I,. mi. I, p, iU t .Slim t, id ice is on the Inulu 01 me Ini. tal retieai on tlio U'et.er yesterday, and says l9 .1'. M, i n, lie wa. nf'i ml f a 3 eliovv eaboo-- e that he aw . , I' 4 t - il V8lv f iirit'i lHr'iite 'i.tt n O.iL ,, iP ( n sv Lfd Hi, Oil He thought it was a U Ed jn((l 'll A goo on npply of ho. h ton- I .i I' li igu ef vvartiing ar tin-- ! mo ii.ui-llie i,"ck .vj tings t o.i! - ;ui,nuv,l- . Ii Li! .f . ti. SI pi i.MA He no lltlV,.M; ltl lh(. m I ii r . A i .... -v ; pi ,,r , ,- ,- i r isihe one in which 1iiort Bein', e tells .i,,,i hi,,,rJ tl! ILL lor bippcl pi, ,edl., l i, ,,ii toil over ho Lud I t --- 5 LUlier In't his (li t'liiu -. pioplc : rv r r? r run noi i . un a i c i ii ' - cu. toed to ii in o' sjsijLidta.6. Li 4 W ni l but ihe ehurutcr in Jit ef, i t ito-iuitiji, il i e ult(iI lov p ton. ir t,.r ', gi per : : h; O : n Ccr. ct.i 06, M?rn. ,f., C'.iciu; i ,r Ot Ie, M,irivati ntj'dt, lia4 Coil promptly th-N :iAcy iLv f! u. 'I.., It l. tin Lviyiliiug go n uiteud. Tui, corner ot to bcaicL frirps j i , 1 dre-e-- 1 j j 1 j i ! ' tet-s- to-.- I w auiio-phes- --lf- 1 t ! 1 j 1 I ,L j Lu-uie- ss J j 1 I I j s, ANB - my j 1 7. ; 1 O j j of-i'- ei j J H j , j is f 1 1 j e- cr-v-- h n awe-ftrieke- fe & j vv 1 - 1 j vv 11 -t IJrrun YuicIwtnnft s d.-i'- cs I 11 1 bu-mc- -s .1 u e -- it ue u flour, (hilt i vat ed ru p, eu u i ue N e w t tr- Mtph c Laiiiunnii Blouei- - , ml Boh k -3 , .i!.i - f w 1 de-'gn- ed vv To-n- k- m-el- 1 1 iti 1 1 j -- 1 rr:ic: . & A e i1st 1 ru-h- r.-ir'- 1 4 rrr -- , r T -- A A 11 .ii 11 id Ung. Ki?t S.dt of S(rrtf. Ma n j cl m m 1 1 ri'cmv 4. ' -s 1 j t F A a- cl; eu-- - e 11 - j - IVTTRACTIOa. i- 1 1 rn t h-- 1 t ! pK-p- ect u-- l.ii-U- Clotlir'g at Kuhn oaths some .!,ivs p y Cr tin, Brie Fruits, I''F-laiikcts- A dei I led a I vantage wdl he piinel hy ii'iug 1h.uco.1t, a - it nt tua ie- wim it is flr mineral siruiior to th it jiu luccd hy( 11 he 'In il obtained co can c a'i, or Coke. AVvcied hot e in large lots at li cH. per an 1 tlicn iron w ill be turned out to a in.-u- ie leadv eeiaaiuty at proper figures to Y g K ii. ( us wm&m ?j S; 1 Tl-.- A.r II ll : T ter 'AI.-I- and s lt o h., & t"' f t r"A1h A r : : - I ? tunnima ihe Mu'.! furnaces two days nml i i j;lt , it was demonstrated that beau- lift c'ojii lag rXn out frie'.y, hut tint tulrop ot i i bowed H set f. Tl.o cause of this iui ilia: ihe coal would not woi light; it l loo dry and twins out too quick. It is expected thu so ion as a nuetin" ot the Motkholders t in In- (.tiled, the fui nates will be so cluing- to hurn ehateo.il insiei ! of Bock c some liiis may sings ligr.iic n outlay sitid i d of th.rly wi'liequue !. ao.au orktueit tit e iso w employed temmug the d(N) tons of iron ore lime, mil oal who h clog up ihe furnaces, and which . ul ! but he in.il.cn eg- hy the fuel used, l er i v ii'oruin a jet .f water was turned oil n occurred t!,i iii e. and an ex Tlio it. loeat ock holders wdlat si aliens once iiimiiiuiilu.iMMni the e toekliol dels, and a mceiing will probably soon be AI i Isci f r o iLi if orki. W VT, I'Lr.nahi j Bro., OtelK 'IhelfSB "f .1 La iLi llzzr U $ of "rain, produce, loiind in the house uf Kiilm A e f'Vi. si'aisy Rirj;,L Aiioilirr 0)cuiiig B Bor J ' ? 3 m!sr o 1 . x 1 1 i T'Vi-- 1 A t - f 1 r ft r f f UvWUi.ijL !, ? , ? . f i cr. ?io i ! 2tv2a!i4u. A r.v 1 - li ' 1 " do.I 11 S 'ii ler of !. i " iik'.r uni' i a. . . i !.' c m . 1. I 1 1 or m .3 1 S lie t - ripe ilvt-.- i 1 ' ' ( u- -- t . I -- -- a- I " 1 ll c I s iii'ia i 1 a. i 1 -- wo n. e j .1 ! - t c .11, a 1. out of h is IS. Ill 13'or ot .1 c w . the.- In' w u kn 111 i in o ry the to l U J3 , 1 ha-g- -i iu od i m & is' rl; j UIV( f f' rh 6 i t oi W ' f1 ' g f Y' f P1 k s . f t A 5 I Cl: Xzt C.'T Centr, ?r? Loci;, - f . Sot,3: Ll) f ; 1 v 7 iil.4 g w --5. I 3 - t x i i if 4 5 f ? - ' 5 l:M cn u. J . ! th-ik- s f-- vv iev-io- tui. 1 . l 1 1 H - v O Ii s hi f I WtiL, f i vsi' aer , . Ctrcct, ' ten-lit.'- it iy Tr T'ir. r i od cr j t '(I.'bi ) hi-t- 1 . - g- r j 7 Pn " -- g'i-h- asi. ( f f 1 o vv vv t he j m. -- i il- -j - w s a rt - j I f ihe T i -- 11 eu-c- .r igi" T. ! -, .on, f & c U I 1 fa,..'! L- 1 1 . i t h-- V - HHxm i x c 1 nv i oizz 1 -1 -- od-ti-'i- - ? 1 lM 1 1 v -- T it mw1 c I , f nt V ! c- 1 1 L I . .'g -- 1 I - i -- j t- : e ii 1 1 .i!1-"'- y eni ug be mu iia gor - :id ; 1,; he fo; mci ih.it the u: h.o.t g nig abro. t q. 4 - I new-.oii- 'i -- . m fr vc g "t it. o v thenu tally - i 1 the hbf of his whtA ho had tllVl'ete I Iu ii. Tn s wa- - efust. I li'tn -- up. , 1 v iI & je- i -i ,r t.ie fT feits-fv? -- x V. - - . l"ll"'i 1 ie 1 d. . U crii'ii'i e -- m-u- 1 j, 1 1 a 1 . w ihA 1 -- f rl 1 4 ev-e- ' .Ten, i arc enabled to speak in tongue As we vvtiIc the lard of Il"-- t I ipheiy. ou - to n- - in I Le spii it in the mi t of a si iv iii.ii. an I level tie- - t'.ii-K- : Che. uu 1 iv L .v, HI t. w of 0I3 g UIIOII- - -- 0,1 in t oe J o er J - lie g ir pi (.; t?t 'uni was rvici.iiy lu din. n on tm-c die n. and he call- g" .11 a V -- 1 vv --M- 1 kls-fa- l j H C-- )- I rs f'y-te- , it 0- Iks H it A V m f j : , , V ! 11 , Salt j vv 11 1 , s sottU-moii- p SinsrslS - so- t o . os ft, ;.!i il amt i ! ' iv t vvh ,e de. oft'Ioh'i.v siui'iPt.g aur 11 dopirtmeut in I r i i Bio., ti ji.s to tgleu. -- huvc.s 11 1 -i 1 ' 1 1 -- I 1 h.H'US vI!:a. f , Mic'il tio. l tv- - no I -- j v 1 a,-- Mho,'!-- 1 g.ii'ip . - -- I i ll-- ( -- v A' . n; Ur. llt ( Iriehett Next doui fo h is left i Mil id f j'p-iini- for It t lei k of the I lent', lift is about opening fif- the note Ch tse, I ! spiritual- lecturer, is in town. Bx.Jenifer Siewirt of Nevada went to Mr. ut woi Joi t k. Judge vvoiks, thin morning. ih Stark uf M il wnukec is faojn in the ei e- -t &f tbu j,.ua nt C. W. Bennett, of (..e Ogden Iron rcturue t to Bah Luke yesterday TLc Z" r ! 1eBdJ i:il WeBd'a Ii8jsraxo! polit iei iris. t;,-- ; ii unlike any other, and lias Lit us trjsr that Iler.ry and Jane will go to our next ('ent.iinial eh? Kc Bo-- f, 's.e, F.fih Street. 4 I M t. ' ' j (, 1 ,j,, I'Ll i t l( w,.4 :r I 1m t ' x I IP t tj j ed t'gui'f 11 aislIH Cut oil !S c'oou Be. . -o' ci'A i:NTi i 'I it t1 Srso r t (f rtt, if f ' s Mi. ii. A. Vit T c.t t: :n - ;,nti)ri!ih ioi,;i J. The Improved ha-- s new vegetable tonic prnpei ties; grey hair to a glossy, natural tmlor; restores laded, dry, harsh anl Ldht.g restore, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; re- Htores li.iir to prematurely hah! heads; re-niove.s dandruff', humor, nc.ily eruftions; proves in itation, itching and scaly dryness, No hi tide produces Hitch wonderful effects. Try it, call for Woods Improved Hair Be- fcturutive, and don't hr jmt t.T iritk mn o' In r s'"hl by all druggists in tins place and dcaU'is evervw here. Tra le sup; .lie i nt ., maiiii t icturers prices hy (..A. note X. ia., h,e.vo. Bole Agents fur the IViteJ States and Canadas, and by all Wholes': Brugglsts. sets I.ew w lhjtft9 is, Brpr. pr I!: A A C,iy, r- - li r 1 A PAGIFI 0 : 1A1 KET riedf u IJIiAT a A rv ir i 1. fef 1 ife p .i r srt 1 .Eu V S r4 i i Vr x l. efflM ot nj Sio - U.A .1 AY.: Fti-- t N tu'i t i -- 1 Pro on fit Gfutradtji Shipping to O ftsiJa Crrrps and Rail way Stioons a Z :cbity. r'lllf lade t H nmn Fnctui in &U XI Courts v . i - 4 f. 1 . iro Vh liu n A. A ! . i or, c tl OiTlMI, I tnh. iJ i A WtU SN I !! .tf j" r t M thot ti Mvi 4' tsivj 4 4 kI Uum nr for miMt H It.tl s,Ji li itu vigie ju r al !! . inl . i . "" trni 5 N' th h t mltmttiHl - Uks l iv 1 u-- ninUt Wt 1 td m tn. f 1 t Uv uU i y . IM. - Kte m iar Aaaptci rt' Ih mu,ri !! Tiu H )1 M (jL luiii , I t It H HMtl i tu hr- - n l !iw hsuc v t p i'i t r 4 p : st ltd t 1. h. Highly I h 5'- uti-'- ii hu 1 m Hul w' 1 ItM ihpfH 'ty Lm fV. j iisuMhl: IJuatl fk fimft Jhi " ai,t L nmt him tr M u!t!(Mrot HmntBiip t lifhl c n unLAI u;U'n, am i LhU W A r KTr r ri m: in i fr-.- He 1.7 Pi to i .1 RN1' y- !iMi)in4 ri I. x t pS M 1 r ntnr , Z !. 1 o , thi! a tMLAnS'TI, I?tfeur!xr -? r,j j l7)i. ""'b 3, N- ilfr 1 m! Ut i - fttv, Oa-n- i . , ! n- I l li gaTavaavti, .t ttoiixi: v and i'o r mu: Lfi'fli ii ;; uf sn f n-- es Aiwfin ni ,a ; In-t- r-- o ft iSrVfvi.tr t -- tL jcn IbH ! tin iiinit ii'n-1nig Li nut tif ),ikt t, lt,t tl.r- - ii f (J Jiv iiuUhH m. M, 1'oH'f iu, t th t nnl ny HM nln AHf ft, i m. , fi lhtM n IT'rjf -, on ; 1st I i 4 ClUrrlrAitff vu s f I , . Ho f I. espT ei.ee in the ing ha foity r."-e tre tmtoit of t! ronie lung nnd Mis. M. C. Ilniir. m, a pe.idu-nt- e ii of Sti'kh)h(i ute, hit g !rn, iu e hv tim'd nt the C;!V Hotel whet e tliey nwait 'he u.!'.eteJ tn c proft. ..meal ussisi nice. tl loti ie si diseases t f wonu n :v specialty. of lending and i..iiserii! poisons peril) (icitl v cured. (''usuiintion.s l.y letter invite-1S i t.iii In.l'l, f ink . in m il i n, tiiBt-tht.s- XOTOrr.u lip ci ?t to) r k i r, L tifinw.n Bov, lropt. blSSOLUTIOt'i OF PA RT NERS H P. cest Cuts, Aisj Fried mol Bjuted M cut, Bnusnge, nnd s everj-lkinj ei mining ! a jv, eat ttmrkel. Cr- 1'oUtUif, j 4 i Ait Tito-- x Fun.lNcs i:i the cit3',an l person nt the ion on the tour rail w av ., ns well ns in Country Towns, up-- j lie I wit li the Choi- ILiv W iiouio d.'luiii dioi I Game, t i , 4 1,1 'X it! fT I? i nrlt ii Li .4 o.i k 4 i ini L All KET, 3; g pi . ot u ,?f i i!. Oil Ho 4 IkOUft f i. A. ili!- !- t r: iir.i ii MCOYi:; t; ai vft Ii, ir I.o.S, r 1, 11 is - 1 BK. i ff. Cv Salt Cnk f OGlK.Y, H Onf'Il ff FIFTH ST . rd i ! r f V.) Crtrge Be 1 40 (Ttr n B d Toys, lb. its . China ware nnd- t Irtmtuc its iut-- i e f r j 'es s to o r f By or to our ' - a sires t, C, intend I. nvri t t 5 fc ' 12", , 7 k 20 cents. 1 i : - i- - .4 1, . m i , r--- c-id- r.ir; m f ; h i re-tl- ie ' , f 1 ' , ! S Ninas Irnhs in every vuiety re levtve amt tea ly t'jr u't. and at the f ow mg re iut- - re-tor- cs j i p U i. 4....... U wL-.t- exj-ect-e- evening, Capt. Ed. 1. Lull of the U. K. Navy, BO IC- one (!, the Pil?ilPer, on f! e H,1t preliminary burveys of the j roposei ahip canal across the dsiliinus of Ianaum, went Jhist this morning. n-- j J th c i n 3hiin -- tree!, 1rof. Harren lluSlda f ii.--e. I Mr. C. IJ. I V in'ir Itcitt 1 A n I'd! Idle disijii! eoiutat M'lk 1, ijho, Beuj. tlutm J t ( Oij OMw, t iictfid Merr, Agent. fl.nxttY tL, ist : j . Vh Ft mjk. tic ii Crtf 'rri 1 , 8 rtnklia Ms. i T k.- - is. W i .Judge -- a sneak petiwv tliief, and who i lias ret I is vv ife crn7VJ hv loixing concubines into toe house, would neck affiliation with such a ci eaturc ns Bliman. I v - v- . i I d t , .as i A i I . , e. , !Ii,li iml 'I,etA f r t v the UTXt cvne?"' And i eg thf Cenlennials, like the Mormon Conference, came twice a ale rra Idy scntei. If ignorance is bliss," tisriid, twere f. Hy to he vvi.se;" and for once w,j hatet-ecthis o! I ophim veriSel, for if this cou)de gifhroogli the enduemerit house together, who cli hut wish limt thy may Hpusimi-- e mi i dwell it. pcaod to the ripe old tig; of 12 years so as to visit the next American CvnteuniaL 3Ye think there ia ay nnieli prns,eci of thcr foml dre-ubeing realired, as there is t of our unfortunate courtry nttaimng to li.sther centenary celebration, unle.'s tlic mbodied spirits of the fatinders of our ferve as guardian angols to guide the steps of the unwary clear of the pitfalls dug to entrap them hy designing piuuder-eeekins- r a' Logan, 1 y t , . - -i ,m- I I 1 i- 1 ' u!-p- 1 u-- ,d On a par vvi'li previous evidence as to whether ISilis Joseph Bimi.in is a lured em- -iry and asBasin of the bloo v H u laift, is I he igorous effort made ly t.uini, jmpfr . yesterday to exculpate the villain of the crimes Lc has committed. If n 4 -- n- r (iov-.rr.e- I - dispel ( . I . . I Cir Utz'., Cl- -- in Mteh a I hn.li Kstoliii'l them toget her after Itic in, inner on a gt ike.i atidtrumllel fimc.' all hit ingenuity to cuteitnu lb hi I lor ring the evening, anl as they weie t is ng a pirting pjrivsi;n! kis-- , -- ays lie; I. ei s t)ie f 'entcoiiia; l hV !,( Av. eh L '4 hen n mi'tuhi'i ing tii it it w.'u t"0 late to tie: g ) to thu uuc, tw Coiirr. I wlto-- e ; r.rrl U : 5 ? J f , . I oi.l-id- ,; t1' L C icini- - ami. n Tart ihe feme toe lent in, "io, i,, r jppimr u" the g lie pn , loving s,vani die ami j o j ml mi the r j e ue . i r believed m free ivini. j iout t U reel . or in thot hours a ?dorm,.n Saintess Wit "J ! I I I -- i on J, v.m. i v ti J. p. 1 'i-t- rr t t I S.-ii- - W i ! m I -- i fC J . 'm-'-- 4 k it- -, l.j . ha: : 1 -s Bi-lii- Mn- - sa jt i la-- L i.'vvu fi..y, three ye irs old in July bhe,!- nv 'Hi i one "I the tiue-- t fslie ti iN iu tfie mount n i eoiiutty. a.,-will le .! a i.iii" o.'i' training U. ANo :i x t' at inr, l v 1 v ,4 I lorXnlf. . r jlv-s- 3 1 ut the ii.i-n- ts p'-ts- t i ii i V ;1 t Ajtj iiiMru t aa i jt-- ur ' tv: Jf 1 U ro L1 vorC I v ,zj g - 6.1 the n; ,p ! voum !, u A t iu, a If? I Ptr nrsui i if f r fftdc J,1 an (inurneni J t cr yr r r CIO ju. tk. t. 1 1 L .j. r.c, n ' .j r ir 4 i s uu-t- t Qf TYt nf s ! ! n viCL eti: x 1 ' I f f! r.iikn tn m.iC ' toimf r L C0.t Kt i 3 I f i . r i Us.l aM rfl .. s L if . i ;i oi l.a h nuruHr J ch, iy. c t z. Tj p r i. 4 r. t v |