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Show ,? 7.' 4 , . ' ' t J t : M : - I r ,,U i t '. 7 j j ru nr n if ,- , A a11 o ' ' ' t r ui "wm.1 m. ' . J M?) i 5 ! I h, a I! I Zs 3 . - f , i- 3 f .? ' : . s J. ' I t not-hold- - 1 ns' . t on.. , ? t t 4 TH E COLONEL COMBI NC i MW to' t " j f t , TT 1890. No, 44. - . ' !Let ihe see you a.moment,;pleae,, The major followed him to the end of 'Major, old John vhis- - am compelled to fell you" something. Y ou 'gentlemen are wel-- ; come to stay .with me as long ;as :you pered,'l like,, but ability, to accommodate cannot always be measured by willingness to do so. ;rThe truth is;! havent but one ; spare bed. r .Butcant the colonel and I s!eep together?the.,major. rejoined. ,, Yes, 'you can, but the, truth, is, the ; colonel is awfully peculiar. How so? , .. ,Well, as rational as he appears while stiring about hes strange man in bed. r;Ouf. familes,) you know, are vell ac"quainted, and I therefore know all abPut hirni His peculiarity comes from a scare he? received when, hevas a child,, Jt seems that a dog oncetried to bile. him, and now, just before he does, off to slepp, he begins, to growl,, and unless something is done to stop him he begins to .bite fearfully ; ,r ; . ... fr Humph, jthe major grunted, thats, oddr:h4it cap.fccr dpne.tp stop, .him . after , he begins ;to. growl ? J ; .Well,, his brother told me. how., lie, used to j work-j.it; Healways ;took- a ; coarse conib to.bccLwith him and would rake the colonel with it .when he began i ?J . ( ... if : f - , , ; j f political 'ferment in There Simpson county, Ky:, over the apprq-acliih- g election of a county judge The nomiimting convention wast' to meet' c n Saturday, andon Friday night twcrvell known politicians caught in a rain storm j stopped at the honse'of old Jbhh Perdue!1 The politicans, Muj. Bloodgood and CoLNoix, were sly candidates for the coveted positions6 sly, in fact, that of the schemes of theknew neither one, ; : ;r r7 , . other, . After supper, while old John and his guests were sitting on the porch "talking over: the coming struggle and listening to a wet katydid that held vesper services in a locust tree, old John, getting up and stretching himself said to the ; major: Was- - a:grfca;t - - . . I ' - i- ; - i- - , ' t i u - ' I J irr The mosquito of thrsummer A Was undoubtedly a duimmerV And his little, "bill was whetted to The 4. ' sharpness of an awl. iTiliL But still for downright viciousness, "r And bloodthirsty maliciousness; candle ' to .theHe 'could- . ! i.,i :of .;:r skeeter the tail. t A jvVV f t . , ; i t i i; : biier t ;. i, -- i tf : tomber 22 ? : & t - : , 5 t. . , " " ,.She ypvld.musing;sit;and.w;il k, 7. Till she, fteard ihis ,yel ;o ;ne hapdclasp . Ciuixhing .at the garden gate.,.; , !l:, NoVv. she hears him' at the door knot) n, But his wo rdss cant hearing-vAs with broken rvb?6e he To come down and let him in. . . i 4 In th'e.ol4days;in:thp gloaming, . M i wwywn1 then AND NOW: J . ' t . ioi-u- , VOL IJ YHeber, ;Wasatcij iCounty, Utah, Monday, j 4 i t t3 T(5J i r ft t . ' i ! ; yat J: -- . to.growl. a J .1' him.. le' The - As strange as it may seqm, v5uld quiet -- family doctor said that, a comb was somehow .the. only, thing that, would start the blood to. circulating' , Thats very odd. An. would it quiet him ?,k; , Would make him act just like a . : ; j f J lanib,j Why, he.uster insist that hi brother-shoul- d take the comb to bed : |