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Show Ogden. Free 21 an. r.nlvjtf I'rcsldcRt t:,2 let: 1 - tJ Gi'at jt - i V ct3 Lis In Vfx M xvtiiiin Mh. m. a. ( Mohttiiia M been where Presidential contests weie raging but twice after he was of e;e, and oue of those two times he was not cligll le ns a voter. This is the ablest introduction to a of a chief magistrate that we liave ever that his policy seen, lie s ivs in of reconstruction has proven a future, that dow the bayonet government has of the free end manly spirit of States of the Union, but has excited them almost to another civil ar. His filibustering scheme to get up a w nr with Epuin was so generally denounced by the press and statesmen of the nation that h had to sihanduii it, and this he calls; adjusting the d.ff'.culty in it manner highly honorable to uil parties concerned." He says the national debt 1m been r t Diced more than four bund red millions under vet we cannot reft. mil his adniini-tratiofioiu remarking that the debt m actually larger to day than at the beginning of his rule. His ttlhi matioii that the aniereat on the war bund has beta reluct'd from o?e Linulred and thirty miTsotis j er year to loe hundred ud on millions, Joes not ilisncs the fict that all of the gold and silver mines of the nation produce annually only half that sum. His asst. n ion that the balance of trade Las L eu changed from one hundred mid thirty nuilmijs against us lo nearly an eipial sum in our favor, docs not alter the truth that foreign but turned vessels cany nearly all our freights, and that Ihlna is making a clean drain of ten millions per year from our .V ltKi 17. , .. IJA 10 Nliruflia trr Ivrrn OtUr sub-tnu- I? omj tt one-thir- FREEMAN: OGDEN IN onr tnodf anti Kr ?r cirrail-i- t nri tl li to nwirjn iU iwMn ,i pj? s r h t ty Eire. mu 'ir nlMini w f l twMn on'fcha m.d jvn I rsnrj-rrs,urrb,iin to sh ft Homing 1hh ul HH In pvry IniUiHf a rtttm cniisract a lU In . fei 44 rTH r 1 1 1 J R. I M JIM .aa...t. $:f.: U I 4 Month 5 7 ' 'I 1 n iar 1 : IA 16: ifc; a : d I it li : 1") lz ?- Id 1 Id H; . ?v 7 . dd . .i.. 4: E. .5.5 : j '. : .i . ; ' 7 . ; : To; .HI : i loo Ho -- : . ; - loo 1o ; Uo4 i or sdf a interest in The Oners Fukemin to We will one-thir- Orte-fourt- one-As- d lf sn.m who is capable of ncting os foreman cf fche effieo, wbo is a job prigiv nml qmihfi d to localize. 'The rd jeet tic; I I to he accomplished bv such partnership is to secure the services of a practical mechanic, who will take more interest in the business than it is human nature for any oue woik- - j lag for wage to do. shore. The cflice is established on a healthy pay- He says the wuitc ns ui's avarice is the moing basis, end is dependent on no ring, tive for piompting the savages to war on the duple or party for a support . frontiers, but be otnits to locution that those Kverv body reads the j aj er because it is white men work and imk their lives to make made t.o lively they cvn not help it. livelihood fur their w ives and little ones We do job work for all the various Kail-rea- d impoverished by the rebound of a war insti-- g towns and settlements within five ud that ited by such fanatics as himself; hundred miles of Ogden. the common people use driven to all sorts of We have enough bran new Newspaper Maextremes in the absence of bemg ona of terial to publish a large morning daily; and Grant's kinsmen. The expression pfrsA it will not be long before such a daily discoveries is good, coming officially from here will circulate over as extensive the White House, die adds that gold has now been found in paying ipiantity, and the efscope of country as our iemi-Weekl- y fort to remove the unneis would ouly result in the desertion of the bulk of the troops How does it loik for New Ilimpshire to that might be sent there to remove them. All if I cast her electoral vote for Tilden and Hendricks as she did yesterday. In excavating for the bridge over the Colorado river, on the Southern lacific I.. R. A fine lead of silver and copper was struck. Tiik precinct at which Tilden voted gav Hayes a majority, and the one at which Hayes voted gave Tilden a majority. A prophet is nobody to hum. Ttta Secretary of the Interior has put tin extinguisher on the hopes of the Llack Hiller, that a county government woul be set up fur them in answer to their petiii m to that effect. The Secretary says: The inhabitants of the r.lack Hills ore there not only without authority cf law, but in actual .inlation of law, and so long as that section of the country is set apart as an Indian reservation, it would be manifestly improper and unlawful to authoriie the setting up therein of any form of civil government for citizens of the United States. 1 trust that the recent election in WyoIdaho will be a leon to the Dem ming mocracy, and that in future they, will nomiWe 1 alx-v- wire-worke- -- rs OiuinoN is greatly excited. The Goveronor has issued a certificate of e'ection to Cronin the Democrat in place of Watts postmaster. The two republican electors refused' to meet with Cronin uni he then appointed J. 1.1. T. Miller and II. Darker to fill their vacancies; the three then voted, two Hr Ilaycs and one to r Tilden. On the other hand the or'gmnnl Kepubli-ca- n electors met, ncceptcd the resignation of Walls as postmaster ami inin cdintelyppoini-chim to fill the vacancy in their college; r.nd those three voted fur II lyes. The Governor issued, the proper certificate of election to the Democrat, and denied it to the D.eptsh-licapostmaster, who received his friun the Secretary of State. This is w hat a coercive government doe. We now Lav e anarchy in tour States of the Union. d n itaii it:;;: s. has been appointed Jacob city, Utah. The Denver county Saints held a three-day- s conference in ilcaver civ. On dt, Joseph K Joha.'in oi St. Geor-- e is going to blurt a mining paper ut Leeds. ,:MnMcClellan's opinion: Dut a stop to ttie meddling intcrfcicnce of corrupt gov- mi meut officials, and it will sooti appear that the negroes will divide themselves between the t wo pat ties, and t hat the dan ger of a conflict of races has dis ippeared. brought to mind l.y the London T,mr ...at Gee W . W. Lorir . who had corn mand iu 'the second ilgyp-iexyv.Ution , never been ngunstthe Abyni,-fsiseard of since the terrible disaster that betel bis troops. (Sen. boring at one time held n commission in the Federal army, hut when the civil war broke out joanod the Cwnfaler-ate- s and became a in tbU service. At the close cd the war ha went to hie ID edive to Fgypt and wai tsppointod the rshion In which he isj suppe to! ive lot s,n irfe. I:i the disustroi ' f'shtf which the LDjJi'wns suHVrtd. G , and several oiher Ameiican cithern? ere on the statf of Drinctt Hassat,. The lue of these men reuiains a myiterv which it is hoped may ut some futur ri' 5 ? 9 exp: iei. la the first Egyptian A; edi Da but cce waj known to liave sun iced the ambush cf Ii? Ahyssinians, Rod that was Count de Ui- rhy, who was left for dead bet e - ne to, and in lU r . lived f .r f cf iude-scr- ,. tu ..ermg, craw hng from j !vcc to place, supporting hitueelf on herbs and roots, drinking .'he water remaining in the c flasks of his deiul companion, lie was j jcctly can iei o5 as a prisoner, W . (). Rogers port-ma-s- i,t - major-gener- 1 Lct-ic-g , I 1 ub-fc- the Uithculties m this matter have been removed, ul ject to the approval of Congress, by a treaty ceding the Clack Hills and approaches to settlement by citizens. This statement, coming lrom the eommander-iu-chie- f of the armies, sets with a grace something like this: The morale of the army is too low to trust them in the Dlack Hills, lie teems to judge the soldiers by him 5clf in the matter of lack of steadfastness an I integrity. The bandit raids on the llio Gran le he attributes to the disputes about the land on the banks of the stream, charged ftota Mexico to of the the United Elates by the washing-to the it instead of lawlessness river, laying of the Greaser land pirates and cattle thieves. He puts a stress on the fact that the Democratic House last winter refused to make whom nppropriations to pay his Le appointed as consuls to rolivia,llejuador, Columbia, Denmark, Greece, .Switzerland, Paraguay and 1ortug il. The Alab min claims have been adjusted agreeably to the pockets of Lis friend. 11. e survey of the boundniy line between the Unite Stales and the Driii-- h possessions is completed. of the Turkish Government D.y request our treaty withbem lei minuted on the f.hh for a r.evv and of last June, snd negot-umnow is pending. reciprocal tieaty Tim ue.v treaty with the Saudi ich Islands Las gone into effect. The Government of Columbia has paid the claims for the steamer siezed y them. The labors of ihe Mcxh an claims con. .fission are at an end. Of Hie claims bdl were diinised and in mi cases awards were made in fivor of the claimants against the Mexican Uepnthlic, amounting in the to f l,lJ",tik2.l!0. Within the sa ne j nine hundred and niue.y-eigh- t chums on the part oftiiircns of the Mexican Republic ngrfinsttlie Unite Stales were r ferr-r- d to the coreiiiisduBei . Of thes' claims 831 were dismissed r dial!ow ed, and ia lo7 eases awards were made in f, tor of claimants ngsinst the United Elates, amounting in the aggregate to ClO'Vr:i. Py the terms of the ccnventiun the amount thce awar Is i: to te deducted from the nmmnt aw.tr ld ia f ivor of our citizens against Mexico, nod the balance only to be paid by Mexico to the United Elates, leaving the United Etf.tes to make provisions for their propot t ion of the award:1 ia favor of its own citizens. Venzucl.i is paying up gradually the amount of our citizens claims against that to i.ue bonds government, but her de-ifor the remaining indebtedness would not be acre; ted by holders of tcriifie.iic. He Htigp'st no n litional requirements to the acquisition of eh izcushtp beyond (hose iso.v existing, Lul invites the earnest nttent-- i in of Congress to (he necessity and w is loin of some provision regarding uniform ,ty in the record ond certificates and providing against the funds which frequently tike place, and fur the vacating of a ieco- -i of ; kitiS-pcop- le 1 nate gentlemen for the posiiion of Congressmen w bo are toadying to the Mormon fraud for the sake of a few votes. The time Las pe :i nl whea Americans, Democrats or IlcpnMlf Sas, wtll sink patriotism at the behests of party, and vote with the enemies of re a free government. Doth Territories -- itl remain bo substantially Democratic, and ocss of the unleaa the root ha decree otherwi-e- . er 1 1 ngf-re-ga- i 1 re 1 naturiliz'ition inel ' y cd," f. tt d n, . : ; hi ; : : l .1 -- it ; 1 . 15 U - sub-jeet- s. 11 a: 1 j mib.-l-ii- gov-ernmr- ut rei-sonal- exi-iin- ra-e- , 1 g 1 lju-.in- ports Le are know i n 1 s, " . played H ( . . t ; . ; 1 to-aset- j t 1 me ca ue D.c n j: i hi I t o v 1. M.n? 1 t 1. i.t od uolzl Home. Dick v.uv he - snghtlv wi.h il.e i ie. teat M o"iuoi n are a li.tie pi Solo is. 1h1. wdl give the ihum! ji r u.l Mr. i- 1 A r- the items wants, an st I t J.ly meue. j j GtorgeF.n ut s.q.sgt. (,eotge is luec on- tiv he lung for. Mabel is l Leanby for The :i.muphe e ;s foul. He .George. Order: from 1 j i i 0 n 1 ft O Jr I .a V T L C s a 9 romp: Cur .ttentiun. C; rr.fr I;nvr; tmr t rnvrr a,j f;r.r.nu I n lu-l- , 1! Sr. - 1 1 , vv y ( r i r illg-k!- 1 TE' r 1 r s.-- n. ..t. a- - I 11 , l j I -c v j . . , -- j vv 11 11 j ( ii'n-n-- , j i fr-n- i , e 1 I ! ') i iu-r- t Ifi 1 j I . Du-tee- vv j ; i ur. o anxi: - F-- I 1 t -- J . . - , 1 1 - 1 rAPnn ! i e- piid I ::c, etc. -e m ... , ig-- I ' I 1 nt t i it- e- -t . I i , s i . I 1 n-- v -i , ( 1 1 1 1 ( SAT lo FACT 10 A (J LTAIiA ATKiU) 1 ( lv , I lifr-raD- pre-so- s 1 fi di-ta- m ( 1 ( tie-c- t ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e Fhu-nix-lik- ju-ttc- e. s t- -l o 1 1 i ( ri-- u lievv.,-fro- FJr - tomb-stm- - t i u ) in H Ht r-- V T, , 1 vry 1 - 1 s rr tm-tiv- ( mil -- -i ii-- T-- 1 . s -- j i 1 1 1 -- - " 1 ( - ( y-- . 5 A 1 I 8 i . i.- nf ? ? . i Di-tn- .!. 1 1. I 1 v 1 y t 1 - 1 1 H. . i, . 1 ii po-.llf- -- he-sin- t 1 -- s j j ec-Cj- . , . - 1 i:FTni.lrnMHM IN ANY OM1 1 1 . 1 -- o K. j tc ( 1 11 i;i: a j 1 M-ut- 1 t i I i-- vv h di-f- ro-lu- f c j i ?t-ir- .g 1 U A w J si 4 I i t 1 ! cLoo-luc- i u W -- b ? ? t 1 1 , 1 T m 1 1 r W 1 j I g 1 1 j ( 1 J i v. a 4 an abend nice of self eontro', Uncc Johnnie nev er did l.ie eohl c i.uaies aovwav. No f.,i. by day. pa .ed through, took his bat ii, nod retui ue 1 doubt Geo. go ff, likes travehn 17 s yr,.j-j,.on t,f link r.e.-to h is ow n chamber without sowing a word "thiO'S h.iifis a li. tie too ght for l.i'U. . All 11! liie it No: lie till next morning, then lct his pa.cnpresMcn., high jiie-tta! duty to take the illicitly ma.cd p.dr to apoi-eseventies, p. c del te.u her, I t an m di an.l ac de1 r.q. ...g ik. At fiit both denir thcchaige, but gos m e reque-- t e COUNTRY STORES an! FAMILIES r.n MaleJ'J R.veVn-- , S: of lieu ihe meet a! the .u.ernaeo for the old man G tune frit mu, an then they lo Ot liens firm the CaUnre 'ft' v. c cue pnpi'C AT both put ill t he plea hat it was too cold lo 01 doing F. F. Fenn p.iii i,m h of the htu b BIDS Out CUSTOMERS Determined CoLiry t'lui-- t of Liuer-diFiio: in of Je-Not to C.Tiy them Over Anoli.c-- Sca'en, sVcn in epaiate rooms, or sep.nate bed-- . vv.,h a rt'vefiiliun veieivel fi on the Now you know the reason which impelled I, il.r.-:h mo, ihy 1iiqlct, Archie, t j come M et and ptibl. Mi apnper in ihe Lmd uy it ; coimn Itdcd of m v Magic City which is named utter a Cheyenne ."eer and Hev efii,..r. oul, the pa.i.a eh, that he h ill mu f Dog ,'oldierl squaw s female uog, the same Tm T ...1 r f li'"'' ! f fi Cars littvtk. 1 PUflluiJ'J; Ul iiA( j i i y n 5 il..i h being a kennel for the same, now la ing oc- - any bV'ing- - in.o the baud of the t in E jj .J 1 itixili copied by Auhic wiio fled frou eiv ilua'iou ion, nn that he sh..'l not p'omuinee at.y ..t tlu-on the toe of Uncle Johnnie Munis boot. L.eing wli.u.. ever npo.i the boa JL and minus a seat lo hi pant. (lur caue that were i. my wav co ineete tvi.h the e!ec-b:l.v unfrauds pcipe.i.ued in Ui.ei ia lor disclosing thi pitco of go'ip to you is .Mb that the said Shtck has it hunt any ma-og.. ly. Tli'ip mv. 1 mv i.n.iym, nv GALT LA3IC CITY. And hi.a l h nml fi.r us the (: seveiairtn.es iea .biy pa; er, through , and when m't.ibly in his isue of the 3rd iu't. Then- - h if t ime upon cm ih w id pet . ev e ime ciui'e-he arrived giv dore Tilton never Floc.el until eiy t.iiug fr.it j ' a r vv'.'dvo.e ; md lb- - ing. I vo.l.m.v at Cheyenne. fi Ml .1 h t you, m y so w cmld ;.u hea'iny p'iinol iiiket tor the i.e. il f, Tims .uGi the Lo' d if all hosts, fur, rit'ivmii Iwax, leading the vanguard Lon. H Quo ih Uni fl hi a'. f civilization the Gran! ling a: i iisi.utgtoii sent out to yuiii.n I toe II. iv- 1 tuai" Mr 3 ford, as an htor oflhe Teriitorv. Alder had been out Vei while at the ex- Kc 'i Ion! along Hot niuu l.u il.e an I Cen- ition, he tr.il D.ui.ie rtiio.iJ-- , vvliome pcij'C of the taxpivcr of the staiteda paj er called the S.utiiie.'-- and in in coni ict witii men of bune-s- , the course of time a Lottery sw in liar named btought ini'i'lnuiii , and laborers, nothing their v. qv J. M. I'.ittee, who had been run out ufOmi j ok Hi't mevciy conceivable h i, ami cve-- y other place wle-the fried to ii n elate, !ie im u t he ii to use t h i - ex-- r to operate, set up i he id quarters in i.ari-ii- . Iini-an-a m .n- in an enq tiio ie. Hi priming patronage was worth to, rC"ion a-- ; to i el it iv i i, a i on id in the r! h i.cr FI i ks am ll;tv foi d's offices about per tie Ft ites. And vet the tile of emi; i umn i week, then fine, t liee two never demu red p seems to si. tier no ,!.( umtion t ut even m.w to the mi no Ii s of ho inked liiui-mi n veiq- go id n ITT pule la' go. iire-iof tliojsanls of (bd.irs l.uut eveiv lii'.iti ! tu c n i f tie gi rose t ii in : . Fiaie in tue I umn; ii.tliough thi'i1 mJ.L'h l.tlin t he I. n e.ii . vt, in o i; u.mi with th cr knew i h it ei e never 7ha I been an t.ev vv .1! am e of the e i it, i i.o , we fear, 1 he j er w ..'il be a drawing. i!zLr;ci j le of the eon; in ue to - is ff r from he light fi Ch n Tot i itoiy did not ho much objut to tin. as i:ALLs:T.i,r;iriGf ia liuir ex u;it ;1 the pe.q le i j as if dislmr i money in W vo.i.ing and otig ' I ei-.t ill m of out e. , fron an ( , .nqv (fie j ui not t sue any out, for Dattee vvos a.fr.ii i fr t an iii'cl i re o the po w r t i iiat be i.a FA n r to offer a t ic ket too c lose liu'i.e. n t he i oore H W t t must an eh ill be put to tlie.r i umigi ep, V A V of time Coiigre a lot j i olid iu g o V n dl'Tsi.i The ef Inu.i it omiisi i.o rao pm i ui.oi of lot !ei y j i i. ;e m iKer t.i the e.q it dist, n to utai'l .ire'-- a I men ei throo-ihe uiatl. T!o-, D.i'iio took n t.t vv SCKfiERY Alt D STAGE vi ni Ti. 7V tqu i o r j bid , energy ami ii1e prise, bat', o bv neat erin ; bro idea uv or t ho i .a - t. a , .'ice h mix WiOl . cneu'ars a lvei uin - n mi'iing' loterv. that is ' in ne ll.e i. 1. ! i aii or ml, ly MkC('kk fiF o.ieie-fir sue .sh.ir" in i m ,.:o tbh .will t.roi . he ha r.u ro n.il in t Luc t , ti.at ii.iio s m.rtn of Howliii; in d dog o he Ui-t m ike end' met t. voiin j to in, i iy worded hi eii euLtrsi ia sin h a w a to t o t lo w i lo t t U e some a imr create the impres-io- n th it his mine indud- boon C they ;lui Vt e t. d n t only the erris ut the enf nni.il and tue Hi.g Hum re TL? (ArJr.fr'k Acfi.nJ, the true weHtli of Wv- dispar.tg gi s or.ij'g. by ghi ing her min ing irit ei by Vfivsvr. it. Doc. 4:h, lsfi'i. nctit jiieveiiting c.tj Ital front set King i av i Fat mix; A sol sni dent occurIjincRs vviilwn her borders. Di GIzz iro foot Rajithis red cd t iri m rs ui.ivmiig ui whit is i v rite, in The holler null. J, explode t,ir.r, due or p. int a vvorl of defense in cf r " of "- 'inking the people? No, never a Evil ible! M it!, the ' a to it ir.g the top cf lu head nesr y, !ca! thus muzzled ly tlie swindlers t.ff, on e.urv iog h: body a e of thir Nubi Hr, the j ecple nj pe ied to the e Hior h Tlie e billy id r hi .iris. o f eugiiii of Tin: Fi.Lt'iw, who had rmme I their Ter- - ty j x i! led, aid a man bv the i ime an cut of, i in it, nnd ! ecu dory, printed m five bn burnt out in it Ly a mob which lo-- t forty (.lark had dl( leg ruken and hi fire an bidy otherwise btui-- e .its In Py cut. The men killed nroumi the nSies of the office lesion w.i c 100.1 j the engineer Livpj ode I to him who l.tl oft ofyme, fought exj I I! L K TH H D lb. cm loo tori h .unm n hile i 7 ing I IU-nn deami in iking pf'ished fense of the tight ftp paled to hi rcirie(-e- d was di it was oiiisi lore r..fe to give l.ci. C II. A. In haste, We renpres for hi i:r t:i c dered it. A seric of well directe I CT cause I D.utee twd hi whole crew of clerk to ocTff John YVl!i we fr ozen to death at CheyAND M LL AT Till: ink their hag and bsggvgo nnd d ip to the enne a short time fince. II to return no more forever. vAu it was The Dioehe l!ror! imn mv the teq le not uuid the popt ir clamor create 1 by Thk want him to run r da.ly .OO .per, but me only Futisitx had crudied and driven Fauee w illing to iy for a etkly. The ,nan .set it. She count ry Chat Gizz.arufjot Hnyfrrd r'TW h f :a to apeak aqdnst the sw iidler. Fome The fallowing cpiui; h ia from a e in Imliinn; months have dace elapse 1 md (he Gizrsrd-fro:- 3 I nT r 1 tsjr r? I fc?, ft ut Kir H,M it. rt in gift ha began to get terribly short. J T Idvh Jvi 7 w C Dattee's f'citllizers are ilhdrawn the 111 un Acj if MipMCi TV AS... 1 now foot, the Gizzard rt nesi.ber d; in The pei pie of the se t Hill, d ig with tnce the prime csxe cf all Li the importance ef the alhu, them jn y' mi an ei peris that the eople wont gee fcIv or. I j'dne on the ln 4 imfi .1 ,t elm- -i p, the p.H' d.mt fr i. od k th rui ;h Lis far ahtifing its! ;'in tlm mm t,i - rui ! si e w iy. Dei' were q em-a: i fr ,wD g ni'.7l b Lady cf Haros de Dalm was crenmel e ! , to-t; At D( c. y r. ; r in Dr LcMoine s crematory, nt Ya ! , .vi 3 i 7 I v! t , T, pi vo uh i, Da , on the Cth. Iti t w Lours on la qu.-- : ter I . e 'a 1, II iv e I'J m j. Cr- k eify, 1'av e w T ( .ht r m HI i.i .is, the I. g j went re luce 1 ta tubes saJ were 1.5,1 Aden- D vo!4 li I t ' the i exult in I put ia tin uia. I 1 s S j l :h ( ic-- s -e amj-toti- , y way 1 n-.- i. x- - L i is - pij v t nliisky business, j i't a ft er ele ioa w is over. He l.kcs w ii it he jaw ut the (Vntenni d wants the government anmzi og'y vvi 51, au-museum lie c ills it an cvliili' ) removed from the Fnitho;.i in lnstitir.-- j ta the Cq iiwd Hu fi ling. ALeut he til this way; TIm: a'.tcntiot of Co'ou s cann. t be Ion t .7 tit Gy Cullc ie the nci'otsiiy of thro" ;ng r Home r eater n iseguar I ov er t he method of i (brining the cleeti. T Drei lent. Under the there system coi-- f ' tjecnis to t e no f rot i le rerm ly the cleitiiHi in ary one Fi.ne. Toe temedy is p.utiy, no doubt, in the e ligli'emoent of the electors. The compulr an of the tree scbuM., sory ?:; p;rt :o. hiei;.( :.t ( f all who cannot ie.ol and vviiie tl a Ifi glfi-l-i l..ig',.ge after a fixed j i, vo,J ! mft ! y nj j roval. I weal not m ike til n; ply, however, to o those uh tidy voters, but I woul to f.c r She exj iratiou i f the piub.i-tio- n oil! ' ij fixe upon. For-- , 'goer coming to the who arc- educu-- e count y to b e'ii a c.t.z-'- i, 1 i x t . Ir own my neipiirc She iy, i e ovt f urs i Li, i ledge during tin ir re-- b neee- - n y to obtain maltiriilization. If not f ike c7os.iyh inreie-- t in ourhui-- p they h it knowledge ofit to to ajqoirc ! f .7 la them t x st u the an I hi J 3 i f the country iniell gently, I would t e ofir ujmi the right to make such I u ji Mc- fr-;- w K 4 1 ,y ; 1 !eni-naio- e 1 .. -- j p. - 1 I ' Disitict ofColumbix rewiihout as they hu i.f r- -- ff 1 p r -- II 1 r v , f) c n ict ly No rtep.tioit is m i Ic of i! e Kee and Liv cm fr- lerite in the 11 1 j 1 ir-l'- 6 a e m - 6 e Dc-iio- u j'IlI gol.l le r o t- 1 i:,i-pi- I ! p il r ? 1 1 So v , e uje-i'i- j'A'lJATlilNU KVA 1 -. Fhej 1; 1 , vv Dio o-- r To AIM W j ! 11 j nt pottunity 1 1 ! g 1 j j tn-bu- tnx-pn- j ts -- ses. vv H- y, 1 i, 1 route agent After referring to a carpet-baF. for being run oil from Fp irt an l the re-- j uildoiting with !. r ro vvemhes for iuerevsing rhe pmiish-mesoiling necc's-it- y of those ho assail clirk, the oil man kivs the exj'fies of tl.? postofhee depai t ment liav e dec t e,ied t w o millions during the last year, I nt that the !qisiem still ers f the nation over four costs the mi'dions per year clear lo.lie s lys farmers ill lo w e.l to study the w ork issued by the department of agrieuh lire, which tells them many things they d nt know about farming, A building should he pro ide to noenm- l.ii the nrev rut male t o ho cox ern ment throm fi the Cen?f rininl exhi! if i.m, whiih I re'ir;H tl.j Dreidont hns'nt Lad any oo- - cn Cn 1. 1 ly it nb-fai- ni p-- by Ulv 1 1 ralr.'arcSf. !;e (jrv.fuHfil de-ei- hen Archie heofiore d shun in this way; was stventetMi ye irs of tige, a. greit over- g'unvn, lubberly looking lellunq bis in 1'fiher tolerated him around tint 'fii !ie-- , 111 nets, until one n :ght the ai I . c no w the s ime being C ih le Johnnie Jur of Fontli D.i-- s, Yyoming Tepi ii iry., vveit through the hired girl's bed room into toe bath loom, anl us he took a side glance at tl.at lb's Theovloie the bed he net Was changing pictures on the wall; oh, no! Le was sleej ing m ihis He.e Turner s who li.; acquired bed. Like a step-fath- nine-toi.s- f.-- r ' Urvtt, Dec. A, 1870. F. F. Fenn havuij Ilturous Fiit.rvcv liis Mur- been clectel to Cmigre-s- , imin but' rev far a ti ne, they nu niu'olc to proeee to 'unle-- t t ic iLctioi. ami have given up the iiei. We wool ;uu- ee throi.gli 'lr. irt the Moiimn.s c.o.l Fen 11, but they do not semi to. If Finn is the best loan the Den oi i ane p ty of I ilio can iiiiord, m iv onr Hcavri.-jl',.t noi-- t decided U they them, bec..i.se ns a eolt'.-.iooftjdi.i.. a.d (lilts I.nt le eopU wi'l get the wrong on, let us relink that there is not a .l in lit w ii fie Ten .1. my who j..ig!c lu-eis not ut 1 for t'ongre-- s than F. F. fi. Fetiu. a Joe Kith, hut an! Muinn'n, Mi.r- Hi iglnuo s ij's iol n Is sbhj M .fit m 1:1. do aliev. Don't limns l' it, li i thev- will ail ce tt... m i t t h.i h t fiu i! a a c i.mti ney a' (."J iyiui.ii-mu-1, ( ) au ihe ohl Hg, l le iw ami M ahull no HI Live the e.q u - ii c j h ui e of drov t .ig li.e Mot. mu dcvdk.n, wiih m.i a y of auo. Let l.ule Mo-- e t m ;o t Hi ri e u p and i 00 bo . me. ' Does the (D yt',r t,l (b.ie i'ems from leno me'.f II it d "'s K. G. Ev ms w foiuii-- h Dmk mm vv'nowis mu. t e ofin id county ecu' dt r by the promised ie M M M. Ion puhy, if he would cmlent illy atil woi'k 'bq . M Hot when ev c t 01 s M. M. he ic f O' 1 h s Tha United hfi des ? iesl.fi Ihe r vc of ri Las obtai I, tii'trr right spat ition, and a long struggle, an admission of the f le contended fur by the neqfir--.- cc therein ca the j art of ten sy f irei i uwets, ftr j by the canelusion of treaii-- on th p j.w i. s t t a " r f i It is, however, t q jussjc totba do. ,? t w hUh Seth r dot! I5p w.n.t t while ignot ant fare! Tmrs Lav !or-- f nif CR ; J ch!.--utly oa allrD q ns veil ft to the ?3 vi ih ti t! ry can r ad iu 1 write Hr- 'bdi, lt p;;el . v.se e knows they are Dcmoer.ifs, I ut C t c fixe sod dt s ulcs should be a 1 s J the ccy-is good enough even if Le i;ch t j.ipte guvcri.-ii.haw i ex 1 l.s'I ; it know H from a bulls fr I because la Eng j ck man will vc?e far toyp-.sr3 c; fi to 3 Lohe.l. V. (.ial qs ers Lee . (..a ciG i; ides. cf t! e Lt.il. 1 , e, 1, tv is a.so true flat pern Rive-bo, bn h I i a i poo 1 fd k ')? th it while Lc jj s.,, ' r and naturalize , ocecliH;- j cf tha IDdq I 11 the fi; I j i a CalqH'ss H'.5 Elates, either by font D r.ots, or rs iho t' J 1 i ( c that tie jc-of a series of facts an circumstances, fixaf 'eodj ' 1 a ' and bull in ' the tion their citizenship and ccitsa to Lecosiih-f fi D ., ryn w rcrotiu ante 1m I to the protection of the Cubed Ftatcs, but a i h A She in to la j ,u!.;iie, yoa big fry co.utinuc on convcr lent occaeioos to ascrt n hi, c t d re vi So 1 the m: t. Tfrg the 1 on La jo-- t at well get a''qu,i'!tcd( cf vvL'cU we will lenuisK. that he v puh-ituio- 1 mtve 1 1 M r. .cm uihvlii m.u k. For the lenetit of tlio-- e who never heard of the creature wLoc name heal this article w e will state that he Mvlr himscH the ed;tor and jroprietor of the Ciiev ent c S nr, and now that w c have int reduced him -t i 1. L.rir rcnhii 1 vv Vci LLficLrs frori ,i X! Kirs. fllfrrcil J'-- -- one-tom- it i ir r :i .HChraiaiLi Ir:::cralir-'- vv h'.-i- I l rfi IR! rp Cr.n II lit Jrfh. Lt I : l I Ml T; TLrcrt: 1 1 ft. e i:?z of: 1 I!:? d k Eaw t! - e o-- Is q -- , M y, 1 cc iut-c- in the cane brake; but no, yen stujfi dolts, you left four million of them to be Hull dozed in districts that nUDibercd wily two million of whites. Now that I have asserted that Manta Domingo would have been tin eliian field fur the freed slave, I will take it with my usual inconsistent supLi-ti1 all back, and remark that don't bil.ev my beloved colored brethren would have ever availed themselves of such a proffered opportunity to escaj e being lit Kluxel, but the h..re fear of the Suuthron, that his black darlings couli emigrate if they L id so good a fi ance, would tame the white matts antagonism arid lire his bosom with umjueneh-in- g love. Ilad you done as I told you there would have been no Bulldozing. The distinguished chief magstrate of this Henry War! iU.echer, l.elkr.ay, Hal rock, McKee, Huileri-- i ic, despotic ringtlo.es with the reimuk that he will probably never be heard from in pi lit leal inti igue again. No, we think your gAo-i- i sieheieiuly cooked 10 lie j revent you having another canoe to pad or another ne-- t feithered. us que-iio- 77 1 1 citi-zen- 1 nniii. r.an Lappy. You are all a paik of 1 I could see that had you ivncxe 1 t! e Hltck Kepuilic the darkey coal J have frfiicn-- e M-it- 1 OgJsn City, Utah, Saturday, Dec. g. proper with the remark that le las rsvio and omissions, ty epf elated fciMMIttklf, 94 ffi tev( v'tx (2.41; mistakes Hires fflnShi, ants unfit to bold office, bec. forsooth, was had he such in inexperienced Fir7 TOrr'ACrGH r:7F tITeM Afii never never been before. evert Lai Ircsi.icnt, . traitor., antiL.msN. chein to protection in the abecncc of provisions on these question. invites An 1, ta th; co i.iccti n, v car attention to the tieci ssity of legislation s conet rning the 10 xni iges of American contracted br-- I and concerning the Hiatus of Anmricaa women who tuny marry f..rc:gners, an 1 of diildren born of American The del. cate I irects in a foreign country. an complicated continually ocexto reference with naturalization, curring pat ti lion and the Mato of mu.!' persons as I have above relerrcd to, induce me to earnestly direct iott attention a ; tin to these In i.o manlier he repeats his recom-luelatioti that host c im vis lejrovilel for the Le iriiig an dc.ermiii uia of the just ii elaiii s ot idiens upon the and of the United 8 1. lies within a linii.aiiun if Mich as may hereafter g arise. While by toe j av iions of s law the (Vuit cf Chums may in certain abbe resorted toby tta alien claimant, the ' sence of any general pruv governing all t such cases, and he want of tt .fti d i skilled ion of siieh case in the di-qon reeng-tiiz- c 1, f ed an I Kittled rinc; ,cs, either provide tu ren e !y in rt iiv deseiving cases aii is y or coir j el a cons! Uraiion of Midi u of the eveeioive the tuients or dqi Congress is behevod that It other givgovern n.ctd. en; me nts me in a Ivauee cf he L'n t cd 8tates upon this fjuisiioit, an I tint the practice now adept e i is cot rely lae ui- - fac ory The f.ct id the ib' ui. d ad mi Don of Colorado into 8i uihood is jefem to. ihii g in the message is an The cheek extended account f Low the cavalry force ) ha I een ini d ly inpn; ami t li e w u g in been ciql-nere, irnunw Imii.uis. Cc mu wi'l L in Is f Fouix of the He should h ive s.i l thet t ho u. her nud as so employe army I w etc cagigo in seating a up r irpet-banfili. vry ib ,po.im in ft country si.bducd the ly jern y oflhe vvbi.c rice to its own the metceairy urjoe nf e the ug the negro v ute vvluch vvou'd Ite id he m p.11 ty in power, and loustiiute dm.. tors over a Gi mi at. I In f only milii-u-nation nde lly party veuum intca of sag siatestfiinship Aitmitioa is called to. the f ict that the g Fuiitherii war comtidssiou for a claims )j indcqiia1 e in she matter of proof as to loyalty of clniiioirhs.' An annuity fur.d for the benefit of deceased officers is recommended. let.n merit org ir.iz.uion of the rcguh.r firtuy is iniied on. The manufacture oforln?nce store is now confit.ed to throe arromils, the abandoned arsenals to be sold ami the proceeds to be applied to the remaining three. Mithover five millions appruprivte! to harbor and river improvenicn.s, Capt. Had has managed to deepen ti.eiiiiunel no. if the to a lt.ile more titan mouth of lha M fret. This look a li.tie like the five mil- lions of Mormon ch.irdi money failing to raise ihe temple wall more than about Iff feet. The country is congratulated that the nuvy is in about a fourth rate condition, and that the would'ut liave lu0'i ho well oil but for the Fpanih scare. The number of millions consumed by my friend Hot 0011 in putting it on this footing is modestly omitted kswmws mta mm&fc&tmtj&sm Rpy impemt j .tGcjLti. ; u. z 1 f |