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Show . - -- r - r ip I jmr- " THE UINTAH BASIN FARMER red with the sunset clouds. Then he looked across the lane toward the Then he back door of the store. Ice hls with hands, and, pulled out the taking the precaution not to melt It by too careful fingering, ho climbed He placed down the ladder again. the ice In a nice cold snowdrift, where It was unlikely to be noticed, and went home. It was ten oclock the next morning before he walked out of hls hotel and round to the Insurance agent. "Got him," said Catesby. "What I" shouted the agent. "Why, everything's burned out. What was it? Kerosene?" "Guess again, answered Catesby. "I don't know, unless It was a ton of dynamite." "Lets call It a Rochester burner, sold Catesby, and the Idea appeared to him as a humorous one. "Want to come and see the fun?" "Oh, sure," said the agent. SOLVING THE FIRE MYSTERY Dr JACOB DEMPSTER (A 1114, Wiiliru Nwppr 33 Union.) was disgusted with two reasons. The first just as he had to spend two days In planned Rochester with Miss Lillian Burke, his firm had telegraphed him to go out to Scarsboro and Investigate a The $200,000 fire Insurance claim. second reason was that he could no afford to marry the said Miss Burke unless hls salary were raised from $2,250 to $2,500, and the fire Insurance company resolutely refused to do so. "You make good on a few big claims and we'll Bee what we can do for you," was all the comfort that Catesby could get out of Johnny Roche, the general manager. The telegrnm, which was a long one, hinted at fraud. Catesby set off through a blinding snowstorm to Interview the local agent, who confirmed the suspicion. CATESBY "It's Peter A. Hanson's department store, and that's enough," the agent "I wouldnt have written explained. him' myself, from what I know of him. Jennings did It before I took over the agency. Hanson was In a bad way and couldn't have lasted another three months; but everything was reduced to a cinder, and there's no showing what he had In stock and what he hadn't." "Happened on Sunday, didn't It?" "Yes, at three In the afternoon. Not a soul In the place, and fifteen below zero. The mains were frozen and the engines wouldnt work. You might as well have tried to put out the sun." "No Idea how It started?" "Defective insulation Is Hanson's theory. Tts a good theory, becnuse It doesnt let you out. But he's a sharp customer and knows more than he lets on. He was In Rochester when It happened." The word Rochester made Catesby mad. "Ill fix Mr. Peter A. Hanson," he said grimly, and went off through the storm to Interview him. Mr. Hanson bemoaned hls loss. He declared that the goods alone were worth the entire amount of theIn- Jl Wem ((0, 1934, Western Newspaper Union.) WEEKLY MENU Mary GrahamurnBonner Carcr mr yrgjm AMBITIONS At this season foods and more elaborate dishes may be attempted. They were talking together. SUNDAY Breakfast! Grapefruit, There was Jimmy, and there was cream of wheat with datea, doughnuts, and both of them were brothcoffee. Dinner: Roaet turkey etuffed Jerry, ers. with cheetnute, cranberry Jelly. Sup"I think Id like to be a train conper: Milk toast, layer cake, tea. ductor when I grow up, or maybe an MONDAY Breakfast: Grape, grid-di- e engine driver," said Jimmy. cakee, maple eyrup. Dinner: "Id like to call out the names of meat en casserole, with vegetablee, stations where the trains were going cornataroh pudding. 8upper: Stuffed to stop, said Jerry. eggs, toaet, lettuce salad, "Id have a great big horn and Id TUE8DAY Breakfast: 8llceofpln-apple- , call through It all the names of the Mr. Hanson was chafing and fretpoached egg on toast. Dinner: places where every train would stop, Hot when store potato salad with frankforta, and Id stand In the center of the stating upon the ruins of hls salad. Supper: Turkey soup, tion and do this. Well, not exactly onion In an men two the appearance. put In the center for Id be near the door He welcomed them with a cordial potato rolls, canned fruit, tea. so people would stop and ask me Breakfaat: Puffy WEDNESDAY handgrip apiece. ipstlona as they hurried to catch Dinner: Chil "Now, lets get down to business," omelet, bacon, roll. trains. to Creamed settle dren's plum pudding. 8upper: he began. "You advertised "I would pretend to be too busy to all claims promptly, didnt you? Well, lima beans, lettuc salad. and you've had the night to think It Breakfast: Baked ap- speak to them but Id say something THURSDAY over In. And there aint no 80 per French toaet. Dinner: Spare-rib- s to them.not answer their plet, question right cent clause In my policy you know with eauer kraut, appl pl. Sup- off"Idbut In a few moments Id bend do that. So It comes to this: When per: Cream of potato oup, bread my head down and tell them which I get my check?" tlcka. track the train they wanted to board "You wouldnt think of arbitrating FRIDAY Breakfaat: Prune with left on. now, would you?" Inquired Catesby. oatmeal, waffle. Dinner: Fleh chowhad Just been to a e'atlon In "No, sir. I want to pocket my loss dill pickles, eteamed pudding. a Jerry der, big place and many trains were and get my people to work again as Fried cabbage oysters, Supper: leaving there all the time. quickly as I cun. Its quite a blow alad. II had listened to the man who to this town, and I wouldn't relish bran Breakfaat: 8ATURDAY Fruit, was railing out the trains and he being held up. And, what's more, If with cookie. loved listening to lilm and watching cream, bacon, oatmeal, theres any talk of arbitration or Dinner: lamb minced the people hurry by him, some stopShepherd' pie, compromise I put the cuse Into my with mashed pic. pumpkin potatoes, ping to ask over again what be had lawyer's hands today." salad. cress Baked said. hash, "Oh, pshaw I Muybe youll be only 8upper: Tra going to practice now," said Caseerole. en Meat too glad to compromise, suggested "and then when I grow up I Brown serving-sizepieces of mut- Jerry, Catesby. "Come, make me an offer." can get a Job right away." r million," said Hanson. ton in a little fat, dredge with BeaAll right," said Jimmy. "Your lowest offer?" coned flour and cover with boiling "Dont speak too plainly," Jimmy In the "You bet It Is. What dyou take water. Cook for a few minutes added. hot casme for?" frying pan, then put Into the I wont, said Jerry. one diced carrot, cupful "All right. Ive heard yours, and serole, adding So Jerry got himself a big tochair now you can hear mine. Not one to a pound of meat, the same amount call and sitting up In It he began penny, but we wont prosecute If you of potato and If liked a bit of finelya through a horn which he had. and cook In drop your claim, because Ice Is a deli- minced onion. Cover "Train for Binghamton and the or three hours. two oven for cate commodity to keep, even when moderate West. Track fourteen. Five fifty- You Childrens Plum Pudding. see, we Its , , Gr five. Train stops at Br It court. couldn't very well bring Into Melt one-hal- f Five cupful of butter, add one Ack vllle, town, , "Eli?" stammered Hanson, begin- cupful of molasses, one cupful of milk, fifty-fivtwo eggs, three cupfuls of entire wheat ning to tremble. Jerry paused for breath. "Come here I" said Catesby, and led flour, one teaspoonful each of soda I "That was fine, said Jimmy. Hanson and the agent to the cool and salt. Add two cupfuls of seed couldnt understand the name of a snowdrift. He bent down, scruped less raisins. --Turn Into a buttered elftslft-plac- e yeti sal3-v- Ner I'll -s zzm 5- r rrrri ,vov,Ui nnwr4 P"1M Cf ft wu.twued circular disk; of with, a hard sauce. ALAS! HI8 LA8T WISH POOR YORICKI One evening just before dinner the this Is Yorlcks stood wife came In to find her husband and grave. Upon this very spot, I Yorlckl a "Alas poor stranger afterward ascertained to Hamlet, saying: Tourist But how Is It there are be a lawyer engaged In some mysso many skulls and rubbish lying terious business over the library about? table, upon which were spread several sheets of paper. every Caretaker Oh, well, ye know, What are you doing with all that tourist who visits here must take home n relic off the grave, so thats paper, Henry?" demanded the wife. "I am making a wish," responded the dump pile for the rubbish from the husband meekly. the city streets below. "A wish? "Yes, my dear. In your presence Groom Spoilt Wedding? I not presume to call it a wllL shall Bridget )1 say, Iat, why do they have so many yoting groomsmen and Jutt Wanted to Ath bridesmaids at the fashionable wedIn?" Inquired Is the to know? want "Is 01 in life, holgh dings Iat (astonished) Yez don't know the man who had left home with the Sure, it Is Intention of having the beastly thing tbot, Bridget Muldoon! so thet If the groom dont turn up out and done with. Yes, sir," the maid reolled. "He tburll be somebody for the bride to be married to onyhow. Pearsons can see you at once If you wish. "Oh, no, no I I I didnt want to Weekly (London). I was see him Im glad he's In. In wretched Was he out this afraid WOULD DIET weather, you know. Might catch cold. Good-day- . Stray Stories. Caretaker Yes, Plenty of Nerve "Youve got plenty of nerve. The Idea of stealing my chickens and then trying to sell them to me I "Well, sah, I thought youd pay a better price for chickens youd raised yoself. Youd know what youre d "One-quarte- cold-storage- d. e. - buyln. The First Step Caller My dear, when you get as htg as mamma what are you going to do? Kid Cut out the sweets ! Doctor Your nerves are weak. You must take a month off. Jones Then please get my nerve strong enough to ask the boss for It. GOING TO THE DOGS Up-to-Da- te Why Bat Lotet Money The bat. yuu know, And thats the .reason, 1 ft- ear. ,, Ov.l I i4 & C |