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Show - T H 1 wo Summer 9 MANNERS? Friday, August 23, 1946 Clublicity fashions The students of.B. Y. High are ALRIGHT fortunate to find such a rich offeractivities to 1. To walk down the street with ing of clubs and a girl on whichever side of her honor those who are outstanding By Carma you happen to start? in extracurricular activities and Washable is the keynote of 2. Tp let a girl get out of the provide recreation to supplement the ideal summer wardrobe. Evcar by herself in most cases? the regular studies of school. erything from briefest , shorts to 3. To stay seated even when an THESPIANS heavenly-coevening gowns can older lady enters the room? be dunked' in soap and water 4. To leave the girl youre with The Thespians are a group of out of the conversation when without the slightest fear of students who are outstanding in to introduced another with sad streaks and a girl? youre dramatic work. It is a national 5. To stay at a girls house past for high school drape shape. 10:30 as long as there is no active honorary society Cotton is uppermost in designItudents. Thespian officers for parental opposition? minds because of the practicers are: Douglas 6. To let a girl youre walking the coming year Hen-inge- r, ality demanded by an active life. with cross a busy street without Thayer, president, Owen weaves of vice president, Shirley There are new novelty taking her arm for assistance? acetate with cotton mixed rayon 7. To take 15 minutes to say Zirker, secretary, Carma de Jong mathe makes and aralac that goodnight to a girl after a date and Kathrine Miller, scribes. Mr. to terial keep even if it is past 12:00? Lewis is the faculty adviser. and smooth you looking 8. To make uncomplimentary FAUVINES remarks about other peoples through a day of hard play. in actions and public clothing The Fauvines, the service club Sports clothes are designed for as as it about the isnt long just for senior high school girls, add comfort this year more than ever person youre with? pep to basketball games, act as before; short shorts with halter 9. To use loose language and tell ushers at plays, and give service tops give the wearer a chance to shady jokes in the presence of in many ways. Officers chosen for absorb the utmost vitamin D. But your girl, or any other persons, next year are: Beryl Jensen, when youve had enough of the whom it would offend? 10. To direct most of the conpresident, Katherine Miller, vice blessings of old Sol its smart to versation to yourself, because president, Elaine Carlson, secre- don a Turkish Cholo coat over fasciWell its time to get your school Well, it was short wasnt it? you really are extremely tary. The faculty adviser will be your swim n sun suit. The noto out clothes of the moth balls and Those everyone? nating Mrs. Vance. torious pedal pushers have pracSo you think these are alright, start planning what classes youre cool canyon parties, diving into blue water, or spending a hunh! tically run' cumbersome slacks going to take. For weeks now AND SCROLL QUILL and levis out of the business. And most of your have probably been week end fishing. Of course a lot Well, its about time you woke to A chapter of Quill and Scroll, your responsibilities and its mainly because looking for your old books (that of us picked up some money here up you threw somewhere last spring) and there on the side, and even decent manners. If youre not international club for high school the young people are drifting in hopes of selling them and then a few attended summer school, sure of some things, take advantjournalists, has been organized slowly away from the sloppy buying new ones; books that but as the old saying goes, It age of the special articles in mag- at Y High. Students interested in spectacles they used to be with youll dash through and have takes all kinds of people to make azines and the books published baggy pants rolled up to the headaches over. Of course you a world So we dig deep in our expressly for you and your probnewspaper work and other forms knees. The new short pants are may not admit it but IT1 bet pockets for those worn dollars we lems. And dont think there isnt of creative writing will find optailored and styled for youre really looking forward to have earned, or given a smooth room for improvement in even portunity to develop their talent superbly convenience, whether perfect new The Great You, because there is! and have fun together. Officers kids and line for, and prepare for another school, meeting or bicycling. And youre going to be liked and for the coming year will be elect- wading school year. seeing old friends again. The beauty of it is that quick Of course youre wondering Like most past presidents, I respected a whole lot more by the ed after the beginning of school. changes in apparrel can be made what sort of activities are ahead want to say this is going to be girls, boys, parents, and teachers with the flip of the wrist, and and hoping this year will be as the best year weve ever had. In if youll watch the way you con- -i BOYS ORGANIZATION so-satisfictorily. Its very much fun as last. Im sure we a way we have a new school this duct yourself. Its easy and fun, can have some wonderful times year, new teachers, new ideas, once youve formed good habits; Commonly called the B. O. simple to dress for town or if we all help. The best way to and we are even in a new dis- and its very important! Nobody club, the Boys Organization was change to an afternoon ensemdo it is support the team, the trict. With a deal like this, what wants to be a social outcast! newly organized at the first of ble by slipping on a jacket over last year. Striving for a better a halter and a skirt over shorts. faculty and your fellow students, say we make the other schools school spirit, this organization has The bolero is still a favorite, but and especially the school func- sit up and take notice of the old, of last winter resulted in more effort and co- the battle-jack- et tions. but new, B. Y. Hi. on the of and with now from made the cotton, part Its up to us to do it, so lets If any of you have ideas or operation boys, in school activities. All male stu- short sleeves, is becoming instart the year with lots of pep suggestions, write your councildents of the high school are eli- creasingly popular. These have and enthusiasm and make this man (student that is). Remember, one year well remember for a this is our school, lets make it gible for membership in this or- been shown of late in the collecganization. A day program, two tions of Tina Lesser and Clare the kind of school we want, work long time. assemblies and three dances be- Potter designs. I give my greetings and most together, and were sure to have sides the special boys day dance sincere welcome to all students, some fun with 46 and 47. With Wide belts are a perfect addiQUESTION: What in your comprised prominent social activi- tion to almost all of your sumold and new, and wish you suc- this I welcome you all to a swell cess in the coming year. opinion, is the greatest asset of ties of this organization. new year at B. Y. Hi. mer clothes, from pedal pushers B. Y. High? to many types of peasant dresses DEBATE CLUB and blouse and skirt combinaJoyce Oaks, graduate: There is a wonderful advantage tions. The highly colored and polin the In connection with speech work . . . fact that we have had access-abili- done ished leather sometimes compliin the high school, there is to the college facilities. a debate club. Open to those ments the waist interest in san. Ebony platters are reaching a Dick Bigelow, Senior: No place students interested, special in- dals to match. And speaking of the newest trend is new high in the realm of capti- else are there to be found such struction and help is given by the shoes toward the freedom and flattery students. and the Eugene Talboe were Eugene genuinely modern friendly teacher, speech vating past swing. Composthe ancient Greek and Roman Shortboe, Barbara Romney, Junior: Due years have proven what really of ers and lyricists are working at classic Dave Crowton were Dave Y styles. Gone are the days debaters the to can the fact that the school is so good High full speed to turn out the music Sparrowton, is more opportunity turn out. Organized as a club, of the tight, cramping kind that there small, tried its darndest to the kids like to listen and dance for the individual to the Richard Bigelow were Richard progress and these students have meetings and foot. The grace achieved with Littlelow, to, and lately some groovy re- become acquainted with more in- work together for better ideas. Louis Booth were Louis unhampered development of the cordings have been released. teresting personalities. feet has started to reveal the true LETTERMEN Counter, Roman Andrus were Greek Freddy Martin tops the favorite a Vern Whatcott, Senior: We have beauty of two things each of us swell coach! The athletic minded fellows at- have always had, but never dislist with Bumble Boogie, and Andrus, Lois Burch, Junior: We always tending the Y High, find an out- played to the best advantage. I Laura Moore were Laura Less, that heavenly Tex Beneke with have ten minutes between classes let for their social desires in the sincerely hope that this type of Warren Novak were Warren Glenn Millers orchestra put out for physical and mental relaxa- Lettermans club. The members shoe will be a permanent addiYesvak, It Couldnt Be True. Sinatra is tion. of this club are made up of ath- tion to our clothes, because it El Ray Richins were El Ray have proven their met- would still going strong . . . and has Poorins, Wanita Pinegar, Freshman: The letes who make for a at one of the many happier undoubtedly in least tle Earnest Lichfield were Earnest made a wonderful to chance The more corns and learn about the people. of recording sports offered. The annual bunions of middle age would be Lichmountain, beliefs worlds and many philosoMoon and Full Empty Arms; dance, assembly, and inBurl Bushman were Burl and thats really more and for that something extra for phies through religion classes. itiations always turn out to be eliminated, Treeman, than the preservation important Mr. Lewis, Teacher: The higher some of th best social events of of those deformed and calloused Stanley Hall were Stanley your money, You Are Too Beau- ratio of teachers per student. the year. Corridor, tiful is on the other side. Dinah You can get acquainted things people have been hobblwith lots Reed Stolworthy were Reed ing arpund on for quite a while. Shore gives us Doin What of teachers instead of just one NOTRE MAI SON Stolunworthy, Now again we have a quick two. or Comes Don Broadhead were Don Naturally and the famous with our versitile is affiliated with change-ove- r Maison Notre Mrs. Caine, Teacher: Smaller Narrowhead, Johnny Mercer follows up with a wardrobe. Heres a recipe for the A. F. H. national the Inprogram. James Baird were James neat arrangement of If I Knew student body gives more students terested students will find of a lovely evening: frosting many Take a chance to participate in actiCovered, the Those black cotton off little Then. who saw fun for movie dethe and opportunities Joan Buckwalter were Joan vities. one shoulder blouse (that you for Officers the Love Do You Me velopment. be will year happy Mrs. Bauer, Teacher: Affiliation Dimewalter, 7 are: Kathrine Miller, presi- wore with your shorts on last to hear you can get the title song with the college gives the students Jim Rhodes were Jim Streets, Lu Jean vice presi- weeks picnic) and team it up Kent Staheli were Kent Goli, on a record with As If I Didnt an opportunity to participate in dent, and ElainePyne. secre- with a draped formal skirt of a Carlson, dent, Pat Young were Pat Old, Have Enough On My Mind play- lyceums and other activities tary. Mrs. Brown will be the chartreuse, gold, and black PolyLa Jean Cowan were La Jean ed,' of course, by Harry James. which they would otherwise miss. faculty adviser. nesian print; wear your hair up Pigan, R. D. Law, Senior: The students The Juke boxes have been whirlin a group of big, smooth curls; John Mangum were John ing around a cute little number that go there. HIGH SCHOOL CLUBS and add just the right amount of JUNIOR Mancandy, called Dont Be a Baby, Baby Kent Staheli, Senior: The cleangold bangle jewelry. Mix well Janie Spears were Janie Knives, that Benny Goodman on a liness of the students, and their Many educational and social with the crowd. Makes at least 2 put Jack Wing were Jack Tail, disc not too long ago; and the ability to get along together. activities are offered to students doz. admiring glances. Mary Faye Nichols, were Mary fairy fingers of Frankie Carle are Dr. Woolf, Former Principal: of the junior high school through Variations: Taye Dimes, still playing Come Rain Or Come The excellent staff, the fine stu- club activities. 1. Make the blouse in Karl Snow were Karl Rain, bright and making The W. A. M. S. is organized blue and combine Shine, and the beautiful setting. dents, Twilight with a scallop-po- d Shirlene Sparks, were Shirlene Time more popular. If youre to and seventh Clark: eighth Our help connection Principal grade yellow pique skirt. Pour blue Fire, lucky youll get the Victor album with the University. No other girls to learn service to their Batchelor Buttons into your hair. Victor Oldroyd were Victor ar of pre-wMrs. Julia Caine is recordings of Glenn high school this size can offer as community. 2. Bake well in the sun. Then and Youngroyd, Miller, Broadway Hits of many languages, or variety of faculty adviser. on a white skirt and blouse Mary Lou Wilson were Mary Lou Today is a beautiful collection. classes, The Chere Amie, the future put because our students are (off shoulder, of course) and Wontson, Elliott Lawrences rendition of given the privilege of homemakers of America is or- wear the cerwith taking Laura Gay Clark were Laura Sad Who Do You Love, I Hope is a tain bright green thong for eighth and ninth sandals. ganized college classes. Clark, best seller, but to out-d- o them all girls. grade This combination goes almost Dennis Goodrich were Dennis The Gremlins train junior high Percy Faith conducts an outstandYou cant lose! anyplace. Badpoor, ing arrangement of Embraceable Its better to turn back than school boys for leadership. Gladys Nixon were Sadys Nixon, You and immortal Stardust. to go astray. The Junior Dramatic Club, unJohn Mayberry were John der the direction of Mr. Lewis A sloppiy kiss makes a girl Juneberry, will give students an opportunity wish for the days of knighthood Love conquers all things, exJanice Anderson were Janice Speak well of your enemies, to have experience in one-a- ct when a man would duel, and not Alsoson. cept poverty and the toothache. remember, you made them. plays. drool, over her. DO YOU THINK ITS ol em-mergi- ng non-crusha- ble ed Welcome from Eugene and Audrey me-thin- ks o- he Inquiring rReporter Wouldnt It Be tyunny If ... The Latest ty .... be-litt- le Let-term- 46-4- an |