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Show t I H E II E B E R II cd away, with the intertion of returning as soon as she could procure food fcr them. , - To be continued. O' MARKET REPORT. a V - V 't cents per pound, twenty 4 Eggs thirty cents per dozen ! 4 Hay from to $5 8 per ton , Oats fr.5 perhund'f cl. t KNEW-"TH- siLUE OF E ID VER TISJNG. i And at night, went on his Honor, it at night, . you appears placed in the figures hand a transparen cy containing a further advertisement o your wears. Now this is most im- proper and reprehensible. r - Dots right, ' Bbudge, saij . Mr. Solomon, delightedlv'0" Pitch into me off you hi ease. Speak loudf, .so dose ; .nmispap'er vellers gan hear you-'aitd he smikuhbenignaritly upon th:e report tl . When the defendant took .the stand hisd Jonor said: "Prisoner, you ate charged with hav mg. removed the goblet from the .hand, of the General .Grant statue and substituting a pair of picture frames with a p!acard:calling attention to your establishment across jhc way. Vv ell. Shuge. replied the offender vith an ingratiating smile, of gorse vants to get &lorjg in peesness. After which, continued the Court, sternly, you substituted a .looking-glass- , and attached to the other hand a lot of bills refering to your new stook - . -- Xjt' W - A v I). (times. r Wheat 75 cets per bushel. ' R A L And yesterday," continued the Court, consulting the indictment, you cbstiurted die throughfaie arid 'created a disturbance by hanging a rockingtliair arid a footstool on the stnue in qt e; tion.! Dose rocking-chair- s are cheap at $4 Sliu.ig'. Moses Levy slurges .$50 1 v : r dem same kind? rej eel the trader cheruly. , 1 beats .dose fellrs efery . . F. s - , ,f , ' I . " vertisieg dodge? Dos 1 of folding beds. Dose folding peds is fustrate, your Honor said the defendant I vould like to sell you one. . Great, jhcarwtns! 0 . thundered the Court, qs a;frightfuh idea; struck him. Is it possible you.hfevethe;audacity to use the machinery of. this court as anad-- , s -- v ers. I 4 , , it,hdots it, Bhudge explain- ed the Cheap John, "rubbing his hands I svore out de exultingly, gomplaint , . myself. Exchange. o A wash that will prevent the. hair.: from falling ont is made of one outre of powdered camphor and one quart of , boiling water. When it is cool, bottle and wash the Irad with it Oncost week.;" f , . :s . |