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Show THE UINTAH BASIN FARMER 2 The most capons grown today are Small Boy (On arrival at country in New Jersey and Massachuraised Where is the hath cottage) there is . room? setts. At the present time a good demand for capons. Uintah bath Basin farmers should learn capon There isn't any Mother room, dear. This is go Good! Small Boy a real be to holiday. ing raising, E HONEY AS UTAH HONEY PRODUCTION So your son has left us to go IS 3,626,000 POUNDS MIXTURE GAINS FAVOR into a bank How did in the city. he acquit himself? Utah beekeepers received 3,626,-00- 0 Honey is gaining in .favor as an It He didnt acquit himself. the last of year, honey antifreeze mixture for automobile took the best lawyer in the county pounds average production for each colony radiators. This information is con- to get him acquitted. c.r' bees being seventy-fou- r pounds, as an incidental part of a letI didnt know you wore glasses. According to D. H. Hillman, state tained ter sent to the beekeepers of the apiarist. I dont. Forty per cent of the total pro- state asking them to apply for 1924 What are those morks on your duction will be shipped out of the licenses, sent by D. H. Hillman, state nose? state. The honey market improved dur- apiarist. Oh, that is caused from drinking Liquefy the honey; add an equal hootch out of a fruit jar. ing the past season. Carlot prices ranged from 7 2 to 9 cents a amount of water and let it come to pound, the greatest amount bring- a boil before putting it in the radicents. Retail prices va- ator, Mr. Hillman says. The hoing 8 Your daughter has invited me d 10 cents in ried from ney will not evaporate. Add more to dinner, said the bashful young water as required. Try it and tell cans to 15 cents in small man. your neighbors. Well, replied her father. Seein as youre a suitor for her hand Ill do bettern that. Ill invite you to breakfast sos you can get a better idea of what she looks without her evenin makeup. ANTI-FREEZ- 1-- sixty-poun- EGGS FOR THE CHILDREN Many children dislike the cooked white of egg. When you give them poached egg on toast they will eat all the yolk and leave the white, For the sake of variety try this Separate the white from the yolk of a perfectly fresh egg and drop the yolk into a slightly buttered baking cup. This then may be set over boiling water and cooked slightly or set in the oven and cook- hard and served in. place of the egg. A very thoroughly cook- ed egg yolk, you know, is perfectly The white may then bo beaten stiff and flavored with a Yessir, said the former stock I am the architect of my salesman, tainable, or use the same quantity own fortune. f drained water melon rind pre- . Well, its a lucky thing for you servesWhen well mixed, fold in that there were no building inspecfhe stiffly beaten whites of the eggs tors around while you were construcand bake slowly. This recipe will ting it. make two large cakeg-plan- . Mention THE UINTAH BASIN FARMER when answering - There is never any excuse for oat.-e- d throwing away any left-ovmeal. A little may be added to etable or meat soup in place of rice or barley. It may be used with licious results in place of rice or bread crumbs in making meat balls, little jelly, sifted prune or scraped meat loaf, or any other left-ovapple, sweetened slightly and served meat dishes. as a dessert, which most children J pronounce delicious. er veg-who- le er HOME-MADHOMINY An enameled kettle which has been allowed to boil dry should be Please tell me how to make lye filled immediately with boiling Wa- - hominy. Mrs. B. Y. ter. Cold water poured into it, in Select twelve large smooth white such a case would cause the enam- - ears of corn. Shell and remove all el to chip. chaff. Make a solution of one and one-hagallons of water and six of concentrated lye. tablespoons FARM IRLIT CAKE Bring this to a boil, place corn in the liQuid and let boil for thirty or "7 Many housewives are so situated forty minutes. Remove corn from that the candied fruits usually called the lye water; wash and rub well for in Christmas cakes are unavail- - with the hands to remove the skin able or perhaps rather expensive. from the corn Wash ln thi3 man. To them is dedicated this delicious ner four or five lIme8( usIng clean( cake which calls for no ingredient coid water each time. Since the cold not found on the pantry shelf or at water makes the corn tender, be-tcountry store. Empty into a fore be sure to let it boil colander or strainer, some black- - each washing, time thirty minutes or an berry, cherry, and strawberry or hour. After this has been done sev-pepreserves, and drain until free erai times, let the corn boil from all juice. In the meantime, for three or four hours, beingrapidly care-ccup- into fine shreds, one-ha- lf to keep the corn well covered ful each of dried apricots (or vvlth. water. When grains burst open prunes), peaches and apples, and an(j ar0 tender, it is ready for use. sprinkle well with sugar and flour. Put ln a ston0 Jar and Iet stand are very useful for cutting til meal time, then' place what is up this fruit. Cream together two needed for the meal in a skillet or cupfuls of butter (or a little more pan and season with meat fryings, than one and one-hacupfuls of gajt and pepper then place on stove vegetable fat), add the yolks of nine with a little water and let cook uneggs, then one teaspoonful each of tll tke meai ia ready. soda and cream of tartar dissolved in a little warm water. T6 five cupfuls of sifted flour add the following spices: two teaspoonfuls ofof a teacinnamon, three-fourtOne Maine of farmer each allspice nutmeg, recently told a spoonful and cloves, and stir into the bat- - reporter the whole story of a suc-te- r alternately with a liquid which- cessful life in just three sentences: I spent the first twenty-on- e consists of one-ha- lf years cupful of coffee and one-ha- lf cupful of any kind of my life trying to get away from The next twenty-on- e of fruit Juice. Grape Juice is very the farm. I Next add this for years spent trying to get back to purpose. good the dried fruit, one cupful of chop- - it. Now I am here, and here I am ped nuts, two cupfuls of the black- - going to stay. Many of us belong on the land, berry preserves, two cupfuls ofnot be happy anywhere else, will of strawberone and cupful cherry ry or pear preserves. Also add one- -- and are lucky only If we find it out pound of citron chopped fine, if ob- in time, as this man did. E ' McCormick-Deerin- g Primrose Cream Separate. Service Day February 9 th. lf By special arrangement with the International Harvester Company, a factory expert on Primrose Cream Separators will be at Our store on he ar ut lf hs SATURDAY, Feb. 9lh This man will repair, adjust and instruct in the use of the Primrose Cream Separators. If your machine needs attention bring it to us on that day and have it placed in first-claorder, by a factory man. ss No Charge For This Service L. H. WOODARD CO. ..VAVW.V ViVYWAVViVWAVWbWWYV AVVAVVAV |