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Show STAR OF THE .MONTH The Y id Catis jjuuiji to run u! the month colamr. this year another sUr as they did last with the idea of giving the outstanding athletes in the school some recognition for their elfort in sports. his month I have selected Jae ballii for his excellent playing in the recent foot nail gan.es. He is of the team and holds down the fullback position. He has plenty of drive and is also a hardhitting tackle. Crusher played football in his sjphmore and junior year and is making this year his third and best year. He also does the kicking for the team and no one on any team we have yet played could be compared with him fo r kicking ability Our hats are off to our hard hitting fullback, Jae Ballif I -- PLEASANT GROVE BY Wildcats beat P G 25 Vikings 25-- 0 0 THE TEAM under the lights of Brigham riday, Young University stadium. After the Vikings and the Wildcats fumbled on the kick-o- ff recovered there was never much doubt how the game would turn out. 17th, F This year seems to be the Y High's year in football and with the coaches we have it is no wonder we are fast becoming known as one of the mos t po w e rful teams in Region Harold Christensen threw a short pass to Don Macintosh in the inzone for the first six points, earlyinthe first qua r ter Norm Christianson plunged the center and ran 63 yards for another six points. Jae Ballii plunged another touchdown, and Harold Christensen sneaked one over from the quarterback spot. Jae Ballif kicked the Three. This year we haveprobably the mostboys out for the squad than ever before in the Ys history. We are proud of these boys who have really made a name for this scliool. They are lead by Norm Christiansen and Jae Ballit who are this year Norm plays left half and Jae is at the fullback slot. Jae and Norm take turns being captain at every other game. . extra point. The backfield s job was to make the line s job was to keep the Vikings sco'i- frnin scoring and they did a very good job. The lineman's job is just as important as the backfields, but the backs seem to get more than their share of the glory. Those doing an excellent job on the line are Don Macintosh, Cliff Corless, Dick White, Grant Rrockbank, F red Johnson, DaTlin Oaks, and Kent Lloyd, lom Karren, a new boy from Canada, had never seen a football game in his Life and he played for the Wildcats and did very good. Looks as if he will have a permanent place on the team. T'v-- The members of the team and their positions are as follouis- centers, Grant Brock-banFrank Eccles; guards, F'red Johnson, Dick White, Norman Kimball, Phil Morgan and Ralph Rigby; tackles, Clifford Corliss, Devere Brough, DallinOaks, Don Ghilcrist, Owen Marrion, and Ron Dykes; ends, Donald Macintosh, Kent Lloyd, June Hansen, JoDell Benson, Paul Clarke, Condon Avery Tom Karen, Jim Jones, and ElRoy Nelson, quarterbacks , Harold Christensen and Kent Lloyd; left halfs, Norm Christiansen, paul Val Stringfellow , and Boyd Saulisbury, Dowdell; right halfs, Wayne Crosby, Eddy Maloney and Glen Grosjean; fullbacks, Jae Ballii, Ted Neilson, and Lynn Rogerson. k, WILDCATS STOPPED BY , LINCOLN ELEVEN With the hopes of gaining postions on next years team are the sophmores who work out with the team and learn plays in preparation for the coming year. They are as follows- center, fed Harris; guards, Jim Judd, and Mean Stevens. The tackles Chamberlain and Ahmud Shayesteh, and Thorald Golding. F.nds are Ab Christensen, Stan Collins, Johnny Mayberry, and Dave Young. Left Halfs, Kent Kirby, and Richard Spencer. Right Halfs Don Holland and Jim Kelly. Fullback, Ted Neilsen. Fighting all the way BY Wildcats were in an afternoon game with defeated Lincoln Tigers Friday, 24th. Fumbles in the first half gave the Wildcats a bad start. Lincoln Tigers made both their touch do wns in the second quarter with Ralph Willet keeping good his reputation. The Tigers were very good sports. The game was played on Lincoln soil. 14- -0 are-De- , It was a hot stuffy afternoon. It was hard for both teams to get in the mood for football. The large number of players out for football show that each person must really get in and dig to hold his position on the team. Let's all get behind these boys and give them our support by attending the games Lincoln used the single wing very well while the Wildcats made yardage with the T formation, With Harold Christensen play-in- g field general. Jae Ballif played an exceptionally good defensive game. Dick White was also doing his share of stopping Lincoln's drives. White is BY s big husky left guard. Y Gil and really letting them their efforts in favor of Lehi the half. Coach Owen Dixon gave his boys a spirited pep talk that really aroused them and they came ba'--k and stopped the Lehi eleven in their tracxs nd made good three touchdowns and one extra point. It was the second home game, for BY High having played Pleasant Grove two weeks earlier. 6- -0 Wildcats received the kickoff. Harold Christensen took the ball and made a nice run back, then the Wildcats began to marc1 oehi s 35. half. first touchdown came only a afte r Jokey s" pep talk at the The Wildcat backfield took the ball BY High s September 30. It was another wa rm after noon, but Lehi 's small team seemed to have plenty of snap, and itwas the second half before the Wildcats began to fight. appreciate Lehi then marched it back to BY s 30, threw a long pass for there one and only touchdown. Lehi attempted to plunge the line for the extra point, but was stopped by the Wildcats forward wall. RETURNS AT HALF TO score was but fumbled on it up the field, TAKE LEH1 19 - 6 The know we Lehis 15 yard line where quarterback Harold Christensen called a quarterback to sneak and ran it over. -- The second touchdown of B Y High was the result of a nice bit of strategy called a "sleeper'1. (Two substitutes come in and three go out, but one stands on the edge of the field. When the ball is snapped the quarterback throws him a long pass.) On the receiving end of this pass was Paul Clark who made a nicecatchand ran itover The last touchdown was ran over by Norm Christianson and Jae Ballif kicked the extra point. Speaking Of Sports Look What's New Wildcats Win First Gama, -- or that Is that lom, Dick, or Harry new kid?!1, That's the question of the month at the Y" high football games as the Wildcats take the field. Gosh, when you get guys in football togs its hard enough to tell Jimmy Kelly, Jae Ballit and the rest of the team apa rt, without thro wing in 12 new men to get you all mixed up. Perhaps you're one of the bewildered fans who wonder uho all these new athletes at B Y high are. Maybe you know them alTake Glen Grosjean, now there1 s ready. a character that anyone uoild knou whether to the same school with him or not. you Glen is one of teh fcfuys who has come up f rom P ro vo high and are ineligible for league participation. Glen plays halfback Oneofhispartnersin the misery of being ineligible is Val Stringfellow. You know him. He's that Halfback who s always grinning like a foxy feller who s just stolen a good dinner Val has looked very sharp on pass detense and will be one to watch for next year. Noticed that big '.Shiek who s always accompanied by several female admirers'1 That s Lynn Rogerson, who, together with Richard Spencer are also ineligible Establish Superiority Septembe rlO,BY Wildcats traveled south to play their first of the season under the lights of North Sanpete. The BY boys were raring to go. They ran ha rd and hit lo w The game was BY s all the way. The score was 38-- 6 in favor of the Wildcats with Jae Ballif high point man Ballif, BY s hard-hittin- g fullback, made three tallies and kicked the two extra points. Norm Christianson made another touchdown and . some nice runs. Harold Christensen ran six more points. Christensen hitting his end with long spiriling passes. Eddie Maloney intercepted a pass and galloped 30 yards for his touch- for through center was down. All players that went down participated in the game. Itwas the first experience for some of the second team, but all made a good showing. Owen Marron, with a broker, arm which he received in the third quarter, was BY's first casualty of the year. CoachOwen Dixon nas developed and Richird is a ha Ifback. Now for the Sophmores hose title angeles who are just getting used to the knocks of life m this cruel world. Quite a shock to their timid souls to hear Co.ch Dixon yell, "Hit him." Football's a rough game." And then there s Loach Olson, "Quit pussyfootin down the field, Ram 'em. Among these poor Sophs we tind Dale Stevens, Left Guard, Allen Morgan, Right Halfback; and Jimmy Judd, Right Guard, all from the Farrer Junior High School. 11 You know the coaches, of course. All of you know Coach Dixon, but perhaps a tew words about our new Assistant coach, Rex Olson. Of course the girls know him from gazing at him with sad eyes thinking what a shame he s ma rried and all the boys in the school know that Rex Olson is a name that will long be remembered around the BYT' for the deadly passing attack an the gridiron which the "Y had with Rex Olson being recognized as 4th in the entire nation in the number0f passes completed Incidentaly for the benefitof you girls, that term 'Passes Completed can be explained by your boy-- f riend. He 11 know . first casuality of the year, Owen Marion, is also new at " Y"' high. He came here from Ontario, California, and played footballas a freshmarr and also was out for track, running the440 last year. Owen is a Jumo r BY' spent much time with the line so he would have a strong forward to go with experienced backs. Kent starting Line I Up loyd jr Dick White pp, cliff Corless I The good He has High. The Lynn plays tullback a team in the two years he has been at . j Grant Brockbank (; red Johnson D.illin Oaks Don Macintosh Harold Christensen No r man Christianson Jae Ballif Wayne Crosby F pc, p q pp gjp pp p pp latest addition to the team conies Mexico City, Mexico. Roy Dyches plays tackle and cen'er Roy lettered it. football last year and Us. plays basketball He runs the hurdles for a position on the The from track team. Iexas A and Junior, Roy has a bid from play football for them, the equivalent of a football scholarship Congratulations. Dyches. A M to Getting down to he end of our list of new football players at ,lY" high we find Wayne Crosby and Dallin Oaks. You re better off if you don t know these two un- desirable characters personally but a few facts about them might warn you. Dalln came here from Uintah high school in Vert. a1. U ta h while Wayne came from Vidor high it 'vidor, Texas. Both these two characters are Juniors which may be a good thing ai may notbe. Ae'll have to endure them one more year. Wayne, a Right halfback lettered in Basketball last year and made sott good records in high jumping and polevaul-tinf g. 33 ho s that big tall, handsome, kid L He eurr.e to us from That s Tom Karren. Magrath in Alberta, Canada lom is a Junior andplays Left End He shows great who s never a promise in this position tor guy played football before. He also is a letterman in Basketball. Dallin, right lackle lettered in Football last year, plays basketball at.: managed to make the track team thru wire a the discus. Aell, that s the list These are your lootball players, 'Y' high. Let sm.de welcome, what about it0 r, V-- r |