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Show J V f t - Absolutely Independent'1 & On all questions whether Political, Social or Religious, 19 oa Motto:-T- he ' A r t the BLADES. Truth Without Fear or Favor. Tbrms; S2.00 per year, in advance, bix months, fl.GO. Nevada to-nig- house. SOLD i w AJ- ' - v. A v V- The CLALF. I fas tic L A MAN OK LADY TO MANAGE DISTKIB-utlndo corressoap samples, specialties, De" 727 Send Woodward, Co., tsylvan ponding, g . , r j 1 C"u-I- r , ul : ?,y 1 . n. Dont fail to d, , Paj r In C :: t r and Bouti.fr i Id V a i Jos. Witbeck of ijfknti was in town this week visiting friends. The cheapest stock underwear ever extf. hibited in Nephi at Excelsior. The largest variety of dress goods at lowest prices at Cnarles Footes tf. Several inches of the beautiful fell for the Thursday night. Good weather ' 3 sheep-ma- , Country The Masked Call. The marked ball of Vednedav evening i. sea Johnson Bros, to- night at the Opera house in the modern drama Nevada. The col lest wave of the season struck Nephi Thursday night. It now looks as if winter had set in earnest. The wife of W. G. Eroadhead presented her husband with a bouncing baby girl last Tuesday. All doing yell. Dont the people of SouthernUtah know they can save money and time by sending their mail orders to McNally & Lunt? . -- Druggists, Nephi. . r c:;tglorr.on i The Foote was a rather swell affair. place opera house in which the bill to could easily have oeeoinod Ued thirty more couples, but those present enjoyed themselves to the utmost. The music by the Neohi quadrille band was most excellent. Nearly every type and nationality was represented includwho appeared in all the ing Will Downs nra of orange colored mask. splendor Uncle Sam, apparrelei in the national colors and emblazoned with stars was a Li Hung clang, conspicuous figure. Lee Hop and wah 6ing from the Flowery the fair daughters of Empire embraced in a Waltz. France and Italy plain A greaser from the border land of Mexico and attired in black pants, kelsoneered with red, and jacket to match was one of the best characters represetted, llob McCune was attired in a costly sailors suit-ana cap bearing the letters, U. S. S. Alert. Long haired sons of Bpain and Italy in becoming costumes were dwated to dark eyed and languishing senoritas and flower girls. Flump pleasant maidens from the land of Souer Krout were hoppy in the arms of Chinamen, greasers, cowboys and awkward country gawke3's There were many costumes that represented nothing in particular and served no other purpose than to conceal the identity of the wearers; and at first glance one would have thought that Mrs. Sorensons physical culture class with their abbreviated costumes had turned out to the ball. On the whole, the costuming was creditable and the characters well sustained. As other duties called our reporter from the hall at an early hour the unmasking was passed and the identy of the characters must remain an r n n i r tei C, i . f U) & i. . t f r- M cure f, r rv w 4 w J II. Ling, 7 atcr Valley, Or G k J twit J f :U W r i 1 4 v In $ C t t I ? 1 f by 1 1- - jl I v, & Tor ve years 1 suffered tinted n,w ry from muscular rheumati-m- . I tnd known lesnedy, consulted tlm m t etry clans, visited Hot Spiiims, Aik.,t! ice Huh s, Spending Siooo them, iMdts doctors I ;isj but could obtain only teirpr nuy ulh f. My f.esh was wasted away so Hut I u- ud- -d only ninety-thre- e pounds; irybft arm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles' 1 - ) Gents suits from 3.53 up. Youths troit, Mich., 10c for sample soap, etc., receive suits from 3.G0 up. Boys suits with outfit otter. knee 3.50 at from 75cts. to President Wm. Paxman boarded. Wed- Charlespanes tf. Footes. U. P. train en route to Omaha nesdays Isaac B. Darton of Provo was in Nephi where he will meet with the te call on The Congress to which Mr. Paxman is last Tuesday and took timename on your Blade and say put my a delegate. list. subscription being twisted up In knots. I was unable td II. M. McCune was in town during the dress myself, except with assistance, and L. L. Hudson an oil time resident of unknown quantity. week visiting with his family and friends, could only hobble about by using a cane. 1 and on Friday returned to Salt Lake, Nephi, on his way from the south to Sait Lake over in had no appetite, and was assured, by the City stopped where he is running the Cullen Hotel Nephi Thursfriends. HappeningsHinckley doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at barber shop. day visiting were so awful, that I could procure times, The S. P. V. Ry trains come in loaded Editor Blade: White-toppe- d are still sheep-wagorelief a only few by means of liypodeimie injeclines from this down to tne guards with stock, sheep, prosperPerhaps Supplentiful on the streets of asNephi.as loadof tions ous town be would not morphine. I haft my limbs bandaged amiss. Tire peolumber etc. The passenger traffic is also fast plies aie being stored and in in sulphur, in poultices; but thce are in clay, health. general enjoying good ed the teams are turned westward toward increasing and all of which is most grat- ple done is all gave temporary relief. After trjmg only lor And this Threshing year. the winter ranges. ifying. the hearts of our farmers have been made everything, and sufleiing the hiost awful The Nephi Elocution Class under the to rejoice, with but one or two excepThe Elads weather pronasticator and tortures, I began to'take Ayers Sarsapaiilkv. has been induced to management of the Johnson Bros, will, tions as our crops have yielded from 50 to Inside of two months, I was able to walk expertimeteuroiogist the modern drama Nevada, or 150 bushels more than we expected. The without a cajie. In three months, my limb open nils prophetic mouth and the result pre&ent The Lost Mine, in the Opera house beautiful weather is all ones heart could began to strengthen, and in the course of a is the people may prepare for an unusudesire and fall work is being pushed with year, I was cured. My weight has inci eased ally hard winter. to 1C5 pounds, and I am now able to do my vengence. Enock one of Burton, Nephis popular Call at- the Nephi Co-o- p for We a have of. number welcomed full quite days work as a railroad blacksmith. returned home in the form of visitors, babies, bouncing from Milford where he has beenThursday your Pants . They have just re- carpenters, for tne who help to make life and home desirceived the best ever seen in Nephi last two or three months, working at his able. A profession, worth $3.00. for $1.50, Bro. Earnest (Theobald arrived home y2) last of from his field asa his severed evening has labor, MaydTC. J. Clayton Ths Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla, Ladies Wraps missionary in Michigan. He was reofficial and social relations with the peo on leased of account He health. poor to moved Lake Salt has of and t Nephi A.Y12JV8 JlLJuS cure Headache pie been gone about eight months. NEPIII CO-O- P . hadA cloud Mr. Clayton has been a good Citi Lake City. City. of sorrow came over the peozen and the people generally say good The Sanpete Valley railway changed ple of this vicinity Saturday the 16 inst., luck. and good bye time on the 17th, it now arrives at Nephi about noon, when it became known that THE HAGUE CASE. the' familiar from the south at 11:02 a. m. instead Turn the rascals out of the little daughter of brother and sister party-cr- y maybe applied to, microbes 10:10 a. m, and leaves at 11:45 instead of A. A. Hinckley of this place, had acci- In the First District Court This Week at as well as to men. Tue germs of disease 10 :oo. dentally got hold of some strychaine, and Provo Witnesses for the child like put it in her mouth. With the that lurk in the blood areaa turned outas The Union Pacific train Defense. she cffsctually idied in passenger untold agony in by Ayers Sarsaparilla result, that now arrives about it an the old postmasters are displaced by a hour changed time last Sunday and half The itself of the Balt afterwards. avails Blade at Nephi from the J north at 11:05 a. m. One can readily imagine the anguish and Lake Herald lor the iollowing report of new administration. instead o! 10:35 a. m. and from the sonth tortue that Mrs, Hinckley endured from the Hague trial. Many people, when a little constipated, at 2:49 p. m. instead of 1:25 p. m. the fact that her husband was over at Frovo Nov. IS F tx i running in the or other of saline make the mistake using d Fillmore at the time. Bro. Iliockley left Hague cae W. I. Brown wn drastic purgatives. All that is needed is T. B. Allred sr, of Deseret, made The all well necuon con in and to with to his afternoon hearty Friday regard restore to the a mild dose of Ayers Fills sanctum a brief but newsy visit do business as collector for Millard coun- the First N itional Bank oi Nephi. He of the bowels, and Blade last regular movement rest. Wednesday. Mr. Allred, wife and ty. A telegrant was gent him about 1 and James II. Ertcson, annh-- r director, nature will do the They keep the son have been on a visit to T. B.s father. oclock Saturday, and he arrived home had been an ex mining co .nm tee and as system in perfect order. Reuben W. Allred of Spring City, and about sundown The name of the little such had examined the condition ot the James Hutchison of Hinokly laid over celebrated that old gentlemans SOtn girl was, Louis Edna Hinckley. Was bank and reported t the b ird of direc-- t rs Tne miriul s of a board meeting of in Nephi a day or two early in the week, -birthday last Tuesday. bdrn in this place Augurt JSth 1803 a nu r Mrs- - James died Nov. lotix ibUo. Aged 2 yars, 2 October 4, 1801, and visiting with.bls daughter, on adjptionott a pros- months and 23 this after Brown, Joseph to Provo city, wilnef-a held Janof motion at and then proceeded days. meeting Garrett, season spent in shipping muttons In sweet remembrance of were introduced in evidence. Where he went before the grand jury, as perous 1805, 3, uary eastern markets, has returned to spend Louis, our sweeit little girl is gone, a witness in the investigation of the case to The examining committee presented a rewiD ter in the shows and his apAngles, to join in the solemn song, Nephi, of of Frank Walker Hinckley, charged preciation of The Blade by port at the Oclouer meeting to the effect Gone, to sleep in oiir dear Saviors arms in handing that they Lad examined tne securities with fornication. all Where is and Love, beautiful Peace, cash for a subscription. The Blade is and found them in good shape and agree-e- d of charms. home from an absence After nearly growing in favor every day. with the boons; they had slso counted time of which two months, only six days Respectfully, and found it correct, in March the . B. J have been spent in Nebhi, The Blade Blake. 1833,casn Before buying your winter clothing ho had authorized Alma Hague to Uin 1835. Nov. 20, 5kley, editor turned his face toward Deseret, call at Charles save and Footes from Bro3. 5QJ of' his money; loan He take will ingrain e last Thursday morning. to forty P twenty-fivcent. Everyseen the note Ingram Bros, never had lie hold of the Deseret Litkia water propos- body is invited to call and examine our for and in settling a $90 this loan, gave for ition in earnest, and arrange prompt stock and prices. AT THE PRESBYTERIAN. tf. he owed the bank, which took place note to Smith the Co., Drug consignments on October 2, 1831, be had applied the Salt Lake, where the great and only kidMarshal Goldbrough seems to have Bros, note on that. tttat to those be cure will bad hands in his full week this dispensed ney Communion Services Last SundayRev. Ingram looking Mr. Brown said: May it glase thtf after an army of tramps that hatfe may need that remarkable fluid. we belore with the defense Wilson court, the proceed KanSpeaker. swarm oa a of The pleasant lace of our genial P. M., sas locusts.Nephi like a I to Mr. Brown motion have make. Wednesday was only an SabC. F. Anderson is again seen on the At Church the of last to out movei the strike then Presbyterian a of gang day for tramps but O. streets and behind the screen partition of average bath Rev. Wilson S. reason Mr. for the that aiter preachmorning Whitmore, thirteen was hustled out and beyond ed from the text Fs. 07:3 Let the people-prais- he had beeu placed tin the stand by the the Post office. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson the city limits just before evening, and months an three have spent enjoyable thee, O Lord, let all the people prosecution they bad sought tp impeach nine others were praise thee, with relations and friends in Ibwa. it was learned that showed that the writ- him and destroy his testimony by trying hovering about the South side of the er ofthe Psalmfile wa stirred up with The Blade with a host of friends says town. to prove that other testimony had been People will act wisely in looking d to the salvation of the world. He given in other places, and for the reason welcome home. During Uis absence after their clothes lines and chicken the universal plan of God which that the defense had net been permitted Martin Larsen has performed the duties and merchants after their stores, showed of P. M. in a manner highly Satisfactory coops, included all nations as well as the Jews, to recall lnni for as there is no doubt that the robbing of if only to the public and has proven himself to they Would believe oa Christ. The motion was denied. store at Mona was the work He showed be assidious and obliging to everyone Eilerlsons also the obligation resting on browns statement. of the genus tramps. me Christian church evangelization with whom he has come in contact. of Mr. Brown then made the opening ' Ae you The BLADE-man- ? statement.- The defense rwould show' Mr. Wm. Burton and Miss Emma Lunt theIn world. as took his text he the the that the charge against Alma Hague was1 Yes Sir. evening hands in the holy bonds of matri- 3rd 13 verse; We not true. He was charged with making a of Daniel, All right, just send The 3lade to my joined chapter 4 at oclock at will not serve Thursday evening Heres the mony thy Gods, nor worship false entry in entering the Ingram Bros, address, in Balt Lake City. the residence of the brides parents. the golden image which thou hast set note on January 3, 1891, The defense! cash. 1 like its fearless and breezy air Bishop W. II. Warner officiating. Alter He took as his subject the Power would prove the entry was a true one fc and regard it as ose o' the best weeklies the ceremony was performed, and all up. The meaning of the Character and showed how necessar t every r epect. Thus in Utah. Rogers, the present had wished the happy couple a of was to form the right kind of characy-er- . entry would be considered; the indict; r Bpencer joyous and prosperous journey through it trav long-tim- e lives depe id more upon our ment charged that the entry meant thaf Clawson. life, about 150 guests sat down to the ta- innerOur character upon surrounding at that date Ingram Bros, had borrowed moon new bles a the feast was where bounteous Last Monday spread circumstanced. than sure character f 375 from the bank on that date and The only made its appee ay towards the before them. After supper .they proceed is that formed therefore owed the bank that amount. south. Vic.C.i, .. ..u, a local weather ed to Footes opera house where a most Jesus Christ. by fixing our faith on The defense would show tlfat tLe entry says it will be a warm moon. It enjoyable time was had in dancing until prophet, not did necessarily mean that, but that so no two in down was tipped that oclock the morning. The Blade Lamaniie, mean that the bank had bought it might nor Nephite for that matter,, could hang joins with a host of friends- in wishing Jerome K. Jeromes Short stories. note.- They would also show that the on a of hook bow most the the and the young couple his traditional joyous to defraud and deJeiome K. Jerome has written a series there was no intent bank new moon. That means that it is in a prosperous voyage oYer the ocean of life. was not defraudthe and that of short stories for The Ladies Home ceive, spill the last drop, and thereposition to be was one no deceived. Oa and that Journal. T .ey will be published during ed, a wet moon. Hence, for fore it will of W 1. Brown 14th the 1831, June, few day the under the capa months, ensuing the next ten days, ive will have warm NOTICE" OF tne inter- bank from borrowed the $300; tion of biofies of the Town, Mr. and wet spell. As soon as it gets full,! was note to added and n waj Jerome portrays types or est for J618. On it Octoberthe2 the note Marshal Goldsbrough will ran the moon in to keep it from interfering with the To Consider the Wool scouring Plant characters in these stories, the first of made which he calls Blase Billy. The ser was paid and he believed that if the note Xmas weather. On December 23th it ics is interesting from the fact that it was here it would show that the note Proposition! will be turned loose so that its baneful first short stories that was oaid by renewal. It would be provconstitutes influence may further the weather preIu the absence of Mayor Clayton, I am Mr. Jerome the if the note was forged on the 3rd ever ba3 written directly for en that of The Blade meteorologist. dictions g of the an American of requested to call a 1831, it was in favor of day January, The Ladies periodical. Orson Rogers,- traveling for Spencer citizens of Nephi, and all residents of Home Journal Philadelphia. V. I. IJrowa, but the proof would tend to Clowson, spent Sunday at the Union. Juab county that may desire to attend, on to show that the note was legitimately Mr. Rogers, like nearly all traveling men, convene in the Court house, this city, entered and applied on the payment otf is perrenial spring of anecdotes and hum- the evening of Tuesday, November 26th ' the note owned by Mr. Brown on JanuSuit Against Nephi Savings Bank. auth- at 7:30 sharp, for the purpose of discusor, and in addition to thatA he is an or 3, 1891. The defense would also inary so sing the matter of establishing a wool Chris Peleison has filed a suit against troduce dozen balky. horse3. charevidence to ority onuear on Monday morn- scouring plant within or near this city. the Nephi Savinas Batik & Trust compa- acter of Mr. Hague. prove the good theTJnion, people far 2,250, with interest at 5 per cent, Mr. Brown here spent at least an hour iu trying to The subject is pf the utmost importance ny ing spoke of the oer annum, compounded quarterly, from good record of the earnestly start a balky horse. The mate was will- and should bring out a large defendant in the pastp of the people. Very respectfully, April 11, 1830. He alleges that he depos- which would tend show that he was ing but did not care to pull the wagon APPEL. F. W ited the above amount in the bank at not and the balky animal. Mr. Rogers went of the charge brought against Probate Judge. that time, and that defendant has not him.guilty over to the balky outfit, unsnapped the The defendant was visibly affected breast strap of ttte balky horse, and snappaid the same nor any part thereof. during this portion of Mr. Browns ad-- i Piaintifi is a resident of Deseret, into the ring of ttte Millard dres3. ped the fastening A Surprise. neck yake, and told the teamster to drive county. John R. Twelves, cashier of the Provo on. It worked likb magic. The Willing Commercial Savings bank, of Provo, was horse could then start the wagon; and the first witness. He did not think the Fatal Poisoning at HIncklywhen the balky animal felt the wagon on the notes introduced in We have the pleasure id Invite all our signaturewas strike his hind legs, he made a quick Customers to come and guess how many written bv the same' pprson evidence At on the Hinckley, last, Saturday movement forward and the thing was wrete the who d body of the uotes, nor a eldest child daughBottle, ter df Mr. andlitte done and the grateful teamster sped down old Buttons we have In a sealed were written that by Mr. Hague. they Mrs. A. A. Hinckley-die- d of Martin & Swasey, the street at a 2.40 rate. It is a simple the closest guesser will get a prize of a by accidental strychnine Herman Martin, lie much better than $25.00 suit of clothes cr overcoat at The suffering of the little one poisoning. and easy receipe, was .most bankers, Frovo, was next called. of a whip; and when teamsters use the rem- choice. The buttons will be counted on terrible. the believe not the did eight signature To add to the anguish of Mrs. rbmembCr the genial Christmas Eve. notes and the endorsement on the Ingram edy, they should the husband and father was note Hinfckley, of Balt Lake; Orson Rogers written by Mr. Hague, nog that we a make Is Remember this present absent in Fillmore, and arrived home it waswas written by the same person who free to all our customers no other persons after the death of hi3 child. the body Of the notf-Rhad written Notice to Subscribersbeins allowed to After the arguments of the attorneys on Our entire subscription list has been the population for their generboth sides, the court instructed the retired about 4oclockWednfstlav. on placed in the hands of Andrew Palmer, ous support to our buslnes we soilisit the are Some of Provos attorneys who has instructions to make further prtronage. fear-in- g Satisfaction being eve of seeking Nephi, and After being out two nfghts and one day locations eLdwhere, came into court at 10 oclo- k vigorous collections of all always guaranteed. prompt the Fourth Judicial- district, under the juryand accounts.. Respectfully, be- very' lucrative. delinquent ha i di reported that Friday THILL & CO. If. vdlLnotstatehood L F. Gibbs. and were discharged they P- o. preed A'.erchant.Tailors, narthof Enquirer. Nephi., ,tf.- 24-2- Trans-Mississip- gfta i. A Opera tf. Excelsior Mercantile Co. James Bigler is up from Milford visit ng relatives and fnend3 Wm, T. Gregory of Osceola, Nevada was in town on Monday and Tuesday. The latest styles in dress goods jus tf. received at Chas. Footes John Churoh, of Oasi3, has been indicted for breaking into the store of David Day, Oisis, and abstracting tobacco etc. valued at 15c. When the scalp is atrophied, or shiny-balno preparation will restore the hair; in ail other cases, Halls Hair llenewer will start a growt h. , Miss Mary Morgan has just returned from bait Bake with all the latest and most fashionable millenery goods best adapted for the season. S. H. Alexander of Mill Creek, S. JL. passenger to County, was a south-boun- d will He last go oat to Oasis, Tuesday. Dugway to look alter raining interests. A LX DC BV r. V . Onions for 50c per bushel. Inquire of A. Gadds. Childrens knee suits Beilins' at cost a 3cfteSi XTs MMSElWIS XJ d the in ht ( rVvUWw 7 pi - . ns ; money, V And Bargains in. to-nigh- , - Underwear, r X ;)E Merchants ele TE ir in. t La ftirtan?t f ; STTjlI I S ' th-i- LUl s .'Leaders in Low Prices. Stand x. J Hanging Night Glow That burns 200 hours at the cost oi 0 nts without smoke or smell. GOS. AT 'COOPED, PYPBR its ilL $ob-- tfi - lotf NPHI. figures4 pricey ,ch THL 7th sr eVv1-- a of 3 m c re-g- at ' cross-examinatio- n. - . -- tiie only well-know- ,'3 milt frow Oasis station. iiotel be- Airst-clas- p tween Nephi and Milford. :ut to e MASS-MEETIN- DeserCf Uah , one r a- -: ed - chaser to I ric-jr- . - Per aas -- dis-ceod- . , i cross-examine- uAun t 7 . Overcoats; Blariketaj Dress Goods etc. Go wliere the Largest Stock"is car- ied to the Leading . t. j a mass-meetin- - -- I - on rep-eseata-ti- t-- i-- . f iloi'- - :e' 1 We have a well of the famous premises, Deeret Lithiaa Water on thecure and which is guaranteed of the and all diseases for Iirigi Kidneys, Bladder and this water, In order to show our faith in we make the following proposition If any one afiii'eled with any of the troubles above enumerated are. not relieved in one month, and cured in three months, no charge will b3 made for board Holed is first class in every particular.ar 'm mind the to-vi- t. ro kJ v 1)e.-Litr- r ppa I r s . r ? s or i ' rte w 3 oreori'ior - three-year-pi- . - guess-Thankin- g jur-ors.w- - - . - ho |