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Show 1 T Hi 11 H B E R 11 li R A L D pants, then feathers enough fora low, and then a pair of live doves which he turned in to wad of feathers. He then thanked Mr. Luke for the use of The end. his hat and returned it with his finger through live crown, but as, soon as he pulled his finger out the hole vanished. Next fall when we start to school we He they borrowed Jane wings hank- wont hae to go to a old schoolhouse, erchief it in a vane Til the corners ' put but, we will have a new school he me andburnt Tie then the lid on and it, ptr. all furnished with new? seats. in a fewmoments handed Jane her is The schoolhouse (o.be about the hatikerchief as as it was before. goo in nicest the territory. Then he borrowed George Clvdcs o All the childreirtbat go to the district watch and put it in a Ik lie .sack and will all .schools, go to one schoolhouse. it ail in piece.-- , raid then he pounded diffwill 6 have about The schoolhouse, it. in a tin can and turned it into a put and teach a erent rooms, or to, every can of wheat. !e then took, a loaf of room in the winter time. bread out from under Richard Lukes I dont think a need will teacher they arm which lie cut in to and inside it was for evay rj n in the summer because the watch Iwhich Tie handed to Mr. tiie re. are not so man that ogo to school He also had some dolls dance in the summer ;is there are that go in the Clyde. to jig time. There were two dancing winter time. the at one time and one ran against o May. other and they had a low over it, I hey must be quicker tempered than most people, for if we had a row every time a person ran against us in a dance A WIZARD IN TOWN. we. would have a bLicljcyeaILihp - Martin the Wizard s slio w was . in time? town Tuesday and Wednesday, some of the. things he- did were perfectly MARKET REPORT. wonderful. For examples, he borrowed John Lukes plug hat and said he was .going, to show the contents, Buttec 17 cts per lb, eggs 30 cts. first lock out the lining, then a and he bird-cag- e with a canariein it, then Some per dozen, wheat 70 cts. per bushel baby clothes, then a pair of little girls oats $1.25 per, hundred. In the distant pr trie land; God shall bring jou all In a heavenly household band. 1 i 1 ,v 1 - . c " - -lie- -began - 1 4 |