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Show THE UINTAH BASIN' FARMER 7 Devoted to the Livestock Industry of the Great Uintah Basin When finding stray stock refer to THE UINTAH BASIN FARMER Brand Page and notify owners of their critters. You will be doing them a service. DAVID KARREN & SONS REX L. GARDNER Vernal, Utah Youghal, Colo. Neola, Utah iar VP on either side. Ear Marks: On right hip. No ear marks. Indcrslope in both ears. AV. L. FLETCHER FLOYD E. LAMB R. F. D. No. 1, Vernal, Utah My ton, Utah On right hip. UnSlit in right. side. ou left Earmarks, tip off left derbit in left. I standard. MAKE UINTAH BASIN DAIRY ear; under half cropped, upper half BUSINESS BIGGER, BETTER In the dairy sections of Oregon tipped on right. H. L. ALLRED AND MORE PROFITABLE and Washington are many herds Roosevelt, Utah w. h. oaks which run far above that Ague. One jrpg R. F. D. No. 1, Box 63, Vernal, on right ribs. Tag in right ear. herd of 15 cows near Independence, (By Edward T. Barber) a Utah record of 765 pounds Oregon, has As the mother of prosperity the butter Vernal, Utah Underbit in both ears. ocw for the past year. On left ribs. fat per cow has already taken a commandJOHN N. DAVIS AND SONS Have no fear of overdoing the On left ribs. RAY GARDNER ing position in the Uintah Basin, Crop upper bit, right. business. Measured from dairy the onannual second in and slit in left. Utah output ranking Crop Upper slope, Hayden, gross returns the past year it stands unuer off left. under slit in right. ly to the alfalfa seed business. Crop in bit ear. right in second the Uniindustries of the The gross output for the current season is estimated by best author- ted States, with $2, 944, 0S6, 130. 00 D. R. PRICE 5JS1 J. F. CHAPMAN It is exceeded only 9JH ities as around six million dollars. to its credit. Utah Bluebell, Vernal, Utah bituminous the coal business W Large as this income is it is but a by addle on nose. On left hip. On left shoulder which in returns produced gross small fraction of what it is desEar Swallow Mark: fork in each $3,642,250,560.00. tined to become. RORT. H. C. MARCHANT ear. So when the dairyman is asked The speed at which the dairy busIoka, Utah iness reaches its maximum in the in what business he is engaged he on left ribs , GEORGE DUDLEY, Uintah Basin depends entirely upon may truthfully say BIG BUSINESS, Upper and under slit in right and Randlett, Utah the speed at which the great mass the second largest business in the under half crop in left. and On left ribs of the dairymen of the Basin adopt United States. thigh. No earmarks. the methods and practices of the Furthermore, the records show C. A. ERICKSON GEORGE A. S LAUGH dairymen of the most successful and that during the past ten years the Boneta, Utah use of the of milk milk sections and has prosperous dairy Vernal, Utah. products on right ribs. increased 30 per cent or about live Square Red 495 country. Fhone crop, left under half crop Two essential factors enter into times as fast as the population of and under in slope right ear. the development of Uintah Basin the United States has increased. F. B. COLLINS No. 1, Vernal, Utah. R. D dairying to its maximum of profit- This is due in large measure to the F. F. H. SMITH able returns which will place it as educational campaign in our public side.' left uu D. R. F. No. 1, Vernal, Utah schools regarding the food value of the biggest business in the Basin in Slit swallow fork in right left; inAV. II. BOWDEN milk and largely also to the production and markets. of in use cow of methods Utah creased Hill Creek, Ouray, Utah The average dairy sanitary W. s. PERRY produces 140 pounds of butter fat handling the milk. t,ur Mark: Upper and under nait At an avearge price of Lapoint, Utah in left and upper and under bit in per year. The average cost of keeping a cow 40 cents this brings an income of in the Uintah Basin will run around On both shoulders. right. but $56. It is evident that the $50 per year. The average cow G. H. SOUTHAM & SONS road to success lies through in- producing but 140 pounds oi butter PJfl JOSEPH ENGBERSON feSSa This cow. the R. F. D. No. 2, Vernal, Utah output per creasing .fat which sells at 40 dents per Vernal, Utah desirable result is easily within the pound produces but $56 worth. If On left ribs. Three underbits left. On right ribs. Crop off right ear. reach of every dairyman who is a the market price drops a few cents Hole in richt. Those who are not the average dairyman begins to quit real dairyman. IVEN G. ROSS B. A. KIMBALL temperamentally adapted to the milking and the creameries run Tridell, Utah dairy busines had better try some short of cream. Neola, Utah On left ribs. Crop upper and unother line of effort. Please observe that the market Underbit right ear. hole in left. derbit right, In the best dairy sections of the price of butter fat is but a small country the standard dairy cow is factor in the profits of the dairyWILLIAM ZOAVE EATON BROS. Had his cow produced 500 required to produce not less than man. Vernal, Utah Myton, Utah 500 pounds of butter fat per year. pounds instead of 140 pounds his On on ribs. Under left Slit in right ear. or ribs, light right hip To those who are used to milking returns at 40 cents would have been ear. in each half crop cows $200 instead of a measly $56. SupAV. s. NICHOIiSON just ordinary scrub or rangeis withthis seems rather high but it the price had been as high as pose Phone HUGH BARNES Crescent, Roosevelt, Utah in the reach of every dairyman in a dollar a pound his 140 pound cow Utah On left ribs. Neola, Large bit in upper the Uintah Basin if he goes after would have brought him but $140 On left Ear right and left. and left ribs. hips it right. whue the 500 pound cow would have Two methods are at hand. Both (returned $500, a difference of $360. Mark: Split in each ear. ALBERT STEPHENSON of enough demand A stable A markets. word about Duchesne, Utah R. M. CLARK dairymen to make the results pos- j market is reached only through a in Underbit Utah Cedarview, right, swallow fork and One of these is through a sible. in sufficient quanin underbit left. product quality or hind quarter, hip thigh. cow testing association, the other In On left to supply ia large demand. tity ear. in left Tag LOUIS FREESTONE through a bull association. other words a world market. Lewis county, Washington, is the FIx NoVernal. Utah lSlRAt Chehalis, Washington, is locatHYF.UM RASMUSSEN center of a dairying business. Some on Waddle owned right jaw. by creamery Vernal, Utah 500 farmers there constitute the ed a A careful 1250 farmers who milk an average On right ribs. slit off cow testing association, right, Crop IRVIN EATON This of 10 cows each, or 12,500 cows and undcrslope in left. record is kept of each cow. A'ernal, Utah cost $275,000. Their plant is checked up once a month by a daily. and On powcheese ribs. Under half crop make right L. E. POTTER skilled expert under direction of the They milk. butter, sevin one ear. of each is but This dered PullMj ton, Utah State Agricultural college at creameries in 7 (Seven.) man. In two yeras this association en such side. Under left On L. McNAUGIITON have a separate section. They that the by eliminating the which Vernal. Utah employs 6ales JENSEN CHIUS corporation cows, increased the average income can buy on left side. Ear that money salesmen rod) best Utah (Lightning cent 49 Neola, per of its entire membership Sefrom load ears. both Mark: off the ship by Crops ship They used. side. feed cost of Oii the entire right based upon on In conjunction with the cow test- attle to practically every country earth. ing association should go the bull theA half mile from the erv at Chehalis stabalizing the mar- DAIRYMEN will turn the trick. demon been has It association. A sucevful dairv business reof a plant creamery at Chehalis is ket for them. These smaller creamstrated by authentic experiments, the a in bred as uses which pure quires dairyman Carnation people eries probably use as many cows as charge as much as it requires that by using a pure bred sire of This as the cows pur" at Che- bred cows and sires at the head of the proper strain, a cow producing tnany rows in that vicinity the two large institutions 500 pounds of butter fat per year makes 25,000 institutions. of the herd. circle halis so that within that for these two mav be nroduced from AVhy not try it? 50,000 20 miles radius are some .id 'from an' Within, ! mi- lcows and about 3,000 farmers ordlnarjr scrub cow in live genera- smutlionj creamlM ,,ich dairy make dairying their chief business. co mmunltle- - wouW liecalled most in a bull has Franklin county. Idaho, Is there not a suggestion here for Order Butter Wrappers Now association of 20 dairymen who own huge, uflairs. Conditions of cliowned Uintah Basin? 11 bulls. This association will not ns good here as er! are soil and mate of one but FREE Combination can opener be buy a sire whose mother has a rec-- ; bv Individuals, Feed produced even may there. with every two years subscription to ord of les than 500 pounds butter them will teRIn that ternt ry weie more cheaply. j not operate Thev are fat ntr Better caws, better sires, BETTER The Farmer. cream- that1 It not tor tteblg "iheir to herds n building il 0 B - m P3 0 non-producti- ve co-o- p. ; t - - |