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Show 4.' -- Students Honored At Annual Award Assembly The YLD CAT Editor ' HMf Associate Editor Curtis Colvin Gloria Jensen , Bob Morgan Sports Editor . Montez Jones Feature Editor Department Editors .... Janie Spears Joan Shriver ; Jr. High Editor Mary Young Business Manager . . Fred Baird Edith B. Bauer Faculty Advisor Reporters t Emily fiammill Randa Beniwet, , Nany'Browmng, Carina de Jong, Owen Heninger, , J y 1, 1946 Student Officers Elected , .. On Friday, May 17th the "annual Honor day assembly was presented under the direction of .Dr. Woolf and the instructors; under . V - Monday, July , THE YLD CAT V which the honors were given. Being the last assembly of the year, all students that had done oustanding work this ;past year were Aa warded certificates and medals.for their accomplishments,; Bob Morgan, Shirlee Gourley and Ross Veihweg LaDean Anderson, the President, v Lois Burch ; Vice President, and Secretary for this past year were awarded for their outstanding work by a certificate and the traditional famous Dr. Woolf. , salute of French , ' , Awards were then given to stu-- j dents from each grade who had the highest scholastic record. They were 7th grade Kent Harrison, 8th grade Wanita Pnegar and Carma Jackson, 9th grade Janice Ander- Published by the Students of , the B. Y . HIGH SCHOOL A Printed by ' the M. H. Graham Printing Co. ft , f , . Amendments r To Thespian Constitution son, 10th' grade Maxine Pinegar 11th grade Colleen Benson, 12th The Thespians met and made a grade Joyce Oaks, Pins were number of amendments to their given to the cheer leaders, Elaine constitution on the nicht of Anril Carlson, Colleen Mower and Pat According to the constitution ft the 28th. On have two initi. u n a scholarship elections were held in the last fob ; ' stead of the c ( rc t y for noxt rp!-initiations wiL elections ary and May.,. rJVnother, . amendment was uiu lUi uv.uj Miiaii amount of dirt was in addition to the regular ThesAwards lor ou id u inmg neck and neck in the race for offices pian play and the evening pro- -, work to the were following were Dick Biglow, White given candidate for president, grams of one act plays, that the partys speech Lewis, students a Junior George by Will , sponsor Thespians I Bige and Colleen MoWef for secretary t Dramatic club consisting of, the director. Debate: Richard both and Maralyn Ballif, who 7th, 8th, 9th and sophomores who low Primaries were held on Monday eliminating all but, the to the State Debate Tourhavent had a chanceto.eam their went nament. Exceptional character- four mentioned. A full week of campaign was carried out , points. The purpose of this will be to give the Junior High students ization honors for the school play and on Monday the election Kent Staheli and assembly was held.' This was the chance to start earning their were "given to Dramatic Service unique in the fact thatlt was a Spears. joint affair, The full wit of points for admission into theThes-pian- s, Janie to LaDean was award presented Junior High during their the student body, was thrown in to make a hilarious hour, of The Thespians will Anderson, Clair Anderson and School years. was entertainment; At the close of -- the be responsible for, the direction, Bob Morgan. Ross Stephenson assembly, ballots were in for honored many cooperation series this of handed to the students who made their x on their choicer makeup, and staging work. of fields actors speech: ct the one-aAll of plays. Announcements of the election returns were given by Music awards- - were given to will be Junior High School stuMaxine Pinegar and Lyman Dur-fe- e Mr. Christensen, faculty advisor for the occasion, at a mat dents or Sophomores. dance held in 250-by Prof. Hansen. It was a close election,! and held much They also hope to be able. to and School the help in Play, Mr. took Jensen sponsor pleasure excitement for the whole of the student body. on the staging and makeup for presenting awards to the students Next fall will find the student body electing vice presiassemblies. Also . to sponsor the who . have, given much of their ' Speech Class Plays. time to compiling our " 6 dent, cheer leaders and Jr. high "officers. It promises .to be these that feel t The Thespians yearbook, also to' the Yldcat a year with the student :body in full support of the ' hew additions will make a larg- staff. They are Laura Moore, Joan rip roaring f er place for dramatics in the high Smith newly elected officers. Joe Don Forsyth, Tuttle, school and will give more stu-- 1 Don Broadheadi , Jack Harmon dents who want to, the chance to Curtis Colvin Gloria Jensen and J Fred Baird , participate. ,f ; Awards to students outstanding J were field commercial in the f Daffynitions - - ; . . given to Maxine Pinegar, rCar-me- la The formal Thespian Initiation . This years outgoing members Tanner, Lyman V are: Bob, Morgan, LaDeape AnGoblet- -ii baby !sailori on hld .,..rand ' i,1 . r , derson ,and .Clair Anderson." ' v oDusU-mu- d with f the C juice Jay, Bailey. l7th" the niemMay: new The last event, also" the oqLers were , A large group of new Thespians in behind , ; the pledged 0 squeezed. out, ; most students was curtains in were the honoring .brought jin consisting of: 250A, during an im; Night xlubsplaces where the that of sports. The awards, were t ; Dick Marilyn Ballif, Boyle, Lois pressive candle light ceremony. tables are reserved and the guests made under the direction of Dave After Carma Burch, the tde; Jong, Nancy V arent. Crowton. Those receiving awards ing room pledging,a in the dinAmelia Holt, Madsen; ; CoUeen dinner was upstairs Intuition the strange instinct were members of the football, held. Mower; The table Was in the form Phyllis Nixon, Norma1 : that tells a .woman, she, is right and baseball1' team. basketball, Yolanda Piark;. T standing for Thespian. f Perry,:? Janie i , whether she is or not. Also to the students who entered ofat Ross Spears, Covers and ShirStevenson, were laid for the old and r into A tennis, track and boxing. new members. Zirker. ley s During the dinacknowlwas Clair . . Anderson ner ,;w toasts were given and games i The other members Her face is' her fortune and it his work as athletic were that were for edged . The new officers for present , are: a nice into figure.played., r jams Award Senior Athletic George L. Lewis manager. 1946 and 47 ;were r elected, troop they was given to Chuck Craven. are: President Doug Thdyer, Vice Colleen sponsor, Eugene :Talboe, Benson, Joan Biickwalter, He puts vitamins ' in his gin. Honor Day Assembly for the resident . Owen Heninger: y. Audrey Olsen; Eae Nelson, Kent was enjoyed and He says its so he, can build him- year of ,45-4- 6 Zicke ShWey Clerks Staheli, poug Thayer, Owen Hen- self up while hes tearing himself appreciated by the entire, student MiUer and Carma de rnger, John Mangum, R. Dee Law, i body. down, ong, Clair Anderson and Bob Morgan. A 1 v 1 4 1 , -- A. s 45-4- . Thespians HoId Initiations X ' X-- I r j Dias k . i . 1 - , ; 5 r , j- ; v "Sec-rotar- , - , f t j |