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Show UTAH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, lem m England. in German . it can and will do aay where. We hat o alwaj s got m I fah just about wi at vx epe ted. When we look for small Illinois we get small things. SALT LABE CITY, UTAH. ho strong lias teen the impression APRIL, 18SL (lint if - ie, xin ires an inurifflsp amount Fntf'icd ,U tbfc Salt Lake it 1ost Oft1 re of work to accomplish y little that sis second cl it luatAs, we hare gone on dung an immense ScTiuff amount cf work expecting only a M. Nebon. little and we have received all our (I. M. Jufrey, feeble faith has grasped. It is W. Lincoln. time for us and for the whole C omnntter Timm. church to pray for and expert OiiC Cut ili 3td alls greater inmgs in Utah. That ncnic Clubs of 5 or more may b reached and saved in Utah Any xrs r gelling un a, dub jil re e:vc has been practically demonstrated. a copy free. ubbcnptic ns may begin at any Some of our preachers have held time. revival meetings :n Mormon towns, For alei Using rates apply to tin of the UTu Ciuustiak Act and their effects have been blessed Salt Lake Cite. Office Methodist w;tb good results. The late revival Moiti f'hitrnh twl VirYiif!' in Salt La ke City is another proofed to f this Ain Xner (in be ilUU.at 3 Extra build up a spirit had at iLe rare til AO cts. a uu, tu These things are but an earnest of Address all communications to the the great victory th church will Publishing Committee Utah Chris- achieve in this Territory ere long. tian Advoi a i in, Salt Lake City. Look for, pi ay for, work for, it It OUght bplkve for, be Tlio Aw. oo iTE may Bo ioimd on Lit vill come, to come, it only Bus eaue, g Aduatiji.i following strong and of good com age, turn L, s. F. 1L re li & Co. (10 Spruce Street N. not to the light hand imr to the AT Ldv in Allen & Bro. N. W. Cur 5t & . Vine Sts, Cin, O. Lord & Thomas, MeOonii-- i left. Be not afi ail neither dlicourag-eiI will be with thee I will not fail k tilK k Cliic igo. T. (J. El ans, S94. Wash40 5 ,V boston. iVlmer St. Rev, ington thee nor forsake thee. Sansome St. San JTancifaco. N. W, Avu & Conditions of Success. First the Son. Times biuld'ng Philadelphia missionaries must be men of one work. Most of the ministers here Revival Work In Utah have been uuh&cu to spe.ui lieu-timin the schools because of the The opinion has long prevailed with some that the Utah work is of difficulty in semiring suitable This school work resuch a nature and the difficulties so teachers. great that revivals to any great quires one's time and attention ax-- nt are not to be expected. That from six to ten hours a day, exthe woik is difficult no one will hausts his energies, his time and his deny wiio is acquainted V ith the strength; besides this he must be condition of things, and so great preacher, pastor, Janitor etc. rm l die ike .difficulties iliat uu natural Lilia LcUi. iiUu qc U .OiLO ? LUa.4 or ordinary forces can overcome lecting seme important duties or them. But revivals have occurred breaking down after a few years, The at times when, and at places where, preacher has no business in the He has other duties the difficulties have been as great, schoolroom. and the history of the church if properly attended to tin i will be a CTt Ak finii lb a ? Aird ( h o th AAAiiAtiLi. OHUUO tliO kai iUiLU sufficierd tax upon his time and to overcome, the greater and more strength. His ministerial and passweeping the reform when it came. toral work is oi more import ance The work here is testing the church than the imparting of secular knowalmost to i ts last point of endurance, ledge It is true the schools are bul this testing is developing its important as auxiliaries to the great faith and thus preparing the way work and they should be supplied of tire Lord, for, this is the victory with earnest dins Han teachers and that overcometh, even our faith, well sustained every way. Second. Another condition of How coul-- Christian endeavor be more unpromising than Jerusalem suci ess is a thorough spiritual A. just after Christ hadbenciucffied, preparation of the pies they Pentecostal baptism upon our .. elmnlrl hearts would give us a penterodal urooi . e. r a j. v e W j i i ju j t r)f ll aj hm o rtf n j rar,'tty7(5m levin! Breadline- Firim. tead)-ing- , ,i w and heard work will all go for Here Jew and Gentile, Pharisee, SaJneee and lleiodian, chief priest nothing if iheie is no Holy Ghost and Plebnn, Sanhedrim and the m it. Gcd wants men linen with mob had consented to his death. his ewn Spirit to Fad a gieat reHere the accused eai Eli dunk in his formation in Utah Will we be the has blood. Here the maddened popu - men' Tin mechanic, be he ever so $Ual ahmale. Clmstian X missionary sai-rlfh- 55rii are interested in their spiritual welfare. Otw work on the circuit is progressing, perhaps as well as we could reasonably expect. We thank God for giving ua strength sulutleui to prosecute the work In looking over the field we have reason to be hopeful, and we daily th; courage. Francis BrocK, Pastor. A Al tJ crscy 'V VfUU J Mount Pleasant W and Maryland. Is nearly twice as as large as the state of New Y ork. Is about as laige a i both the states of Pennsylvania and Ohio. Moreover, it is a pari of our own nation, and the lore of country ought to combine with the lore of Christ in the heart of 'every Christian man to do his utmost for the Lord here. If neither of these motives move us, the law cf sdf preser cation should call forth earnest efforts for the redemption of Utah. Let there he T ill AOA of the rrvvj i readers Advocate know a little abui.t our wrerk here in Mr, Pleasant, and I am glad I can tell you good news. Brother Franklin returned from his tiq to the Bast the last of March, Tie. with Brother Anderson, who has been holding meetings, in Ephram and Manti for two weeks, at once commenced a series of meetings at this place. The attendance has been very good, n Maif AOv Irtf fli A nAiVa b( than wifid be expected con. better MUtlxLoiU in be extended year by year until sidering the stormy weather and corner of this of the year. Sunday evenings every great Territory time - d e e in climate, iltoli is tli9 Under territory in the Union. normal conditions it would soon be a populous, prosperous state. But Mormouism has obtained a fact-holand become strongly intrenched, and the history of all false that it will require religions a long pei rod xo overcome it. The one who has not investigated the progress of Christian work in Utah will be surprised at the results, both direct and indirect. To the careful observer the indirect results will apnear far iikhh astonishing than the direct. As we go over the statioiics of the church and school work we may not be inpresedthat any great amount of work has been done, but these reveal but a little of tbe real work, especially of the schools. It is well understood that education found but little favor with the early Mormon leaders in Utah. That for 20 years after the first settlers came, little or nothing WA3 done in the way of general education. About tnat time However came the missionaries establishing Christian schools. Almost at once a beginning was made looking toward public schools. Strangely enough the best Mormon schools were established in the same localities as the mission schools. The r s, . number Willing undertaking be kept before the pub- make and to work on amid lic if sympathy with it is to be kept discouragements. The Christianalive in the hearts of the people, ization of Utah must be brought Tnere must be line upon line and niboiit !by the ejpfori o s.11 the precept upon precept; here a churches and the Methodist church IHtle and there a little. must be ia.Iy alwMys to do her As Borne was not built in a day, share. neither can Utah be redeemed in a It is difficult for thoe in the far day. MoimouLm is rooted In the East to realize the extent and con very soil. You feel its influence eequently the importance of Utah, evei where. In natural resources Thu Territory is as largo as all New Pubusls-ng.CiraimU- Ni'Wb-.ipt- in Utah, V W 1 Frisco is fifty miles from Beaver; Utah, that the Methodist church does more work for ike amount of is also on B. K. We have at this money invested than any other place a society of ten members and The character and needs of the denomination. We need and ought an interesting Sabbath School woik in Utah have been j seated to have a deal more money superintended by Miss Williams a great so uften amt in Su many ways that for cur werk. member of our chare ii. the one who would bung for til UoWA Wo ernull mtllJOTinwA U- - it The next is more workpr t t j Jd. i A4jv41MqU new on this subject may need men and women as preachers no church, Nearly every family-ianything well despair of the undertaking. and teachers who are the camp has been visited; a willing to do Still It is necessary that any great earnest to work. Work and Wants Method!14 I -- .. ot-- r 4l ? lU VX tUO Ufitli full and free salvation, shall be proclaimed bv Methodist ministers. Beaver and Frisco Circuit em- jLes.Vcr County3and has four , i r. uuunus J3 3 l Ttr iriAiiA, dis-luxuan- ce Methodism In Beaver County. JLJZ!ir tTly aj.;IULXiiUiClhi3 - uried LU&3 the exception of an occasional by a few rude anu thoughtless boys, good order has prevailed. A deep religious feeling has been manifested at all the meetings and the spirit of God is mightily at vv oik among tne people. As this is a Scandinavian mission the preachiner has boon almost-whollin the Norwegian language, and it is regarded especially by the older people as a great privilege to have the gospel preached in their language. Mt. Pleasant has a pop- A. W. A. 1 1- -t- lU a. LAUtri U3pt31 Minersvilie, Milford, and Frisco, with Beaver as Iread quarters. There are several other places in the County, principally mining camps, that Lave given invitation ulation of about three thousand A lief Afl a n irAfc1 if f XJX. X'XMtiiavuii3i; the want of time Lave not been inhabitants of whom the maj'ority are Scandinavians. fH r tt? or f nrl f i o IQ J' fidmo tliitiiAtieii-sw(.uuwiitifa tu school is prospering Our this day. JN'ot that there are rm twro hundred and ten miles south of finely. day The spring term opened Mormon schools where there are Salt Lake City, and thirfcjqfive miles on the 7th of April. The attendance no mission schools, but their best south of the Utah Central K. B; is not as yet good as last term but reboots are where they must come has a porrulation of about twenty-fiv- e we expect that all the scholars will We hundred, of which some three return when the in competition with ours. spring work is are rarndbj compelling (hem to or four hundred are Non Mormons. done. In addition to their other :hamtain good sclooole. Their With the exception of the Mormon, studies quite a number of the peheyopposes education. This we the Methodist is the only Church scholars arc-- also studying the Scanwouldput down as one of the in- in the place, dinavian language. This field of Methodism v, as planted in Beaver direct residua of our woik. labor is truly great and the Lord At the same lime it makes ten years ago by the Kev. C. Smith. will richly bless ail who contribute r , A ib IU.LA mot i'aOLUlUlU it. our own woik inoie difficult. This U rA wmlf to advance the kingdom of God 1 believe that Bev. G. M. Pierce may seem somewhat paradoxical, this deceived people. among and yet it is tiue. We cannot, of preached the first Meilmdist ser- While yon send up your offerings mon. At that time a small room course, secuie children from pray much tor us, that everything families in our rehoMs if they v?as used for preaching. Sabbath may be done ro the glory of God have schools of their own that are school, and day s hut. Now we and the salvation of pierious souls. as good as om. Our only chance have a good church and school in Ykiurs Christ lute cuied An t not dutha itunslf is to make ou on n schools better, building centrally located, and Lisa M, Saugstad. h cam ad baie." In no place was and so make it to their advantage all the sermons are well pafmniW. Mount Pleasant, April 18; 1884. Jesus mre hated and his religion to patronize us That this state of The day school continues Tiiire more despi ed. In no place were public opinion has been brought months in the year. Press ant the people more v cdd u to their powers uuicKenea eneroseu hvs- Extensive Art Gallery. We are However piores a erv Weil- - j voliment seventy six. it tim Soil Horn iLa cu honored th Yv'cidmu' wss the Jain Xi the LiliJe, no book n moxe Holy to long j helj ed ed advaui Bat the .lhr.i rery much In mrefffg tli.m ,t V( b toils. Du tioij.uy, Tbt Una-- i Jew (. tire oil moult ritual, yet e like a two alee i avoid idling a line clioir of young people, some by !s is rii)"( ci ml ai (jolh this rei the pla.o .li' it they rcr? on the light and on the left. Gur nj containing of whom rue menJiHi of iffr churi h. om i tbri o thoiismiin i mrravmgs. rppreent-'- i the woik U Lard H. I,, i I is diffff uh to beuin n- iH'Jii" Je-u- s r alnui-- t It L with plea suit, also, thitrze fiiy ;mps,xl, i 1. foi but i! tii of re vehave tia iiiiiilf Ha, j: Lulterer) ciiiiqr. achnownvLre the asiUaii-mnit, plot, (tv., whkli wo Rnov of i i ,s ii ,i tst Imr u v , "rv mg ,.HmolT'ly a light t j expat a preial :ep,aa- place n in dre Twre, Ast-o- late JiuJi (if kljtlung .iboiit, on iiilonn.il .ilino1! ion ' li'uitv "Hilo v, 'id i iKv. M'y t.) idif tia,asj j( ill put to d llli the;, penile-man- . v. Lial, and a noble (Lii-fLf r.J.LH .. I Jv. J IW re V(ta it HrKtttU liar tin if i1 t -i la- iis, i Uidt lie nio-iL it i, l ii mob :v such i ( mjnwduni i. Ar I we LuiM-- i of htn 1hi I nun k kji iu our I, niuf. The Miners! ilk o have i ,, r t feir be h, jr i m evirn J)iniTioi ti.o the nio-vvmia im- - , ina ami n rda.re re t;Aup oi ih Ir, dai iatke ( bii.' n Wthtlor no,! in !1 ' tines ( d Jh tn' widi Ci)rj i pa LinJi i ' tne jj, g , Bon i LaMe. oOunv Lur, lloisc, a Ol X IO lit ,, i el .ily I It, ' ! tLrnu 'j v, vre, c,, urmieel- pi ivueue ru ure school louh" winch i r inhhnrj piijO n i t Hue In p-n,i. sbinait them, tT an 'inff 13).1) oi lie! tl!)d roice u In p (jip, rt npl ers is smalt and inconvenient, consiae J 3 j ivor i md terms f r b tier (Ian of t (O' iv') uo ess Gru furmei Fcii, ii re u;i anu t Oe m a,si i tliu l a,. attend cpIto mg the number ilia os x . i m Ik !piiin ; v..ue t in ji tion tha thing, abovi nil (oi, in riu fl"- -l nill Hkiihrnr ' !i!f rjj JVC, rffie v hi at 1 , v oid. 'llsliX Cve ?. ip fjo-- i Brever ,ad oa lie and hnv e Jm b' or , .qdng mi'l- - gre it tL.r.g-- viii L s Bit u( ha o no budumg but lire ion-- i ii.e C i a. I imauiiMiieli rdn.g r cui f nt d a verv r,h-- li! tie ioors. ; ml a.-- t t. r m (' di '' fM ib people lure give vs very gieir La t f a t h so 1 , no se Tire school h enr oaiagenu id to tabu reifam i j j l ev i hie hn'M'iigs, av Hrema .Lhe Momofi'-Lono f hnioli towtlar pt, is i u! H - d fi : s nuarh ' 1 the aodhold meetings only or--i aIonalt 1 nil V OIlT in yH'JX, I men: whh h I M osn.uaid w hi wf W i i i( m ar. 1 as w e hare a snu-luretv. tin x.'tL airuv. Who coujg. f the Bid. PisM- - h x swuejiicg reform e i V- an treed i4 ivi untie ok utureju poCfj, encoifmging. hope 1 iie Aio h iui o i ' ii i It jo ('(iTiiJrP (W Ua"l the next year to be able to up' n the p re a that rlrey mgai.sea the-- " and o rcone encourif-mbail lings nil day then '"li P sr hool'at this Jat e,as tne are , H you want to keep posted about peojde rr B w at. inr a,ul ' UJHIL It is ).' teller tiorx upon fire ashing for a school, ird romise J BjoksBiaks erengehonl Mission work in Utah ev ii 'I It nmli i yrv kiKrt Laa done in.Imsa- Wliat the Oi X uom by oihei diurrheu. u , txX 'SsiLmtf.uat, , u a m help to utst-rocure subscribe for the Advocate. ! (kAACJ mis-ionarie- , V v ( f TT Tra-- b. . - Cll LJAA. Moi-mo- y AX r C IA A. A. 1 n en-aOo- ur 1 - in-ci- -- pi-s.J c -- t 1 f ai 1 1 y v. 5 1 11 1 JU !- i j . , - I 1 1 i -- ! ! - ( . j I'itTPii-tior- ( x ! ! p . j 1 i inu. ! i i 1 ( i 1 f - s ( -t !) ii-- i 1 - i ! 1 . j 1 j u f 1 1 - I s 1 1 j - -- ! -- i. l ( I ? , i r 1 i - n V |