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Show THE UINTAH BASIN FARMER pushing aside the scene that rose before him. What was It he had said to her about not being able to remain? What excuse had he made? He could not recall his words; he know only that Tonia had beckoned him back, and that he was going to her. Magdalena, with all her witcheries, could not hold him. And Magdalena, stung to the soul, had realized that he had only played with her to win back Tonias uncertain fancy. He could see now what he had been too dull to read In the girls pallid, tragic face ; the shame of having been made an Instrument for his vanity ; the that pronounced her wholly unworthy of Luis; the certainty that Tonia would laugh nowt and that the w'hole village would laugh with her. Valencio had followed her as she turned from him to run Into the garden ; he had seen the knife in her hand, had heard her despairing threat ; but even as she spoke he had listened for the laugh that should tell him that her threat was but a Jest ; that he might return, carefree, to his first love. He had listened for the laugh for the laugh Horror seized him and held him rigid. The laugh was ringing all about on, THE BELLS OF FATE child-woma- By CHARLOTTE CANTY ( by Short Story Pub. Co.) the little burro be American doctor, the CHIQUITA, away from the spot where the doctor had left iier. He had sprung from her back with a force that set all her silver as he hastened into the bells .garden, where a crowd of women sobbed and clung about the dead The loveliest of body of Magdalena. the village girls lay with her dagger breast. thrust into her cloud-whit- e Nothing of this Chiquita knew, but she knew the trail over the mountain, for only three days ago she had covered it, carrying the doctor from the big city to the quaint Spanish town Back over the In the deep valley. trail she started, stepping lightly and softly, so softly that only the very rough bits of the road called forth the tinkling music of her bells. But Valencio, crouching beneath the mesquite bushes on the hillside above the house, knew all of the tragedy and more. He had waited, hoping that there might be some mistake; that Magdalena might have struck a blow less true than she threatened. But there was no mistake ; Magdalena was been dead; past tne shame of having tricked by him, played with to rouse the jealousy' of the woman he preheart And his cowards ferred. trembled as he listened to the broken voices from below, for the cry of the moment was, Who Is to tell Luis? Luis would come in from the Rancho de los Cerritos at sunset to spend his Sunday with Magdalena. One Sunday out of each month he came, and it was since his last visit that all of this mischief had been done. Valencio, his narrow face working, cursed Luis and himself and the whimsical Tonia, at whose fickle heels he had danced these two years past. But for her coldness he would not have dreamed of setting up this flirtation ; and surely he would not have selected Magdalena if he had bold thought of Luis. For Luis was cowa was Valencio and fearless, and ard. And Luis was coming even I now he might be riding into the town Valencio crept up the hlUalOe, keeping under the ehade of the hushes, but CXXXXIOOClOOOOOOOOCyDCOOOCXDOO QThe Kitchen Cabinet cooooooooooooooooooooooooo Western Newspaper lt. Every occupation lifts Itself with the enlarging Ilfs of him who practices it. Tbs occupation that will not do that, no man really has a right to occupy hlmaelf about. REFRESHING JELLIED DISHE8 a hundred tinkling, trembling, taking new inflections, but always with that silver quality that had been its charm. He lifted his hands to his head to shut out the sound, bat he could hear it ringing into his brain; the laugh of Magdalena, the child laugh that had been the chief grace of her young . womanhood. An Indian legend dimly came back to him; the story of a man who had been pursued by the dying whispers of the woman he had murdered. Was this to be his punishment to be pursued by the laugh that he had killed? The wild pounding of his heart stopped him. He had been running, sobbing breathlessly in terror of a phantom that ran with him. Spent and exhausted he went down, only to be urged up and on again by the silver tinkle that came to him, now near, now far, but always- witk the bljthe ring that he knew. Overhead SUN-BEAR- S AND CAMELS "I am the ugliest bear In the world except possibly you, said Morris Malay usually known as Morris Sun Bear. And I could say the same of myself, said Maxwell Malay usually known as Maxwell the Ah, said Morris reason why you are almost as ugly as I am, or why I am almost as ugly as you are. Is because we are both brothers. We belong to the same family. Yes, our family Is a hideous one, 'No other family of said Maxwell. NEW SLANG The young salesman placed his sample case on the porch and began genially : How do you do? I should like to Do you have very much caddjlng to you our new corn razor." Introduce up here In the winter? asked a visitor waste your time, reYou neednt cadto a remote Scottish course of Ids die. "Naw, sir. Verra seldom, he re- plied the farmer sharply, an whats city Fer If It lsna snaw then Its more, young fellow, that smart plied. In these .er far wont you and get slang frost, and if It lsna frost It's rain, parts. The next farm you stop -at If It lsna rain Its wind. But supposing Its a fine day, said youd better call a scythe a scythe."Forbes Magazine. the golfer. Then Its generally the Savvbath, bears compares to ours for ugliness. PROOF OF PERVERSITY We are famous for other things, was the gloomy reply. London Post. too, said Morris. What? said Maxwell. All Plana Failed Well, we are the crossest of bears Well, Margaret was sensible In her and when they say, as they do somechoice, anyway. She married the times, Youre as cross' as a bear, Ive homeliest man been told that they had the Malay she could find, one she knew no other s in mind. woman would be running after." We can bark like dogs. We have My dear, havent you heart ? Matoo are bodies Our thick hair. short, rgarets husband eloped last week with small In comparison with our big a blind woman. heads and feet. We have only one head and one Unpretentious body apiece, said Maxwell. The young married couple entered True, agreed Morris, but I was the furniture store. The Young Hubby (bashfully) We talking about all of us the whole came I the from peninwant to look at a bedroom suite for Malay family. sula and so did you. Others of our our new home. The Clerk Yes, sir. Do you want family came from around India somewhere. But I am not worrying about twin beds? The Young Wife (blushing) Oh, them, for I know they will uphold the cross and no I Just a small cradle. name of ugly. heavens, being family Reports say the rye crop Is tne Yes, we are the smallest bears In ever." best In fact, the world, said Maxwell. Round Hole Peg Square doesnt that Just show the "Well, we have a good deal of which to be The Installment salesman was visitof nature when It can perversity man proud. This you railroad the shops. only be used for bread? To tell you the honest truth, said ing fellows tall Slim Johnson, he said, Morris, we have nothing of which to wants a new suit of clothes on time Passing Contract be proud, and a great deal of which Position in affairs of state payments. Is he honest? May oft prove brief though toreesy. Mister, answered the foreman, sol- The salary Isnt overgreat one is the Slim of squarest emnly, And the resignations easy. Hood Hardmen In the roundhouse. Sun-Bea- r, self-contem- pt him, echoing back from rock to rock, Little Smi Graham Bonner Mary mnmjnrmuAurJi umar Union.) (IS, Just jp DADDYS YECJinC PiMYTME When hot food does not appeal. It Is Indeed refreshing to have some cooling mold of Jelly which not only delights the eye but pleases the palate. Is the Jelly Aspic foundation for numberTo less good dishes. make the Jelly add gelatin to a brown or White stock. Brown stock Is made from a shin of beef or beef and veal combined. well-seasone- d Veal bones, coming from a young animal, contain much gelatin, which makes a thick gelatin of Itself without the addition of the commercial gelatin. The liquor In which a chicken Is cooked makes a very choice white Veal and chicken combined 6tock. are often used. The liquor In which fish is cooked may be used as the stock for molded fish. quick aspic may be prepared by dissolving meat extract, or bouillon cubes, one cube for each cupful of water, and one teaspoonful of the extract to one cupful of water and a teaspoonful of gelatin. Canned bouillon may be used. The jelly should be d and stiff enough to hold turned out of the whex Its shape mold. To clarify the stock to make a clear aspic which Is the real aspic, add two slightly beaten eggs and the crushed shells to each quart of stock. Place over the fire and stir slowly the tranquil stars gleamed, and the but constantly until the mixture boils. young moon glided through the velvet Boil ten minutes, remove from the sky, but he saw only the shadow's fire and allow It to stand ten minutes that the moonlight cast, and trembling, to settle. Strain through a cheese cloth. ran from them. He had forgotten Luis. Beating in Peas, Peanut and Olive Salad. Take mocked tones silver peas, one the brain one his cupful of cooked green upon three-fourth- s as all thought of human vengeance cupful of chopped celery, ot a cupful of chopped peanuts, andalla thev mocked all pity for human weariUlend brush, dozen finely minced olives ness. Torn by the thorny a highly on the rough.- the Ingredients and mix with falls many on bruised by Serve salad dressingI stonv seasoned lie would yet Lave counttrail, lettuce. I f A well-seasone- THE UNLUCKY CADDIE Sun-Bea- r, . Sun-Bea- r. Sun-Bea- r, awk-wardes- eross-eyedes- t, t, Sun-Bear- ware. BIRTHDAYS STOPPED Dangling for Some Time Ah, they have Just dropped their anchor! me I I was Mrs. Langley Dear afraid they would. Its been dangling outside for some time Mr. Langley |