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Show 3W ones, which are to be worn all winter, and home. .wtnotes of the modes "fan household, affairs. wlDt" ... rB ! Effect m "-- Are Wraps for kittle BoMT ,!Ud Three -- Se- - Go i , K hats for Hl3 new5 the season are mar- vels of effect, com- assertive bining erectness with the graceful most As effects. drooping a hat for instance of black felt reared up in sharp corners about the front and with a flare of on guard over the top, i0CtlB closed the hair at the back, and benS0 of drooping roses tamb Ve Gainst coiling locks. There may t long uu ncarfa worn so the that hats, ieosedtoia . an are heavily trimmed with fur. A stunning little reefer of navy blue corduroy hai a border of the cut work, in navy blue velvet, set over white satin. The coat proper is extremely short and flaring, coming just over the hips. The fronts are cut narrow, so as to open broadly over the blouse waist of the gown, and are fastened by a velvet strip set underneath. Two large pearl buttons trim the outside. A deep sailor collar of velvet has a border of cut work and its edge piped with a cord of white satin. A cord of satin finishes the flaring collar, which sets up about the ears In so pretty a fashion. The sleeves are bishop in shape and very bouffant. Gowns for Society Bnds. The season for the sprouting of the young society bud is fast approaching and mamma is anxiously contriving all sorts of pretty costumes for this prospective blossom. It is more difficult to gown a young girl becomingly, not too childish, nor yet too womanly, than most people imagine who have not uns dertaken the task. Even the sometimes make the mistake ol fashioning a garment altogether too dignified for a young girl, making her look like a fussy little old woman. When one Is old enough to wear all sorts of gowns and wraps the matter is smooth enough, but for entry-reveal- without spoiling when fashions are seasons in all Skins toward a general change, oddi- abound, and they are even more 5f Cottonian. Last week a citizen of Boston was I3eg-gs- r anrtT.flt touched for a dime four times in walking two blocks cm Breadway, New Tork. All of the beggars were well dressed. It was rainy, and two of them had silk umbrellas. One of them sported a watch chain, while the tops of a couple of cigars stuck out of the pocket of another. IIow such men have the nerve to beg on the street in a brisk, business- like way is a mystery to a man from Boston. Boston Post. s Xho VaTne of Trees. Highest ceall la Lcavcnm; ... Three Little Love Sonffs. By Emily Louise McIntosh. I. SURRENDER. Your weapons were wrought at forge of Love, Glowing his fires! And fatal their stroke, as the lightning above Resistance expires! I firmly resolve you shall never know How throbs my heart At the sound of your voice, at the touch of your hand,, My resolves depart. And the citadel of my love now lies Captured surrendered to your dear eyes! r-- m - land-own- their tenants and the public generally duty by planting at least a moderate quantity of trees. This is a wise public policy. Ornamental Tree Growing. t The window? The way to my heart, dear; The bird? Your love for me. Ahd now that its song has roused me. Ill sing Mill eternity! , , - . The Moons 1ower Over the Weather. Fallacies about the moon are numerous, such as that the full moon clears away the or sow Whats a temperance saloon, Its one with a back door only. papa for a i'onthly Salesman in shaped like a wide band, with curved edges to fit the head. Dont be disturbed if the novelties in millinery that are presented as Louis XVI. styles bat fit your Idea of. history. Just take them and say nothing if they suit. To tel! the truth, it is not so much that the dual fashions of that period are being s -- ravived to call that milliners have agreed whatever they invent and select as XVI., land to make free with tinea of tliat parti aular gay court the fashions of beautiful Antoinette. Thus, hats wired stiff to stand cut on one side and droop to the hair ca the other are a novelty, and as such of course, called Louis XVI. The effect has so long been avoided that it brings some lines of the face into etart-.n- g prominence, and where these lines re good ones the wearer Is distinctly tner by the effect. Lexis the ! Prosecutes Claims. Successfully Principal Examiner U.S. Pension Bureau KNOWLEDGE i t i j She Is a lily-skinn- ed M ed , Whfre Woman Hides Her Key. is Surely womans ingenuity she takes the way Witness summer hotel cr the at care of her key man takes up When a boarding-houshe a lugs his his abode at such place it at the or leaves Voy i. rcur.il vrith him event he ss of we, ml in almost any But woman has liluiy as not loses it. sure vray cf dio- cH covered a mjw and un-CTtial- ed. C" pretty rt cf - ' r k t! f. ? Is i little ili quite '3 - - V- i i r. shown for follrc, mok- rt r.s il nr ow velvet rad heavy mole of tri exit, thcu'ti the ler "ct adjudicating claims, attyeiuce. e. Bryant Up to Date. So live that tvhen the obit writer comes Thou go not with the trite no flowers, Doomed to a jot lost on an inside page. But with a big spread head and leaded type. Like one who was a bug of size, Yhosa going casts a gloom, lilmwlio a pall. X ra. The summer daiy makes summer days pleasant at the summer resorts. All risstrr-efree by Hr. Kline's Cmt Jtervn Kestorer. bob itsafter the nrstday-ilarvelous cures. Treat iea,mi tltrialfct. I it cases, bend to hr. K.luie,9vl Arch A'hua.,l'a. r-T- d s u-- v bottl-free- and the editor know the The value of good clipping. wool-grow- er Com Calve. Hansons Ilaglc Warranted t.a cure or money refunded. druggist for it. Price 15 cents. Afk yout Envy is an acknowledgment of the good fortune of others. I use rises Cure for Consumption both In G. W. Pattermy family and practice. Ir.1801. Kov. E. E. BURLINGAMES fllXCHINIST Repairs of MINING. PRINTING 111 Machinery, etc. Pipe threading Rud cutting. Freight elevators. Nock & Garside, 1415-- lt lrith t. And Chemical AMERICA!) HOUSE ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory. LJgtibU9h.eil 1831. PHOTOGRAPHERS, JEWELERS send your sweeps and waste containing gold and sliver for treatment. Prompt returns and highest cash price paid for gold and silver bullion. Address 173d and 1738 Lawrence Street. Denver. Colorado. AND b u Kz) TREATED I'ltEE. Cured with Vegetable Remedies Positively Have cured thousands of cases. Cure eases pro- nounced hopeless by best physicians. From first dose symptoms disappear; in ten days at least all symptoms removed. Send for free book testimonials of miraculous cures. Ten days treatment free by mail. If you order trial send 10c In stamps to pay postage. Ok. H. H. Geekn & Sons. Atlanta, Ga. If tou order trial return this advertisement to us. two-thir- d DR. GUNN'S 7 2 blocks Depot. from Union per Day. 12 Denvers om Reliable Hotel. AVI Female Fruit Pills positively restore all from whatever cause; price IX. G Irregularities, Call or Address GAVI MEDICAL 0J., 717 Ilatte Colo. Attendant. st., Denver, Lady EVERY GIRL WANTS A FELLOW to look nice and clean We use nothing but pure soap and water; gives a finer finish, more pliable, holds to shape better and Stays Clean Much Lonqer when we wash them. What I the fellow? Ohl No! His shirts, cuGs and collars. together? send us tr.90 YoungofFellows,atclub worth laundry one time and we pay exp revs if within 1,003 miles, and charges both ways, you only Denver prices. Agents wanted charge in all outside towns. Write for price lists and particulars. Queen City Laundry, 1243-5- 0 a jack can go. Ko cog wheels clutches to break. 9(1 per cent is wrought iron and steel andKX)will bend in use before breaking. Over some running fi years without out dollars expense. Me make horse, hoists at prices, $25, 60, 75 300 1125 ILIVEEL ZxvPinuL A 5lild One Pill lor n. Bose. health. These pills supply what the system lacks to make it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the Eyes, and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. you, we They neither gnpe nor awrken. To convince will mail sample free, or fill box for 25c. Sold every where. DR. BOSANKO MED. CO., Philadelphia, la V I and on up f' -- . . Bend for an 1222 r: -- , WHIM CO . . ... , i - . bt. Denver. Colo. 52 Times a Year. famous writers in Great. Britain or the United States s Companion, but already contributed to some illustrious recruits have been found, who, collaborating with the old favorites, will enable its editors to makethe paper notably brilliant during the coming year. Statesmen, poets, famous scientists and travellers, eminent lawyers will provide entertainment and instruction and delightful story-write- rs for our friends and subscribers in a richer measure than ever before. x few THERE are have not The-Youth- , Our Distinguished Contributors. Free to Jan. i, 1896. New Subscribers who will cut out this coupon and send it AT ONCE with name will receive and address, and $i-7- 5 FIUSB Our Handsome graphed in 14 The Princess Louise. The Marquis of Lome. The Lord Chief Justice of England. Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson. The Secretary of the U. S. Navy. The Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary of Agriculture. Judge Oliver Yendell Holmes. W. H. Russell of The London Times. Frank R. Stockton. W. Clark Russell. General Nelson A. Miles. Hon. Thomas B. Reed. . Calendar, lithocolors. Retail price 50c. FRBB The Youths Companion every week till January x, 1836. FRBB The Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Double Numbers. And TIiq Companion A 52 Yeeks, Tull Year to Jatniafy, 1897. 3nd Hore Than TUB YOUTHS COMPANION, Send Ciieek, Post-O'f- Le 2Qa The Dean of Salisbury. Bishop Cleveland Coxe. Bishop Doane. Sir Edwin Arnold. Admiral Elliot. Charles Dickens. Archibald Forbes. F. D. Millet. Andrew Carnegie. One Hundred Others. Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. or Express Order, or Registered Letter, fit Our K.sk. n illustrated circular to THE Ourtls Youth's I pH ! St THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREIGHT new steel horse whim. WIU their common-fns- e hoist 25 tons of rock 3U0 feet each shift Is just as safe as and reliable an engine It can be packed anywhere o Physic. of the bowels each day is necessary for A movement Remarkable Offer Curtis On IMPROVED e, blonde, with eyes as big and blue as a cherubs, and smoothly parted yellow hair clinging in soft, wavy masses over her ears. Her Wraps for Little Girls. the gown is gray, a soft dove gray a ofmixtrap3 for the little ones are an im-item for tbi3 season. There are softest sort of cheviot, showing ure of black and white. The skirt is en stiffened Paquin, abnormally full and is a bodice to a startling degree. The velslate-colorperfectly round one of vet, smoothly fitted, and fastened diagonally with three rows of tiny silver buttons. A silver collar and belt add chic to the gown. Th sleeves are of the cheviot in gigot style, the tight lower arm buttoned snugly with rows of silver buttons. To complete it is a street coat of cheviot In box fashion, showing Kingsley Up to Date. and huge bishop jaunty little pockets feature of the rig Be good, sweet maid, and let whoever sleeves. The prettiest will be clever; collar of chinchilla, i3 the butterfly Do noble things, not marry them, at whose soft grayness harmonizes so tenleast not for long. A huge derly with the gray of the gown. Dont tie up for life, and death, and hat of neutral tinted felt is faced with tha vast forever. black and massed with black plumes. For titles now are going for a song. of I tends to personal enjoyment whenH rightly used. The many, who live better than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the worlds best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleasant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation, has given satisfaction, to millions and met with the approval of the medical 15 er-of-pe- arl j d r good Collector "frr,CIOn?JOHNW.ltIORniS, H Washington, JJ.C. e ft well-trie- Winslows Soothing Syfvp for Children Tectblne- - ble Concord Har ness In Colorado With for $18. $X0. breeching, ten in ' $25 double t harness with r ? breeching $1G. $25 steel horn stock if a paddle for $15. $15 single buggy harness for $8.50. Do not be deceived by worthless imitations but order direct from us and get the lowest wholesale All goods stamped. prices. Catalogue free. 1413 Larimer Street. FRED MUELLER, Denver, Colorado. Goods sent for examination. a.id every town and county in United States. Man or woman. Permanent position for suitable person. Write for the position at once. W. A. BRUCE &. CO., 253 Bway, New York. g and is out the aid of cheerfulness. If tlie Baby la cutting Tec t h. De sure and use that eld and remedy, HARNESS The best Boston. he-giv- en wings, with a feather ornament rising in the center in place of the aigrette with which we have become familiar. It is worn well back on the head removed with llmdercorns, iro at drugg-ipisThe plant of happiness cannot thrive with- Denver Directory. employ-mentshou- ld i3yraiuladtwart the middle a iarow polished bor- der; then follows a dulLpressed ground and the outside border, which is polished in two colors. As the revival began here inthe spring It follows that pearl buttons are most in evidence. The outing suits of woolen fabrics, pique, duck and such cotton white suits as well all accord with the large white and shaded pearls that may be found to harmonize with any of the fashionable mixtures. To be sure, the sales are limited to three, four, six, etc., but that is an encouraging beginning, and the amount Is the same as though two dozen cheap buttons were taken. Mother-of-pea- rl buttons in natural black are much seen, but various moth-- ! fancies also find buyers." Quite new are oval buttons, four-holmother-of-pea- rl or in buffalo born, These buttons are beautifully carved, set with steel, etc., and are worn on the jacket suits, as three on either side of the front and two at the back of the waist line. The tailors often set three on each side of the front of a skirt, opening the skirt there in place of at the back. On silk er woolen waists buttons are placed as fancy dictates. Three on a center box plait is, perhaps, the best known style; Norfolk basques often have two rows of ball buttons down the center plait; then straps over the shoulders are studied with buttons, and a new trimming shows a silk waist with a vest of Valenciennes lace and insertion, bordered on either side by a strip of velvet, studded with large buttons. rt - CCQQOOCQQQQQOOQCCCC i Xf&te in. rli-Mn- w-ui- $kO (lou- - these fair, young things a great to deal of consideration must their gowning. One of the sweetestxii-lwho will burst upon society this winteT sports as lovely and girlish a fall as any girl cotild possibly have. fancy If be wore fed regularly the thaik woull not be half as ravenous as he is. often be a Walking were It not for the corns. The- tets eetlly ,Prcp!iy nv lady wishing to make some money quickly and needing steady work forme selling medicated wafers. Address A. M. Dam, il. D., 212 Columbus ave., - by a pair of s like, TT7AXTFD Brings comfort and improvement and prniture is. completed 2t; trams, OTo; rnrGan-dis- e urban r.Dd passenger L ; grain. and freight ,r n iking a t dal if 1.:, d lumber trains, of all classes la and out of l trains daily. The more on tise rrkf-rGinger Tonic the more ill good fjTalbws arerevfnlM in ii?; filcolds, ing pula and evry kmd of weakness. I. ; tL thr-iuG- OTIFraEOO, and the dear, Ill pray Hell keep thee, too. amethyst mirror velvet, which borders the edge and forms small rosettes in tack. Then several velvet pansies are In front the placed along the velvet. - . I Roils for locating frold or silver ore, lost Hidden treasures. For particulars address M. Howler, Box 357. Southington, Conn. -- cos-tum- Giro iN, K s CLb-ir- -- fi m. It T t Trib'U-- Y m pi Il-h- i 1 a t t enf v G.'ht rail load cct that showing nlc-s in that ity; t: .t Laie terminal M itinobof mil vs ay 11:. ; they operate l that the number of djjy r i and mail trains is mi lilCil Afa or My heart sings on, of years to be Of all this means to you and me; And as He keeps uS there and here. And guards our hearts great treasures, of headwear is pictured herewith, and is In toque shape, made of black braided hair. is trimmed with twisted TLa floor of the observing room about seventy feet in diameter will be made movable by means of hydraulic rams. The astronomical observatory of the future will resemble a great machine and dynamo shop. ? II. What matter If the days sped by Till spring breathes on the earth and sky, And very Natures voices tell The love that comes with us to dwell. When earth is glad and new. b:t3 -- CHeogo-'- Milk Responsive to new joy. j "p - ST. JACOBS JII. ARBUTUS. l. W8 lay aside the dainty flower In memory of a hallowed hour. When heart to heart a message brings. That wakes the soul until it sings . ter hats. One of these almost startling y ' 5, son, Inkster, Mich., cians, as the damage' they will do is ten- dog. fold to the good you can possibly derive It Is queer, but a lively bolt often restlts A cause the clubmans excuse to his In a dead lock. from them. Halls Catarrh Cure, manu- wife lost for coming home at 1 a. m. factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, mucous acting directly upon the surfaces of the sysblood and Such ills as tem. In buying Halls Catarrh Cure, be OIL jj sure you get the genuine. It is taken inin made and Ohio, Toledo, by ternally, F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists; price, 75c per botI tle. Halls Family Pills, 25c. z:.i Ef-:"- . II. thea- y Like a Venomous Serpent Hidden in the grass, malaria but waits our to spring at and fasten Its fangs approach, upon us. .There is, however, a certain antidote to Its venom which renders it powerless Is this Beware of ointments for Catarrh ThaY for evil. Ilostetters Stomach Bitters d specific, and acknowledged and world-fameContain Mercury, it Is, besides this, a thorough curative for As mercury vdll surely destroy the rheumatism, dyspepsia, liver complaint, consense of smell and. completely derange stipation, la grippe and nervousness. In the whole system when entering it convalescence and age it is yery serviceable. a through the mucous surfaces. Such arIf there Is anything which will make ticles should never be used except on young man query evolution is not a prescriptions from reputable physi- failure it is to see a pretty girl kiss a pug Cows are now milked by machinery, is adulterated by hand, as usual. I That lay in troubled dreaming In anguish beyond control. proportionately plentiful in -- 4 er rs A bird flew in at a window And wakened a stormy soul. than . h I. BACK VIEW- ' a' How many farmers and others, too, clouds;, that you should only beans in the wane of the moon; whose places are destitute of fruit and cut down trees It is a bad sign If she changes on ina shade trees. Again, how many rented that that two full moons Saturday or Sunday a Hood; that to see the cause a will month are trees devoid of of kinds. all places moon in the arms of the new brings on ever stopped, to old Has the rain, and many others,a of which a catalogue good deal of space. consider- that a small orchard, a few alone would take- up M. Flammariou says that the moons influyard trees around every tenement ence on the weather is moon negligible. The heat would only afus from the house will greatly enhance the value, reaching of twelve our fect by temperature attract and hold a better class of ten- a degree; and the atmospheric millionths tides caused the moon would only affect the baromet-a ants, make life more enjoyable and tty of an inch ric pressure a few hundred that too at practically no cost? We tell quantity far less than the changes which are you there is a great deal of selfishness always takiDg place from other causes. when we look abroad and see how Motors for Observatories. stingy and selfish many are with their Yerkes forty-incThe telescope, at some great tenants, and oftentimes perchance Lake Genera, will be provided with a sysgood farmer rent3 his farm and move3 tem of electric motors by which its several may be operated and regulated. The away and is so selfish as to reserve all, motions clock will be wound automatically, driving in keeping yes, all the fruit produced, denying'even also, by an. electric motor, while,, the electrical these Land-ownewith devices, elevating owe to his tenant. this II. A CADENCE. RECEPTION COSTUME ... ... - T x o - clever-mod-iste- dftnends on th of her neck will be able to her-W- low collar , ; , swathing posing of the aritcTe. Che doesnt lumber up her pockets with it, neither does Eho leave it at the office-- and rarely, indeed, does she lose it. Her almost invariable habit Is to thrust it under the strip of matting or carpet covering the entry before her chamber door, where it is supposed to repose in peace and safety. This, too, notwithstanding the fact that the little hump it produces in the carpet is by no means invisible to the naked eye. Nor is it without significance to the average understanding. What is more, there is a similar little hump before each neighbouring bedroom door, so that a glance down the a whole double row of such humps. They speak volumes of not only the ingenuity of woman, but cf her sublime faith in human nature. |