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Show Dec. THE BRIGADIER 4 Page effective 96 2, 1966 . . . Fet'd finds radiation immunity on mice By Brent Ashworth puny BY fbgn ndent--;vrd M c.r Mure time urging im but Larry Ford, a ju:ur Ni Donaldson n -i- lu d Poster and Dr t the L5 L Z " . Al-- i igiCdl Depi mice does ' When Lariy wa- - 10 yearn oid he became m'erested in the stud; of mice and otner small animal-- : he decided then that he wanted m grow ut) to become a radiation weal dislocation, then the spleens aie removed from the animals, placed on a block of dry ice and powdered. A saline solution is mixed up and led wit n me spleens in the eli i Then comes the centrifuge process, the solution is put through a Seitz flitter where it becomes zoologist. percent effective against diation. 30-4- Larry has been working fur two years at the Swenson Hmu-- e and the Pa&e Sclvwl labou'u'ie- - un der tne d rection of D: Dav id . CM The process is long and dnn-culU'iry the foioving step-Firthe mu ' ar- killed by cer- - 0 - Finally, the solution is passed through a Gel filtration where it is fractionated broken down mm different molecular sizes'. i The which agam-ci.-at- NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY Officers for the Honor Society are Paul Dix in. president; Annette Paxman. Marianne Bowen, secRobert Bowen social and retary: chairman, according to Mrs Faye Buttle, adviser to the organization. vice-presiden- t: Jur or Larry Ford overpowers a white mouse for use in his experiment making a solution to give immunity to mammals after atomic radiation exposure. And it's working! !h it. b iiii' M .fu Id Chorus prepares for December programs BYH Tht' pud icing he pre-em- Chorus now fin three concerts m m the middle of De- (.iiiicci ed t is Wednesday. Dec. present a program for he Sent Citizens at the Eld-re(Yo't They will sing again tin lollewing Sunday in the Sac-raiiw- Proo meelmg of the 4th Waid doming with the Cadet and Conceit Bind-- . all chorus classes will then p.ulicipate in the annuel Clu iMmus Concert to be heid m he Haiih Fine Vrts Center Churid otheers tor this year are Kerry Lynn Comeian. pre-ude- (handler Jen iVee Smith, Ivna M nm BY a1 vice-presiden- n : t. scerelaiv. Mari soprano repi isen! - girls play in volleyball tournament Cirl.s on the BY High volley ball teaai have been practicing for the Beg ion Volleyball tournament held yesterday at 3 00 pm. at Pleasant Grove, according to Mrs Earlene Mills, coach of the learn High schools participating in the tournament were Spring-ville- . Provo. Orem, Lehi, American Fork. Pleasant Grove, and BY High. Each school will have a Varsity A and B team participating. A ninth grade volleyball sports day will be held later in December, but no definite date has been set for the tournament. Members of the team include Sylvia Spears, Nancy Cannon. Barbara Babb, Cheryl Crowlon. Laraine Grow. Lilia Rubio. Kathy Harrison, Vicki Lis Sue Christensen. DeHali Lani DeHart, Thompson. HarAnnette Hart. Larson. Linda Call. Bohn. Roy den 14. will Tom and representative, Britsch. bass representative. cember On tive; Karen Andersen, alto reprePaul Hintze, tenor sentative. Evelyn mon, Margie Dixon. Kim Hanson. Lisa Julie Gardiner. BCnnion, Kris Egbert. Barbara Rich. Lynn pisen. Becky Smith. Lynette AnPam Orton. derson. Mirreo Jolene Gleave. Barlow, and Polly Parcell. Lions contest opened at BY Entries for the Lions Club "Peace Essay Contest" will have to be in the hands of the sponsoring Lions Club by Saturday. Dec 10, according to Mr LeMar Hendrickson. head of the English Department. Anyone between the ages of 14 and 22 (or will be) by Jan 7. is eligible to enter Essays will be limited to 5 000 words The entries will be judged along with entries from many foreign countries The first prize in the international level will be a $25,000 personal education or grant The eight geographical winners will each receive $1,000 cash prize Personal award plaques and certificates of achievement will be given to all district and club winners. career-assistanc- product is a drug is percent effective radiation The 4 percem m caused by mice eannibal-i-m- . end 96 The ultimate objective is to make shots available for human-afte- r exposure to radiation. The drug works fine In fact. afer injecting 5 cc. in'o mice, it goes them 93 percent pi elect ton against radiation The protect ,r i' reduced as the amount of the drug is reduced." says Lam. But one of thep roblems now faced is that of cost As it presently stands. Larry has had to Use thousands of mice in his exmice periments A tew germ-frehave cost up to 18 each Also 45 cc of the solution would cost Junior 7 i In a series of four meetings, the new officers have made plans for this year s activities. Members will serve as absentee aid", ab-ephoning students who are and giving them the day assign- e nt ments. $143. Once a month the society will attend a BYE forum assemblv. There will also be an assembly presented during the year for the installation of Dr. Donaldson is now on working include Nurd "Looks like will have 27 periods of study tomorrow!" By Mark Ashworth to join ' SANTAS . SMITH-CORON- A TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS Heres the place select to a Smith-Coron- a for someone special. See our complete lineup of electric and non- electric portables-ma- ny type styles and colors (even gold). And with every Smith-Corona de luxe, case. carrying all-ste- a, Be Sure Your LIMITED el Parents See This With this ad. STUDENT SPECIAL OFFER I Monday is the deadline for BY High students to enter the Voice of Democracy contest, sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, according to Mr. Don McConkie, y BIG FIVE-YEA- R GUARANTEE! TERMS Typewriter Co. se v 294 North 100 West, Provo "Just Across from Sears" i . Phone bone transplants from one mammal to another, and the invention of a chemical process to treat bone' for transplants. will MurMe e History Department chairman. Students are to write an essay which is to be recorded on tape for 3 to 5 minutes in length. Winners of the high schools in Provo will compete to determine the city representative to a statewide meet. State winners receive a .five-dapaid trip to Washington. DC.. which will give then a chance for scholarships ranging up to $5,000. ReXon Fisher won the BY High contest last year. working chemical composition to determine if the drug can be synthesized and thus reduced in price for its production. Other projects Larry has or on a the officers Eligible students are those having grades which qualify tnem for the honor roll, personal invitations are being sent out to these students, encouraging them Speech deadline set for Monday ra- '. st Vetod 1966-6- for 24 hours igerator 373-363- 1 "Expert Cleaning and Repairs - All Makes" |