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Show THE UINTAH BASIN FARMER : Prevention, Control - l and Eradication of Dodder . 1 S mt: m t - , --3 4 H'raGEGuj. By E. L. MORRILL. Bed you do need the Maytag the only icasher operated by its own built-i- n Gasoline Engine the. ..introduction, of the. farm, is far easier than eradication after it once gets Preventing dodder- - on- started. erted. ,tQ Great, care should he in homes without elec WOMEN have to put up with but on washday they can have the very best washday service in the world the Maytag Gyrafoam Washer. This is available through the famous Maytag r the sturdiest, most economical, most dependable fractional horsepower gasoline motor ever de- ex- avoid, sowing dodder-infecte- d seed,t and to protect dodder free" fields from being invaded by animals that feed upon dodder-infeste- d . J . . . areas, J)odrier should never he permitted to grovron head ditches, and waste ditches ito fruit and transport its seeds1 by running waters - Infected manure should be carefhlfy fcompos-ite- d i . r , . before being applied on fields. method dodder seed by utilizing heat has lately bfea tjdyised in Europe, whereby infested seed is heated Id .that .will kiii dodder, but will riot harm alfalfa seed. This method ha not .been efficiently developed, however, t to be' generally recommended as yet. Whmi dodder' does gain a hold cji the farm, awell planned, intelligent system of attack should he promptly formulated and conscientiously followed. It f is of special importance to prevent dodder from seed. maturing J? Eradication, in Small Areas, As soon as small scattered patches of dodder begin to show, work should begin immediately to destroy the plant before seed matures. In a. large field these patches usually cant be located best from the back horse. The patches should be dut close to the ground rtnd'- - burned ritjonce to avoid scattering tbs tiny Multi-Moto- veloped. The Powerful Maytag Multi-Mot- handles the heaviest washings with perfect ease. The washer is easily moved about, and starts with a flip of the foot lever. . . tendrils in moving, These patches may be cut close to the ground with a scythe,1 or else Straw may be burned over them. Another effective method is to kill t&ei vegetation by sprinkling the spots with kerosene oil or crude oil. Using a common sprinkling can. L.Whicheter fmeiboTf is 'used, ft should always be followed, by repeated hoeing of the1 srirface of the infested soil to induce, germination and kill seedlings. It is important to inspect the treated areas frequently-to see that all the dodder has been killed. Burning not only kills thb dodder plants hut .also Aids the 4 i seed on the ground.1i Eradication in Large Areas, i It is very important to attack the dodder before visible, serid has been Dodder frequently maformed. tures seed after the crop upon which it is growing has, been. cut; therefore clover or alfalfa infested with dodder should be cut before the flower of the pest opens. Allowing the field to he closely grazed by sheep is an effectivemeth. cd .of keeping down the spread of dodder, but care must be exercised under this practice to not permit weeds to grow ori' which the dodder Will still fruit. Plowing the crop under sas a green manure builds up a healthy of soil and prevents the adis method this the, pest when The menace ministered properly. df- - allowing dodder to go to seed is due to the fact that the seed remains viable for five to six years. Where dodders has Jeen allowed, to go to seed in large areas the entire crop qf tolfalf;a 1 and dodder Should be mowed andr burned 'to kill both the plant and the seed on the ground. t M , On land known to be full of dodder! seeds the most practical method 4f 'procedure would be to use a five year cropping system, consisting j - on-slau- ; , or And no electric washer in the world even including the electrically-operate- d Maytag Gyrafoam will wash any faster, or wash any cleaner, or bring a single bit more 9 Outstanding Maytag Features 1 Washes faster. 2 Washes cleaner. 3 Largest hourly capacity in rise world." 4 Most- compact washer made takes doorspace ody 25 inches - Tub cleans it- self. metal All square. S Cast aluminum tu b c a warp, rot, swell, split or corrode. Self wringer. nt 9 Youve never seen anything like the Maytag for speed, thoroughness and convenience there s never keen cny thing like it. Its new! new in its design new in its exclusive Gyrafoam principle years and years ahead. Think what it does! Washes a whole tub of clothes in 3 to 7 minutes. Washes 50 lbs. of dry clothes an hour actually tpvjce tji? quantity other washers will do. Washes everything from dainty silk pieces to heavy woolens, blankets and work clothes. Washes so thoroughly clean that no hand rubbing is necessary. And then the- - tub cleans itself in 6 Easily adjusted to your height. 7 Clothes can be put in or taken out with the washer running. 8 adjusting. In- stant tension release. helpfulness. all-arou- nd . Reasons for World Leadership . .1 . . . I t -- 30 seconds Its the Miracle of 'Monday!' See for yourself try the Multi-Mot- or right in your own home without any or nmnsm obligation whatever, next washday any day. You dont need a separate engine to operate it it has its own built-i- n power plant. . Do your whole wash with it. Then if it docsn t SELL ITSELF, dont keep it. i The Multi-Mot- or is t wffiimtta .i mod thejturJiestp fractional - , mod dependable hors&ouxr gasoline motor tear developed economical, VERNAL CONFECTIONERY Maytag headquarters Telephone Vernal 103 of plants Immune to the attack oft the pest, such as cow peas, field peas, corn and smalt grain (oats, It Is most) barley fend wheat.) economical however to fight the pest; when the first spots appear, by fire or oil sprays. Chemical sprays applied are: So-Iction of iron sulfate (15 per cent), Cu SOI (5 per cent) sulfuric acid for Duchesne VERNAL, We have a and Uintah Counties. close to your Maytag, representative home. Drop us. a card and we, will have him call on you. UTAH A well planned system of attack part epne. to 200 H20). salt, be promptly formulated by-alshould Na No. and 3, cyude carbolic acid, wide awake farmers 'rind a vigil These, however, are too K S04. campaign waged against al expensive to be praetial and the falfas most pressing, rival dodder; cost of applying makes these sprays Cultural methods uneconomical. Send in $1.00 for 2 years sub-jare tenon? efficient if properly administered and have an additional scription to THE UINTAH BASTO FARMER and receive' Star' ' Com value, that pays, the cost ct culti- btnatiou . Can Opeuer Free. vation. (1, t l s j , , |