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Show UTAH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. f O yS?8em5$to55te9Wiatoi page 7 JiQ says, ilitcvatuvc.' we have ried tLe costs only The TTiftthocLiJ 5 Cents r some-thin- ,f r Way aretbe Writers tr f I a jxar. what's the matter with you; Well, The Eanthug Bali, if you do, why don't ua do a mir.il-f- rt t1" g fru.mlbe As will be Pajrrj-Ikv- u!k- of - Mtinounc-edfor it; and as for the children, p;a work is wLat ii cl .His to e rwjtenOu wL CSe in oc L. t yetk-'-a Haaol-B- o long enough. They hare failed an Tetter and Kkeum covered with opera for is It the Covers Mormon'in. cu piLUvrition preparing have A Itev commandments The ten entire Saved to the Uttmnost l.y THENEY. .v.(h-.i-"without music, entitled its reriilecln ajj'l to behold. a f,f 1 T 'We ,..riiPu. sight . rnhiibLjjd theyre in the same way. W. MsPonakl r,,Y VI vn ChTHIT fr rromiv from authority. ?t 1ms iSllH.", if. i by McDonald and Gill, Boston, j time pictukks. A Christmas suiaetlnog quite no'. in Uu literary wont! Mr. Caudle, v, u. prt paled to meet the ucman.H of the times, s wmld. should be in iho handsaf every A Funk The and Mus. Mil's, R. pubhdie'-Sweney. Cantata, by John tle-no good; does Do lb Ayer's Xcv A AndJ!!-Wrk. A little book of 7R pages uu one tuC prmme 1018 Thy .J. -e 1V nv uu in iv j of the greatest them os that engages St. Philadelphia. We commend P d ' of who use friends it hosts we've human thMight. this to the churches. Mr. Sv.vn-y- s LNN YSON. TO A LFUEP. 1 HI D Utah OniiiiriAN Aiivooatf, in f Lir families. And they all have A ixi'jt ex'vlleuf likeness of the name is a guarantee ol the f'D.ir-aef- er T'k'if Aifria Salt Lake Ciiv, Lmh. It c child ten ilea Nor rar.k ao Mg, to h nor I author constitutes the fruiitB piece. of the, cantata. - u! w ;ih snatcinl rnit No danger Hov.vVrn, Talk you to death: We wish every member of the Hoods Carols John FI. Sweney For thou thritie; hua; of Arthur &r i Good Books for AIL Mr. of that, Candle; but yonTl church wuuM read tin? Look: and and Mrs. J. M. Kirkpa trick, editors, Knights. Ad Ihou lia- -t t( U oi if you dont the;, have die of blood Vvfks hich sBouLI L,ind In e'.rv InLrs-- j . especially chapter three cm How John J. Wood, Phil. If Superindotie. !o Knt wtl te rcavhand ail readers. Vok Do get take have Sarasaparilla. tb'iu rhai We Abi obtain toiJ Ayers we heart vvi. bv i! Lu they Ib'Ivthv, hat lAin, Improve purity." may by tendents desire a good Christmas !& l ol pr.ve rc.L' tc'iua at id, for and bottles yourself noth e the following blemishes on conceit, the Carols and Pidnres Ai.t thnu have t h1 of s'Jib that they have half a dozen M 4m-eica.-H- y Emilv to Three F flTHJ . SGI,, h6 IKOftt s0 tiir uiAuaidu mimed, vrlm! is otherwise a most excellent iijattractiveCl ws0,rk jjubus.sea ana inercslu aooui aie excellent aids to that end. AlU lhave sung imay vvhv. thou in thine, AinvrivA, oar pcapic, institutions book. On page 2 u we are told, 1 think to thine surenor my In nay Wotulerfiti the Houne jiun . . An Aiickun. tic (tGco fairing lii? pnnu no, 'the that original depravity, nbs t and I do I may t.- nLt or wrong; git nr, and the t xicc of eceived from Prof. J. W. P. But if.iiuui, Srin'iiLdms and Narcotics. I oi Home Ueadtn? ihe our old man, A. A i uwkDasC B. i cr. body of sin, and Schools. By Taele of conien ta of Brown University, a pam- - And whetiier right or n rohj;, what jnittors Jenks, T'Sse- C'Unclrcsi is not removed at By carnal mind, m Akmsg sc., wib an nfrouuc'ien bv Franr.hiet entitled. Hunting InFIorida, Bmou rs. Horace IkrruuiuSii2. of ' ti V K. E. Origin ces C. 'I. HrPrc. W'liaul, hz. Outlines or pswiiui. ;y. By co. The apostle tells as conversion. Tlie storvoi each ci.sld of the Hihle is told $i The description of a naturalist's IliaUII Palmy i a, N. Y. T.2 r.V .1 7 LtCJl bg hv iriatihuaLv. aiui nune could be more is mind carnal the that enmity 11.01 DM ' 'SHI Prof. J. M. Coy tier. they. experience with snakes, ewamps, Licorge T. HtdJ Prof, of Phtlowyiiy, Letters OH or, Sijvns rf Chxr against God: so that we have the crackeis, and Indians, is inter- Yah College. Ready about Dee. 1, le$3. Endowment Exposure An PhsiOj;omy ctcr. as tLrwua TexOwWnei.t naidui It. G, Uc- Ih A Co 1 i M I her. atu! toeualiy m the Hnnan hxternal Forms, curious condition of a soul reconh.e 11 csnd P(el).une. With reading, taking us into 3 Thirf is t!c forth vol, in the series ot ' , D. D. K l.V.its ciled with God, and in enmity with esting Met P.yboun ytSpp. folks the linos" Ou .ring -- Prof. T. W. iuucoIb. a state of society w oild by itself, - Mi ran T he v and I'metieal Polygamy. A Him at the same time. nber s and Vsh Hvienic Her. Religion, of Philosophy ruetene to GoodThe Mormon Situation. Judge C. C more interesting than agreeable. and Kaitntm Caivj l,ec,'-ion- . A l'hilofioj&y. Hiea .x The soul that is ashamed to con .vs, eic. Acudens, win $; VctRiOclit. ntiav.c.rs ci ti,e In pkeimkatios. Outlines of Aesthetic Btood At nement. Prof. T, It Hikon. or, The The ' October number of the fess Use work of grace wrought i the f awa. Vsbi.i AS,eruBc rea,it a. intgshiu Monnoni'-m- . Logic-Froand Conflict with ot ChrLtiiiR The n sius ,.tr a a Mv and Who .ai Herald ; Musical pubcoward while is a but moral within monthly 'L,N 'arsy. BSam m il Wt,H, 50 Iiev. lb G. McNnoe, D. I. V, T. Harris Ili.D., "1 think '1'be Hex 1st Power of Utah.- VyttU Tl: nt urging believers to come.vi lim Ut- lished at Boston Mass, is beautiful this series likJy to he the most U. Dh .u Uja n'KivUC lit; hex u, ibe f tnoryu M. Bane. M. Gen. Fu. e Malr ami Sts dr k..m to .in.uJHihtiU termost Salvation, fLev should be in appearance, useful and solid in venture in c hilosoj hical publica.f J rem At u.r.Fr,. ui V, Sa,,ll H, Mormcmism s. JurLpnidejwe. Judge J. 3. hi . $ (s' warned against useing set phrases matter and an especial pleasure to tion that I have Hard f ltU !y. PiOreman. IJcaUli inUv.ifie UjpK mr IIOMHelMtlrl; , W Ui,M in a mechanical way, for this rends aji who uan appreciate a good tbinir Oinn Co, PuLli-lieiSi Boston, New Wo it aud lullucnce of the National U, 6lx. U,ry, Lx. Sc. (.r b tiom. $. n, im pu York and Chicapc. to hypocrisy. The strictures on in its line. ScieLy, Mis. J, A. Fioiseth. A SpTi ' i'lU" or, r'i. li.ee s; .... Eri.ui: ,r.o'ltu I- tMasiuia c. Major J. (..r,. ,! The Chav tat for Nut ember has Ffif SJountiiln Hv.Mk- - I.. U. ww ri i . pastors and membeis ou patro 7b, The October 'number of the ,z 11. ( arhteii, U' i. Jr.rxi Is rick-otij. Victor Ili.eo," from the though they may be deserved, are Song Friend, is before is. We an ar SJn A TpIU Ahoa Mur. fjelorf r Fc.rtlc. of Iryf C'b-.L. D., oi Exti acts f i. ui John D. Lees Confesf ion, riui .it. mt ..VC-F Atp,.ctn out of place in a work like this. Of the M ihnJiiLal Attitude Tlir ci f. notice, that it has been enlarged aaRir zviiviii', urn;, Uxiivt-r-uLi Slate nr do. $1.50 B, Aside from tlm defects mention- from twenty-fou- r Goodwin. Juditetl. pages to thirty-tw- o. Lrarian of Pennslvaui Of Hugo's atr the jtfolfierNormaltfv O'? i( ii.oni-.iix,k, Moi i L the lab a?i: we iirntrt anri i tsan- consider this the very best ed It is fiiied with very interest- titude towards nature, society, and (ted, ( Women aril in,vid ia ot tlicir ruRemedy, Gv Eli II. Murray, ,es it.!i Hv.'i.i. At. im ;.n 0. book of its kind. ictor Hugo is at Are r,. t $1 ing matter for all lovers of music. Prof. Little says: h L the Gentiles of ta a Marauding Pet? m Mi home He 5 bis and iu nature. Sxiense ntal I!ra!r. and Siiclj ui. epoch, lion. O. J, Holhsu-s ced in AccorJaPe1 wiL tne P Eight Studies of the Lords Day. Jtcoiitains the portrait and a bio- - lu v is l nj j i mo as out who ii.'is . Minion Work in L'tah. Episcopal Church und m ivcutiion to of celebrated the iysiusi' ICX. Houghton Milliin A Co. Boston. giaphical sketch CG. "UHULd, Ciy. right to be, He assumes his place in Minion Work in Utah. Congregational Tbe ; ou Ynneur cl Tesujseraments This book was First published organist, Clarence Eddy; There human history with serene satisfaction. of Man, considered m thesr RhyvpNri Church, 1L aVhd to Mental ( has and of F:Uitai excellent also eleven pages He questions (Ld about his sufferings Mission Work in Utah. Presbyterian Church. of Lhc. 150 PortrsJts. $t 50 The de- are for private circulation. music. instrumental and Hovf to covers vocal with sublime the tit Deined lor ranemen. lie in Methodist Missiou Work Church. Utah. audacity. mand for its publication by those Mechanics. Mei chants, b armei , nd the with his sionai Fainter. as race human of Citizens Music Flam and Fancy . The Utah. excellent an is protection though Loyal Journal, h, slaiua, GiM who read it was emphatic, and It sng, Grami.ur Varnishmu. Polubmf, iiaimio- A. Women Mrs. he tabercould become the Are Happy? Polygamous and sheltering low Ornament), 1,. Vvrsnuias inrf.Jojiur lianging, furnished at a very price, only hence this edition. 3orMiX'iij2f Point in Oil at U' o.. :.on G. Paddock. nacle of generations. He weeps withnew subscribers a vLCO or. Peyear; There are 28J pages, besides the Ccmparatlut Hon Mormon of Church. 3f"hsloguGaj the out seif reproach . His anger is the in Organization st nblanoes br ween Men and An raa's, p.u J, W. Sam-oa. ? Months M. Exti D. Octat o vci. Iimsiratecl, Arthur L. Thomas. index and complete table eive Irce agnation of one ulw a; s tiglitiiius Bis The An F.L and Uapep.ia Dlsc.tion S. GoodC. Gentiles of cts. 10 l'tah. 0, Address, Judge. oi "(the pie copy Pro, hopes are prophecies . l as visions, facts," Scripture texts treated, ecsses and I reattcent of bysjjipsiA. Pig:,bc will. The CHAL'TAtTAX, for November, conThe oight chapters treat of its Straub, Publisher, 23o State hi., A t IT GuiUc, How to the on. John E. Statue Utah aud the Mormons. movHtion and MuPaRTmeat of Fruit Trees, ar.d tains a striking paper m "Tim Relation of Hi of Grapes and Smaii tru ts. Ey G..c.,o $i .oo phenomena, and the origin of the Chicago, Roman to Modern European History. 51 others ami For Appeal to t?ie p'riotk cltizena of America. A 0angS(er,-the primeval saTreasure-Trov- e, this bright It is frora Dr William dav, tlwveek, Manual ot H n! uic tiimse-luo..t f.,r V'orr.vit Cleaver Wilkinof Chundies and Principal By the Mas. G. Cook, M.D. Fa. do. Ey i.yi cred day, the Mosaic tkibbath and young people s monthly, has uni- son, and present-- , the initial growth of of hchooL S. L C, amoun; in aBegctered Letter or Uy ap. gi Orher O. A ulusUa-enew d a:! or for one above. the s oi of Sabbath system Israel and hat is ted with the Pupils Companion. the old world into the new, in a moM Solution of the Problem, Prof J. M, C and dtscriptive catalogue of tvr.:.:.. ser.f Aldress & Co. Puslntiers, ft Fs.its Wens permanent and transient in it, and and a ill in future be known as readable way. Dr. Wilkinson wiil con& . Siioadwsiy, N. V. Agents Wanted, in clude sliimsG.m his the isDecember Coma thorough exposition of the comTreasure-- f i ove and Pupils sue. mand concerning the Sabbath. Among its September BROS. MAUENG CO panion. C. F. Holder, in talking on Our Birds We pronounce it the best book attractions are a story of War m Winter" in the Chautauquan, for of on its theme published. It is care- Times, by Elizabeth P. Allan; A November, tells some of his experience Farm Wsgor.s Memorial Kettle, Oarriues, ful, cPar, ivliabL and everent by Mary E. in regard to tire alleged hibernation ot swallows . Sonniru s Long Lost Chapter of the Wilkins; Lesson Genera of The is one of the very best family Ore Wagons, Acts of the Apostles. Published Grants Bupgie?, Career,' by Wolstan meThis g nines by I). C. Heath K Co. Boston. Dixey; etc. It well deserves the Buck Boards. For both mek-d-ond Sunday findThe eight comaming an account remaik of Edward Everett Hale Sleighs, herthe edited ing, 1 Pansy, by 'Pansy" ot the Apostle Paul's journey into who says: In Treasure-Tro- ve Tra-velinself, holds the first place m the hearts of of value. in and Britain, and of other Spain always find something the children, and in the approval of 3d and 3f) Main St Salt Law City, Utah. is abundantly illus- eanv'H minded events. Translated by C. The . Among the parerd-S. Scnnini, from an original trated, and has 30 large pages, in- more interesting features mr I'm, wiil The be Ianj s serial slut, Greek Manuscript found in the Ar- cluding handsome cover. A surcuie lur THROAT arid kUMC DISEASES. REACHING OUT, chives of Constantinople, presented price is only one dollar a Tear. Throat Colds, Hoarseness, Sors ' it A a sui surh Throat E. Aeh(if a to him byv the Sultan Abdoa) L, Published by IviCg Voice. IrsfSiienE tjfbc? ffCoughs, 1 r itrs iuutLrK' utstamv to its nsi,iKC. The (iolden Fishers, and their rats X'e w York, met. Asthma, Laryngitis, Bronchitis,n. Qunsy nn wise Etoru-v- , nn br tim till" "Six (tcb.ek jhua-.-Text and Consumotion.Drt. j. It is numlnred the 2.th Chnp.. is the may rtmerty tridl will &ive suii rciii:!, ino Llv Jt n' s LutGii Luojjf m the eieimig, Will be told by a dear where al3 other remedies have To Iront i hvott nud Bunji iroub- and contains dsl veises. i.ttjtd Wby vwh you JTERARY NOTES. old Grandma, Margaret Muncy will furj v lion su a l As ipi r meiiy is oftfcd yDU? Lt'rCroup r ,T r a u Is a clumsy forgery; and r, rB' ,!Fr5 .trd cpeahf-t- liie 'Iar nisi, n , 'nrusing story, Jias WlNfc. nt IjaUyi isxvhfn ,ii abs iute iif' Uy , jS j -v"i "'u sutrs unm u tie rebel are socleutly Monkish IS 72 bjcr i.znr' eri M, juH'ilGE AND HIE j'JItfiG.x, In a'iditi'-- to the many new attrac 1on i lelav Wj.j JuiSitD 3'Kl y can J Lroat 'iroulaia. to run tlmmgh the yier. lb v. C. M. and Medknal that no oik need hfs twn;; which Die publishr of Lipubu-oft'Step that Bad Cold I Step that Csughl Li v iug.st. n u a i tell rMuriiS'it bern s. t as fab to Mavame itate reject the Chapter a 1 hstd :ut( iry, and ''i.rmt are nJlmg during boe B realise the sm thiiix efirt 'f k II " (L.sot Un. J, ii Fivve opic, pla'-eacoming j car. they ha'-- decided to lower invenf ions, boks Mv.Lt anL Tak Wjne Ia no Iim anUtnl e si! aonnun rication. Be a regular confrib- of sis woudcrfulbsoothttjg ari'i ach.it'ee to ht all tiie X. T. there is not a the price to such a sum. us will place it iluntii.gto:: ''ill .m Trial Bottk. i.t'tivg 2s rents r,ir.CwJ us .irt'i"1, take reach of all, and ffuni Junu utor during tlie year. Pansy i,verv dealt r lri hf within the spxi r. uli h zc tiiesn for them to u they ha .e mt Bleasc dj?pn ns a parallel to tin- miracles relating to ary, , sli with wherever reader her the be will a I'm outtest. But 2t, cent Size win ne convInCCJ of trt fubecriptiou Lvery gis, will the n.iracalous he recurve beneats fiuui Pontius Pilot, said to have ooemred year. taking in pupemi under the title of Cr. J, H. Kdesii's Tar Wir.s lung Balm. I WENT. AND WilAT SAW. WHERE or? Urn- border of Lake Lucerne; is Wipe Awakk beautifully illustrated, bTe a cold j tiis head, itckbng m the nose, fonad T a ere will be. in each number, a selecw hen Paul comei toMt Pontius Pilot 'ind tiirthU you Lave Catarrh; pet a Bo of JK. J. Jt.Mc notably nenrii'1 ' and practical, and at tion from our best taw Catakuh imvhR.and use r once a oaNbtSiob h Dn. standard poeU mit . Jl. Ml Lea.. a orient guslms u? of the Mount the tame time womb rf ally entertaming. ISi,L:s to tseai your umijr Tar ic 4 able for recitation in and in? gs or rirrh. ur.d warie-- Ids Pilot' hod v into Thf Panpy is equally charming and Fiorn time Price of Trial Bottlssi 25 Bents F.ach. t.; time ccilo-picJ tan Send lisero on'y rv Jbyprcs. Itw.Lyou wut &cuaonetwj go, the Lake, 'then Paul piays for i"a Mutable for week day and Sunday readi- Bauds, or for genera! cho-i- exercises, or that amount in jbwupc u02.cu. sci:g you t.s.,j, i lum'e whiLb ngcontain vx tiauftas much iwthcsefnt biiU'i there unto nations. Will v. Thereaii be will dlLi ir.. m ai.i appear. sjga f .exit botti Or w Ivuiii'S f was a great earthquake nul the Ora Littlk Mfn and Women is most tereetinc books for the momlrtrsot the Taxq fci , let if!ti bang Dr. J. H Mdj Iar Irm and us before, a generous Pass. form of h hike was changed ami a.hnirablc for the youngest readers. be to H. devoted wilt to answers corMcLEANt Dr, J. space Baht land never fails to carry delight became dike onto the Son of man & Rxlitte Sts., St. or, timid Mo,.rr'j!fkti-- r cif , 1 . i 1H v4 k, .' 1 Way-Woo- Amt-nea- d 1 I . -- i . I- I "1 1 tin-cr- 1 t lh-..- pois-oning- , H Loj-- t . d3T!', tf - i 1 1 - I . .1 T 1 ; 11 wr-I- f s. J) 1 Ii- N;-- 0 1 V i 1 $ -- J L. t. : suc-ccse- Law-Jl.Ai- i ful .? Pc. o- -, a, C sK Anti-Polygam- y .Nl, ( .1 b 5 l.riUi'j-,reM-- eJ i ks ) R- 1 ii'u t j. 1 ii t, 'I'ui-c- - 3i ! r S-- . lhre-n,L,- j - i. J 1) ( . lhnt ! -- f b. , 1 Pai-tor- a STUDEBAKEIi Builders . uj Spring aad. I TV Wagons. g S,- JT1' cKi.vi s i oiu-thinkin- )& ; v r.-.- H s di'-CuV- ', bo-- . T w T- 1 s - & vK & lSt-G- - - 1 f sch-K- ( s l G . -- I eft1- ! Vnumrifr uruin A Uoukii-i- i ; Tirbfs-j1- m '4t f mst W rs & -- i M, uKb i lav; . . Jnn b.lL lanouio ,3 ?!; i liitirieicv in tlu United States, tab ulated bv an authorized smtisrH- M U 'ill knu v.( lj icliaLle is ami . dear. It at When the author theorizes he in A the real dicr.tes his ccuditicn of mPv.ts ia Lth, On K c, v. i , igr.'-ranc- respondents in the P. the babies and rest to the mamas. a GoD. Loxiiuop Joiixftu.ns Journal for October 17 has the foilo'ving ilhistratod articles: The Hare. ;in Commumty of F.nmnmy, New Tiuk Daecttu fiirra ne ; fa j j William (ramp, the bLq builder; I Vi.kr.' (kirno; '( "oon arid Possum Hunting in V,5j.inG; and ElPCtri&tl Engineering a Pr.f."k':a Fuck of thdepann.eiits of Rnecdoti. current literature, . tAGuts huzner, h "'dl The payor ri pubbfthoi at s;m urrav street.. New York, every other week. It- in eix-t-rare. sDe of iV7 and Life, and P'lbl-Ync- fatdv. Illiteracy and Mormcu.uri," by Henry Randall Waite, PL. I). 1$ 0 bv d j go-ri- aii repro-'eated- - cn Add C Conier. hutiij inudmiM uttl.u 1 iho a ipnr - 3-- S, , D. )T! I It: P A GO, Publishers. Franklin and Hawley sirems. iWi.m.i. 1 P---. Com ul .m t, be fsrc to J. II. MJLj.amS Homr'o-F'f'wi- C Liv&a ANfiihvosyv Vm ukTS, 1 Lev a'eimailmvd cwrrt ms. aoa oue i$ soivient l it rehe'e tue cv,Viita, 1 r tEcm ; a rusk i.t cy mziu II. M; LEAK. Mtlhc. i Talked to Death, t n oi pla:!e for summer's re- ersati m in of less importan'e to you, Mr. Caudle than the purifying ol your Mock! Yon ye been revered Vr it ti tolls and blotches pH thfe sprirg'Bness yon know - ( - i.o-.-- J. Mdeaas Wssdsrful Strengthening Cordial. Thovas s Iivrrr btjBe et.p-- ot H M ar Wine Co axr. us. Uk, th- -t Xr f.- - overused h I,r" ILii' 55 .r:c forccjehs and Jy rr' j, i.i would not be wtLut it If it cost fO a bottle If vou arc t u&'crt InumiS ot af3ictcd with Lr'cr cr Kidney H. Or. orders to re,-- s - i WHAT THE DOCTORS SAY Ha. ! ir ne Cg-lb- - -- l-ps- .&& -- 5. .5.. I W. Scorr. Matson W is .writes'PleasesKd '1 dozen nLDr. J. H M it iv. Iunig Halm. 1 consider it Ue Less cvre ami jr- L.e wm-4was o bad tiitt I My feieepdav or ana it mls cutc me iy R M. T t wntet nc r ibA he n'i p, "h- ye r T atr l.Aioe for a5I Threat I cm hiss heiew th mx bouc iar er.e dch?r for which plesa. k& n MiCtiit ,J 'i M . A . wmmm1 M - 1 1 |