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Show . V irfB) J' f I'RosTirn jt strict, utiJI t suiiiA, i Nor.TC turn J E:t ?, i.; i,. On the night of (ho 'oh a f.re Octroyed the IToohyn, N. 1., theitrc, and usO per- sons lost their iiics. Tiio bodies were pack- el four deep ia the ruins. (July Hit eo out of 24 j recovered coul 1 be recognized, . Columhia dispatch, which is confirmed from other source, says a Republican color- to vote ed elector bus Ucn otTered for Tilden Nfc.wOtu.tiNs, C. The electors vote The Demo- for Haves and Wheeler from certificates McCnery, jrats, hearing voted for Tilden an 1 Hendricks. Nichoils, duly elected, issued an proclaiming hmi-c- ll address to the people of Louisiana, counsel- ing peace, and Complimenting them on their forbearance, and exj'iesses'cotihdcncc in the final v indication of truth and justice. A Wasnitsn. 'i h i I ?J7. ) , j a Jt Particulars cf !? i: ciE J I dU JJ? I ) if' Iilfc! Tr.Trb, w JLi :i Tl:rrmn V Jr riiic. k Z Ltd' la ltd rtr:is cf ,Ufar !fjj! .ihdrawn from for 4th rhipment to the The amount of bullion V & ircr I'll rH f ,r T' v to!?..? to nt-- a?j ; I!1 When 'the j anie Coil New Yoek. Dec. 7 II mr of the main on the theme, curred hitid States of tl.c Ilock ford, cl. ic Vfe4ul. Gerlen, Die Aliican explorer, has ar- - Thomas TI'! 5 cf 'IL? Lrt The tlie iu was pc, form - ; hhy. rived atlniro 'after an Wnce of thiee lishmetit, cai&dr Fret ia tlieSfcalf. ..bout "an almost 'heywas mice was 'mr, years. The Ani.nori er Dalian ei luring , fir the depoiiure f arrangement-making It ' in Vfrica, has arrim.lnt Licce. J expedition At the'ciios of tire .'1 e u lienee. a the to for soon the set out was equatorexpecte rs ft'MIi Tuo Cavern Thre Siilrs , ; tv rA ed into the uuditniiun an taking in the ter- ' t 4 c.KO '9 t, I tb to the Sr r$ Y4 M o Legislatures Arifff. 1.7c endsivorcl poori ipuet vlttuitieu, A ill- - a'cn from Perlm say? the order ad out him. Seeing they were too tl, which is in preparation for caPiug out all pie lie ran out the door lo id. ng CCU( ffl! 1 Ollfl !f PCf jf .? I'd vHTS ighly alarmed is reg iriled of under Russians years Senator T hurra vu says the returning fifty age nc1 which want couneots .Johnston the The Republicans their side of into loads alley, i! (!,? F.ivfcrn Wi: ALM TO KLIP lALPYinr as oof that the sr.vvrnmoni is prcinriug Hoard of Louisian i has three times thwartQpolii jl hoards i of the Southern pre-lion street and Mytiie avenue, and .qaincd j returning Sher-iiin- u 1 has i un Senator the for of the p.ople. depressed ed the contingencies, seated to Congress, hut dont want the Demtlotnso that t lie poq Ic might eseijethatj r f' Si. Petersburg butirsc. Sicclf Ucciirh, V says the de'ermimition of the lm.ird ocratic side to appear. in seeking fu diverted Tills many way. ' f not to till t ho vacancy from the ?. .'.KM) k I Wur! 4 The N. All who j W e through the main euuante. says the Ju liciiry I.ew Wallate telegraphs Grant that the Lc Democrats vvtiu v jtod, shows the fraud. It t'ihcrlo t P e House, after of into le the the of ou were han si tlie working light II official count of the canvassing ho ird of e parqucite n G Till. would not have done tor a Democrat to will probably decide to and balcony escaped thiough these doors, j ltd majoiity, and that the features of the case, gives Hayes secret session, whereby the process in W adi lit Dclford, member elect from Cobua io. a'hingtoii. 8. Wools resolution caili lg O' a o s V.. a sl k- i Republicans elect Governor and both mem- Thus far ii. Jfyt s. w Democrat ic mnjuiity of i.tH") was cnnvcit-cr the for lent "ii find ions th of presi Mate u the "w uis n m. into e ise in Homes t copies the d tl, they du'y aught bers of ('oiigu-3into a ill jutMican mtijonty of .'.."JO. rt J,I1 t lioiu .e i and of coutse entitled to representa- tlie plavcis were compelle to tibind m th 1'tqu military oimon in I'nion, IV ANY OVP IMTAPLl was called u. Pa mb- smut C'hhAc.o, 6. A New Orleans uiepateh j iiqu. s,l,uh The N. Y. uu intimates if H ires is miatht. August, t asbe-Ihec ami they escape stage j elected the following will he his Cabinet: snj s tiio official count of the votes as cant, but seeing Pci ns ol jecte 1. tin the 7th inst., thaPresidcnt sent the ha remained theie to the Ju liie sen. the is vassed ue hoard substantialj the a of resolution I of by w Ingills rcpvrted Mate, INsrt; Secretary returning Secretary fidiowing nominations to the Senate: Hirntn that it as now a question of l.f'e an death. of Interior to report im- the Ihukard about til! requc-iinon Secretary shot out Hume The Ticmurv, UrSlua; Secretary of the Interior, ly as follows; V.e retreated. Suto the Associate of they Knowles, JuJg Plaine; Attorney General, Secretary highest Hayes electors 1KM and the lowest tides of the ttage ami envelope I the pro- - 'ucdiat ely w h at eft arts iiav c he-- n ma le to re- Mnl (.,)lrt of M,luUnft. n, lrle, HedfiebL move then from Sioux Indirescrv.ulo to is volumes in of the Navy, tarl Schurr. Sec.etary of War, d'Hl. This result is secure by throwing out nceniumaiiJ smoke ia gvn pou ring W H,h. Bt rolfll t,f liub,;c an Toi i itory . e;e. Don Can. cum, Postmasler-- t ienerul, Mr. Jew- - patibhes where iiitnm latmn and v l. deuce ex iiiio the parquette. Studley and Murdock lnUll xt.rrjtorv ThO to; .l:'i-'!irc ting investigation of! isted, an also a few polls in tins city where were the brnt to leave. lrob.b!y not more T he election committee held a preliminary uie-'oet uri c 1. ciictnust i trauds beattending tl.c r.tq ointment of li.wien the than live minutes e!.ip-e- d The N. Y. iru:.d aJB he regular cerun- ting on the 7th. .. the Senate re.dution Ci a have mill 1iivate Jent i.il elector by Governor, thl say Republicans telegrams into the recent ginning of the une aril live cunjUte rates which will be ,bo warded to the Pres:- - about i iu lhc Lollis;atlll l.eg-l-- l direettng an investigation 7,joritv reterrel. twenty in irquetio South Caro cuv eloj'mvnt 'of tiie sta e an dent of the St mate, ant huit ic :te I v t he Gov luu e on joint ballot, ihus securing two elections in AI ibam t, The bill intiuiucei into the House t :.!! of llm e this Pv tie Humes. time, d r h-C'nithit-tees u'y i seveial voles I'nitee Stales, give ermu's of the l.na, Plerida and Louisiana. Md a a .'senator.. Mites tensilver dollar making h Kgvl i f the il n the lower n V 11 part for Tilden comand heeler r i h es and were ftppointe to report to the lull The voie for Governor and Lieutenant !llll providing for the issue of silver came voiiring down The crowd from , H On the ice of the certt'i- on Saturday. mittee tin Hendricks. Governor Pack a r 7 J,tbbl, Niclndls 7i.l.i''. "as inferred. !e v liselv w ere bbies into the i t heicfore ilutil. V.ejndge I.ieuienant Goveruor Autoniue 74, U1. 'J, Wiltz catis Hayes Cum vi m v, S. C. Dec 7. The Senate and !I was i.itrodnii into the IPm-- e jrrcrowded. The stu'.rwnv s weto choke li an it prob it le tii t th .s result a .11 t ui !. At all 7 a bill authorizing v a .til I. ,N ernment iu the Pi ick Republican House pus-Png ' h temporal they soeme to be no way ia vhi event', the burden o! jt ,o. ,s :.o,v on the the oath there 1! Is; leterre 1. any qudifie l officer to admini-te- r in 1. M my wuccce le be relievo could v. i 1..' h u t i ftCie N. ecial Y. UcrahT ,1 i e or i l.e t Washington sj f i lb not. f j to the Governor, and a few minutes afur A went over reciting th it w h 3 it. to bv the regular meins of e ise ng u I'erliin teegraj hed the Pit to H tlem, an v 1. i f i r uy come t Vs ( oclock tlie Republican mciiibei s nf the an-- e a b. !'i renee d in t.vccn iv 'l' vvaopinion Washington streit. . ,ut that Miirway that he intc.-.dethe Tih to Senate marchel to the ; nM erw ir 1. n i s il:ur seint r I'uii-oRepublican House, also members of Co,igre-- a to the juris lioimn ,1 t lint is uml crow iy del sniott ty ,11 t .iv es v licit the i'inoeritic represent uives from where Chamberlain was inaugurated and i.'x' i i f"1 I ""crs of the Houses i , joint Tim .reute-- t b.-- s oi lde to inq. o counties from the sv.otn in by Probate :in Pdgefiel -. the it...... Me i Puone. He de- - neat ' Is elector..! the Judge j Senate "D"? j ust have lccn mong tliose in the fimily g; Inure, Ci it l.e Lid Huger to aj-- ( isvered short inaugtiial. . a .ir-- i.n,; llit do,. ti) appoint a committee to act with Cque-ie- l oT'nose or rv, tor cdb circle had with inm and Huger replied trooj't, The Democratic House n; pointed ,v '!' i,,i i s nr n e ' I Mmtuiiiq "n i,"m 'near led, in ti o be seated t that lie could not do it, his orders being pos& P to inform the and Gen. Huger to ,v, r reme curt s, 1, q.,e-- t i u.s uv . tay be im- v w i - an the er art stall the waye m,t to interfere or net in any manner . t o 1. iv e t that it was a legal House, under the decision t ot taut Cm f it, in C4 ,ir t m o o v .1 . s . , ,i i si crisis. vho t tliCiF Vtiro iii thf jiKiny s tviejt i:i ?ie sf actual bloo Phed, and even of the Supreme He- - MuSio i ntlri t t VvouM zive the P M big ..dv.miure n Court, an requested the Pi i idcnt w heth- - j no further than the .seen I H.v,r where or of silo fere in to fivor then not in:;i any s to the faun withdraw the a. latter Cn Slate of lo Mate er ,!he cav al ry force 1, is ec u i emoi c i r. ... trooj i3ev 'lur. t ! '!, inril I .7 7 T um YI.GKTA r.I i'N iKpj.tl in ( tuty, but his f ,rce v.as sum ply to enforce House. the 1 evas fi out icr. tv A quo vvarii ito was itsued and served The , llamcit made such npil ths-ortmke to have in ChauihcC. leace. 8. SenIlouPe and Columbia, Republican Iepul ItiMti na'ionul conn litre intend to e mu! ii t , before decs m eliicd the tloois fell in him to depen I si as tje.-.ahlate are in session, but House h is l iken no that loike in M si M ii ion min l he I et ji t of eel- ... i! ' Women, the ou j l.ucr s lioip. Patters m, it is un-- ! important notion. The c nnminee appointed leuh them. The ?0 U fsTRY STORLo on J FAfHLICS r,-b- . t n e li i li ue i. deistojd, went to the Mi.ite House and to iv tiie Democrat ic House y sterd.vy is now shoutinr and inq ur n ti.q D.j.otMp fu G rf Our Rmie q II the dtifiil ci ic i of hi! 1: f n v i o his disgu't four, i the Prc-- i lent closetr w uh in disci, C'oiir Out AT C'JSTOMEFgS' L D S D. atge'iif its mission, which is to cai! low. Nlr. A. ilu.viit. The I'tcsideut fiat to Cs-teir, Ovir r p, ' St upon the offiiors commanding P. S. tioq,s f f theio. - no hum m rt here inod.ty t ii or b rs to Pager, and the quest l ev e oi t , a t and inform them the House, as legally con- i i n a Mil. a rm , live i was a l.c.,1 mliiig stu;it.o,i to hive hu- tion c line bttbie the t a' met, wist re, il m s lint e .m in in dm in, t he w ;r. the wiih lriw.il of Iron j s Irmn II u I'll, of aliito-h io their eri-t man i 's dijcus-.othe tl, it bull ling, uiid, it r' briicve.I, after to d.ein uid y y t!io i,i' iimry of 1. - ! itu r 0,4 tl S'. Il im- h mu s. iwi'l'.i,i , loo pile e oi i -- ii.ir O'licliiJ ,ii WiS.irtivei at. Meant line there. i be n n iy w ty t r li , it authority troops me retained ins, e i mean of i Ii iner ollt tint - m i t siJ rir-- i A r- r?i.i ' h instructed lg por cd !i! d b it to he P epi.bl The Deuiocnttie House l,as 'iii'Mlnr Il.vi ,ir u.h 1'iiHiit f M lai-the r,!er W'lf the j !l M'n.Uars Muioi ii.'' In in ini '. c u.iniii .in to einjdoy counsel o.ui Si. it'll .il he I. , it in hi - per ir to .b i v'er; tlii'v tbetiembl.ig s'ra tore l "1 and I eg in went to tic ,te llou-eNew an pi oi ecd ng Uiisl tli mil riuiii tor hen. la in I , suj cen ne then and y J. Jl a I 1 the an as criminal ..they e, Ti noi.'-e,ie J t j- to ileiiun I,, M 'll (glrii: i. 1.1 Ti,ev, the 'leilains Ho n in ite nets ible i with Puiner govern usurp.ug j(llj n.urdet.rg re on a of il o:i fin m studley, no had bit ss f.iliifii-itian i lciuii.ei to toe Mui-itI M weic urisii' u a i re - e 1. h, d, ai., un" t. .dso direi fij'g Me coniii, iitee to vVp; igiu t vr Ids fill 11 f e till an Io ,v O e, ty mgit lie atet t i i tlie office of the rat y of wi.h mound'ul taco'. in mi I rej ti II n CITY. iy. LT c ;i j .lativ-- ' i s t he f bice a f to mi I i.den inn fl i es thrniigh lliit.on It so ::i' ti it Toei c is n i epoi t tl.ut the 1ie'ilent hi i give Cl seuted in tk House. Pub co fin et s Live :m min,! ( t nid-n.tfity lrotu whiili he .1 n e n j b g. electors, it ti mg liu-- ,..n to it the returtib i i leg i a; Li Huger to i J. r b 'i ci. ma n. .in tiling i hey n.iw I a n their Puriher v.atcf elegr tms'of jiH e. ftn . bn the l"ii, 8 on file rsuvAD.se by the beirl showed a bo Jy which ha ' lo t a q ; u in. is le n i M la ol eg 1 !"f'' t 1, ilewm-lit'V . Mix ftot.i r l,V,,''rH f q disquieting nutuie ive been seccived clear nnj iruy for the T i !.I u un Hendricks Cil (O e 3t.ll the i IViidll.l s on jO-- t j gve tciiiai n of Mr. Mm n,k an hi, brother ue- t In re w et e tio ue ib ca nt, vrav emj up Ayres. ,iiP tliey The Demoi rat ic eleitors met lit !ee:ors. no tMtilgt jnee io ci mr j u iy in M't.tni u j- t.r aie in tl.aige oi un b t tok, r. A U.C1 - t A large tneeti'g was lie! styling ,,,vr means to e'cqre than to lea t a l h n capitol i u the office of the Attorney Gn- it..r-- . mic,,;; jti ot t jQ (j 0 n ' i! M ' IP. innmbei s of i'l -- A ea-t odies hi rn ii.clf tin tiilijim! i vnfercnce on the ookly n A l a ite hour but rdght ,2 the v ite of the Mate aucor erul and UvT. jfam,,. .tl pi o.qly it j u , I r nimi J ""d e, t " i t i 1 laxt-K pnrnq .lines will ! hr is j in. lie recover, d. opj "C tbe q'.e til'll. Tbe object is inz to law. Tbev ulsu igael a r.vtniou to s ' inmi ... ill be ilec.tuc i tiiivertiOf. ' uti.n metits f.u- the ' make ! to- ai He 1 h i total an! TurLis'i gov ei niuents obey. non. Ill Vernon the Neuate nmi House of Pepieseututivei ftieuls Lave j t De el ti living to j ,i - tt a - . i;c-- . tier.al th of ue al ir bo.ti s ! ."tei of the I'nited States, Maiiug tAcir legal Piesidevt that it'll c Pen. ...il mv ! icra.s me 1;ao , c lj ' ,IM 1,1 an "i 1 " it I'uikni, . 'i here w ere more than a thousp.--i nn, elect ioa and praying they might be recoge hey w ,d i to ii g id.-- t he lei-Ut'et tl.e ,J hv!l !.vb watc . t i'" ie a ' f.re K' from 1 as The iree Tiie liemis lie theatre. eleciorr. caught i a; in Kepul nize i l.in ,s n t lliyi.s tl'i',i, ia someway, was claimed by n ( cf Xr.i oun seven Giant (PY their votP for Hayes and Wheeler, and jers n ' umt i the ills I n the tc inojt lively pri'b.tljU'. i o Go re l at y a cq.oi ,0 quue a ied H. Pearce, colure 1, was e!ected a can g.t i.n on this t oot v, met, tie f ms i at aid ol tlesh. Ieg, hagu.enrs to conv.ty the reiurns fi om I lori la Io w ot.hl t eii o iliSiliMifd tu itjC FrfiPUcr any ami iy lie in iy have. i iii.tl il bice Mid Poll. rJ Kali :.ro heovilv f c:y NY.ashi nrton. t . v. nr? Fislit ( IpJty t and the e l.ir.er Heii.t-- i The P ,uinr correspondent at t'obnnbii iblisb. draped, The Tnh'in.'i Alb my divs re- incuts me putting mi toe ito, m. rts cd f;ns, Gideb Hushing, h nn G rant m. initiated fut trio' Iio'i c ' ..." S tcb'graplis u u . ilxte nt the 4ti, as f.do i ie fiom it Dcaioer indications eent snuicr- - all A mui.Jier ot tm es are i iesed, i - j '"'"ininz. I lookc have bseu uiiatijie, Chief Justice ol the Puprcme (ouit of The to trams f As the r" galday .'pecii! i,p tl'chow alnt si. i oncln-i- v ely that iu the rnv- ! n lie, of anno " Hie doors me toil ices re i ,n dosed i r! tie any c a ist men, r,r n v all Ptiitj iui i wiiowus not cold. rme i, tie an e v, v i !or v - m I testnbiut tc be w vge iu 'oiizre-- s over tbe bringing i'1 t .w;!i idles. i i They line their hlinhot, rolls i,!l"c e of drat h ttt t inulies. MVi ai'." boy- - ,ii ia cari ti s.iys, .I crirntH ij a '(.' u to it u'tll ,iihc il thr mkl Tilden will receive very ' virescnt succe-soT ' fi'rii-ie niies are still in morgue, and ad r 1igh'v S HI nf nrounii their necks mi l t hi ir Inn f t.i hh!-- ot r until thin c? the M. one on r t ni o' v.-i- b iiiJiUu etrong at ir ) i t he :n t ton of Conkliiig. The si ung, nmi t hry look ' di tin r cut Jet iiuis ii tl rh'i iinn vety v. to! aw t o hs ere elatemen of West thit Honkling was pre- - Iroru Horn uniting in i tldu the New Ym 1. (onfodci at Dubbers with whom we e tin' h"np f.'i il de to this with hisrieeivp:u ing tudjeit P r ere fo futniiiar. 'J y Have been qim let e s iy s .that hold ,vrr mi m 'injirihit i c fts it If lh ot bind., iotml aignificnnce from the theoiy l f til jry, t i fJ 0 ! in the ...icimis fairground but! lings an ia v i! r.,i nr h u c nnoti-- , Ji (.ni nturi rh r'lini . Ij with a irisa. uev elope to-- iy y a promineut niembi r ol the j u'dic hulls cf the town. There me t'.fiesl vd nj r. Irmt i,f one, th; Ciinir at ngain-- t the bid, lie electoral ctdlegc, that the unexpectedly ubmit four liundita so diers in the ir.ri n Anil U ouhl to h tv Ji, -only mnnnji piaent Wits for him i If, SCENERY' ASD STAGE .slurp toiie of 8ej niour.s address, mi takmembi rs ym4 Not Ws tinui f Jc aO'urd hint thr sutnr the liduuitini rnuie city. Ti easts. wild nji tj3i.i ing the chair, is .a preface to a similar rifle i bills i Ji n it i rlnxiny in grtnji.' nfe here. i.l'Z yne uuotLer w it ii Hi i ir ban Is, and w orsc Argument to be iria le by Honklii The Ttihuni rdi.so ins u telegram under The editor of.Tut whom ir.g, be.iiitig icinai.is to the numerics, i of Dr. Fkelmax, than that, as 1 will tell you directly, United Males senate. ' About A Democratic view of theaf- : men mo nt work on the rumi, a id There arc times when the thecajition say Kingsland human with hiitigq and A dispatch of the 7th inst.. piled piU"Ue The Pimocii.ts windows of Divine light do open on this as Miccessful that li e it extent ol the a, i boned fair, wiiieh closes thus i' l'm'icd their way i MlttggleiM J'r.vncisc", Males that late advices from Orei re confident of suece-s- . imned within the rev dated and published in i iA Nj'ecchcs were man's iutelicet, that lay all ty will be dduii.cly fornu over 'kthe grasidug state has Odell that been chosen gon, '21 limu.s. made I ,n have not next succrcdc by AVada Ilamj'toB and itiier Tiif. PtioNTi mi 1mex, eight yen is ago, under They to who were nuehcd around, the o hers get by the IlepnbPcan Kltclors.- - Grover t, mocraiie .iiiki'i s, full of spirit, but conn- - the bead of Prepare for the Word," these loll as tiny lo't supjm t of the tincov et ing the dt css circle, an it is the ility will act lorihe Iteniocr.ats. It ts slid Grorc 6,111 ucC1,;iiu llcw 1 seling peice. The city is crowded with woriL 1 h i re was nothing lor it but hviug. vers Louse is under guard. xJ f Hid aimed Demon .'.is and m my are arriving by, is Giant acting with the calculation ami 0ne n!,,c and some other. who l.al waited to l'r,il'ci 1,1 Nearly nil tlicNcw York journal i concede every train. The Democrats will mu file a sLiendness of (Jctav ins (kusar, who, while myself this tt. in. in the urquotie, an two or thtec tbit Conkang has gone over io Tilden. shot unless under orders to sustain the ?u- - sty lii.g hitnsdf Presi Icnt.is gradually usurp- J .'gnimrA of Ibh, tq.on whi.h the cororcr They were slippery wiih blood. A resolution of Senator Howe was leferred preme Court. Iict1 esaninaiion, io. iug and meiying in tiie Pxccutite dcj'.irt- lUuds and fret were protnulign here mid .fo- to the ifiip. r committee; it inflicts a lino of most mer,t (ll Judicmry, and the legislative believe of ihe deaths JuJ riAviana A Pcthclchcm (Pa.) Unit Ufa which showed that wits Mil! in xnys there, A.'l'LW'J and a jienalty ol ten years imprisere cause by sod cation. republican govern-ppemore than J of the miners in that .Mate are t'M 'obes of our sutnc of the m. Py this time the tmoke was and constitutes it a crime of onment, The relief cornu, nice is now ascertaining felony ficn-- e and the ntuuber of men thrown out ,!,ent l)l)" growing tutu a military and i and the from the u,1,-ll for any person to assume to be uu elector in of work is eattmated at between t a number of mu v n H'g rci.,t iv es arid their lie theen biancecf him. were tembie. I mid law er part of the hou-ffiqOdO and " , i rv i. es in ( ithoic, i bt.i cl es At iA r Hmnin h.vi done; and the name an eHctisc 4 TAMMY. ii5nfl condition. H is beheved the. t'ir m to be to will the ti H.nin- others nv urn ay, I'tAczi suspension gel to- - iy rcicriiue w.u made o and penal y for any one who shall bear 31 taken a the son from Julius ntid we weiit ib.wn ia .a cut i. e by t l.e middle ot the mouth. I11 eonM mas, how, m I Cong's g it inns 'fe Cade upi.u o mU ' of anew rivet or to Washington. Cn"irn trnic career, at. i his end at the not tell you. This that have bee n An Albany , Nv Y'ork special t, IVrfi , tin tr manliest lt y by prayer for lledeid j TT, etc. hint l)f iIjui to prU(u' tr A resolution of Senator .Mitchell was the lag took place in s than two i?ti ntes. One an t.ist elector on the Democratic ticket, I r the mi the term Dictator by j living. '.in qy pecuni, iy thrown tmthe tiide; it i'olied that Goverman who go out ia the crowd ju-- t before believes j'.iyes will he unresisted I y the One hundred thot mil d dials ia p e. ie ' to be l'r idem, wnh the sune polinor Grover ha gone beyond the jurisdiction w h bitm had me hii been his me showed a' Democrats, r a 1 the l.mer will r.iPyunl hurl cy iti.l art Ac! by the stear er Havre of the executive officer f& .State in issuing j bn,mcy that j ; inpte 1 Oitav; js to ten aluiott to the bone. ; the Pejiubiican from power four yens hence. B ear a John . lot U"che crow e is ndcr that to p:''-.in tying back certificates to Cronin mil hi two electois. to Proool vn suf-- 1 , Dton P'oiicicnnlt tee in t ;s ,'j.us Is cm tl c IT i Id i evade money the kts.fe of Mlorrison recalled bis assertion made to fetevs. All ether poj.ular nctors are tcady j e Pome more than cition, G.uTti'hl in New ttlo.u that be cPeve I tl r t give. n is In era y walking in the v rookly dty eihor's tbrm people would be cr.UiMg t I hi ai of sm li i f a P i uHis or h. fongrescioriftl inves. rf he l,.i low of dr 'I., inside of a hundred days. He lcasseitrl (V id i, H. v i. i u.i r r i ! 110 1 n of t hi is C. ' the t '.ittee an ived liere thl the oth, and il Le res ia e . c tv ge jighf ' , i j fi j. Nidi. led ire iliag limn ever. ir this it King met and nrg kc . -- C V - The Senate don'tpropose to notico elector (Vmiia, of Oregon, hut the Democrats will LIGUTMMl LcJ.vbna, .l:rida,Crc.?c3 U 'IV'' I jKv I jT A to., in. Tiroes in 9,withm Card. T A -' i V &fd iJinortwOWWig' .ill' to-da- y. 'f iaiglnn tlie i I s ia 5idt)f'j(tO. L ! et , J 1 1 rkv. . J L. tu-h- ; 1 ; rr5 r 1 X j I . 1 vg t r- j , r-- t 1 1 11 ft T es-c- - tr-- fit aj 4 V C'otn-mitt- 1 I.ott-i-ia- wit-li- 6s C V d i -- j-- ! in-tr- 1 . ' -' r w i I la-- 1 g le; J f i j i I j if j 1 i . s , j , ' , Il-es- i j Kt j 1 1 I1" !a-- -- 1 v j 1 s j v 1 1 sos-io- (se-iju-- .u-e- ji 1 n. 1 i 1 I 1 1 - -- el 1 l 1 1 1 1 I i 't'" n-- 1 . I t . 11 n s vv vv ; 1 !:- 1 I : . ,o-o- , o-- 1 1 , ? X j ua, ed . Tkl inle. -- I . . ! i t 1. i 11 zi coin-in'tt- - ,bn i . -- -w j I . !c on-m- 1 1 k 1 ... ; t V , s- v 1 1 fV -- -- i ! j j -- . bofoi-eja-'ists- ' ri i i e 1 ! vrtnf 1 i j e c- i j j 1 c - ? 1 i 1 r C ! ' o ie:u-edt- o- vv - i i n, ton-eb.r.ib- '.e i 1 1 shf J 1 lu-c- d, a- - I 1 i i 1 , v . i j . i - .: i dc-eei- ll I ; -- I i al-- o i ( 1 -e i , bn-lg- it-'- U fr:j i Ki i t S. V-- I ii 1 1 i on -r s , ce-s.'- ul 1 , i I 4 Cr. I T -- 1 -- , t e. . c 1 vv 1 I li.i-ibi- -. Y it 1 1 rtci'h.'f0 rf 1 j r H t s i 1 eeo-ii- e I zc i i I 1 1 i -- . M-v- 1 ,i l I it e I j 1 j to-da- 1 1 ; y . . thea-bce- 1 t. n . J ; 1 -s i V 1 - 1 c on: orriiHs r.iisiE. -- I U - l I i -- i , XncrJi:" .is-un- F. LEE, 1 . h- - v'-- - tr irzr . L. I h- s Iv--- i J v . , ... - vv ,t.-- I nr. , 1 - f-- 1 1 1 I - I 1 1 11 , i 1 1 j r, l 1 1 I i S FAPcr: ertf 'll $ 1 II-mi- i vv h-- 1 wa-th- 1 - T t-- d . J 1 1 1 ' t 1- i i nry HJ-U- 1 t;v-fn- r I im.ii-we- re o-- J 1. 1 1 a- - -- ci'; ims-.-o- n i! 1 fr i I e- i 1 J j , I ch 1 le 1 vv d, i tn j ru-i- v - ccr-liliea- 1 ! aj M.-G-ve e '' - -- 1 ! 1 I 1 de-cri- 1 'e-- i.iq-resa- es b'-- j 1 -- -- ! lo-di- j vv n-s- ey glve-'.ii- I O . ' 1 n- . to-da- m 1 f 1 c.-v-i ! . m cit ! ,(, 1 t 1 i- -t . 1 1 i fi |