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Show ' F-FPK- r MSBS! jrl rv f'J I; rJSy Ifju &.'" W1 cyN JLm 0Mmm HERALD. HEBER - Editor and Manager. A Hatch Jr, Entered alTIeber Postaffice, as sec-- md class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. THE yiar. 50 cents for hall a year per ;nd 25 cents for jmonths, if you .want subscribe call at this office and see us i MO-- -' NBipOTT' Mo not just for : us May the sunlight be beaming; But somewhere. Tor some oner; Glad sunbeams are streaming to-morro- . And the why and the wherefore 0 Gods angels shall teach her. fria the ice kings, 'daughter. . 111.... 38. coming of Father Oluf, with his goods and treasures, from. the north piles of furs and skins o'seals. I le was the only trader who dared to venture in the Ice. Kings country, and great joy was always manifested when he returned safe and sound. Every house had a welcome for him, and every table was 'spread bountifully in his itdnor, each one striving to secure him as a guest. As tiie train paused before the castle, Peters mother, the Lady ( )lga, went forth mu filed in furs to greet Father Glut, who said: Dear- - lady, have a visitor for you of onl) less importance than the fear fu Ice King himself; indeed, she is his daughter, i pray you give . her mud Tle surjignt shall reach thee, - No.- - i At once the lady drew back with great jjjnity, and a ns word: You ask, to t - Wait, though the waiting Andgluom shall be dreary; Wait, een though patience And courage grow weary; Sometime and somewhere MRfti welcome. w, si P Makcii 9 ihyi J Through the nark shadows Of pain and of sorrow ; Then, patience, oh, weary one! wait till TG , VOL. I. Hebek. Wasatch Col m y, Iiaii. 'M.may, . 'IT . our enemy. ; The ice Ring i , Well do know that, dear lady Little do you presisted Father Oluf, 1 owe him of kindness. But for sweet for charitys sake crave your good-wilhis child. She has met with misioruhe, 1 l. and is a wanderer. I can promise you The Ice King has no gratino reward tude, no heart. Me may even repay, ycur good deed to his child with base behavior possible may storm your . All Fetersland was pur paring for the Father Oluf. castle. |